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Hostile Vengeance

Page 4

by Tamala Callaway

  Symóne took the cloth from her forehead and rushed upstairs to her bedroom. She slammed the door shut and crawled across her bed. When she lay her head partially on Trevor's pillow, his scent was all over it and that made her feel safe.

  Faye was just about to go after her when Vince stopped her.

  “Just let her have a few moments. We'll check on her in ten minutes.”

  Chapter 4

  As Trevor began coming to, his head was swimming, a tinge of nausea surfacing in the pit of his stomach. The stale stench was overpowering his senses. He couldn't see anything but a small glow of light in the darkness. He felt different, something was resting against the back of his head. A pillow? He thought. Yes, he was laying down. He looked to his right and saw a window with very worn and faded flower printed curtains that were pulled apart just enough to see the trees.

  “Hello?” he called out, his voice raspy. His throat was sore and dry.

  “Sounds like you need a drink?” said Lori, coming to stand beside the bed.

  Trevor tried to get up, but his arms and legs were bound to the head and foot boards. The room became more visible, brighter as his sight became clearer. It had to be well past six or seven now, with only an hour or so of daylight left.

  “Yes, please…” he coughed.

  “Here you go,” she held a glass with brown liquid in it and a straw up to his face. She put the straw to his mouth, but he turned away from it.

  “What the hell is that?” he demanded and began coughing again.

  “It's just a little something to loosen you up Trevor. We have lots to do in such little time,” she explained.

  “You know I don't drink alcohol. I need water…please Lori, just give me some water,” he begged.

  She huffed and walked away. “You used to be so much more fun when we were in high school. Has being a big time attorney made you dull and boring?” she asked as he heard her pour liquid into a glass. She returned to him with a clear glass and clear liquid this time.

  “Here. It's bottled water,” she held the glass over his face and began to pour lightly into his open mouth. His mouth was so dry, that he didn't dare complain about her spilling it on his face and neck.

  “You really are thirsty, huh?” she giggled and poured some more into his mouth.

  Once she'd stopped pouring and gave him a chance to catch his breath, he needed to know what her next step was going to be.

  “You never told me what happened to make you come after me this way,” he questioned her.

  “Well, it was a series of events. I lost something important to me a while back. I wanted to tell you about it, but then I decided not to,” she rambled as she began to pace the floor. She kept looking at him, below the waist, smiling as she continued to explain her reasons for taking him from his life.

  Trevor looked down his body and realized that he was only wearing his boxer briefs.

  “Where are my clothes?”

  “You won't be needing them, they'll only be in the way,” she said without pausing her steps.

  “Trevor, I know that you think you don't want me right now, but I promise to make it worth your while. We'll both have some fun the way we used to when we were teenagers,” she stopped beside him and looked at his face.

  He refrained from responding, not knowing what was to come next. At the moment, all he could do was try not to agitate her and wait for an opportunity to escape.

  His eyes dramatically closed when she began to unbutton her blouse and dropped it to the floor. She then undid her bra and dropped it to the floor as well.

  “Look at me Trevor!” she insisted.

  His eyes opened and when he looked at her, her upper body was bare. A pattern of dark marks ran down from the mid section of her stomach to below her waist. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to the floor. He looked away again, but she demanded him to look at her again. He took a deep breath and stared at the window on the other side of the room, until he felt something cold and metal graze across his chest. When he looked to see what it was, she was dragging a butcher's knife across him.

  “I said…look at me!” she growled through her teeth.

  He did as she asked, taking in her completely bare body. She had a scar that went across her pelvic area from one side of her body to the other.

  “What happened to you?” he asked, focusing on the marks and not her private areas.

  She pointed to the pattern of dark lines running down her stomach, “These are stretch marks…” she said, then pointed to the scar across her pelvic area. “This is from a surgery I had many years ago, called a C-Section,” she explained and waited for him to ask the question that was clearly on his face.

  “You had a baby?”

  She snorted and rolled her eyes at him. Then she held the knife over his stomach and drew circles around his navel with it.

  “Yes. Six months after we graduated, I had a baby boy,” she said as she drug the tip of the knife down to the band of his underwear.

  As the realization came to Trevor, he gasped. Inhaling a deep breath, he gulped hard. “Mine?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded, then sat beside him on the bed.

  “Why didn't you tell me?” he whispered.

  “Because it was so easy for you to just up and leave me. You had no intentions of contacting me, all connections were lost. I wanted you to stay for me, not for a responsibility,” she said with sadness.

  He was at a loss for words. He went into thought, would I have stayed just for the baby? Would I have still pursued a career in law? What would I have done? He battled his own mindset at the age of eighteen.

  “So, you're telling me that I have a Son?” he swallowed hard. His mind instantly drifting to Symóne and how she was sure to react to this news.

  “Not anymore…” her eyes filled with water.

  “What do you mean? Where is he?”

  “Trevor…I-I-I can't talk about this right now,” she stood to her feet and reached for her bra and shirt.

  “I deserve an answer, Lori!” he yelled at her.

