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Hostile Vengeance

Page 5

by Tamala Callaway

  She sat the glasses down and grabbed the knife, then rushed outside and ran around the cabin looking for him. He was gone.

  “You won't make it out of here Trevor!” she yelled out. He had no idea what direction to run in, since she'd disguised all the paths leading to the exits just in case.

  It had begun to get dark and Trevor stopped when he heard Lori crank up the jeep. She thought maybe he'd seen what direction she headed in when she left a little earlier and headed that way. She started down the drive and he circled back and found his Range Rover. He pulled the cover off of it and tried the door. It was locked, but it had a keypad. Something made him look down and he noticed that the front tire was flat. He looked at the back tire, and it too was flat. He went around to the other side and those were flat as well.

  “Son of a Bitch! She slashed my damn tires!” he growled to himself.

  Time was of the essence, he rushed back to the driver's side and pressed the code to unlock the door. He got in and looked in the center console for a flashlight. It was still there, he grabbed it then leaned over in front of the passenger side seat and reached underneath and pulled out his Glock 9mm. He checked the clip and it was fully loaded. Then he got out and went to the back and opened the hatch and pulled out a duffel bag that he normally kept in the car when he wanted to workout in the gym at work. He had an extra pair of sneakers and a shirt that he pulled over his head, then stuck his feet in the shoes.

  He heard her coming back up the dirt and rock driveway and closed the door and tossed the cover back over the vehicle. He then stuck the gun in the back of his jeans and started down the tree line around the lake.

  He could kill her, but then it would be premeditated and he needed to focus on escaping first.

  Noticing the array of underbrush, wildflowers, large rocks and weeds, he had to be careful with his steps, as he was sure there had to be snakes in the area. Rattle snakes at that.

  Trevor stopped and took a deep breath and watched Lori frantically look around for him. She had only gone as far as a few feet inside the tree line. It was as if she knew he couldn't escape and waited for him to return. She headed back to the cabin and took a seat on an old chair that was sitting on the porch and watched and waited—watched and waited.

  He didn't want to run blind in the darkness of the forest and risk poisonous spiders, venomous snakes, and other varmints that could possibly end his life. He couldn't use the flashlight to see where he stepped next, because then she would see him.

  It was now pitch black, too dark to see even in front of his face. All he could see was an oil lantern burning in the distance, sitting on a table beside a chair that Lori sat in, waiting for Trevor to surface.

  Chapter 5“

  Knock, knock? Symóne…honey?” Faye called in a whisper as she opened the door to Symóne's bedroom.

  She was curled up with Trevor's pillow tucked against her stomach. Her face was tear soaked and her eyes were closed. Faye came closer and leaned over her and realized that she had fallen asleep. She figured it was best if Symóne stayed asleep if it would keep her calm, so she turned to leave out.

  “Don't leave,” Symóne whispered. “Stay in here with me,” she asked her best friend.

  “Sure…of course I will,” Faye assured her and came to sit on the bed beside her.

  “It just feels a little bit more normal if I don't have to look at Detectives and Vince prepping and planning a rescue mission for Trevor. I can pretend he's just at work and will be home soon,” she sniffled.

  Faye reached over and rubbed Symóne's legs then crawled onto the bed and lay down in front of her.

  “He's going to come home. Trevor will do what ever it takes to come home to his beautiful, talented, sexy wife and his unborn baby,” Faye promised.

  “Son,” Symóne said.


  “We have a son. He doesn't know it yet, but I wanted to surprise him with the news by decorating the nursery for a boy. He's going to love the design I have planned out,” Symóne sniffled and sat up, folding her legs across one another in front of herself.

  “Symóne! That is so wonderful, why didn't you tell me?” asked Faye.

  “Because you can't keep a secret and I didn't want you to ruin the surprise,” she glared at her teasingly.

  “I can to keep a surprise! But…why are you telling me now then?” she was curious.

