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Midnight Moonrising

Page 16

by K. S. Haigwood

  People assumed too damn much, Phoenix thought. But he wasn’t about to set Rhode’s mind at ease. He’d just let Mena’s wolf explain that one.

  “Good morning, Alex,” Mena said. “I hope you slept well last night.”

  Alex exchanged a brief glance with Phoenix, but Mena was already sifting through her suitcase for something to wear for the day.

  “I got in a few hours’ rest. I’m ready for whatever,” Alex said.

  She turned to look at him, then at Phoenix, and raised her eyebrows, as if she knew the men in the room were keeping something from her. “Okay, well, I have a few things to take care of today. Marc’s lawyer wants me to come in and sign some papers. Since I am his sole beneficiary, all his assets are now mine. I’m not quite sure what all that entails, since he was so secretive about his life. The insurance agent is supposed to meet with me this afternoon about Marc’s life insurance policy. I don’t know how long all that is going to take, and I don’t expect you to be my chauffer, so if you’ll take me to Enterprise, I’ll rent a car and meet up with you for lunch as originally planned.”

  “I think it’s important for Alex to stay with you, Mena,” Phoenix said. “At least until Katie’s killer is caught.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter—”

  “No, you need a bodyguard—”

  “Alex has a full-time job, Phoenix. You can’t expect him to put everything on hold just to protect me.”

  Phoenix’s jaw clenched. “I can expect that, Mena, and I do. We’ve already had this discussion—”

  “There are others who can help. Daryn has already texted me twice this morning. I’ll call him—”

  “You will not call Daryn. I don’t trust him.”

  She laughed. “Well, I do. He isn’t part of your detail, so you—”

  “Until this psycho is dead, you won’t go anywhere without Alex, Jaxon, Roel, Brad, Heath or myself. I don’t care who you trust. Your safety is what is most important to me, and I don’t trust anyone except for myself to protect you. Since I can’t be with you twenty-four-seven, I do realize I need to expand a bit, but that short list is as far as I’m stretching. Deal with it or I will chain you up and keep you here with me until the case is solved.”

  Silver briefly flashed in her eyes, and Phoenix knew he was no longer talking to Mena.

  “Fine,” she said. “I’ll stay with Alex. I’m sure we can find something fun to do after my meetings, but there’s no real reason for him to be there during them. I doubt anyone would attack me in a public place. Be realistic, Phoenix. I’ll just have the insurance agent meet me there and I’ll call Alex and have him pick me up after we’ve finished. That way Alex can take care of any business he needs to without having me in his way.”

  Phoenix should have known Mena and her wolf would figure a way to cause him more worry, but he honestly didn’t see a way to win this argument. His main concern was getting to her if she got into trouble.

  Damn women, he thought, and then waved his hand through the air. “I don’t agree with it, but I won’t stop you. Just promise me that you will stay at the law firm unless Alex or one of the others is with you, and not Daryn. I won’t be able to trust anyone with your life until after tonight—”

  “What happens tonight?” she said.

  Phoenix smirked. “Let me just say I have a few magical connections. I have to meet with them tonight to get some answers that will help lead us in the right direction to find Katie’s murderer as well as let us know who is trustworthy in your circle.”

  Mena shut the suitcase and stormed toward the bathroom. “I don’t guess I’ll be allowed to go tonight, either,” she said, and then slammed the bathroom door behind her.

  Phoenix chuckled as he took the phone from his pocket to text Roel, Brad and Heath that one or all of them needed to keep an eye on Mena at the law firm. She may be convinced that she will be safe in a public place, but he knew otherwise; this Jessica bitch was certifiable.

  “You didn’t tell her about last night or that Meridia requested that she come?” Alex said.

  Phoenix shook his head as he slid the phone back into his slack’s pocket, and then walked to the table to clear everything away from breakfast. “I’ll let her stew a while and let her try to figure out a way to bribe me into letting her go. It won’t hurt her and may benefit me.”

