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Finding Infinity (Infinity Series)

Page 6

by Layne Harper

  “You’re right, Rach. I can have a wedding. Even though I don’t want one, Colin does. Will you be my maid of honor?”

  “As long as I get to pick out my own dress. I’m not letting Brad stick me in some Pepto Bismol pink number,” she says, as she smiles at me.

  That launches us into a fit of giggles. I keep suggesting more and more horrible things that I’m going to make her wear, which causes Rachael to have to top it with something more awful.

  Colin and Aiden come sauntering out of the house. I yell at Colin, “Go grab your calendar. We’re picking a date.”

  I watch him stop walking, and his mouth falls open in shock. Then he gets the twinkle in his eye and half smile that I love, and shakes his head. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  The four of us pull out our calendars and then begin the difficult task of picking a wedding date that works for all of our schedules. Once we’re a year out, Colin says, “Okay, so let’s start over and see what we can move around on our calendars.”

  That negotiating takes another pitcher of margaritas. What it boils down to is that Rachael is so busy with her job that she tells us to pick a date, and she’ll just make it work. We decide to get married next March. It’s after football season, before the draft, and Colin and I will actually get to take a honeymoon.

  I make a big deal about saying that I’ll send out save the dates, knowing that everyone that we will be inviting to the wedding will be at my “surprise” party tonight.

  At about six o’clock, Colin casually suggests that we start getting ready for dinner. I decide to have a little fun with him. “Why don’t we stay home and get some take out? I don’t really feel like getting dressed,” I whine.

  I enjoy watching Colin get momentarily thrown off kilter. “But I’ve had these reservations for a month,” he reasons.

  I start feeling bad for teasing him, so I let him off the hook and agree.

  Rachael and Aiden are staying at our house. I ask Colin which rooms he told them to take. He looks at me says, “No clue. I just told them to put their stuff wherever.”

  Damn! I may have to go upstairs and borrow something from Rachael. I want to know if they’re sharing a room.

  Colin obviously reads my mind. “Leave them alone, Charlie. Your snooping does no good.”

  I hate being admonished. “Can’t you ask Aiden?” I pout.

  Colin throws his hands up and shrugs. “None of my business.”

  “Men,” I exclaim, as I stomp into our bedroom to take a shower.

  * * * *

  It’s times like this that I covet. The two of us are getting dressed together, while Pandora is playing a great selection of old country songs. We’re teasing each other, maybe sneaking a behind pinch here or there. We’re both in great moods, and being silly. Colin grabs me and spins me for a deep dip while I’m putting on my deodorant. We’re normal. Just a boy and girl who adore each other, getting dressed for a night out on the town.

  I love the trips and privileges that Colin’s career brings us, but this is what matters. These are the times that I try to remember in minute detail. When we have them, they’re perfection.

  As I blow-dry my hair, I watch Colin shaving via the reflection in the mirror. He’s softly singing along to an old Tim McGraw song. There’s something terribly erotic about watching the man that I’m in love with cover his face with shaving cream and use a blade to smoothly remove the white foam from his face. His eyes are focused on the task at hand.

  He has no idea that I’m staring at him. I take a mental snapshot, and file it away for one of the many times that I’m furious over something that he’s done. I need to remember him like this.

  The more I watch him, the more flushed I feel. I’m not sure what time our dinner reservations are, but we might have to be late. I slip my robe off and let it fall to the tiled floor. I walk over to Colin and remove the razor from his hand. “Let me do that.”

  He looks at me and drinks in my state of undress, and then flashes me his half smile. “That’s my favorite outfit,” he says, as he places me on his vanity that was custom-built to his height. We’re staring at each other, green eyes to lavender.

  I start on the other side of his face, next to his ear, and begin to run the razor down his cheek, following the direction of the stubble. When I’ve cleared one strip of shaving cream, I dip the razor in the water-filled sink, and rinse the cream off. I watch Colin’s erection grow as I shave the next row of shaving cream.

  “How come it’s your birthday, and I’m the one who’s having the best day ever?” Colin says, so softly that I barely hear him.