  “Because I may never get to tell him,” her words were broken by quiet sobs. “I needed to tell someone.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  Faye leaned in to embrace Symóne and whispered in her ear. “You have to send out positive vibes to your husband girl. Let him know that you are in his corner. I happen to believe that he is trying to get home to you as we speak,” she told her.

  “I know. It's just so hard not to feel defeated. It's getting dark and they've already been out three times looking for a way to get inside that property from the ground. There isn't enough space for a helicopter to land in there,” she sniffled. “If it were up to Trevor, he would just rent a machine and go in chopping down every tree in sight, just to find me,” she began to cry.

  “Honey, they would do that if they knew what they were dealing with. They have to be discreet and not let this psychopath know they are coming. She is three bananas short of a ripe bunch, and dangerous,” said Faye.

  Symóne gasped, “What do you mean psycho and dangerous? What exactly does she want with Trevor?” Symóne demanded and glared at Faye for information.

  “They didn't want you to get worked up and end up stressing yourself and the baby. The things they found out about this woman are scary. You really need to let them focus on finding a way to get to Trevor. They know where he is, but it's a delicate situation,” Faye breathed.

  Symóne got in Faye's face and a look of daggers was apparent. Her next statement threw Faye for a loop.

  “If you don't tell me what the hell this woman is after and capable of, I'm going to go after Trevor myself!” she snarled her words through her teeth. Then she jabbed her finger at Faye, “Stop pacifying me and tell me the truth!” Symóne demanded.

  “Shhh. Okay, just please—don't over react,” Faye told her, her breathing becoming rapid and audible. Symóne looked at her with awaiting eyes.

  Drawing in a massive deep breath, Faye started with the baby thing. “She was pregnant with Trevor's baby when he left for college. He didn't know and she refused to tell him. She had a boy, and her parents decided to raise him while she continued to go to college and medical school and start her career as an Orthopedic Surgeon,” she paused at the swift movement of Symóne getting to her feet. She glared at Faye for more information, so she continued. “At age ten, her son developed Leukemia and endured several painful transplant surgeries before dying in under a year,” Faye paused again, because Symóne's hand raised over her mouth as she desperately tried to muffle her cries while wiping away tears. Her chest rose then deflated in small jittery vibrations as she tried not to scream in terror.

  She took another several breaths, “No, continue please,” Symóne sniffled through broken gushes of wind, that escaped her lungs as she spoke.

  “Are you sure you want to hear the rest?”

  “Yes, I need to know where kidnapping Trevor comes in to play, because that's what she did, isn't it?” Symóne began putting the situation together.

  “Okay, well…okay,” Faye stammered. “So she was devastated because she didn't do the one thing her parents had asked her to do, and that was to tell Trevor about his son so that he would get tested and hopefully be a match for a bone marrow transplant. They found all this out just an hour ago when they called in a favor to get her medical notes from the psychiatrist that she was seeing while she took residency at a facility for the severely mentally challenged and depressed. It stated that upon repeated sessions that her main goal in life was to start all over and do it right the next time. Symóne…Lori is after Trevor to have another baby and a fresh new start. Her records sh
ow that she will pursue him and do whatever it takes to get her way. The State of Georgia is now officially collaborating with the State of Texas to find and apprehend Lori, but her mind set is do or die. Because of Trevor's high profile status, they have to be extremely discreet and cautious of how they get to this woman. If they rush in, she could kill him and herself,” Faye explained.

  Symóne was fighting back vomit. On one hand, she felt sorrow for Lori and her story and feared the health of her own son by Trevor, then on the other hand she just wanted to go get her husband and save him. She kept thinking, what is she doing to Trevor? Is she getting her way? Is she forcing him to be intimate with her to have a baby? She stood to her feet and rushed inside of her closet and closed the door.