  Without raising her head, her eyes peered through her lashes at him, it was an eerie look that caught Trevor off guard. The twitch was back and she dropped her garments and crawled over him, straddling his body. She was still completely naked and wanted him to respond to her the way he used to.

  “Please, don't do this,” Trevor changed the tone in his voice.

  “I want to start over again. I need to start over, Trevor,” she rested herself on top of his nature. She waited for him to react, but he didn't—he couldn't. He wasn't attracted to her anymore.

  In the past, all it took to get Trevor riled up was a mere insinuation of a need. However, this time it was taking too long, so she began to rock her body against his with slow and easy motions, the way she had always gotten his attention when they were dating. He would visit her and hang out in her parent's basement where a great amount of their experimental sessions took place. Still, no reaction.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” she demanded angrily, coming to an abrupt stop.

  “Lori, please don't do this,” his words were weighted with heavy breaths. It was taking a great amount of concentration to not react to her grinding her naked body on his, with only his briefs between them. He once cared deeply for this girl, attracted to every inch of her body.

  He pleaded, “I'm married and I love my wife. She's…” he caught himself. If he told Lori that he was expecting a baby, it may set her off.

  “She's what?” she snarled.

  “She's probably worried about me. I know she's worried,” he corrected.

  “Well that's just tough. I have you right now and you're not leaving until I get what I want!”

  She began to gyrate herself on him, leaning forward, kissing his chest, then she moved to start her temptation of grazing her lips down the middle of his stomach. He struggled to keep his mind on other things, not wanting to give her the opportunity to have her way. She
stopped, a devilish grin appearing on her face.

  “I know how to get you ready Trevor. I know that I would never do it before, because I wasn't ready, but you can't possibly reject this,” she smiled as she moved down between his legs. She began pulling his boxer briefs down and he began to plead with her again.

  “Lori! Stop it, now! You are better than this! You don't want to do this!” he chastened her.

  She continued to pull down his underwear, then leaned forward, breathing her hot breath over his nature. She placed her lips on him, kissing it, then began licking him and it jerked. While he was struggling to not react, Lori downed him, gently pulling and caressing his shaft with her tongue.

  Shit, shit, shit! He thought to himself. His mind tried to think of less pleasant things. Something that would surely keep him from rising to the occasion. I know…work! I have a case, I need…I need…damn it! I need to focus. I have calls to make, I should check in with Gloria. I wonder how her son's game went last week? He was desperate for distracting thoughts.

  Meanwhile Lori had given all she could, hoping to pleasure him into being ready for intimacy. He had diverted long enough to get her to stop.

  “Ugh!” she grumbled and got to her feet on the side of the bed. She grabbed the knife and jammed it down on the wooden nightstand hard enough to startle him.

  “You're tough Trevor, but not tough enough!” she said in a threatening tone. Without redressing herself, she stormed out of the bedroom and made a lot of noise in the other room.

  “Found them!” she chimed.

  She returned with a bottle of pills in her hand and a huge smile on her face. She twisted the top off and poured one into her palm and showed him the little blue pill. Trevor gasped as his eyes grew. Lori reached to put it in his mouth, but he bit down on his top and bottom lips, sealing them shut. She couldn't push it through, no matter how hard she tried.

  Now frustrated, she pulled the knife from the wood and gripped it with her right hand. “Now…are you going to be a good little boy and take your medicine, or am I going to have to make you?” she gritted her teeth.

  “Lori—” he started, but she shoved the pill in his mouth. He spit it across the room and she slapped him across his face hard.

  She took the bottle and put another one in her hand.

  “Wait! I can help you if you'll just give me a chance!” he tried to get her to stop her pursuit.

  “That's what I'm trying to get you to do! Now shut the hell up and make love to me!” she yelled as she tried to put another pill in his mouth. He did the same as before, angering her. Lori decided enough was enough and pinched his nose shut. He held his breath until he couldn't any longer. His mouth fell open and she shoved it in and reached for the water to pour it down his throat, forcing him to swallow. He gulped hard and she was victorious.

  “Now Trevor, in a few minutes, you are going to want what I've been trying to give you. It's a shame that I can't untie you and let you work me the way you used to, but I just can't take that chance. So, I'm going to have to do all of the work this time,” she smiled and relaxed.

  He rolled his eyes at her and looked away toward the window. She continued looking from his face to his nature, waiting….

  “I need a drink while we wait,” she said as she got up to go into the kitchen.

  Trevor began maneuvering his tongue up between his gums and teeth and pulled the pill down to his tongue, then spit the pill across the room again. This time it went behind the dresser and he almost laughed, but heard her coming back in the room.

  “What the hell? Would you rise up already?” she yelled at him.

  “I was trying to tell you that this can't happen because I'm—” he looked up in thought. “—impotent,” he lied.

  She wore a look of shock on her face. Then she scowled at him. “You're a damn liar! You got her pregnant!” she shouted angrily.

  Trevor's eyes grew, he wasn't sure if she knew, and because she hadn't mentioned it, he assumed she didn't.

  “Yeah, I know all about little Miss Symóne Harrison, Interior Designer, pregnant with your baby and living the high life. She has my life! …and I want it back!”

