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What The Heart Finds

Page 16

by Gadziala, Jessica

  “What are you doing?” Lena asked, eyeing him suspiciously as his fingers massaged her scalp.

  “I'm washing your hair,” he said. “Rinse,” he said, pulling his hands away, covered in suds.

  She leaned her head up into the water, looking at the ceiling, not entirely sure what was going on. She scrubbed at her hair until the soap was gone then looked at him, expectantly.

  He motioned for her to turn around. “Good girl,” he murmured when she did. He moved up behind her, his cock pushing against her ass as his hands went around her, gently stroking his soapy hands over her breasts.

  Lena sighed, laying her head against his shoulder. Where did he learn all of this stuff? She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as his hands moved across her belly. “You are very... unexpected,” she said, turning her face into his neck, kissing his warm wet skin.

  “And you are very...” he said. “delicious,” he said, turning his head and biting her nose. Lena half-shrieked, half-laughed, swatting at his hips. “See? Yummy,” he said, his tone light. “I could eat you all day,” his tone again light, playful. Until his hand slipped lower, toying with her clit. “right here,” he said, his voice deeper, edgy.

  “I would be... open,” she said, her own tone enticing. “to that idea.”

  “Mmm,” he groaned, his finger slipping lower and pushing inside her. Lena's arm flew out, grabbing at the wall to hold herself upward. “Already so wet for me, huh baby?”

  “Mmhmm,” she murmured. She would tell him anything if he just kept doing what he was doing.

  “Good,” he said, pulling his finger out of her and stepping away. He looked at her for a second, taking in her outraged expression with a smile. He grabbed the shower curtain, pushing it open and half stepping out of the tub. “Now touch yourself.”

  Lena's eyes went wide, a growing feeling of dread, of embarrassment spreading through her core. She wasn't going to do that. She couldn't do that. Not in front of him. Hell, she hardly did it much when she was alone. And even then she wasn't even looking at herself. And he was just going to be... staring at her.

  “Stop thinking,” he said, his voice patient, understanding. “Slide your hand over your thigh and touch yourself.” He watched as she tentatively followed his instructions, keeping her eyes downcast. She leaned back against the shower wall, taking a deep breath. Her fingers worked against her clit slowly, applying pressure. “Good girl,” he said, stepping fully out of the tub. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted, sinking into her own enjoyment. “Now don't stop,” he said, walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

  Lena's eyes shot open when she heard his footsteps in the hall, slapping wet against the floor. She smiled to herself. Only a man would walk dripping wet through the house. She heard his steps coming back and moved her fingers against herself again.

  He stood there watching her for a second, his own hand going to his cock and stroking. His other hand came up, ripping a condom wrapper and slipping it on. Lena's hand fell away from herself, waiting. “I didn't say to stop,” he said,smiling crookedly at her.

  “Shut up and get in here,” she said, reaching out and grabbing his arm, pulling him into the tub.

  “Yes ma'am,” he said, reaching for the back of her neck and pulling her lips to his. One of his hands went under her thigh, pulling it upward and guiding it around his hips. As soon as her hands went around his back to steady herself, he reached between them, stroking her clit and pushing his cock deep inside her.

  “Fuck,” Lena cried out, slamming her head back against the shower wall, her fingernails digging into his back muscles. Her hips pushed against his, frantic, inviting.

  “Nope,” he said, pulling his head back and looking at her. “this time I'm gonna take my time,” he said, pulling his cock out slowly, then thrusting back in even slower.

  Lena balled up her fists, taking deep breaths to calm her need. She buried her face in his neck, closing her eyes, concentrating on his body in hers. His painfully slow pace making her hyper aware of his rigid thickness stretching her impossibly full.

  “Oh,” she gasped, tensing for the orgasm that had been building up, slow and powerful. Her entire body went tense, her breath hitching and catching in her chest as her orgasm washed over her slowly at first, halting at the peak and slamming over, making her core spasm over and over, squeezing his cock as he continued his leisurely thrusting. “Eric,” she gasped, finally able to breathe again.

