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Regrets of The Fallen (Victis Honor Book 1)

Page 10

by Jake Taylor

  Haruka lifted a hand to thread her fingers through the dark blue hair, watching with amazement as Bella’s eyes closed and her smile grew. Such a simple action by her had a strong effect on Isabella; she’d have to remember that, be careful with her actions. She continued to watch her face, deciding to lighten things up further. “We need names,” she said suddenly.

  Isabella opened one eye to look at her. “Names? We have names. You have, like, seven names.”

  Haruka rolled her eyes. “Fake names. Can’t lead pursuers.”

  “Oh, right. Good point.” Isabella let out a happy sigh as her eye closed again. “Well, let me know once you come up with them.”

  “Wh… My job?”

  She grinned. “You’re the one who brought it up. You’re our idea man.”

  Haruka huffed. “Not a man.”

  “Fine, our sexy idea woman.”

  Haruka felt the blush rise and watched – unsurprised – as Isabella opened her eyes to see it, grinned, and closed her eyes again. Haruka smirked, glad, at least, that she enjoyed it. “What theme?”

  “Theme? We need a theme?”

  “Good teams have themes.”

  “Like types of flowers, or colors, or weapons?”


  “Okay, so… Well, Blue and Brown sounds boring.”

  “Hair? Really? Best idea?”

  “Shush. I said it was boring. You could be… Mystery?”

  “Great,” Haruka said, “I’m a stripper.”

  “Fine then, Miss Judgmental. Although… I mean, if you wanted to strip, I wouldn’t mind…” Haruka gave an embarrassed cough as she avoided her eyes, and Isabella laughed, smiling at her fondly. “You have the best reactions. It makes me want to say things to embarrass you all the time.”

  “Great,” Haruka repeated, muttering.

  “Oh, I still mean all of them. Wait, does the Black Sun even know my name?”

  Haruka smirked. “Introduced yourself.”

  “Damn. That was stupid.”

  “It was.”

  “No one asked your opinion.”

  “Just agreeing.”

  “Why can’t you agree on the good things about me? Like being smart, strong-“

  “Beautiful… Cute… Endearing… Fun… Deep… Seductive… Skilled… Unique… Important?”

  Now, Isabella was embarrassed, hiding her face in Haruka’s chest. “That’s a little more than I was going to say,” she said in a small voice, receiving a chuckle from Haruka.

  “Forgot humble. Thanks,” she said with a grin. She ran a hand through the dark blue hair affectionately. “What’s your mother’s name?”

  Isabella lifted her head, confused at the random topic change. “Sofiel, why?”

  “Could be your name.”

  Bella smiled. “My mother’s name helping to protect me…? I think she’d like that.”

  Haruka nodded. “Fitting.”

  “So now we just need your name.” Isabella lifted her head, looking into Haruka’s eyes. “What about your mother…? I don’t know anything about your parents or your relationship with them,” she said, a little disappointed in herself. “I keep talking about myself, but I… I don’t know much about your past at all, if anything.”

  Haruka sighed. “Hard to tell,” she said, “in four word clips.”

  “I guess so…”

  “Working on it.”

  “Huh? How can you work on it?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Alright…” Isabella sighed, laying her head back down. “Would you want to use your mother’s name…?”

  “Not really…” Isabella nodded, wishing she could ask about it, and Haruka looked down at her. “They know anyway.”

  “Oh, that’s right… I forget they know you really well…” she said in a soft voice tinged with sadness as it trailed off.

  ‘Better than I do’ was the unspoken sentiment and Haruka let out a deep sigh, irritated that she’d made Isabella depressed again. “You’ll learn,” she said. “Everything.”

  “I trust you. I just… wish I knew now. Anyway… Oh!” Isabella lifted her head, smiling. “You can be Fate.”

  Haruka blinked. “Fate?”

  “You look like you’d have a mysterious name, so it fits. And I’m pretty sure your presence here is a product of fate. Something this incredible can’t be random chance.”

  Haruka smiled. “Like it.”