  This is not okay. She knows…everything? I can't let her bring harm to Symóne, he thought. I have to do something.

  “Okay, so I'll make a deal with you. Are you willing to listen?” he asked her.

  She placed her hands on her hips and waited.

  “Let's talk first. I need to get to know you all over again. It's been twelve years, and I've started a new life,” he started.

  “I don't want to talk, I want you to impregnate me. I am ovulating and you are wasting my time!” she rejected.

  She decided that the other pill was taking too long to work, so she was going to give him another one. Trevor turned his head away and she began to force it through his clenched teeth. Without taking her eyes off of him, she reached for the bottled water and poured it through his nose. He began to choke and she quickly placed the pill in his mouth and poured water down his throat. She held his chin up to force him to swallow and he did, choking and gagging on the water. Not taking any chances this time, she sat the bottle down and searched his mouth for the pill.

  “Raise your tongue!” she demanded and he did.

  “Say ahh…”


  “Okay,” she breathed. “Now we wait,” she got up to check outside, hearing the helicopter circling again. Just like before, Trevor licked his tongue under his upper lip. He had shoved the pill up there again after he'd swallowed the water and she turned to put the bottle on the table. He spit that one across the room as well, with it also landing behind the dresser with the others.

  Lori had a thought, “Did I cover the entrance to the driveway?” she asked herself aloud.

  The helicopter was definitely circling lower this time.

  She came back in to check on Trevor's progress.

  “They are going to find me, and when they do, you are going to regret this!” He told her.

  “Whatever!” she grabbed her clothes and put them on as she left out of the cabin. She got in the jeep and drove down the very long driveway, and on the way, she questioned herself. “How is he not being affected by those pills? The pharmacist assured me if he had no other health issues that he would be ready in no time,” she chatted with herself.

  She parked twenty feet inside the tree line, careful not to be seen by any passing motorists and walked up to the roped entry. It was already heavily lined with underbrush, trees, and bushes, but she drug more across in front of the rope, where no one would be able to tell it was a driveway from the road. It took a little longer than she was comfortable with, but having to actually pull limbs from living trees, proved to be challenging. Dragging the last of the limbs, placing them spread out so that they didn't seem bunched in one location, Lori heard the helicopter heading that way. She darted back under the canopy of the trees, then got back in her jeep and turned around and started back up the drive way.

  Trevor had been trying to free himself from the duct tape, but as he pulled at his legs, it only caused him pain in his ankles. He tried to pull at his arms and the post of the headboard that his left arm was attached to cracked. He began yanking harder and harder until it snapped. His left arm was free, with the exception of a wooden post taped to it. He reached over and began tearing at the tape on his right wrist. It kept tearing in little pieces, practically shredding, causing him to cuss, then he heard her jeep coming back up to the cabin. Although she was still a good ways away, he knew he didn't have much time.

  He rushed to get the rest of the tape off, then used his freed right hand to remove the broken bed post from his left wrist. Trevor pulled up his underwear and bent down to free his right leg. Lori had gotten out of the jeep and pulled a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. She leaned up against her car and took a much needed break. She had to figure out her next move.

  Trevor looked through the window, seeing the silhouette of sm
oke rising from her lips and knew he had only a couple more minutes to escape. When did she start smoking? He asked himself, then continued to free the first leg.

  “Are you ready for me yet Trevor?” she called from outside.

  He looked up again and she was still standing there.

  “No. But I think I'm starting to feel some kind of way. It must be working. Please don't do this, I don't want to cheat on my wife. This is not fair to her,” he called out to her. He needed her to think that he was still begging.

  “Life's not fair! What happened to me wasn't fair either,” she said. She was getting down to the bottom of her cigarette.

  Trevor had freed the first leg and was working on the second one. He was running out of time and she was about to come back inside. He had one more strip to go and she stepped up on the porch. He quickly ripped off the final piece, muffling a moan as it ripped away the hairs on his leg.

  “I think I could use that drink now,” he told her.

  “Now that's what I'm talking about. We can finally get this party started,” she said as she came in and went to the kitchen and took out a glass.

  It worked! Trevor eased off the bed and grabbed his pants off the chair in the corner of the room. He slipped them on and tip toed to the doorway. She was pouring Jack Daniels into two glasses, then opened a bottle of coke. He crept past the doorway and snuck toward the back of the cabin. He looked at the door and realized that it had an old rusty spring hinge that she would be sure to hear if he opened it. Oddly enough, she was making just enough noise to hopefully drown out the sound and he took a deep breath and unlatched the lock and eased the door open very slowly.

  “Here I come baby!” she chimed as she took both glasses into her hand and started for the bedroom. He tensed, hearing her walking toward the bedroom, pausing for her reaction.

  She walked right past Trevor, her mind on sexing him. Once she turned the corner and realized that he wasn't there, he flung the door open and leaped off the back porch and started running through the woods. He was barefoot and bare chested and hoped that he would find a trail soon. He didn't want to risk her finding him if he were to go around front to get his car.


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