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Joker: Death Dealers MC

Page 12

by Kacee Kupser

  Once the men were out of ear shot Kelly turned to me. “So, how did you and my brother meet?”

  “I’m guessing you’re the shit disturber of the family?”

  “Ohhhh she’s got you there Kel” said Leanne with a laugh.

  “I may be a shit disturber, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to know how my big bad brother was brought down a few pegs and hooked by one woman. It’s never happened before.”

  “Oh I don’t know that he’s hooked, but it’s not that great a story. He moved into my neighbourhood and one day came into the bakery and asked me to go out with him. I turned him down, but he was persistent and finally wore me down. It wasn’t until then that I realized that he lived down the street from me.”

  “Wow, someone said no to the great and powerful Joker.” Kelly mocked loudly.

  “I can hear you brat.”

  “That’s why I said it so loudly, so that you would hear me.”

  We all started laughing and got up to get the rest of the food from the kitchen so we could eat dinner.

  Chapter 22 – Joker

  “So, tell me about this woman who seems to have you so preoccupied.” I was surprised my dad had made it this long before grilling me. He may deny it, but he’s just as bad as my mom when it comes to knowing what’s going on in his kid’s lives.

  “What’s there to tell dad? I saw her when I moved into her neighbourhood, but didn’t approach her until the first time I went into her bakery. She kept saying no, but I eventually wore her down and we’ve been moving fast and furious ever since.”

  “Yeah, and how are you feeling about everything moving so quickly?”

  “Surprisingly I’m okay with it. Happy about it actually. I’m with her whenever we aren’t at work, I’m at her house more than my own, and I’m not getting bored with her, which is a first.”

  “That’s great. I’m happy for you.” My parents had been bugging me for the past few years about settling down and giving them grandchildren. My dad was just beaming at me now that there was a possibility of that actually happening.

  We could hear the ladies talking and laughing, I’m sure as soon as I left my sisters started grilling Everly about how we met. It’s just the way they were, especially Kelly. I turned my back to them so they couldn’t hear what I was saying.

  “I’m getting worried about Everly though. Someone is threatening her. They’ve vandalized her office at work and her car. I’ve made sure to have one of the guys on her at all times if I’m not with her. I just can’t figure out who it is and why they’re doing it.”

  Ryan turned to look at me with a serious look on his face. “I’m assuming you haven’t gone to the cops?”

  “The cops know it’s happening, but they haven’t come up with anything either. What am I supposed to do, just wait until this escalates?”

  “No, you need to get Techy on it.” Dad insisted.

  “He’s already on it dad. He can’t find anything in Everly’s background. No relationships gone horribly wrong, no angry ex-boyfriends or employees.” I answered with frustration. I just couldn’t figure out who was doing this and I hated not knowing.

  “Who said it’s about her? Maybe it’s about you. You’re part of an MC so I’m sure you’ve got some enemies and have pissed off your fair share of people.” This was the first my brother Ryan had spoken up. He was a quiet observer, which did him well in his position in the Navy.

  I turned away and pulled out my phone. “This better be good.”

  “Techy, I need you to change your search parameters on who is harassing Everly. Check and see if there’s anyone I’ve pissed off or the club’s pissed off that could be doing this. We can’t find anything in her background, maybe it’s to do with us.”

  “On it VP.”

  “Thanks Ry, I didn’t even think of someone trying to get to me through Everly.”

  Ryan patted me on the back and turned to look over his shoulder at the women. “Let’s not think about it for now. Let’s just enjoy our family and worry about everything else tomorrow.”

  Dinner was almost done and the ladies were still talking. Suddenly I could hear Kelly running her mouth about Everly saying no to me.

  “I can hear you brat.” I yelled at her across the yard.

  “That’s why I said it so loudly, so that you would hear me.” She yelled back.

  I shook my head and turned back to my conversation with my dad and brother. The ladies got up and went into the house to get everything else ready for dinner.

  They came back out a few minutes later and started putting the food on the outdoor table my parents kept set up all year long. These barbeques were a monthly tradition that we all attended when we could.

  Everly came out with an empty platter and brought it over to my dad so that he could put the steaks and baked potatoes on it.

  Pulling her to me I put her back to my front and squeezed her. “How’s it going Red? You doing okay?”

  She turned her head and smiled at me. “Oh, now you care? You leave me to the jackals that are your mom and sisters and now you’re seeing if I’m okay?”

  “Oh, I knew you could hold your own.”

  “You just didn’t want to be in on our conversation because I’m sure you knew they’d grill me.”

  “You caught me!”

  My dad finished loading up the platter and turned the barbeque off. “Okay everyone, let’s get eating. I’m starving.”

