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Joker: Death Dealers MC

Page 11

by Kacee Kupser

  “Go make me some coffee woman. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  I left him to get ready and headed to the kitchen. No one else was up, but when I walked out to the bar area there were a few people sleeping on the couches and pool tables. Obviously the party kept going long after we went to bed and everyone had a great time.

  I walked into the kitchen and started to make our coffees with the club’s Keurig machine. I loved these machines, they definitely make it easier to make quick coffee. Once they were finished I doctored them to the way we like and headed back out to wait for Joker. He was already waiting for me when I came out.

  “You ready to go Red?” He stuck his hand out to me waiting for me to take it.

  “I am. Thanks again for the ride I appreciate it.” I grabbed his hand and we walked out the door, walking over to his truck. “Why are we going in the truck?”

  “I love having you on the back of my bike Red, but I need to drink my coffee and to do that I need to have a free hand.”

  He held the door open for me and helped me into the passenger seat. I put the coffees in the cup holders and watched as he climbed up into the truck. He started it up and drove us up to the gate. There was a prospect at the gate who opened it up for us.

  “Is there always someone on the gate?” I asked curiously. I was still learning all the ins and outs of this motorcycle club business.

  “There is, that’s how we help keep the clubhouse secure.”

  We drive in silence, just drinking our coffees. Not even the truck radio is on. It’s nice. I don’t really like to talk first thing in the morning. I need the quiet to help me wake up.

  Joker pulled up in front of the bakery a few minutes later and came around to my side of the truck to help me out. “Thank you.”

  “You got it baby.” He said and gave me a kiss before putting my feet on the ground.

  Walking into the bakery I took a look around as I walked to the office. When I opened the door I half expected it to be a mess again, but thankfully it looked like it had the last time I left. I put my purse down and walked to the kitchen to start making up breakfast and get set up for opening at 6:30.

  “I’m going to make breakfast, do you have anything you’d like in particular?”

  “I’m good with whatever you want to feed me.”

  Chapter 20 – Joker

  While Everly whipped us up something to eat I did a quick check around the bakery to make sure nothing was out of place. It all looked good, but I was going to get Techy out here to set up some cameras and motion detectors so that we can keep an eye on things. We’ll get it all set up at Everly’s house too.

  When I came back into the kitchen my mouth started to water, and not just from the smells coming out of the oven. Everly was bent over taking something out of the oven and the yoga pants she was wearing made her ass look juicy and biteable. I’ve never been a fan of yoga pants until I saw the way Everly fill them out. They get me hard at the most inappropriate times. She looked over her shoulder at me with a smile on her face.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because I want to fuck you right now, but I know we can’t. You need to stop wearing yoga pants when we don’t have time to do anything about it.”

  “Oh my God, are you serious right now? They’re yoga pants! I wear them for comfort since I’m on my feet all day and want to be as comfortable as possible.” She sounded exasperated, which just made me chuckle. She just doesn’t get how hot she looks in those pants.

  “Yeah well, they do things to me so I can’t be held responsible for what I do to you.”

  “Well for now you’ll just have to control yourself. I have a ton of work to do. I’ve made some muffins so feel free to have as many as you want and I’ll make us some coffee in a minute.”

  “It’s okay Red, I don’t need the coffee, but if you want some I can make you one.”

  “Yeah no, you aren’t touching my hugely expensive coffee maker, but thanks for the offer.”

  I sat at the counter and started eating a muffin hot out of the oven while she set about getting ready for her day. She nibbled while she went. It’s amazing the things that need to be done in order to get everything ready for a bakery to open and how strong Everly has to be with all of the bags of ingredients she throws around on a daily basis. It impresses me.

  “I’m going to go out front and make some calls babe. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “No problem, take your time.” She said without stopping what she was doing. She was a woman on a mission to get everything ready before the shop opened.

  I walk up to the front of the bakery and get on the line with Techy. “Someone better be dying motherfucker. It’s too damn early to be up and I just went to sleep.”

  “Shut your face asshole. I’ve got a job for you and I need you on it this morning. I want surveillance set up at Everly’s house and bakery. I want all the bells and whistles, cameras, infrared capability, motion detectors...”

  “Damn, you’re getting serious boss. Okay I’ll get on it.”

  “Good. The sooner you get started the sooner you can go back to bed.”

  I hang up and start going through work emails on my phone figuring since I’m up so early I might as well get some work done. At 6:15 I hear pipes coming down the road and Griff pulls up to the bakery, backing his bike up to the curb. I go to open the door for him and start going through my expectations of him. He is to protect her with his life, just like if she was one of us. She’s not my old lady, but it’s getting there. I’m just not sure how she’ll feel about that.

