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Page 4

by Nicole Austin

  The rich scarlet gown draping her delectable curves could double for the one Edie had cherished. His fingers itched with the impatient need to stroke her soft skin and fisted amid the itch to sift through her shiny locks. A tingling began in his lips, urging Michael to claim her mouth.

  His endurance wore thin but he held back, basking in the warm caress of her velvety voice. The apropos lyrics told the story of a patient man always there to catch and save his complicated lover.

  As the last instrumental refrain drew to completion and the lights lowered, he strode forward, prepared to whisk her away. His foot fell onto the first step when the opening notes of another tune rang out above thunderous applause. The dynamic number reminded him of swing dancing with Edie when the building had housed the local USO.

  He stepped back, blown away by this second piece with its raunchy, blatantly sexual verses about a charming man who made her panties drop, her cherry pop and got her all hot and bothered. In a sinuous move, she rolled from atop the piano and straight into a titillating dance, which went right along with the outrageous song.

  Edie! No, Elisa.


  What a naive fool he’d been to have thought she wouldn’t have changed. He’d expected to find the same woman wrapped up in a shiny new package and delivered with a pretty bow on top.

  Michael groaned. Of course Elisa was a different person from Edie. She’d been reborn into a new life, experiences and evolved culture. Society was more open than it had been six decades ago and women had more freedom.

  Hell, Elisa Wilde may not even want him.

  Michael’s legs weakened and he staggered a bit before firmly slamming the door on that particular internal monologue. He refused to consider such a painful outcome.

  He looked up, pleased to find her intent gaze focused on him, and only him. She devoured him. His entire body clenched with need. Blood pounded through his veins, his cock throbbed and his balls grew heavy where they hung between his thighs. Widening his stance, he rocked forward on his feet, ready to pounce and claim his love. The mere idea made his gums ache and his incisors lengthened, demanding he taste her.

  Centuries of masterful control teetered, nearly crumbling under the strain of the hardest task he’d ever undertaken—attempting to remain still until her performance ended. Michael longed to touch her mind, hear her thoughts, but that connection would not open before he sampled her blood and she took his.

  As she lowered the microphone, he fisted his hands. The music trailed away and he flexed his knees. The lights dropped and he sprang into motion.

  Had any of the patrons detected the slight commotion around them, at most they would feel a rush or air, see a blur of movement and think she had gone backstage. Drawing on his preternatural speed, Michael gathered Elisa in his arms, exited the bar and made it to the park, all prior to the lights coming back on.

  Startled, she stared up at him as they moved under a streetlight. Holding her in the curve of one arm, he delighted in her hesitant smile.


  “Yes, my love. There’s no need to be afraid. I’ve got you.”

  “I-it’s you. You’re him. The man from my dreams. The officer from her memories.”

  “Yes. Only, you and she are one and the same, my love.”

  Her brow furrowed in confusion, or was it denial? She should not feel either emotion since they had been coming together in her dreams for years. She knew him well.

  “The explanation is lengthy and complicated,” he sighed. “I promise to tell you everything soon, but I’ve anticipated your return for too long. I need you!”

  Lis felt the desire burning in his gaze. It warmed her face as if from a physical touch. Her blood felt like molten lava spreading through her body, causing her breasts and labia to swell. Her nipples puckered and her clitoris pulsed in time with her heartbeat.

  She needed him too. Hell, she’d known him since the first memories had been revealed when she was a child. As she’d matured into a woman, the memories had become erotic and left her hungry for him. Only he could satisfy her needs.

  God, she loved Michael so much. Always had—always would. And here he was in the flesh, prepared to give her exactly what she wanted. Hers for the taking. It might be crazy, certainly was impractical, but she had to have him. “Yes…please. I ache!”

  His head lowered and his fingers speared into her hair. She licked her lips as he leaned closer, a mere fraction of an inch separating them now. Endless moments passed before his lips finally skimmed over hers. The light caress wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Needed more.

