Five Star Seduction
Page 15
“Everyone should be checking into the hotel right about now,” Tyrese announced.
“You want to head over there?” she asked.
He nodded. “I need to make some calls before our rehearsal.”
Zaire shifted her purse from one side to the other. “I probably need to check in with Max.”
They left the park.
Tyrese stole a peek at her. He hoped that she did not suspect anything. He needed to make sure his security staff kept Kennedy Lassiter away from his wedding as well as any members of the media. She was due back in town any day now. He had not heard from Kennedy since the day she’d come to M.G., but she knew that he had planned to go through with his wedding to Zaire. He did not put anything past Kennedy.
After the wedding, he would tell Zaire everything.
* * *
Zaire woke up early the morning of her wedding. She climbed out of bed and walked over to where her wedding gown was hanging. The cap sleeves, lace, embroidery, pearl beads and rhinestone embellishments made the dress perfect for the type of wedding Zaire had in mind. She wanted to look like a princess.
She ran her fingers across the beading and smiled. In a few hours, she would be Mrs. Tyrese Moore.
“What are you doing up so early?”
Zaire turned around to face her mother. She and her parents were sharing a two-bedroom suite. “I couldn’t sleep another minute. I’m too excited, Mama.”
Barbara smiled. “I was the same way when I married your father.”
“Mama, how did you know that Daddy was the man for you?”
“When I found myself wanting to be his partner in good times and bad,” Barbara said. “We went through something right before we got married that would have probably made another woman question her decision to get married, but for me it was a no-brainer. I was going to stand by my man.
“We’re going to order breakfast. What would you like to eat?”
“Just some toast and scrambled eggs,” she responded. “I’m not really hungry.”
“Honey, you don’t want to pass out. You have a long day ahead of you.”
“I’ll have a nice lunch,” she promised. Zaire picked up her phone. “I need to check in with Max. I’ll meet you and Daddy in the dining room.”
* * *
Tyrese stared out of the window of his hotel suite. He was in the honeymoon suite, and tonight he would not be alone. His wife would be staying with him. Although they had not said their vows yet, he felt as though Zaire was already his wife.
He was ready to get the wedding festivities over with. A wave of apprehension swept through Tyrese as he thought of Kennedy.
Tyrese was suddenly filled with guilt. It had been wrong for him to keep this secret from Zaire. He had to tell her now, before they got married. He owed her the truth.
The ringing cell phone cut into his turbulent thoughts.
He sighed with relief when he saw that the caller was Pilar.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Having a cup of coffee,” Tyrese responded. “What are you doing?”
“Marshall and I just came back from the gym. We had a great workout. Are you okay?” she asked him. “You don’t sound like yourself.”
Pilar knew him well.
“Hey, can you come to my room for a minute?” Tyrese asked. “I really need to talk to you. It’s about Kennedy.”
“I’ll be right there.”
Pilar knocked on his door a few minutes later.
“Please tell me that you do not still have feelings for that woman,” Pilar said when she entered the suite.
“No. I want to marry Zaire. I’m very clear on this.”
Pilar was confused. “Then what does this have to do with Kennedy?”
“She has a child,” Tyrese announced. “Kennedy says that the child is mine, Pilar. What am I going to do?”
“Have a paternity test, for one thing,” she uttered.
“She says that Ross divorced her because he found out that the child wasn’t his.”
Pilar shook her head in disbelief. “I’m not buying it.”
“I haven’t told Zaire anything about this and I feel really guilty about it.”
He paced back and forth. “I just couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I may have fathered a child. But I can’t keep a secret like this from the woman I’m about to marry. I need to tell her the truth.”
“This is your wedding day, Tyrese. Do you really want to tell her something like this before you get married?”
His gaze met hers. “Wouldn’t you want to know?”
“If it were true, I would say yes,” Pilar responded. “But I don’t think that it is—just wait until after the wedding, Tyrese. Don’t ruin this day for her.”
“I don’t want to lose her, Pilar.”
“Zaire loves you. She will forgive you, Tyrese.”
“I hope you’re right, Pilar.”
Chapter 22
Zaire’s dream wedding had become a reality. She sniffed the fragrant scent of her wedding bouquet as she rode in the Crystal Coach to the Sleeping Beauty Castle where the ceremony would be held.
She felt like a princess on the way to marry her prince. It was a perfect day for a wedding.
Her father and bridal party greeted her in the forecourt of the castle.
Zaire could hear the harpist playing in the background. The celestial tones reverberated throughout, adding to the romantic ambience of the moment. She looked up at her father and smiled.
“You look beautiful, baby girl.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” Zaire glanced at Livi. “I’m getting married.”
Sage adjusted the straps of her gown. “You won’t be getting married if you don’t get inside to the ceremony. It’s time.”