  “You’re always starving John.” My mom gave my dad a hard time, this was an old argument with them.

  “Only for you baby.”

  “Excuse my parents, they’re sickening.” I said embarrassed.

  “Seriously? I think it’s great. They’ve been together for so many years and they still have so much love for each other.”

  “Thank you Everly, my son doesn’t appreciate how sexy his mother is.” My dad winked at Everly and sat down at the table, filling his plate.

  “Oh my God John, you’re going to scare her off!” Mom sat down beside dad and swatted him on the back of the head.

  “It’s okay Georgia, I don’t scare easily. If I did I never would have said yes to your son.”

  Everly pulled out of my arms and started walking to the table. I pulled on her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulders walking with her. We sat beside each other and ate dinner while my family talked around us. Everly was quiet through most of dinner, just seeming to take it all in. Once everyone was finished eating my mom got up and went inside to get the eclairs that Everly brought.

  Everly stood up and started to clean up the dishes on the table. I reached out and grabbed her belt loop. “Whatcha doing Red?”

  “Starting to clean up. I’m too stuffed to eat dessert right now, so I thought I’d get started on the cleanup.”

  “I’ll give you a hand babe.” My mom smiled at her as I got up to help. We picked up the dishes and took them into the kitchen. Everly started to put them in the dishwasher, but I grabbed her hand and dragged her down the hall to my childhood bedroom. I pulled her into the room and slammed the door, pushing her up against the wall.

  “Joker, what are you doing? Your family is going to wonder where we went.”

  “I really don’t give a shit about my family right now. You’ve been teasing me all fucking night with those tight as hell jeans and I need something to tide me over until I can get you home and into bed.”

  I popped the top button of her jeans and pushed my hand down beneath her underwear. She spread her legs and she was wet already. I loved to watch her get excited. Her face and chest would get flushed, her eyes would close and her head would fall back. She was turned the hell on, even with her protests about my family. She was starting to moan and so I latched onto her mouth to help quiet her down so that my family wouldn’t hear her. I pushed my fingers farther into her rubbing along her clit with every push in and out of her pussy. With my other hand I pushed her shirt up and pulled her bra down over her tits. I started twi
sting and pulling her nipple, which made her even wetter and louder. She was getting close, I could feel her muscles starting to quiver, which was a telltale sign that she was about to cum. With a few more pushes in and out of her she came with a yell that I muffled with my mouth. Once she was finally starting to come down from her high I stopped kissing her and watched her start to smile.

  “Well, that was an unexpected pleasure.” She sighed.

  I pulled my fingers out of her jeans and stuck them in my mouth sucking her cum off my fingers. “God you taste sweet.”

  She leaned forward and started to undo my belt. I put my hands down to stop her.

  “I want to return to favour.”

  “Oh baby you can return the favour later. We’ve been gone too long and I wanted to get you off before we went back outside.”

  She finished doing up her jeans and opened the door before walking out. “Where is the bathroom? I need to clean up before I head back out.”

  “It’s down the hall on your left.”

  She walked down to the washroom and I watched her ass sway as she walked away from me. I headed back into the kitchen and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher. I needed a bit of time to calm down so that I didn’t go back out to my family with a raging hard on.

  Everly came into the kitchen a few minutes later and we finished loading the dishwasher together. I grabbed her hand and brought her back outside. When we walked out everyone turned to look at us, which made Everly blush and turn her head into my neck.

  “What took you so long bro? There weren’t that many dishes to load up.” Ryan pipped up, giving me a hard time. They obviously all knew what we were up to.

  “Shut it Ry, you’re embarrassing my girl.”

  We walked back to the table and sat down to have dessert. Once everyone was finished eating we all went over to the fire pit, which someone had gotten started when we were inside the house. I pulled Everly back into me with her legs over my lap and her leaning into me.

  She sat there quietly listening to the conversation going on around us. She wasn’t usually this quiet so I think it was time to go.

  “All right babe, let’s get going. We were up early this morning and I know you’re tired.”

  I stood her up and we started walking to the front of the house with my family following us out. We said good night to them and got on my bike and headed back to the clubhouse. She rested her head on my back and held me tight around my waist. When we pulled up to the gate Griff let us in and I parked as close to the front door as I could. When she didn’t get off right away I looked over my shoulder and her eyes were closed.

  “You okay Red?” I asked warily.

  “Yeah, just enjoying the ride. I’m not sure I’m ready to get off yet.”

  “Come on baby, let me get you inside. We’re both tired and I’m ready to finish what we started back at my parent’s house.”