  “Why can’t you just admit that you care about her?”

  Phoenix shrugged. “I have no problem admitting that I care about her, Detective. I care about her very much.”

  “But you don’t love her?”

  Phoenix sighed as he set the plate and cups back down, deciding to clear everything when he didn’t feel like throwing something across the room. What else was he going to do besides worry until sunset anyway? “No, but I can see that you do, Rhodes. I can’t honestly say that it doesn’t bother me that she seems to be into you, too, but it is what it is.”

  Alex gave a short laugh. “I’m not in love with Mena. That’s just—”

  “You may be a good detective, but you’re a bad liar. How about I do my thing and you do your thing, and we stay out of each other’s way? I won’t try to keep Mena away from you, and I suggest you pay me the same courtesy or you won’t like the outcome.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  Phoenix grinned. “I’m not trying to be your enemy, Rhodes, but I have all the friends I need. However, it would be best if we got along. It’s what Mena wants. And for your information, I’m not going anywhere in your lifetime.” His lip twitched in amusement when the human’s nostrils’ flared.

  “My lifetime?” Alex spat. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”

  Phoenix snickered. “Calm down, Rhodes. I’m not planning to kill you or anything.”

  Alex adjusted his cap and sighed. “I don’t know what to make of any of this, and I’m not going to try and figure it out with as little sleep as I’ve had in the last week. I assume you want me to go again tonight?”

  Phoenix grinned. “If you’re not too tired, you are welcome to tag along.”

  Alex rubbed his hands over his face as he nodded. “All right, I’ll go. What time and where do we meet?”

  “You need to have Mena back here by dusk. Jaxon will fill you in then on time and location.”

  “Fine. Tell Mena I’ll wait for her in my Jeep.”

  “Hold up,” Phoenix said, and then grabbed his cell again and called Jaxon. “Rhodes is ready to leave and needs an escort,” he said, and then ended the call.

  “I know my way out. I don’t need an escort.”

  “Trust me, you do.”

  A soft knock sounded at the door.

  “Enter,” Phoenix said, and Lea walked into the room. Phoenix gave her a small smile. “How are you feeling, Lea?”

  “I’m fine. Thank you. Jaxon said the detective was ready to leave. I can show him out,” she said.

  Phoenix nodded. “Thank you,” he said, and then looked at Alex. “I know she thinks you will be leaving her there alone during her meetings, but I would rather you stay; you have no idea what we’re dealing with here, Rhodes. Let me be clear when I say that I will blame you if anything happens to her.”

  Alex gave him a hard look, and then finally sighed. “I’ll stay there the whole time. I promise.”

  Phoenix nodded once. “Good. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Chapter 29


  Despite how tired he was, a smile stretched across Alex’s face when Mena emerged from Phoenix’s garage.

  Lea was with her, too, and she watched as Mena jogged to his Jeep and got in before she lowered the garage door.

  The nervousness he was feeling about seeing her again after that kiss the night before suddenly faded away when she leaned across the console, placed her palm on his cheek and pressed her lips to his.

  She didn’t object when his hand came up to her neck to pull her closer or even when he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. The low moan that vibrated against his m
outh had him wanting to do a lot more with her than make out in Phoenix Mahoney’s driveway.

  If he knew Phoenix at all, he would bet the guy had some sort of security camera pointed right at them and watching the whole show. If he knew Mena, she probably knew that, too.

  Alex sealed the kiss and leaned back enough to look at her desire-filled eyes. If this was an act, he couldn’t see it.

  “I missed you,” she whispered, breathlessly. “What are you going to do with me after I finish with my boring meetings?” She winced, and her fingers quickly shot up to massage her right temple.

  Alex frowned when she pulled away. “Headache?”

  She sighed. “Yeah, something like that. Although, it’s probably better defined as a migraine—stubborn little bitches, they are. They just won’t go away when you’re trying to have fun.”