The bridal party lined up for the processional.
Zaire held on to her father’s arm. “This is it, Daddy. I’m about to embark on a new journey.”
He kissed her cheek. “You have a good man in Tyrese. Never forget that.”
“I won’t.”
Herald trumpeters proclaimed her arrival with commanding and triumphant sounds. Zaire thought they would add a touch of sophistication and fanfare to her ceremony.
Her eyes grew wet with tears at the sight of Tyrese. He looked so handsome in the military-style tuxedo. It was one befitting a royal—her Prince Charming.
Zaire couldn’t take her eyes off him.
A tear escaped one eye when her father placed her hand in Tyrese’s. She was ready to become a wife, but a part of her was saddened that she was no longer her father’s little girl.
When the pastor asked, “Is there anyone who objects to this union?” Zaire couldn’t help but wonder why it was still a part of most ceremonies. Who would actually stand up and do something like—
“I do.”
Shock flew through Zaire’s body at the response. She and Tyrese both turned to face their guests.
A woman with honey-blond tresses stood up and eased into the aisle. She looked at Tyrese as she approached them.
Her eyes moved and stayed on Zaire. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let this marriage happen without you knowing the truth.”
“This is not the time,” Tyrese said in a low voice.
Zaire looked at Tyrese, noting the fury blazing in his eyes. “Who is she?”
“Kennedy Lassiter.”
“She’s the one from your past,” Zaire stated.
Tyrese gave a slight nod.
“So he’s told you about me,” Kennedy said, a smile tugging at her lips.
Zaire looked her straight in the face and asked, “What do you want from us?�
“I don’t want anything from you,” she replied smugly. “Tyrese knows why I’m here. He and I need to talk.”
“Since you decided to make a scene, why don’t you just say whatever you have to say,” he told her. “You can say it in front of my wife.”
Kennedy gave a short laugh. “She is not your wife yet.”
“She will be soon enough.”
“Young lady, it’s time for you to leave,” Franklin said as he walked toward Kennedy.
“Please get her out of here,” Zaire said. “And make sure she stays away from our reception.”
“Don’t you dare touch me,” Kennedy spat, taking a step back from Franklin. “I will not be dismissed any longer. Tyrese, you’ve given me no choice.” Her gaze traveled to Zaire. “Your soon-to-be husband and I have a son together. There are things that we need to discuss concerning our child.”
Zaire’s mouth dropped open in utter shock. For a moment, it seemed as if the room were spinning. She was vaguely aware of Sage taking her bouquet while Tyrese supported her frame.
“What did you just say?” she sputtered. “What game are you playing?”
“Ty and I have a son,” Kennedy repeated. “I thought you should know.”
Zaire glanced at Tyrese. “Did you know about this?”
“She told me a few weeks ago, but I don’t believe her. I—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Zaire broke into a sprint down the aisle.
Tyrese glared at Kennedy. “Do you enjoy ruining my life?”
“I’m not trying to ruin your life. I just want my son to have both of his parents.”
“We need to have that paternity test done as soon as possible.”
“For what?” she asked. “I know that you’re Matt’s father.”
“I have to check on Zaire,” he said, brushing past Kennedy.
She grabbed his arm. “Matt and I need you,” she said.
Tyrese gave her a hard stare. “I’m going to check on my wife.”
“She is not your wife.”
“Go check on my sister,” Sage said. “I’ll keep Miss Lassiter occupied.”
* * *
Zaire wiped her eyes with the handkerchief her mother had given her before the wedding. She jumped at the sound of the knock on the door.
Barbara opened the door and stuck her head inside. “Can I come in?”
She nodded.
She sat down beside her daughter. “How are you holding up?”
“I just found out that my fiancé has a son. I’m doing okay for the most part, don’t you think?”
“You’re handling this very well, but I’m not surprised,” Barbara stated. “You are a strong young woman.”
“I’m also mad as hell.”
Barbara chuckled. “That’s my girl.”
“I wanted to be the mother of his first child.” Zaire sighed softly. “It’s not the child’s fault, though.”
“No, it isn’t. That little boy has nothing to do with what happened.”
“What type of woman does this?” Zaire asked. “Why would she wait and do something like this at our wedding? But the real question is why didn’t Tyrese tell me about this? I knew something had been bothering him, but he would never talk about it.”
“I’m ready to discuss it now.”
Zaire glanced over her shoulder. Tyrese was standing in the doorway.
“I never should have kept this from you.”
“You’re right about that,” she snapped.
Barbara reached over and patted Zaire’s arm. “Hear him out,” she whispered, and then she rose to her feet. “I’ll leave you two alone to talk.”
She paused at the door and said, “I’ll have the harpist play a few selections to keep the guests entertained.”