  His fist slammed into the shower wall, a groaned escaping his lips, raw and animistic as he came, thrusting into her until he was spent.

  Lena took deep breaths, feeling the tears well up in her eyes and trying to blink them away. She had never felt so emotional after sex. So overwrought and consumed. So completely satisfied. They slipped past her lashes, running down her face.

  Eric pulled slightly back to kiss her when he saw she was crying. Silent and sorrow-less. He smiled slightly, his hands going to the sides of her face, his thumbs brushing the tears off her cheeks.

  “What do you say we go to the bookstore and get some coffee?” he asked, leaning down and kissing her softly.

  Out? In the town? Lena started shaking her head, her heart beating wildly in her chest. But, it somehow did not escape her notice that he had used the word “we”.

  “I... filled Liam in,” he held up his hand as her mouth opened to scold him. “not the whole story. But he knows you weren't trying to steal peoples' identities. And he wanted to thank you for the cookies.”

  “Eric,” Lena said, pulling away from him and reaching for her towel. “I... cant. It's too embarrassing.”

  Eric watched her stepping out of the tub, wrapping herself in the towel. Retreating. Running away. “Lena,” he said, trying to touch her arm, but she pulled away. “fuck them. Okay? If they aren't willing to hear your side of the story... fuck them. Go slip into one of your rich bitch outfits,” he said, winking. “and let's go get coffee. If anyone has anything to say, I'll deal with them.”

  Lena turned and walked down to the bedroom, seeing the puddles Eric had left from before. She grabbed for the pile of clothes on the bedside table, looking at them as if the were armor. Something of her usual coolness to protect her from all the stares. She slipped into the gray slacks and a white silk tank top. She carefully pulled her hair into a bun and put on high gray heels. They wanted Lena the stuck up bitch from the city, they were going to get her.

  Eric walked into the room as she was slipping pearl stud earrings on, a towel slung low on his hips. He looked over at her for a second before walking to the closet and pulling out jeans and a dark gray t-shirt. “That-a girl,” he said, dropping his towel shamelessly and dressing. He reached down and tied his shoes on quickly, standing up and holding a hand out toward her. “Ready?”

  “Nope,” she said, taking his hand. “but let's go.”

  Lena grabbed her phone and wallet off of the counter and followed him out. Her phone was blinking, some sort of notification that she needed to check as soon as she got to the bookstore.

  It wasn't long before the stares started. They crossed the street and passed a few middle-aged women who fell silent as they passed, only to resume a hushed conversation as soon as they walked by. As they passed the market, Hank was in the window setting up a display. He looked at her for a second then at Eric, hanging his head like he was ashamed of something.

  She looked up at Eric, her chest feeling tight.

  “Just a couple more stores,” he said, squeezing her hand.

  Across the street, Emily was walking from the inn. She stopped suddenly, looking at Lena like she was surprised to see her still in town. Then at Eric with a furrowed brow. Like she was trying to figure out what she was missing, what was going on that she didn't know about. But then Eric was pulling open the bookstore, and ushered her in.

  As soon as they were inside, she reached for her phone, opening her email to find one from Elliott. Her stomach tensed. The l
ast time she had messaged him she told him she wasn't on her way back. Then, she thought, there had been silence. But apparently she had gotten a email back the next morning.

  Where are you? Are you okay?

  Lena looked down at her phone, reading over the line a few times. That didn't sound like Elliott at all. She had once broken a mug, shattering in her hand and cutting into her palm and he had looked at her with a raised brow and then told her to go get it taken care of. No “are you okays”. No “feel betters”. Just practical solutions. That was Elliott Michaels.

  She shoved the phone back in her pocket as Eric dragged her back toward the cafe.

  “What are you thinking bringing a criminal into my store?” Liam asked, his voice so serious that Lena took a step backward until he smiled, a strange, sarcastic tilt to his lips.

  “Jerk,” she said, shaking her head.

  Liam held his hands up, palms out. “Thanks for the cookies,” he said, gesturing toward the dessert case where half of the plate was already missing. “they're a huge hit so long as no one knows who made them.”