  I smile and kiss the tip of his nose. “I love you, and I hope that I can make every day the best day ever.”

  When I get to his chin, he removes the razor from my hand, flashing me his smoldering green eyes. “This is too dangerous a weapon for you to use so near my throat.”

  I watch him expertly run the razor along his jaw line, and then contort his face in an odd expression to get his chin cleanly without any nicks.

  When he’s done, he uses a warm towel to wipe the remaining bits of cream off of his face. I grab his aftershave moisturizer and squeeze a dollop in my hands. I rub them together to warm up the lotion, and then begin to spread it on his face and neck. His skin is smooth to the touch, and feels like silk. I love his stubble. It makes him look all kinds of sexy, but I love to feel his skin right after he’s shaven. It reminds me of him: hard, rough exterior for the world—soft and tender, just for me.

  I can’t let the left over lotion go to waste, so I reach down and grab his erection and begin to stroke it back and forth in my hands. “Baby, you’re going to make us late if you keep this up.” He breathes.

  “Shall I add late to dinner reservations to your list of stuff that you don’t give a fuck about?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  “Normally, yes. But, Aiden and Rachael are waiting for us.”

  I know that I’m going to win. As I pump him up and down, and listen to the small moans that escape his lips, I know he’s not going to stop me. Sliding my hands over him makes me wet, and I know that he can see my desire for him in my hooded eyes. I have him when he reaches in between my legs and whispers, “We can’t let that wet pussy go to waste, can we?”

  He pulls me to him, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He slides into me and fills me so deliciously that I throw my head back and moan his name. He begins to slide deeper inside of me. “This is going to be quick, baby,” Colin says as he moves me backwards and forwards on his erection. “We’ll do this properly tonight.”

  I couldn’t care less at that moment. I’m filled with Colin. This is the only place that I want to be. He reaches in between my legs and uses his thumb to massage my clit as he pounds deep inside of me. I feel myself building closer and closer to release. I throw my head back and Colin leans in and gently bites my neck. Dear God, I think fireworks go off in our master bathroom. My face tingles, as I come down from a mind-blowing release.

  Colin has a smirk on his face. “Is it your birthday or mine?”

  “It can be yours if you want,” I say as I climb off of his vanity, giving him a peck on the lips.

  Then I head into the closet to put on the new dress that Brad insisted I buy. At the time, I was highly annoyed that I was dragged all over the Galleria to try on party couture. Now, I’m so glad that I listened to Brad. I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad for thirty. My post-orgasm glow has added a beautiful shade of crimson that mixes well with the hint of bronze that I got today when I laid out in the sun with Rachael. The dress is strapless and a pretty shade of green. The color actually reminds me of Colin’s gorgeous eyes. I would have never chosen it for myself, but I’ll give Brad credit. He’s got a good eye. “Not bad, Caroline. Not bad at all,” I tell myself.

  Colin looks debonair in a black jacket, dark jeans and white button-up shirt. His first two buttons are undone, so just a hint of chest hair peeks out. I don’t know how it’s possible to lo
ok that effortlessly handsome. I watch as he puts on his Rolex watch.

  I’m fluffing my hair in the mirror when he walks up behind me. “So,” he says as he plants a soft kiss on my naked shoulder. “I thought you should wear your birthday presents to dinner.”

  “Thank God it’s not drive my birthday present to dinner.” I smile at him, as I watch him momentarily frown.

  “Anyway, give me your wrist,” he orders.

  I obediently stick my wrist towards him as I watch him fasten the female counterpart to his Rolex on my wrist. I gape at it. Literally, my mouth hangs open. “A new pair of shoes would’ve been a sufficient gift.”

  He looks at me, flashing me his half smile as he kisses my wrist where the ridiculous gift now rests. “Sufficient maybe, but everyone knows that you can’t be a real doctor without a Rolex watch.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “You’ve got me there, Colin. Thank you,” I say as I stand on my tiptoes, turn around, and give him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s beautiful, and I love it.”