  Clutching at him, threading her fingers in the soft hair behind his head, Lis tugged him nearer. Her lips parted on a whimper and he plunged forward to claim her mouth. His tongue thrust into her mouth, slid against hers, overwhelming her with the flavor of spicy male mixed with sweet seduction.

  Suppressed memories broke free, rushing to fill her mind. Michael and Edie kissing, making love, holding each other and talking. She remembered it all, every breathtaking instant of their grand love affair, including the tragic ending. Extraordinary emotions flooded her awareness. Her chest tightened and tears scalded her cheeks.

  Shit! I can’t do this.

  Not with Michael.

  He belongs to Edie.

  In a full-on panic, Lis fought him, hands dropping to his shoulders to shove him back. “No. Stop!”

  His expression drew tight, bewildered. His heavy-lidded eyes clouded as he slowly lowered her body along his, taking a step back when her feet touched the ground.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Michael. I…” Lis shivered. She put a bit more distance between them, frightened by the extreme rage and aggression radiating from the large man. A stranger, regardless of the memories. The whole thing confused the hell out of her.

  “No!” He roared the word then his lips compressed into a thin line. “You will not walk away. I have waited decades for your return.”

  No, not her return. He’d been waiting for another woman. “But I’m not her. You love Edie, not me.”

  Understanding flashed in his eyes and the other emotions cleared. He took a step closer. “Ah, beloved. You are Edie and she is you, Elisa. You are one in the same, a blending of two women but one soul. Have the recollections not revealed this fact?”

  He sighed, raked a hand through his hair, then extended it toward her. “Come. We’ll sit and talk. I’m sorry, Elisa. I should not have made assumptions.”

  Whether it was something in his honest expression or a gut feeling, Lis didn’t know, but she trusted him. She placed her hand in his and followed Michael to a nearby bench. Sitting at an angle, she faced him, thankful for the light shining down from the wall of a stone building, which allowed her to see his expression. For the first time, she noticed the convoluted white scar snaking across his nose.

  He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and took a deep breath. “We met at the Old Town Tavern more than sixty years ago. Only, back then it was the local USO club. I couldn’t take my eyes off you lying on the piano and singing. So beautiful. You looked very much as you do now.

  “We fell in love at first sight, both quickly caught up in a frenzy of unrelenting passion, making love at every opportunity. Do you remember our talk that final night? The night of the fight?”

  Lis shook her head but began to remember the hurt and pain. Michael had talked about immortality and binding them together by drinking each other’s blood. Total insanity, Edie had thought, but he seemed to believe the farfetched tale. She’d been glad the sirens interrupted, giving her a respite, a chance to think.

  Hand-in-hand, they ran to the club and right into the middle of total chaos. A huge fight had broken out. Michael didn’t hesitate to join his crew. She’d tried to comply with his wishes and stay outside. Worry for his safety and curiosity overpowered better judgment. She remained away from the fight, making her way through the club by staying close to the wall while searching
for him. She caught a brief glimpse of the chair hurtling toward her face, but it had been too late. The full force of it knocked her into the wall.

  Her next memory was of Michael holding her. She still felt the throb in her pussy from their recent lovemaking. Once again, he tried to convince her he was an immortal vampire.

  ”I can turn you. Take your blood and give you mine. Bind us together. Forever.”

  She’d been so cold and her brain felt fogged, her thoughts muddied. Could it be true? An honest to God vampire or delusional Hollywood nonsense?

  Edie had felt her life slipping away, knew she was dying. Michael claimed he could save her, make her immortal. They would be together for eternity.

  He’d leaned forward, warm breath chasing away the chill as she struggled to speak.

  “Close your eyes, my love. It will only hurt for a moment.”

  “No!” she cried.

  Anger, desperation, heartbreak—so many emotions flashed in his eyes over what he thought to be her refusal and lack of trust. What Edie had refused was his instructions to close her eyes, needing to see him. She’d wanted what he offered. Wanted to live and enjoy endless years with him, basking in the glow of his love.