  Chapter 23 – Everly

  I got off the back of Joker’s bike, took off my helmet and threw it at him before running into the clubhouse. I could hear him catch it and run after me. Even running as fast as I can I knew I wouldn’t be any match for him, but it was all in fun. I would try to beat him to his bedroom and see where the night would lead us.

  “Oh Red, you are going to get it babe.” He growled from behind me.

  “That’s what I’m hoping for. Come and get me!” Unfortunately, the room was packed. It being Saturday there was a party in full swing and so I was finding it hard to get through the crowd. Joker quickly grabbed me from behind and pulled me back against him. “I just did.”

  He pushed me ahead of him and into his room, closing the door behind us. When we got to the bed I sat down and faced him. Looking up at him, he had a look of hunger on his face that got me so wet it was making me squirm.

  “Do you have any idea how hot I’ve been all night Red? Those jeans make your ass look juicy and make me want to bite it.”

  “So you’re saying that I should wear them more often?” I teased.

  “Only if you want to be on your back all day long. Now, I think you said something about returning the favour earlier?”

  I smiled at him and pulled him towards me by his belt. I started undoing his jeans and pushed them down. He was so hard I could see the tip of his cock peeking out of the top of his underwear. “Are you ready for me baby?”

  “More than ready. What are you going to do to me Red?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  I started pushing his jeans down, getting on my knees in front of him. He was already leaking pre-cum and I leaned forward to lick it up. I wrapped my right hand around the base of his cock and slowly started sliding him into my mouth, applying suction while pushing him in and looking up into his eyes to see how I was affecting him.

  “Fuck Red, you’re killing me.” He groaned.

  I just smiled at him and kept going down as far as I could. Once I got as much of him as I could down my throat I stopped and swallowed while twisting with my hand. He groaned and I started moving back up to the tip. I kept going back up and down and reached down with my left hand to start fondling his balls.

  Joker’s eyes were closed and his fists were clenched. I knew he wanted to grab my hair and take the lead of where I was going, but he was holding himself back. I would have to see how hot and bothered I could get him before he finally took charge.

  I could feel him getting more and more excited. His balls started to pull up towards his body, so I knew he was getting close. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing so that I didn’t choke. I suddenly felt hands in my hair and Joker was gripping it and starting to direct me where he wanted me. Taking him all the way down into my throat one more time I squeezed his balls and pulled them away from his body just slightly.

  “Fuuuuuccccckkkkk!” Joker held my head in place and his release started filling my throat. I had to breathe through my nose in order to not choke. “Come on baby, swallow me all down.”

  He slowly started to release his grip on my hair and rubbed my head to sooth my scalp. Once his release was complete I slowly pulled off with one final lick of his tip.

  Looking up at him I licked my lips and started to wipe my chin. His load was too much for me to swallow it all down and it had started to leak out of my mouth.

  “Fuck you look sexy with my mark all over you.”

  He leaned over and picked me up beneath my arms. Standing me in front of him he lifted my hands in the air and told me to hold them there as he started to undress me. Once I was naked he threw me down on the bed and I backed up until I was at the head of the bed. Joker crawled up and over my body and just sat there staring at me.

  “Jesus you are beautiful baby. I need to fuck you and fuck you hard. You okay with that?”

  I nodded anxiously, “Oh yeah, I’ll take whatever you want to give me.”

  He leaned down, started kissing me and I held him to me with my arms around his neck. I started running my nails over his back, which led to him growling in my mouth.

  Joker backed away from my mouth and slowly started working his way down my body, kissing his way down until he got to my belly button. He looked up at me and lifted my legs up over his shoulders. I was dripping wet from his blow job. I’d never gotten turned on from going down on a man before, but doing it to Joker was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced.

  Joker leaned over me again with my legs bending towards my head and started kissing me. I could feel the tip of his cock rubbing against my pussy. “Put it in me Joker. I need you so fucking bad.”

  Joker pulled back, looked down at me and suddenly I was filled to the brim with my legs pushed so far back I could feel him in my stomach. He was as far inside of me as he had ever been.

  “Yes, just like that. Take me hard, I need you so bad.”

  Joker started kissing me again and pounding in and out of me. I let go of his neck and put my hands over my head putting them behind me holding me in place on the bed.
/>   With every stroke in Joker’s pelvis ground down onto my clit. With every pull out he would lift up and rub against my G spot. I knew I wasn’t going to last long.

  “Joker, harder, harder. I’m almost there, I need you to get me there.”

  “Come on baby, I want you to cum. Cum for me.”

  He pushed into me even harder and suddenly I was flying high. “Ahhhhhhh Fuuuucccckkkkk!” I came so hard that I was finding it hard to breath. Joker had stopped moving and was staring down at me.


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