  His brow rose. “It sounds serious. Do you need to take something for it?”

  She laughed lightly. “There is no medicine that will cure what I have wrong with me, Alex. I’ll be fine. It’s only stress induced headaches.”

  He nodded, knowingly, and started the Jeep. As if someone was watching them, the huge gate began to open inward.

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice that there is something you and Phoenix aren’t telling me,” she said as he pulled onto the road leading away from Phoenix’s home.

  He threw her a sidelong glance. “Ditto.”

  As long as he’d lived in Montgomery, Alex hadn’t had a clue there was a house back here, or even a paved road that led to it. If Mena thought her late husband was secretive, she’d better look at her friends a little closer; Phoenix Mahoney seemed to have plenty of secrets, and Alex intended to find out what they were.

  “Phoenix may be keeping something from you, but I never will. I’ll tell you anything you want to know—not that I know much—but I’ll tell you what I can.”

  “Well, you can start by telling me why you look like you’re about to pass out then.”

  He gave her an up nod as he laced his fingers with hers. “I was hoping it wasn’t that obvious how sleep deprived I am. Guess I look like crap, eh?”

  “You do not look like crap, but you do look tired. What’s doing?”

  “After I got home last night, Roel, Brad and Heath stopped by to see if I wanted to go eat breakfast with them—”

  “Are you serious?”

  Alex chuckled. “That’s what I said. So, we go to IHOP and eat, and then Phoenix and Jaxon show up. Phoenix introduced Jaxon as his friend, but he hesitated when he said it, so the first thing I thought was that they were together. I—”

  Mena burst out laughing. “You thought Phoenix was gay?”

  “At the time, yes, and they even went along with it until we got to the witches’ house, and I realized he—”

  “Wait—what? Witches’ house? You need to explain, Alex,” she said, and any trace of humor was absent from her expression when he glanced over at her.

  “There are three of them. Some pretty freaky stuff happened to us on the ride there, but Phoenix acted like he was used to it or something. The other guys all gave the witches some of their blood, but one of them cut some of my hair.” He reached up and rubbed a place behind his right ear where Magnalayna had taken his offering. Mena’s eyes were drawn there. “She said the spell would be ready by tonight, and I didn’t get back home until almost dawn.”

  “You’ve been working on Marc’s case and other cases all week and you’re expected to stay up all night with Phoenix and my—my friends at night and then babysit me during the day?” Mena huffed. “Damn you, Phoenix,” she growled.

  “I’m not babysitting you, Mena. I want to ensure you stay safe—”

  “Are you planning to go with them tonight?”

  “Well, yeah—”

  “Did he ask you to go?”

  Alex nodded. “Yeah, he said if I wasn’t too tired, I was welcome to come—”

  “Turn the vehicle around and go back to his house!”

  Alex’s eyes popped wide, but he kept his eyes trained on the road as he spoke. “I won’t go if you don’t want me to go, Mena. I didn’t know me being there would upset—”

  “It’s not what you’re doing that’s upsetting me, Alex; it’s what he’s doing to you that’s pissing me off!”

  “What is he doing to me?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? He’s trying to keep you exhausted, keeping you out all night and day, so you won’t have the energy to do anything with me.”

  “Do anything with you?” He didn’t get her meaning at first, but when he turned and looked at her face, her expression told him everything; she was talking about sex. And she was upset that he might be too tired to perform, or even want to. At least he thought that’s what she meant. Maybe she was worried about her safety. If he was too tired to protect her that would definitely be something that would upset her this much. “I’m fine, Mena. I’ll take a nap after I take you back to him this evening and get a full night’s rest after I get back home. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you—”

  She slumped in her seat and looked out her window as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not worried about my safety, but Phoenix should be worried about his.” She winced again, and then covered her eyes with her hand.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” he said.