  She’d screamed in her mind, fought to be heard. Do it. Turn me. Take my blood. She would savor the gift of his blood on her tongue before drawing his life-giving essence into her body. I love you, Michael! Please, keep me with you forever.

  The words had remained trapped in Edie’s throat.

  Lis sobbed, the remembered horror and agony of not being able to speak wrapped around her heart, tightening painfully.

  God, it really had been her. Her reincarnation theory had been right. She had lived a previous life. Edie’s life. They were the same woman.

  “Shh, my love. It’s all right now. I’ve got you.” Strong arms closed around her and she melted into the comfort of his embrace. “You remember the conversation now? My offer?”


  “And the fight?”

  She laid her head on his chest and nodded, knowing he felt the affirmation.

  His voice became thick and rough with emotion. “My brethren dragged me out of the club and I went into mourning. Several days later a powerful mage sought me out and predicted your return.”

  He went on to tell her about the prediction, explained that the memories breaking through were experiences from her past life. Edie’s life. “You are my beloved Edith. You share the same soul, regenerated and living in a different body.”

  He didn’t have to add they were both in love with Michael Hawkins. No, Michael Claret now. He told her about changing his identity and residences every so often to avoid suspicion arising when he failed to age. “I bought the club and kept it alive so you’d always have a place to come back to. So you could find me.”

  Things began clicking into place for her and making sense. Not just the dreams and memories but her constant belief that her one perfect love had always been just out of reach, waiting for her to find him. She’d never come close to falling in love. Not until he’d walked through the door tonight. Lis had measured every man against her dream man and they miserably failed to live up to him. She knew his heart. Tough vampire warrior or not, when it came to her, he wore his heart on his sleeve.

  Her mind reeled. It was a lot to absorb, but led to one important truth. Michael—the love of her multiple lives—was an immortal, blood-sucking vampire.

  Holy shit!

  Chapter Five

  Michael felt the change in her, knew the exact moment of acceptance, when all the pieces came together. He also became acutely aware of the changes in her body. Her skin took on a pink flush and warmth. Where her hands had remained motionless—one resting on his chest, the other wrapped around his side—her fingers began to trace intricate patterns along his flesh. And her legs, no longer hugged close to her body, now rubbed together restlessly.

  The musky scent of feminine arousal made his nostrils flare. Blood surged and his body returned to a heightened state of awareness. It hit him in that moment that he held his future in his arms—everything that mattered was in his grasp. The woman he loved. His mate. His cock lengthened with renewed interest.

  “Michael, I need you.” She shifted in his lap, the soft curve of her hip generating glorious friction along his erection. “I want you. Make love to me.”

  He wanted to throw his fist in the air and give a warrior’s shout of triumph, but caution held his heart in a vise. “Are you sure?” He held his breath and waited.

  Lis turned in his arms, hiked up her dress to straddle his legs and cupped his face in her hands. She stared into his eyes for endless moments. “I love you! And I want to be loved by you.”

  She pressed close, the heat between her legs searing him through the thin material separating them. Michael closed his eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to bring his body under control.

  “Take off the dress, Elisa.”

  Her fingers fluttered over his lips. “Say it again?”

  “Say what?”

  “My name.” Her eyes pleaded with him.

  “Elisa.” He savored the word on his lips. “My love. My beloved, Elisa.” He couldn’t stop the corner of his mouth from curving upward. “Take off the fucking dress before I tear it to shreds.”

  She gasped and her eyes darkened, heated with carnal urges.

  So much for his control. “Hurry! I’m done waiting.” He gritted the words out between tightly clenched teeth.

  A shiver coursed through her body as she rushed to follow his command. She rose from his lap, fumbled behind her back, and he heard the rasp of a zipper.

  “I love it when you go all savage and primal on me.”

