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What The Heart Finds

Page 17

by Gadziala, Jessica

  His body shook against hers for a moment before he finally released her hair, her scalp stinging. His hands went to her ass, slowly pushing her forward as he slipped out of her. He leaned forward, planting a kiss on one of the cheeks before moving away.

  Lena stood up slowly, her legs still feeling wobbly underneath her. She turned and Eric was slowly zipping up his jeans, his eyes a little disbelieving, sweat running down the side of his neck. “Guess you're not so uptight after all, baby,” he said, looking her slowly up and down. Her eyes shot daggers at him as she reached for her clothes. He moved closer, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him. “I knew you weren't. I needed to prove it to you that you aren't. You're fucking amazing,” he said, leaning closer and planting a kiss on her neck. “Now get your fine ass upstairs before someone sees you,” he said, reaching out and slapping her backside as she turned away.

  Lena let herself into the apartment, walking straight to the bedroom and curling up in bed, leaning into the spot where he had slept the night before, still smelling him there. She pulled her knees to her chest, covering her face in her hands.

  What had gotten into her? While she had always enjoyed sex, she had never been brazen about it. Never wanted it so badly so often. Never would have even considered going down on someone at his place of work. Or, worse yet, strip naked and have sex with him right there for anyone to happen upon her.

  And she had never been so submissive, following orders. Or enjoying getting her hair pulled or her ass slapped. She had never commanded someone to fuck her. Or practically screamed when she orgasmed.

  Everything felt new. Different. More intense than she ever remembered it being. Like she was a virgin all over again and each thing was overpowering and exciting and... delicious.

  Lena stifled a laugh against the pillow. That was what Eric O'reilly was. He was just... delicious. Fun and easy and intolerably sexy.

  Maybe it wasn't so bad to enjoy a little romance. Maybe fighting it so hard had been stupid. Especially when she could have been enjoying this all along. She had really been missing out.

  Why did she feel like she had to always deny herself? Was it really so selfish to enjoy herself every now and again? In fact, wasn't it more selfish to spend all of her time keeping herself locked up and not sharing herself with anyone else? Wasn't that the most greedy thing she could do... hoard up all her thoughts and feelings and experiences and keep them locked away?

  Lena climbed out of bed, going to the closet and grabbing a pair of his sweatpants. Nothing she owned was even remotely as comfortable as his pants, all worn in and soft. She went to her own bag and grabbed her blue cotton tank top, slipping it on.

  She could enjoy a fling. Especially since there just so happened to be an expiration date on the whole thing. No awkward conversations about how it was fun while it lasted, but they had to move on. No hurt feelings. They both knew what they were getting into. Once her car was fixed, she would be packing all of her things and heading out. Back to her life.

  Away from Eric.

  She tried to deny the strange pang she felt at that last thought, moving into the kitchen and getting herself a piece of leftover apple praline bread.

  She found she actually really liked Stars Landing. It was an unexpected realization, being someone who had spent her entire life in a city and enjoyed the convenience that was ordering pizza at midnight or all-night coffee spots. Dry cleaners. Limitless markets to explore for rare ingredients.

  But there was something about a small town that was sweet and refreshing. When she looked past the rumors that she had brought upon herself, the people seemed kind. Involved with each others lives, concerned about the community as a whole.

  It must be easy to be born into a small town. To know everyone. To know that if something went wrong, someone would be there for you. To know your purpose from a young age: farmer's children became farmers, shopkeeper's children became shopkeepers, mechanic's children became mechanics.

  And yet there was diversity. People traveled through on their way to and from the lodge. Lodge employees came and went, offering different romantic opportunities. She wondered if that was how Eric managed to get such a reputation. There couldn't possibly have been enough women in town to satisfy his needs. Especially since he never actually dated anyone, just slept around. Maybe he made his rounds with the tourists and the lodge employees.