  “Now, for your second gift,” Colin says, while he produces a red velvet box from his jeans pocket. “This isn’t really a birthday gift. It’s more of a ‘They arrived yesterday so I thought that I would go ahead and give them to you on your birthday’ present.”

  He opens the box and shows me a huge sparkling pair of diamond earrings. “Remember when I told you that I was going to take the original engagement ring diamond and make them into earrings for you? Well, here they are.”

  I gasp. “Colin, they will tear through the holes in my ears. I can’t wear these.”

  “Yes you can. The jeweler said that it would be fine,” he assures me, as he takes them out of the box. “Look, I had him mark the original diamond with an X in the platinum. Your new diamond has a little tiny infinity symbol engraved in the platinum. That way, you’ll know which diamond is from which part of our relationship.” He shows me what diamond is which, but I just stand there with my mouth hanging open. I can’t believe that, first of all, he was so generous. I completely get that these presents did not dent his bank account, but I still wish that he wouldn’t have spent so much.

  But, forget the earrings. I love the symbolism so much more than the stones. An “X” on the back of the diamond that he bought when he proposed every single day to me? An infinity symbol for the diamond that represents our second chance? This is our story. I’ll be photographed with these huge diamond earrings on. The world will see my generous present from him. Only Colin and I’ll know the significance.

  “Thank you,” I breathe as I try them on. “They’re exquisite.” And they really are. I walk closer to the mirror in the bathroom and check out my new accessories. They’re huge, but not uncomfortable. They’re definitely not earrings that I’ll wear every day, but when I do, they’ll make a statement from my Statement.

  He gives my neck another kiss. “They don’t hold a candle to you, Charlie. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  I smile and drink in the image of us together. Yes. Indeed. Tonight we look like we were made for each other. Happy thirtieth birthday to me.

  “Ready to go my love?” he says as he wraps my arm around his elbow.

  * * * *

  Colin drives us to the restaurant after being reassured by his main security guy, Jamie, that the media has not gotten the news that we’re going to “dinner” there tonight. Aiden is sitting in the front seat with Colin. Rachael and I are in the back. Colin and Aiden are in a heated discussion about something regarding football. Rachael and I are talking about nothing of importance.

  It feels nice that the gate on the gilded cage has been opened. For the first time in a long time, I feel like Colin and I are on a double date. He’s not a household brand with a media-generated prescription painkiller addiction, and I’m not the flavor of the month. Colin and I don’t have to be censored with Aiden and Rachael. They’re not going to sell our story to one of the gossip sites, for the equivalent of beer money.

  All too soon my happy, normal thoughts fly out the window when we all see the media camped outside the restaurant/club. “Fuck!” Colin says as he whips out his phone.

  He hits something on the screen, and I presume that he’s calling Jenny. “Is there a back entrance?” he asks without saying hello.

  “I know. I’ve had my phone off,” he says, much more resigned.

  Even if I didn’t know that this was my surprise party, I would have been tipped off by the media attention outside. I take off my seatbelt and scoot to the edge of my seat so I can tap Colin on the shoulder. “Baby, I know about the party. It’s okay. We’ll just go through the front door.”

  I can see Colin’s shadowed face as we pass under the streetlights in Highland Park. He’s so disappointed. “Hang up with Jenny,” I instruct.

  He hits end on his phone and slams it down. “Fucking vultures.”

  “It’s not a big deal. Pull over and let Aiden drive. You, I, and Rachael will run into the restaurant. Aiden can deal with the valet.”

  “I’m sorry your surprise is ruined.” He sounds so disappointed. I feel a little bad for snooping now, but I guess it’s hard to keep a secret when you’re the biggest name in sports.

  “It’s the thought, baby. I love you for trying. What’s important is that we get inside so we can see all the people that matter to us,” I reason with him.

  He pulls into a parking lot, and we all rearrange our seats. Colin is now in the passenger seat. I move to the seat behind the passenger. Rachael is behind the driver. She makes a crack as we pull up to the restaurant, “This is so much easier than sneaking a married politician out of a known prostitute’s house.”