  “I thought you might.” Isabella laid her head back on Haruka’s chest, smiling. “Let me know if you ever feel like using your stripper name, though.”

  Haruka laughed, shaking her head. “Nope. Stick with cool one.”

  “I thought so. That’s you, Ruki – cool. You make things blow up with your hands; it’s hard to get cooler than that.”

  “Are you a fan?”

  Isabella grinned. “I’m your biggest fan. That probably won’t ever change.”

  Haruka smiled, returning her fingers to playing in Isabella’s hair and receiving a sigh of contentment for her troubles. She’d succeeded in making her happy again, a task that, fortunately, seemed to be getting even easier with time, and they’d only known each other a few days. They fell into an easy, comfortable silence. Haruka managed to reach the small lantern on the bedside table and put it out, getting a small noise of gratitude from Bella. Despite the dingy room and unwelcoming location, sleep came without trouble for both, and, most tellingly, neither minded the lack of space in the least.


  In the morning, as the sun peeked up over the horizon, Isabella and Haruka stood on the dock, examining the ship they’d be passengers on. It looked in good enough shape, if a bit worn and unclean. Haruka grimaced. “Get disease,” she said distastefully, “just walking on it.”

  Isabella laughed. “It’s not that bad. Besides, wood doesn’t carry a lot of diseases.”

  “Don’t know that.”

  “You’re right, I made that up; I really have no idea.” Isabella whirled on her, holding up a finger. “But, you have to remember, we have no other option. It’s this, swim, or walk, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I walk pretty slowly, so just imagine how fast and for how long I can swim while wearing full armor.”

  Haruka sighed. “Better to drown,” she said dejectedly.

  “Oh, don’t be so morose.” Isabella put her hands on her hips. “Where did you grow up, a palace?”

  “Monastery.” Haruka looked at her pointedly. “Clean monastery.”

  “Well then you need to experience more dirt. It’ll build character.”

  Haruka lifted her eyes just enough to see a nearby hill, pointing. “Dirt there.” She moved her hand a bit, pointing at the coast south of them. “And there. Walk on dirt.”

  Isabella grabbed her pointing hand, pulling her towards the gangplank. “I don’t need your sarcasm. Let’s get on already!”

  “Not scared?” Haruka looked at her curiously. “Never sailed…?” she questioned.

  “You’re right, I’ve never sailed, but I’m not afraid to.” Isabella smiled back at her. “It’s something new to try! I want to experience all I can, Ruki. So come on, experience it with me?”

  Haruka sighed, giving her a smile. “You win.”

  “Finally!” Bella thrust her fist upwards. “A win for me!”

  Haruka chuckled as Isabella grinned. They were interrupted by Captain Tyne appearing on the deck before them with a grin of his own. “Glad t’see you ladies are in a good mood. Ready t’ start th’ journey?”

  “Without a doubt,” Bella stated with a firm nod.

  “Perfect. So what’re the names o’ my delightful guests?”

  The two women looked at each other and Isabella smiled. “Sofiel,” she answered without looking away from her companion.

  “Fate,” Haruka stated in the same manner.

  “Interesting names, though not the oddest I’ve heard. Well, welcome aboard!”

  Haruka looked around as they stepped on board. “Ship’s n

  “The Lusty Maiden!” Tyne said with a proud grin.

  Both women blinked. Isabella looked at her friend and gave a nervous laugh with her eyes closed and a hand rubbing the back of her head as Haruka narrowed her eyes and stated, “Charming.”

  “Ain’t she though? I’ll show you lasses yer cabin, then yer free ta walk around. Jus’ don’t get in our way!”

  The cabin was nice enough, more so than expected anyway. After the captain left them, Isabella was too excited to remain in the room and had soon led Haruka back out onto the deck as the sailors readied the ship to leave. Really, Haruka had been on plenty of ships, so she didn’t really care to watch the things going on. She had no intentions of leaving Isabella alone for a moment while on this ship, though. She trusted the crew even less than the knight did. Still, however she felt, she had to admit they were good at their jobs; within minutes the ship was sailing out of the port and heading south. Isabella grew even more excited as it headed out to the open sea.