  She pushed aside the weird twinge of jealousy. If it wasn't for everyone he had shared himself with, he wouldn't be the man she had finally met. And that man was pretty incredible. He had to be amazing if he was on her mind as much as he was. She probably hadn't thought about all the guys in her life as much as she thought about Eric. And his penetrating gray eyes, his easy humor, his infuriatingly charming smirk. His willingness to stand up for her, to take the brunt of some of her humiliation. Without even a blink. He had just done it.

  Because he was just that... good.

  It was no wonder Maude and Anna had been so quick to defend him. Maybe they were the only people who had actually gotten the chance to know him. The only ones he had let behind the reputation. Maude because she just... knew everything. And Anna because he had loved her.

  Lena went to make a pot of coffee, needing something to do.

  That was an easy one to figure out. Anna was small and delicate, like someone who needed caring for. And on top of that, she seemed incredibly sweet and at ease.

  She was nothing like Anna. With her taller frame and capable aura. She was always projecting the image of a strong, confident woman. Certainly not one who needed a man, or anyone else for that matter, to take care of her. On top of that, she was uptight and rigid and snarky.

  She wasn't the kind of woman Eric would fall in love with.

  Lena's head jerked back, shocked by her own thoughts. Why did it matter what kind of women Eric fell in love with? She certainly didn't want him to fall in love with her. She was leaving. Anyone developing any kind of strong feelings would just complicate things. And she decidedly liked things... uncomplicated.

  A noise from below stopped the pacing she hadn't been aware she had been doing. She moved toward the door, pressing her ear against the seal. The music had been turned off and Eric was talking to someone. His strong, deep tone carrying up the stairs. She couldn't hear the voice of whoever he was talking to, or make out what they were saying. She moved over toward the window, peeking out at the front lot, expecting to see someone or see a car. But there was no one.

  Whoever he was talking to must have been inside the shop with him. Maybe someone needed their farm equipment worked on. The thought was accompanied by a swelling of hope. Like maybe a part of her wanted him to take another day away from working on her car. To give her another day with him.

  Lena shook the thought off. That was ridiculous.

  She turned to move back to the bedroom, unsure what to do with herself, when she heard yelling from below. She turned, curious and made her way toward the door. She put her ear against the seal again, listening. And then she heard her name. Eric calling her name.

  She pulled the door open tentatively, feeling nervous. Who could possibly be down there that she would need to talk to? Or want to talk to? Everyone in town hated her.

  “Lena,” he called again.

  She felt her pride build back up. She wouldn't be caught hiding away, pretending to ignore her name being called.

  “Yeah?” she called back, trying to peek around the curve of the stair but seeing nothing.

  “Can you come down here for a sec?” he called, a strange tone to his voice. Amusement? Or relief? A bit of both, maybe?

  She took a deep breath and pulled her shoulders back, moving down the stairs. Slowly. Much more slowly than she needed to, but she was going. When she stepped off of the bottom step, she expected to see Eric standing there. She glanced around and found him, instead, buried under the hood of her car. She looked at him with her brows drawn together. Why would he call
her down and then immediately get busy doing something else?

  “Eric?” she called, her voice questioning.

  But he didn't move from inside her car. Lena shook her head, turning around. What the hell was going on?

  “Way to answer your email,” a voice said.

  Lena turned, her heart jumping into her throat, suddenly acutely aware of her sweatpants and tank top combination, her hair wild around her face, her bare feet.

  Because there standing in the open garage door, was Hannah Clary-Michaels.


  “Hannah?” she asked, disbelieving. “What are you doing here?” she gasped, looking at her boss' wife like she couldn't possibly be there. But she was. Her unfair, curvy frame, heavy of hip and breast with a usually small waist, rounding a bit in her early pregnancy, in pair of jeans and a simple white shirt. Her waist-length black hair that she had braided to one side of her head, her gray eyes staring her down.