  Suddenly, there were loud screams and sounds of things hitting the floor and walls. Faye rushed in and saw that Symóne was throwing a tantrum. She snatched clothes from hangers and slung them to the floor. Dragging her hand across shelves, she threw shoe boxes everywhere. Symóne looked around for something else to throw, and as she looked up, another row of items called to her and she began taking purses and belts and everything she could get her hands on, and throwing them across the room. Just as Faye rushed up to her to embrace her firmly, to hold her until she calmed, Vince and Alex both came rushing into the bedroom, hearing the commotion coming from inside the closet.

  As they approached cautiously, what they saw was Symóne thrashing wildly while Faye tried desperately to embrace her, to pin her arms to her sides, to make her calm herself.

  “What happened? What's going on?” Vince demanded.

  Alex went to stand on the other side of Symóne as she put her head to Faye's shoulder and began to bawl uncontrollably. She held onto her best friend and buried her face to muffle her screams.

  “I had to tell her. She demanded to know and I couldn't lie to her,” Faye's voice was shaky.

  “Oh gosh,” said Vince.

  He was about to give her a bit of good news, but Symóne bowed over, clenching her stomach with cries of pain following. Her knees buckled and she collapsed in Faye's arms, with Alex catching her. He picked Symóne up, cradling her in his arms, then turned to exit the closet.

  “Alex! Get the car, I'll carry her!” said Vince as he rushed to retrieve Symóne, letting Alex by as they all rushed toward the bedroom door.

  “Faye, grab her information, purse—whatever, and get down to the car. We're taking her to the hospital!” said Vince as he rushed down the stairs carrying Symóne.

  The drive there was agonizing, everyone stressed, worried for Symóne and the baby, and for what Trevor may return home to find.

  They arrived at the hospital where Vince had called ahead for her. They had a doctor on standby ready to tend to Symóne. An orderly waited with a wheelchair, and once she was settled in it, he wheeled her up to the maternity ward with the doctor checking her pulse and condition along side her. Vince, Faye, and Alex all followed them, afraid to leave her side.

  “Mrs. Harrison…Mrs. Harrison? Please try to calm yourself. I'm going to need to administer a sedative if you don't calm down,” the doctor spoke with urgency.

  They got her into a room where they could hook her up to monitors and realized that her blood pressure had spiked and her heart rate was out of control. There was no choice but to sedate her in hopes of leveling out her vital signs to save her baby.

  Symóne continued to moan as she cradled her stomach while curled into a fetal position. Faye moved in and took her hand and caressed it while the nurse prepped her with an I.V. so that they could administer a sedative to her. Once she calmed down, they were better able to get the fetus distress level down as well.

  While Symóne slept, Vince stepped around and spoke to Faye, “I need to get back to help find Trevor, can you and Alex stay?” he sounded almost as though he were begging her.

  “Of course. I'm not going anywhere,” she assured him. “You just make sure that you bring Trevor home—alive,” Faye demanded, her voice quiet but meaningful.

  “You have my number, right?” he asked before turning to leave.

  “Right here in my phone. Go do what you have to do,” she insisted.

  Vince gave Faye and Alex a look of appreciation for their willingness to look out for Symóne, while he continued a rescue mission for his partner.

  Faye pulled the chair closer to Symóne's bedside and took a seat. She palmed her best friend's belly and made gentle circles on it.

  “Hey there little Harrison, this is Auntie Faye. I know you must be scared for your daddy, but you have to be strong so that he will get to meet you face to face soon. Your mommy is worried and I know that you can feel that, but if you can just hold on a few more hours, your daddy is going to be here to love on you for a long time,” Faye whispered, almost in tears.

  Alex stepped up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Babe, you're exhausted and you haven't eaten in hours. I'm going to get us something to eat and come right back,” he leaned in for a kiss then turned to leave.

  “Thank you Alex,” she sighed.

  Thirty minutes later, Alex returned with food for the three of them. Symóne was just waking up when she smelled the food and her stomach gurgled and moaned.

  “Symóne…you need to eat something. Alex brought us dinner,” said Faye, handing her one of her favorites, a crispy chicken salad.