  Walking back to the kitchen I see she’s gotten a lot done. “Red, I’m going to head out to the garage. Griff is out front. Put him to work if you need him for anything, but you aren’t to go anywhere without him, not even to the back lane to throw out anything.”

  “I know. I agreed to this so I’ll follow through. Get out of here and I’ll see you at the end of the day. I have Jenn coming in to close up so I’ll be done by 3:00 and you can pick me up any time after that.”

  I walk up to her and grab her ass, pulling her into me. I slam my mouth down over hers and push my tongue between her teeth mimicking in her mouth what I want to be doing between her legs. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my hips. I push her into my erection so that she can feel what she’s doing to me. She pulls away and looks down at me. “You’re killing me here Joker. You shouldn’t start something we can’t finish.”

  “Oh I don’t know, I could finish pretty quick.” I leered at her wolfishly.

  She lowers her legs and pushes away from me, backing away towards the opposite side of the room. “I’m not doing this here. We can go back to the clubhouse after work and we don’t have to leave the room if you want, but not here and not now.”

  “You drive a hard bargain Red, but I’ll be holding you to that.”

  With a final peck on her lips I walk out to the front of the bakery and head out as the first customer comes in the door. I jump into my truck and head to the garage. I’ve got a shit ton of work to do and not a lot of time. We specialize in customization of both cars and bikes, but we also do your regular run of the mill repairs like any other garage. We are always busy and we have customers from all over the state coming in for our expertise.

  When I pull up to the garage there’s already one bike in the lot and when I walk inside I see that Brick is already in his bay working on a car.

  “You’re here early brother.” He didn’t even flinch. He knew I was here before I even walked in the door. One of the bonuses of having every brother from one branch of the military or another is that their senses are finely tuned. They always know when there are others around and about to enter their territory.

  “Yeah VP. I couldn’t sleep so came in to get started on this new job.”

  Brick has been with the club as long as I have, but he just recently finished his last tour with the Marines and isn’t going to re-up so he’s st
ruggling with civilian life. We all know what he’s going through so we give him the space he needs, but keep an eye out in case he needs us to help him out with the demons he has buried deep in his head.

  “All right. I’ll be in my office catching up on the huge piles of paperwork that just never seem to go away.”

  I walk to my office and get started. I want to get as much done as I can before 3:00 so that I can go pick up Everly when she’s done and she doesn’t have to wait for me.

  Chapter 21 – Everly

  The day went by quickly. By the time Joker was there to pick me up I hadn’t had a single break and I was starving. I left Jenn to close up the bakery and we headed back to the clubhouse.

  When we got back I went into the kitchen to start getting dinner going. I could hear Joker’s stomach growling in the truck so I knew he was hungry too.

  “Babe, what are you doing?” Joker had come up behind me while I was looking in the pantry to see what I could make for dinner.

  “Getting dinner ready. I always have early dinner and an early night because of my early hours. I’m exhausted after today. The bakery was packed all day.”

  “Why don’t you go have a relaxing bath and we can order dinner in. That way you don’t have to worry about anything.”

  “That would be fantastic. Thanks Joker.”

  I go into Joker’s room and start my bath, setting up some music and grabbing my Kindle. Since I’ve started seeing Joker I’ve started reading MC romances. I’ve always liked a good romance novel, but have never been interested in the MC ones. I obviously didn’t know what I was missing. I’m not sure that anything in them is true, but they are definitely enjoyable and a huge turn on.

  After getting through a few chapters the water in the bath was starting to get cold so I decided it was time to get out. I put on Joker’s t-shirt and walked out to the bedroom. Joker was sitting on the bed watching TV. I curled up beside him and he put his arm over my shoulder.

  “What do you want to order for dinner Red?”

  I looked up at him and responded, “I’m kind of feeling like Greek. That work for you?”

  “Works for me. I’ll call the order in and you pick a movie for us to watch.”

  He ordered dinner while I looked through Netflix and picked an action movie. I’m not your typical girl who likes to watch romantic comedies. I’m all for action, sci-fi, and comic book movies. I pulled up a movie and had it ready to go when Joker walked back in.

  “Dinner will be here in 45 minutes. What movie did you pick?”

  “The new Transformers movie.”

  “Ahhhh, a woman after my own heart. Do you have plans this weekend babe?”

  “I’m opening the bakery on Saturday, but I’ll be out of there by 3 again, why?”

  “My family is having their monthly barbeque and I thought you’d like to come with me and meet them.” He sounded anxious like he wasn’t sure how I would respond.

  “Seriously? Are you sure you’re ready for that step?” I wasn’t sure I was ready for it, how was he ready?

  “I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t ready.”

  I thought about it and if Joker was confident we were ready I’d make the best of it and hope everything went well. “Sure, I’m good with that, but you need to tell me about your family so I’m not going in there blind.”