  “Liam,” Eric said, his voice firm.

  Liam rubbed the back of his neck, hanging his head. “Sorry,” he said, moving behind the counter to grab them coffee. “I actually had one of the founding wives,” he said as if she would know who they were. Small town forgetfulness that not everyone knew everyone else. “ask who made them so she could get some for the next woman's club meeting.”

  “You didn't...” Lena said, feeling awkward but also undeniably pleased that someone liked her cookies enough to think they were worth ordering.

  “Oh yes I did,” Liam said, handing her her mug with an amused smirk. “The look on her face was priceless.” Liam pushed Eric's mug toward him, looking between the two of them with a furrowed brow, his almost transparent gray eyes seeing right through her. “So you guys are having sex,” he said.

  Lena's eyes went wide, turning away quickly to cover her embarrassment.

  “That was pretty quick,” he added, moving out from behind the counter. “even for you,” he said to Eric.

  Lena took a deep breath, sipping her coffee, drawing courage. “That's interesting,” she said.

  Liam's head turned to the side, looking genuinely curious. Always wanting to know new things. “What is?”

  “Your interest in our sex life,” she said and his brows raised. “Is it because it's been so long since you got any?”

  Liam looked at her for a second, his face impassive, before he threw his head back and laughed. A loud, booming sound. He reached out and whacked her on the shoulder. “Glad to see this scandal hasn't but a damper on that spirit of yours.”

  “Girl,” a voice called from the door, loud and out of breath. Maude Mays. “what a stir you have caused,” she declared, moving through the store and coming upon them.

  “Maude,” Eric said, his voice holding warning.

  “Oh pish tosh, you,” she said, waving a hand at him. “though it's nice to see you stepping up and defending her. I always told you that you'd grow up to be a good man.”

  “Maude please,” Eric groaned.

  “Relax, I'm not here for you. I need to have some words with Lena here.”

  “I don't think...” Eric started.

  “I wasn't asking for your permission,” she said, her eyebrow raised. She walked over to Lena, linking an arm through hers. “Come on, let's take a turn about the store,” she said, pulling her along.

  Lena looked back over her shoulder at Eric who just shrugged, to Liam who shook his head and looked down at his feet. Fat lot of good they were doing her.

  “What's up, Maude?” she asked, unable to stand the nervousness in her stomach.

  “Oh I just wanted to ease your mind a bit. I know you have Eric and Liam who know the true story, but I wanted you to know there are still some friends for you around here,” she said, her voice kind and maternal. “You know... it would all just blow over if you told everyone the truth.”

  “How do you know the identity theft thing isn't the truth?” she asked, looking out the front window of the store.

  “Because I know,” she said, a strong emphasis on the word 'know'.

  “Right because you're psychic,” she said, her tone dry.

  “Exactly right,” Maude said. “It's the same reason I know your mama used to bring you along at night when she had to clean office buildings because it was too dangerous to leave you home alone in your neighborhood.” At Lena's open mouth, she nodded. “Yup. You used to crawl up on office furniture and sleep until she was done. So... I know.”

  “Right,” Lena said, sipping her coffee anxiously. She felt extremely exposed around Maude. Someone who apparently managed to know all the details of her life she had tried so hard to keep buried. “I can't come clean about this though.”

  “Because of your boss' plans.”

  “Right,” Lena agreed.

  “Okay,” Maude said, sliding her arm out of Lena's. “I just thought I would try. So you and Eric enjoying yourselves?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Don't give me that look. If you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to talk about it.”

  Lena laughed, shaking her head. “I don't know how it's going,” she said, looking over at Eric. As if sensing her inspection, he looked up and smiled at her.


  Eric walked her back to his shop a few minutes later, holding her hand in his again, his palm squeezing hers tighter occasionally. He walked her to the staircase, telling her he would have to get back to work.

  Lena nodded, taking the first step, then feeling Eric grab the waistband of her pants and haul her backward. Her stomach dropped, feeling herself falling. She landed across Eric's outstretched hands, her breath escaping her chest.