  “I’m fine. Look, I’ll be in meetings all morning, Why don’t you go home and get some rest? I’m sure Phoenix has already ordered extra bodyguard detail to stand watch while I’m talking with the lawyer and insurance agent. A person can’t function on ten hours’ sleep a week. He knows that, and that is why I’m angry.”

  “I promised—”

  “I don’t care what you promised, Alex. Phoenix already knows you are dropping me off at my meeting and picking me up after it’s over. Either go home and catch a long nap or don’t go tonight. This will more than likely be the most dangerous case you have ever worked before, and I need you thinking straight, so please don’t argue with me. Being careless will get you killed.”

  “All right, okay, I will go home and get some sleep.”

  “Promise me,” she said.

  Alex let out a long breath as he parked in a vacant spot in front of the law firm and cut the engine. He honestly didn’t know what to do; he’d already promised Phoenix he wouldn’t leave, and he himself didn’t want to leave her there alone and unprotected. “I promise I will get some rest. Call me when you are finished and we’ll go have lunch, my treat.”

  She smirked. “After we eat, maybe you can show me where you live and you can rest some more before you have to take me back to Phoenix.”

  “If you are ever in my apartment alone with me, I think sleep will be the last thing on my mind.”

  She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek and then whispered in his ear. “Who said anything about sleeping?” She grinned wickedly as she pulled away and opened the passenger door. “I’ll call you later.” She winked. “Sweet dreams.”

  “Maybe Phoenix was right, Rhodes,” Alex said to himself. “If you aren’t in love with her now, you’re definitely damn close. You are so screwed, dude.”


  Phoenix slowly pushed through the door of the infirmary, knowing right away that there was a werewolf-bitten vampire in the room by the smell alone.

  Alhana raised her head from her arm that was rested on April’s bed, her hand grasping her friend’s, trying to give her as much comfort as she could. Alhana’s eyes were red-rimmed and swollen as she looked up at her master.

  Phoenix exhaled hard when her face twisted in anguish and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Placing a gentle hand on her back, he sat beside her and just let her have the comfort of his presence to soothe her pain.

  He wasn’t good at this sort of thing, but he knew there was no need for words—nothing said aloud would help either of the girls deal with what they were going through; one wasn’t even conscious, and never would be again. But even in April’
s unconscious state, she groaned then clenched her hands into tight fists and tears leaked from her eyes as the pain engulfed her.

  It wouldn’t be long now, and that was something to be happy about, he thought; her suffering would soon be over.

  There was no cure for lycanthropy infection, and Alhana had forbidden anyone to help April into the afterlife early. Phoenix had thought that selfish of her, but he had never cared about anyone in his long lifetime as Alhana did April. True friendship was hard to find, and the girls had been close for over two centuries. Knowing he had no choice but to honor Alhana’s wishes, Phoenix ordered that April be brought into the infirmary and kept comfortable until the time came for her to pass on.

  “You should get some rest,” he said, but Alhana only shook her head in refusal.

  “I won’t leave her until she leaves me,” she said, her voice low and unsteady. “I promised her I wouldn’t.”

  Phoenix nodded as he stood. “Very well. Lea will bring you a blood bag. I know you haven’t hunted in over five days. I won’t accept no as an answer. Your safety is important to me, Alhana.”

  She let her head fall back down, so her arm could hide her eyes and the little interest she had in her own health. “Yes, Master.”

  It pained him to see how she had all but given up. It was as if she would die herself when April took her last breath.

  Phoenix didn’t understand it at all. He shook his head as he left the room. Love. And it wasn’t like the two girls were intimate with each other. It was more of a sisterly bond. He hadn’t had any siblings, so he didn’t know if he would have cared about someone if his father had spawned another child.

  Regardless of how he felt about the horrid emotion, he didn’t mind that others wasted their time with it. They could do whatever they wanted to; it wasn’t any skin off his back, but Mena needed to know his view on the subject. He wanted to believe that he’d be okay if she decided she couldn’t be with him, but just thinking about never seeing her again made him want to torture someone.


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