  “My mom is named Georgia and is an elementary school teacher. My dad is John and he’s a mechanic. I have two younger sisters named Kelly and Leanne and a younger brother named Ryan. I’m the oldest and there’s not much more to tell. I had a regular life growing up.”

  “Okay then. Well I look forward to meeting them all.”

  We got down to watching the movie only stopping to get dinner set up once it was brought to the room by a Prospect. Once we were finished dinner Joker picked another movie and we fell asleep while it was playing.

  The rest of the week was much the same. Joker drove me to and from work, we cuddled on the bed, watched movies and Joker even made me dinner one night. We would go to bed early because Joker liked to have his way with me for hours before falling asleep every night.

  Our relationship seemed to be getting closer very quickly. Before I knew it Saturday came and I was nervous about meeting Joker’s family. It seems really soon to be meeting them, but everything about our relationship was moving at light speed.

  I made sure to bring a change of clothes and some make up to work Saturday morning because Joker was picking me up at 3:00 and we were heading straight to his parent’s house. I got changed into jeans and a t-shirt and when I walked out of my office Joker was up front waiting for me and chatting with Jenn.

  Joker looked up when he saw me walking into the room and asked, “You ready to go Red?”

  “Yes, just let me grab something from the back. I made some desserts and picked up some flowers and wine for your parents.”

  “You didn’t need to do that babe.”

  “Of course I did. I was raised to bring a hostess gift and so that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Okay, I won’t argue. Just grab what you need and we’ll put it in my saddle bag.”

  I grabbed everything and we headed to his parent’s house. Their house was outside of town with a huge piece of land. Joker pulled into the driveway and held his hand out to help me off. We made our way to the back yard where we found what seemed to be his whole family.

  “Well, look who finally showed up to a family function!”

  “Oh shut it Kelly you know I’m here as often as I can be.” Joker’s sister seemed to like to give him shit, must be a family trait.

  “Try to act like I raised nice respectable children and not heathens please. Declan introduce us to your friend here.” A woman who I assumed was Joker’s mother Georgia stepped forward to greet me.

  “Mom this is Everly, my girlfriend. Red, this is my mother Georgia and my father John. Those three over there are Kelly, Leanne and Ryan.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” I walked up to Georgia and shook her hand and handed over my bag of goodies. “I brought some dessert, I hope that’s okay. As well there is some wine and flowers as a thank you for having me.”

  “Oh isn’t that lovely, thank you so much Everly. I’ve heard that you are a great baker. I haven’t been to your bakery yet, but if what you’ve brought is as good as I think it will be, I will be a regular for sure. I have a bit of a sweet tooth.”

  “A bit? Oh hon, you would survive on sugar if you could.” Joker’s father John laughed and mocked his wife.

  “Oh keep quiet John Peters, we don’t want Everly to know all our secrets yet. Come on sweetie, I’ll show you into the kitchen and we can get these flowers into a vase.”

  I looked over at Joker, who was speaking to his brother, and he just smiled at me. Looked like he was just throwing me to the wolves. It’s okay, I’d get him for it later.

  The kitchen was a chef’s dream. There was a set of double ovens on the wall, a four burner and center grill stove top, pot filler above the stove top, sub-zero fridge, warming and cooling drawers, dark custom cabinets and marble countertops.

  “Do you want to adopt me? I think I could live in this kitchen. It’s like you took it directly out of my head.”

  “Oh I think I’m going to like you. This is a new addition to the house. It’s something I’ve always wanted, but we’ve always put it off and one day I came home to my kitchen gutted and my three boys were putting in my dream kitchen. It was a great birthday present. The whole family got involved.” You could hear the pride Georgia had in her family. She and John had done a great job raising them.

  “Wow, you sure do have a great family. I guess you already know that though. You’ve done a great job on Declan.”

  We continued to chat while Georgia put the flowers in a vase, the wine in the fridge and the eclairs I made on a serving platter. We carried them out to the backyard where all the family was sitting around talking and laughing. I walked over to Joker who pulled me into his
lap and kissed my neck while continuing his conversation with his dad.

  I leaned into him and whispered so only he could hear “What are you doing? There’s a chair right beside you that I can sit on.”

  “I don’t want you sitting beside me, that’s not close enough.”

  “Oh my God Leanne, did you hear our big brother? It looks like he’s hooked.” Kelly looked over to her sister and they both started to laugh at Joker’s expense.

  With a smile and a shake of his head Joker just ignored his sisters and kept his conversation going. Georgia sat down beside me and started asking me questions about my business. After we’d been there for a while Joker lifted me off his lap and put me back in his seat once he stood up. He went to start the barbeque up with his dad and brother while us girls sat and continued chatting.


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