  Eric smiled down at her, his arms holding her easily. “Did you think I was going to let you walk away without a kiss?” he asked, his eyes bright.

  “You could have just asked me to turn around,” she said, one of her arms going to his shoulder.

  “Yeah, but where's the fun in that?” he asked, lowering his face to hers. His lips went to hers, hard and unyielding, bruising almost.

  Lena put both of her arms around his neck, sighing into his mouth. He carefully put her back on her feet, his hands slipping underneath her shirt and reaching for her breasts, squeezing. Lena groaned. His mouth moved from hers, hauling her shirt up, and pulling the material of her bra down, exposing her.

  “Eric,” she yelped, reaching for her bra, trying to pull the material back up. He slapped her hands away playfully, his thumbs moving to the sensitive nubs “anyone can walk in,” she objected.

  Eric smirked down at her. “What's the matter? You scared?” he asked, his tone challenging.

  Lena squinted her eyes at him, rising to the bait. She reached down to his pants, quickly unfastening his button and zipper and slipping her hand inside. “Do I seem scared?” she asked, taking his hard cock into her hand and stroking, squeezing tightly.

  Eric sucked in his breath, pinching at her nipples. “Doesn't prove anything,” he said, his voice husky.

  “No?” she asked, slowly going down onto her knees, pausing a moment before taking his hard length into her mouth. Eric hissed, his hand slamming out to the staircase banister to steady himself. She worked her mouth on him, fast and twisting until his breath was coming out in short gasps. “Did that?” she asked, pretending to not be glancing around to make sure someone hadn't happened upon them.

  “Eh,” he said, his eyes heavy.

  Lena smirked, reaching into her purse quickly and then going back onto her feet. She reached for her zipper, unfastening it and slowly pulling down her slacks and panties. She stepped awkwardly out of the legs, still in her heels. “How about this?” she asked, her heart slamming painfully in her chest, a part of her exhilarated, the other part absolutely petrified.

  “I dunno...” Eric said, his eyes slidin
g over her body.

  Lena reached, pulling herself out of her bra and shirt. She held her hand out toward him. A condom sat in her palm. Eric looked at her, an eyebrow raised. “You're going to fuck me,” she said, her words sounding a bit shaky with both need and nerves. “fast and hard,” she told him, watching with pleasure as his eyes got hungry.

  He took the condom, slipping it on quickly and grabbing her hips and turning her away from him. He pressed her forward until she grabbed the rails of the staircase in her hands, her ass sticking out toward him.

  “Spread your legs,” he said, moving up behind her, but not touching her.

  Lena complied, opening them hip width, feeling her pulsing need inside. Eric's hand went between them, touching her quickly, stroking her wetness. “Thank god,” he growled out, moving up behind her. His cock pushed against her opening for a split second before slamming deep inside.

  “Fuck,” she yelled, no longer caring if someone heard her. Not caring if the whole town gathered and watched them. All she cared about was him deep inside her, his hands digging into her hips, hauling her up against him as he thrust, just short of painful. Over and over, her pussy grabbing at him desperately.

  “You have twenty seconds to cum,” he told her, thrusting faster. “or you don't get to cum at all.”

  Lena smiled, grabbing the rails tighter, sticking her ass further out, wanting more of him. One of his hands went to her hair, pulling her bun into a ponytail and pulling it until she arched backward. His other hand reached out, slapping her ass hard once, the pain smarting and intoxicating. His cock hit her deep inside, pressing her close to the peak. “Harder,” she ground out, her voice foreign to her own ears.

  Eric made a growling noise, the arm that wasn't holding her arched back toward him, went around her belly, pushing hard against her pelvis as he slammed his cock harder inside her. “Five... four,” he said between clenched teeth.

  Lena's hands grabbed desperately at the rails as her orgasm slammed through her, overwhelming, making her legs shake uncontrollably. Eric's hand pulled her hair harder, groaning loudly as he came deep inside her.


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