  “Well I was checking Elliott's emails,” she said, a strange twinkling to her eye. “because he's been avoiding telling me the truth about what happened to you. So I was seeing for myself.”

  “Oh god,” Lena groaned, hanging her head guiltily.

  “I got as far as you last few emails,” she said, shaking her head. “My husband was pretty good at covering his tracks. But you seemed really freaked out. And when you didn't answer my email...”

  “I just saw it this morning,” she said, glancing over at Eric who was pretending not to listen.

  Hannah looked over at Eric, rolling her eyes. “Why don't you and I go somewhere more private?” she asked, moving toward the back of the garage and climbing the stairs easily. Like she had been there before.

  Lena followed behind her, wondering if maybe she and Eric had ever hooked up. They had grown up together. It sort-of made sense if they had.

  “Oh wow,” Hannah said, looking around. “He actually renovated this place.”

  Lena moved in behind her, feeling clumsy and small. “Do you want some coffee? I just made it.”

  “Have we met?” Hannah smiled, moving to sit on top of one of the stools.

  Lena went into the cabinet, pouring a coffee and handing it to Hannah, black. Like her husband liked it as well. She took her time making her own, not exactly wanting to have to have the conversation she knew they were about to have.

  “So you're sleeping with Eric,” Hannah asked, making Lena choke on her coffee.

  Alright, maybe they were going to have a different, equally uncomfortable conversation. “Um...”

  “Relax,” Hannah smiled. “I don't blame you. He's... unnecessarily good looking. Always was.”

  “Right,” Lena said, leaning against the sink, keeping space between them. They weren't girlfriends. They had always had a very professional relationship. “He's been... persistent,” she decided carefully.

  “That sounds like him. So,” she said, leaning on the counter top. “why does Elliott have you in Stars Landing?”

  Lena's head fell backward, taking a deep breath. “I think that's something you should ask him.”

  Hannah smiled. “I'm asking you. I figure this way, if it's really cute, I can still pretend to be excited.”

  Lena debated lying. Coming up with some quick cover story to satisfy Hannah but protect Elliott. But Hannah's cunning face suggested she shouldn't even try it. “He sent me here to stay at the inn,” she said, hedging.

  “I saw that much,” she said, her tone a bit impatient. “why did he want you to stay there?”

  Lena put her cup down. She really didn't have any way around telling her. So she might as well just get it all out and on the table as quickly as possible. “He wanted me to stay there and record some of my observations,” she said, Hannah raised a brow at her that suggested she get to the point. “because he wants to buy it... for you.”

  Hannah's eyes went wide for a second, looking wistful and happy, leaving Lena feeling a bit envious. What must it be like to realize you were loved that much by someone?

  “Oh my god,” she said, laughing. “Emily is going to freak when she finds out.”

  “Yeah,” Lena said, smiling a bit. “she does have... a bit of a temper.”

  “She kicked you out?”

  “Yeah. I mean... in her defense, she caught me breaking into the computer at the check-in.”

  “Jesus,” Hannah said, shaking her head. “My husband didn't have any clue what he was getting you into, did he?”

  Lena smiled, rolling her eyes slightly. “Not at all.”

  Hannah looked down at at her coffee for a moment, her eyes far away. “It really was a nice gesture of him though. Don't you think?” she asked, looking up with a smile.

  “Yeah,” Lena agreed, nodding. “it was really sweet.”

  “He has a good side underneath all that big boss man veneer.”

  “Does he know you're here?”

  Hannah looked over at the clock, nodding. “Right about now he will,” she said, looking back at Lena. “I had Tad tell him.”

  “So we should expect to see him blazing into town in a few hours?” Lena asked, feeling dread at the prospect.

  “No he's got a big meeting today. And I told Tad to tell him I just wanted to see my parents,” she laughed.

  Lena smiled, “Is it healthy to have that many lies between you?”

  “Hey, he started it,” she said, finishing her coffee. “I just don't want to ruin his surprise for me. I'll come clean someday. So...” she said, her eyes looking mischievous. “you look... different.”