  I look at her, not sure if my best friend is kidding or not. When our car stops, the valet rushes over to the driver’s side. Colin and I throw open our doors. He immediately has his arms wrapped around me, protecting me from the flashes. The cameras are snapping around us. I’m temporarily blinded by their strobing lights.

  It’s not a long walk to the front door of the restaurant, but it feels like it’s forever away. He’s whispering sweet epithets in my hair, “Beautiful, smart, mine.”

  I try to focus on Colin’s words and not on what’s being yelled at us, but I can’t help but hear one of the questions as Colin is nearly dragging me inside. “Is it true that you use crack cocaine?”

  Then one male voice rises above the rest. “Colin, how long will this marriage last?”

  I stop walking. Freeze. I’m furious. “What the hell did he just say?” I ask very loudly as I turn to find who said such an awful thing.

  “Walk, Charlie,” Colin orders.

  I know he’s right, but this has gone too far. A female voice screams, “Marry me Colin.”

  Someone else is yelling, “CharCol forever.”

  I catch a glimpse of a pair of female breasts.

  Dear God, get me inside this restaurant before I really give these crazy people something to report. The restaurant manager opens the door for us, and Colin pushes me inside and turns around to go back outside.

  “Where are you going?” I yell over the noise outside.

  “Taking care of what’s mine,” he grumbles.

  I pull on his arm. Hard. It’s not like I can prevent him from going anywhere, but it does give him a second to come to his senses. We watch the reporters get their two-for-oner tonight. They start harassing Rachael, asking if her boss is going to run for president.

  Rachael is practiced with the media, and I watch my strong, confident friend hold her head high. Her response is, “I guess y’all will find out when I do.” I love her.

  Once we’re all inside the foyer of the restaurant, I turn to Colin. “You’ve got to calm down.” His fists are clenched at his sides, and his face red. The anger is rolling off of him in waves of hate. He begins running both hands through his hair, making his locks stick out in a delicious mess.

  “Aiden, Rachael, please go into the restaurant, and pretend that I don’t k
now. Give me a few minutes with my fiancé.”

  When they’re gone and the restaurant staff has made themselves scarce, I turn to Colin. “Calm down. I get it. You’re angry. Hell, I’m angry. I can’t believe the nasty things that they said to us. Yell at the security guys on Monday. I know that the questions that they asked are horrible. However, I’m not going anywhere. I love you. We know what they’re saying isn’t true. This is your life. Get over it and don’t ruin my surprise party,” I plead.

  As I speak, I watch his hands relax and his jaw loosen. I know that I’m getting through to him. His face returns to its normal, gorgeous olive complexion. “By the way, we have the whole restaurant for the night,” he says, as if he’s reassuring me that paparazzi can’t reach us inside. “How did you find out?” There’s a bit of puzzlement mixed with the residual effects of his anger.

  “I will never tell. I did add someone to the guest list though.” His face darkens again. “Remember, it’s my birthday, and this is what I want.”

  “Who did you invite, Caroline?” Before I can answer he says, “It’s not Adam, is it? I’m not ready to see him. I don’t think that I can handle meeting him after that bullshit outside.”

  Adam? The guy from medical school? Where did that come from? “No, Colin. Why would I have invited Adam? I haven’t talked to him in a couple of years.” I sound as thoroughly confused as I feel.

  “Okay. I can deal with anyone else,” he replies, completely evading my question.

  I plant a soft kiss and give him a hug, leaving my arms laced around his neck. “Thank you for my party. Let’s go and let our guests surprise me. Oh, and if you don’t stop running your hands through your hair, you’ll be bald by forty.”

  He cuts his eyes at me, and takes my hand and leads me around a corner. Everyone yells “Surprise” as Colin wraps me in his strong arms and gives me a panty-dropping kiss. I feel so loved.

  The party is fabulous. Brad’s decorating is tasteful, with seasonal flowers on all the tables. There are balloons, but there must have been a helium shortage because there is an appropriate amount. Some of the tables have been pushed back to make a dance floor. I see a band at the far end of the room setting up their equipment. Waiters are passing out wine and appetizers. Seeing how great this place looks gives me hope that Brad might do a great job planning our wedding after all.


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