  The calm only lasted a few hours. This part of the coast was well known for storms as they’d experienced on the land, but Isabella hadn’t been prepared for the difference between facing a storm on dry, solid land and facing one on the deck of a ship that tossed about with every wave. Haruka was amazed that the woman wasn’t getting sick as the ship rocked side to side with every heavy wave. Isabella herself seemed determined to avoid it and stood outside on the deck in the rain, one hand on the rail as she watched the fury of the ocean rise as the day moved towards its end. “This is pretty amazing,” she said only just loud enough to be heard.

  Haruka was standing very close to her. Isabella was wearing a body-length gold coat over white clothing rather than her armor, so at least she’d have a chance if she fell over, but Haruka really didn’t want to test her condition in the wild waves that could claim even the healthiest of victims. Isabella noticed this and simply gave her a grateful smile that turned into a grin when Haruka grabbed her free hand after she leaned a bit too far over the railing during one wave. “You’re kind of nervous, huh?”

  Haruka looked sternly at the water, keeping a firm grip on the other woman’s hand. “Dangerous.”

  “I can tell.”

  “Had experience.”

  “Really?” Isabella tilted her head. “…Would you prefer it if I went inside?” Haruka nodded and Isabella relented without an argument, heading back below deck with her. She shook the water from her hair before entering their room, giggling at the annoyed expression Haruka displayed when the action sprayed her with water. Inside the room they removed their coats, leaving them dry enough to sit on the bed. “So what experience did you have?”

  Haruka sat at the head of the bed and leaned against the wall, folding her arms and crossing one knee over the other. “Thrown overboard once,” she stated, thinking back to the event. “Stormy night. Far from land.”

  “That sounds horrible.” Isabella sat cross-legged on the bed next to Haruka’s legs, facing her with an awed expression. “How did you survive that?”

  “Swam,” Haruka said with a shrug. “Four days. Issues with sea life, solved. Very tiring.” She looked at Isabella. “You couldn’t do it.”

  Bella nodded, understanding more why Haruka had been so nervous. There was no way she’d be able to swim for more than a few hours without shifting. “You’re right about that. Even shifted I’m not sure how long I’d be able to keep it up. It’s amazing that anyone could.”

  “Chakra,” Haruka explained. “Control own life energy. Less tired, less hungry, less thirsty. Limits, of course, but enough.”

  “And without that you’d be dead…?” Haruka nodded. Isabella leaned forward. “What about that ‘issues with sea life’ you mentioned?”

  Haruka smirked. “Sharks. Big creature. Weird eel. Grelk.”

  “I understood, like, none of that,” Isabella said with a laugh, receiving a chuckle from the monk. “So what’s a shark?”

  “Big fish,” Haruka said as she held her arms out. “Longer than a man. Lots of teeth.”

  “I guess it makes sense fish would be bigger in the ocean than lakes and rivers. What about an ‘eel’?”

  Haruka tilted her head, thinking of a good comparison. “Like… Fish plus snake. Long, thin, vicious.”

  “Ugh,” Bella said with a frown. “That sounds like something I wouldn’t want to meet. And a ‘grelk’?”

  Haruka smirked. “Drown victim. Water zombie. Annoying.”

  “There are zombies in the ocean, too?!”

  “Slimy. Covered in moss, algae. Weird hands.”

  Isabella shuddered. “Remind me never to take a swim in the ocean.”

  Haruka chuckled. “Not even worst part.”

  “What’s worse than giant fish with teeth, water snakes and slimy zombies?”

  “Big creatures,” Haruka said. She was enjoying this now as she leaned forward with a grin as if she was telling a ghost story. “Giant. Some bigger than ships. Different kinds. Eat men whole.” She gave a wicked smile. “Some eat ships whole.”

  Isabella looked around as if she expected one of these nightmares to break through the walls of the ship as they spoke. “Giant monsters? Really?! Just… lurking down there beneath us, unseen, waiting to eat us?! Ruki, I hate the ocean!”