  Fuck! She had no idea how savage and primal he could become. The bloodlust surged in his veins but he had to keep it in check. They had not discussed a blood mating but would soon. Once their immediate needs were sated, Michael would gain her agreement. He would not take the risk of losing her again.

  “Elisa,” he warned.

  The saucy wench had the nerve to smile. He closed his eyes, tried listing crusades he’d fought in during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, along with plans of attack. Anything to calm the beast raging to be unchained.

  “Aren’t you going to watch?”

  His eyes snapped open in time to see the red material fall to her waist in a sinuous flow. Her wrist flicked and her breasts spilled from the bra. High and firm, the full mounds were crowned by puckered dusky-rose nipples. He met her gaze, enthralled as her body swayed. The dress glided down long, toned legs to pool on the ground.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I remember, and I have one hell of a memory.” His gaze trailed from the top of her head all the way down to the tips of tiny toes. On the return trip, he lingered over the panties and then her breasts before moving on to her beloved face.

  Putting on a show for him, she turned around and began removing the panties. Slowly. Torturing him. She bent at the waist, legs slightly parted, grinning at him from between her knees. The lush round curves of her ass had Michael grasping the bench in a white-knuckled hold. When the pink folds of her pussy—waxed bare and glistening with cream—came into view, the restraints holding his inner beast began to fray.

  Saliva filled his mouth. Michael knew how sweet she tasted, and was dying to devour her pretty pussy, letting her flavor explode across his tongue.

  “Is this what you want?” she taunted.

  The beast snapped the chains and lunged forward, taking her to the ground on hands and knees. He leaned on her upper back until Elisa’s shoulders met the grass. He touched her everywhere, relished the smooth texture of her skin beneath is fingertips. Reaching around her torso, he palmed her breasts and tweaked her elongated nipples. Elisa arched her back, snuggling his cock into the crease of her ass.

  Michael wanted to touch, taste and fuck all of her at once, but he had priorities. Refocusing, he began at her shoulders, coasting fingertips do
wn her spine in a light caress. He gripped her ass, massaging and spreading the generous cheeks. She hissed as he teased the dark fissure, rimming the small rosette.

  Sliding lower, he coated a thumb in her copious lubrication, placed the digit over her anus and maintained firm pressure. He nudged her legs apart, tapping with his knees until she was spread wide.

  “Yes, my love. This is exactly what I want.”

  Temptation called, and any resistance in Michael had headed for the hills. He ducked his head and proceeded to map out all of the little nooks and crannies hidden within the folds of her sex. Up one side of her labia and down the other, delving into a tasty wrinkle here and a shallow groove there, humming to show his enjoyment.

  “Aaaah, yes!” She moaned and bucked, fucking his mouth.

  He thrust two fingers into the clasp of her pussy and wiggled the digit still maintaining constant pressure on her back entrance. Circling her plump clit with his tongue, he could feel her erratic pulse beating in the small nub and the bloodlust howled to be fed, but Michael ruthlessly pushed the baser urge aside.

  A bit more force and his thumb breached her tight anal sphincter muscle, pushing her over the edge into orgasm. The muscles of both channels spasmed and the walls fluttered as her body sucked at his fingers. She groaned and thrust, riding out the storm for him two more times as he refused to stop. He got too much enjoyment out of watching her body flush with bliss and hearing her satisfied cries.

  Fuck, his erection had grown painful, swollen with blood, his balls burned with the need for release. Michael rose and rubbed the broad head along her slit. When sufficiently coated in her heated juices, he slammed home.

  “Ah, Christ.” Her pussy hugged him to perfection and Michael felt the telltale gathering of energy at the base of his spine. “You’re so fucking hot and wet. I’m not going to last.”

  “Fuck me,” Lis gasped. “Hard…deep…raw.”

  Yes! It’s what he wanted too. Michael slid back then launched into a steady, punishing pace, driving as far into her as he could go before withdrawing to start again. Each thrust propelled her forward and he gripped her hips, holding her in place. He was so close but wanted to take her with him.


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