  The plate was full of spring mix lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese, and large chunks of crispy fried chicken. She actually sat up and took the food and packs of dressing and croutons, opening them and dumping it all on her salad, then began to eat. However, her mind was still on her husband and what he must be going through and her tears began to flow again. As she wiped away her tears and tried not to become stressed, she continued to eat and ask Faye and Alex about their plans for purchasing their new home.

  If it would keep her calm to discuss something else, they were willing to have that conversation with her.

  “Well, I have had my eyes on a few of them in the Dragon Lake Community. One in particular really calls out to me. I was going to take Alex to look at it Wednesday while he's off from work and see what he thinks,” Faye smiled at him. His eyes creased from the growing smile on his face.

  “Really? I've been in there. Which model is it?” asked Symóne. Faye grinned, her eyebrows raised with excitement, as she gave her more information.

  “It's the Vineyard Plan. Do you know it?”

  “Absolutely! That would be so perfect for you and your family. I love the layout and the spacious floor plan. That kitchen…is absolutely amazing!” Symóne raved.

  “So you approve?” asked Alex. It really didn't matter to him, all the details or location. He, himself could live in an efficiency apartment as long as it was with Faye, and would be just as happy. However, it seemed to be a state of importance to her, so whatever made Faye happy, would make him happy.

  “Yes. You would love it Alex, I promise. It comes standard with a huge covered back patio with a built-in fireplace. You could set up a grilling station and do all of that fancy grilling you love to do,” Symóne smiled at him.

  Alex grinned and looked to be imagining himself in a home with Faye, hosting barbecues and birthday parties for the kids.

  “What's the price range?” he asked Faye.

  “Don't worry, we can afford it. I just want you to love it before we buy it,” she chimed.

  He creased his forehead with a comical smirk on his face, then exhaled with a chuckle. “Well okay then. We'll go look at it as soon as we can,” he smiled at her.

  “Alex?” Symóne started.


  “Do you think Trevor is still alive?”

  “Absolutely,” he said with surety. “Don't underestimate your husband. The man is extremely intelligent and resourceful. He will endure whatever he has to, to get back to you and your baby. I have complete confidence that he will find a way to help his rescuers find him,” he assured her.

  Symóne i
nhaled deeply, then held her stomach. It seemed to feel much better now that she has eaten something. She began to sip on her frozen drink when she felt motion in her stomach.

  Just then, a nurse came in to check on her. It was a different one from before since they changed over to the night shift staff.

  “Symóne Harrison?” the nurse checked.


  “Should I call you Mrs. Harrison or Symóne?” she asked as she began checking the monitors, then came to stand beside her, pulling the blood pressure cuff from its caddy to put around Symóne's arm. She pressed a button and the machine roared to life and began to swell the cuff around Symóne's arm. She hissed when it became too tight, then moaned when it went just a little beyond comfort before it started to release.

  “Symóne is fine,” she answered.

  “Okay Symóne. Your vitals look really good. I see you've eaten and that's good too. It's after hours, so you'll need to stay overnight, that way we can make sure everything is okay with you and the baby before releasing you,” she said with a smile.

  “Okay,” she sighed.

  “Do you have any questions for me?” the nurse asked.

  “Yes. My husband doesn't know that I'm here, but if he finds out and comes to see me, will they let him in?” she asked. “I need him to be here.”

  “Let me check on that for you. I'll be back in a little while,” she promised, then left her room, closing the door behind her.

  “Symóne, if Trevor escapes before you're released, nothing will stop him from coming to see you,” Alex confirmed, which got a smile out of Symóne.

  The nurse came back in with her answer.

  “Symóne, in these type situations, yes. They will allow your husband to enter the hospital to see you. So no worries,” she smiled and so did Symóne. “Is there anything else you need? Will your guests be spending the night with you?” she looked to Faye, then Alex, who was still in uniform.


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