  Haruka laughed, pulling the woman to her. “No worries. Rare to see. Sailors know to avoid. Didn’t you fight dragons? Rarely worse than dragon.”

  Isabella curled up against her. “Just once. It’s not a good memory. And at least you can see a dragon coming if you’re lucky. I just hate the idea of all these horrible things beneath me that I can’t see or face.”

  “Not bad for ships. Usually safe.” Haruka rubbed her shoulder and then continued, dryly, “Our worry is above.”

  Bella looked up at the ceiling. “You really think they’ll try something, don’t you?”

  Haruka nodded. “Don’t trust them. Not sailors, pirates. Bad idea.”

  “I know,” Bella sighed. “But we didn’t have another choice. This is the best way to get away from the Black Sun.”

  “True. We’ll handle it. Invincible team.”

  Isabella smiled. “That’s right. If they make a move, that will just be their problem.”

  And it would. Haruka knew she wouldn’t have the slightest bit of hesitation if she had to rip a few throats out. She hoped they would be smart, but if they weren’t, well, even god wouldn’t be able to help any of them that tried to touch one strand of dark blue hair.

  Chapter 5: Jumping Ships

  Haruka looked away with a growl. “This isn’t fair.”

  Isabella smiled. “This is as fair as it gets.”


  It took two days into the journey, but something finally happened. It started simply, with one of the sailors sending up a flare just after sunset. As the flaming object arced into the night air, Isabella looked at the sailor curiously. “What was that for?”

  “Jus’ part of a deal, lass,” Captain Tyne said as he walked up beside them with his thumbs tucked into his belt. “There’re some pirates ‘round here we pay protection to, th’ flare lets ‘em know ta let us through.”

  “Oh, I see. Thank you.” Despite Isabella’s understanding, Haruka didn’t buy that for a second. It was just plausible enough for someone to accept, but a signal for a deal like that would be too easy to replicate without paying. Deals with pirates always used special flags or sounds.

  She became even more suspicious when Tyne suggested with a smile, “Why don’t you ladies retire? We’ll ‘andle the ship and let y’know if anythin’ comes up.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right, I’m already tired,” Isabella replied. He bid them goodnight as Haruka followed the blue-haired knight belowdecks.


  “Yes, it does look bad, doesn’t it?” Isabella shut the door after they entered the room, biting her lip. “Well we certainly can’t sleep. Fortunately all I’ve done is sit or stand around all day.”
She put a hand on her hip. “Honestly, I never thought about how little there would be to do on a ship and how much pent-up energy I’d have.”

  Haruka shrugged. “Lots to do. Learn ship, work out, survive night…”

  “I guess we’ll get energy out tonight. Are you looking forward to it, Ruki?”


  “I do wonder who they were signaling.” She moved over to the bed and began rearranging the blankets and pillows, stuffing clothing under them. “I won’t be able to fight in my armor on this ship. Too dangerous,” she stated as she put her armor on the bed as well.

  Haruka nodded as she passed her their pack. “Be careful. Watch your back.”

  “Backstabbing types, huh?” Isabella finished and backed away, tilting her head and studying the bed that appeared to have two bodies in it. “That doesn’t surprise me.” She left the room as Haruka turned out the room’s lantern before following her.

  “Cowardly, dirty.”

  “That’s nothing new,” Isabella said with a smile as she pulled the door closed after them, sliding her iron sword into her belt beside the other’s scabbard.

  Haruka examined the supply room across from theirs, nodding as she picked a spot and sat down in the dark, folding her arms. “Many people dirty. No honor, no discipline.”

  Isabella sat beside her, giving her a smile. “Just the opposite of you. Although, you were planning on killing a politician when we met…”

  Haruka sighed, looking away from her. “Assassin. Different.”

  “Oh, really? You’ve never attacked someone from behind, or while they slept, or while unarmed or helpless?”

  “I…” Haruka frowned. “Different,” she reiterated.


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