  Lena's eyes went wide, looking down at her clothes with dismay. “I... um... my clothes....”

  “It's not that,” Hannah said, waving a hand. “you just seem... I don't know... happier I guess.”

  “Oh,” Lena frowned. “I think I just needed a couple days away. You know... relax.”

  “Lena,” Hannah said, her tone more serious. “you forget: I had your job before you. I know how stressful it is. And how unappreciative Elliott can seem sometimes. Working all those long hours every day starts to wear on you. You get...”

  “Uptight,” Lena filled in, starting to really hate the word. Hate how accurately it described her.

  “I was going to say... consumed. You forget that there is a whole world outside of work. There are movies to watch, and friends to catch up with, and men to... enjoy,” she winked. “So I am glad you are... enjoying yourself.” She paused for a second, moving to get herself another cup of coffee. She was just as bad a coffee addict as her husband. “So what's the story between you two? How did you meet?”

  “When my car broke down,” Lena supplied, feeling the sudden urge to share. “He was...”

  “Charming? Sexy? Undeniable?”

  “Insufferable,” Lena laughed. “And then Maude dragged me to this cheese tasting event thing at Sam's farm...”

  “You saw Sam?” Hannah broke in, excited. “How was he? And his wife? What is she like? I only got to meet her once,” she gushed. Taking in Lena's raised brow, she smiled. “Sam was my high school boyfriend,” she explained. “I went to stay with him for a few days a couple years ago and I met Annabelle for a split second.”

  “Anna is a sweetheart. Actually, she dated Eric and Sam at the same time.”

  “What?” Hannah asked, her eyes squinting like that didn't make any sense.

  “Yeah, I know. They're so different. But I guess she was having trouble choosing between them,” she shrugged then looked down at her coffee. “Eric was in love with her.”

  “Eric? In love?” Hannah asked.

  “Yeah,” she said, her tone almost sad. She cleared her throat quickly, shaking the feeling off. “but anyway... Maude left me at the farm...”

  “Because she wanted Eric to drive you home.”

  “Exactly. And then I felt bad for him so I bid on him at the bachelor auction. I bid a dollar,” she said and Hannah laughed, a sweet, musical sound. “And then h
e just... pursued me I guess.”

  “Not even you stood a chance,” she said, smiling.

  Lena felt the words stick on her tongue for a moment before tumbling out, quick and embarrassing. “Did you and Eric ever...”

  “No!” Hannah laughed again, her face getting pink in the cheeks. “Oh god no. No. I was hung up on Sam since I was little. Eric and Sam always sort of had a grudging respect for each other... so Eric wouldn't have tried to cross that line.” There was a strained silence for a moment before Hannah spoke again, her words careful. “So is it... just sex? Or do you guys have... feelings?”

  “What?” Lena asked, standing up straighter, speaking too quickly. “No. No feelings. Just a fling. I have to be back at work in a couple days.”

  “Ah, yes,” Hannah said, nodding. “work.” She stood up, putting her cup in the sink. “Work is very important,” she added, her tone dry.

  Lena shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. “So... what are you planning to do now that you're in town?”

  “Well, I am going to go see my parents. And then I am going to go over to the inn and have a talk with Emily, set the record straight. She might take the news better coming from me.”

  “Which news? About my not being an identity thief... or about EM Corp buying the inn?”

  “Honestly? EM buying the inn. I think she always thought the inn would be left to her in the will. But her family got it I guess.”

  “And they're selling it?”

  “Well they aren't from around here. They wouldn't understand. She grew up in that place.”

  “Well it it's any consolation,” Lena said, feeling bad for Emily. “I don't think Elliott wants to change it that much. Just some updating. He wants to keep it genuine. I guess to preserve it for you...”

  “It wont help,” Hannah laughed. “She'll resent it no matter what. And she's just... not good with following orders.”


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