Tyrese sat down beside her. “Honey, I’m so sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Zaire demanded. “How could you let her blindside me like that?”
“I was going to tell you after the wedding. I didn’t mention it before because I wanted to have a paternity test done, but she’s been out of the country. Zaire, I love you. I want you to be my wife.”
“I love you, too. However, there is something else we have to discuss.”
“The child.”
“Your son,” Zaire corrected. “Do you believe her?”
“I don’t know what to believe.”
“Why did she wait this long to tell you, Tyrese?”
“I don’t know.” He looked at her. “What happens now?”
“I wish I had an answer for you, Tyrese, but I don’t.”
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“You have a lot to consider right now,” Zaire told him. “I know that you love me, but you have just found out that you have a son. You need to deal with that first. He is your priority.”
“So what are you saying?” he wanted to know. “Are you calling off the wedding?”
“I think it’s best for now.”
Tyrese shook his head sadly. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“This is certainly not the way I thought my wedding would turn out.”
Tyrese rose to his feet. “I guess we need to make some sort of announcement.”
“I can’t go back in there right now,” Zaire stated. “I think I’m just going to go back to my parents’ house.”
“Can I come see you later?”
“Sure, but need to meet your son and spend some time with him.”
Zaire allowed her tears to flow after he’d walked out of the room.
“Surely, you are not going to just let this woman win?”
She looked up to find Franklin standing in the doorway. “Tyrese has a child with her. I can’t compete with that.”
“He loves you and you love him. Together you can get through anything, including this.”
Zaire wiped her eyes. “He needs time to deal with this new role.”
“You can give him that as his wife,” Franklin countered. “Besides, it might be wise to have a paternity test done before you toss him over to that young lady.”
She gave him a sidelong glance. “You don’t think she’s lying, do you?”
Franklin shrugged. “It’s been done many times over the years. I just saw Tyrese, and this man is heartbroken because he believes that he’s lost you.”
“He hasn’t lost me,” Zaire responded. “I’m going to stand by my man.”
“Then touch up your makeup and prove it to him.”
* * *
Zaire rushed back to the castle and walked inside the room where everyone was gathered. She saw Tyrese standing up front. She frowned when she saw Kennedy seated in the third row, watching him expectantly. Zaire itched to tear the smile off the woman’s face.
“Thank you all for coming,” Tyrese began. “In light of all that just transpired, Zaire and I have decided to—”
“Proceed with our wedding ceremony,” she finished for him. Smiling, Zaire walked down the aisle to join him up front.
Kennedy rose to her feet and stepped in the aisle, blocking Zaire’s path. She stood with her arms folded across her chest and said, “You can’t force him into going through with this wedding.”
Zaire met her gaze straight on. “Kennedy, I don’t know what game you are playing, but it is not going to work. Tyrese and I are still getting married.”
Kennedy looked at Tyrese. “You still plan on getting married? Your son deserves two full-time parents.”
“If he is my son, I intend to be there for him,” Tyrese explained. “Zaire is going to be my wife and his stepmother.”
Kennedy shook her head. “Oh, no—I’m not letting her anywhere near my child.
If you marry that woman, you will never see your son.”
“That’s where you are wrong, Kennedy. He’s going to see his child,” Zaire interjected. “Even if it means going to court. But first we are having a paternity test performed. We want proof that Tyrese fathered your son.”
“Who do you think you are?” Kennedy demanded. “You don’t have a thing to do with this.”
“He’s the man I’m going to marry, and this gives me the right,” she countered. “Although you were not on our guest list, you are welcome to stay here. After all, every fairy-tale romance has to have a wicked witch lingering around somewhere.”
Her words brought laughter from her guests and a flash of anger from Kennedy.
“Or I can have security escort you out.”
“Tyrese...” Kennedy pleaded. “Don’t do this....”
“Okay, we’ll do it your way,” Zaire stated. “Franklin, would you escort Miss Lassiter out of the park?”
She walked up to Tyrese and asked, “Do you still want to marry me?”
He grinned. “More than ever.”
The guests applauded as they took their places.
* * *
Mickey Mouse and Minnie strolled around the room taking pictures with guests. Snow White and Prince Charming joined them, as well. Zaire looked up at her husband and smiled. The wedding had not gone exactly the way she had planned, but she had no regrets.
They sat down at the bridal table as her father walked up to the stage to speak.
“I suppose that after thirty-eight years of happy marriage I ought to be able to come up with something meaningful to say. Tyrese, just remember these two words...all and only. You will hear them time and again. Such as, all you need to do only costs so much. And especially this one—it will only take five minutes. These are all gross understatements, but someone once said that women are to be loved and not understood. Marriage is the meeting of two minds, of two hearts and of two souls. It became pretty clear today that Tyrese and Zaire are a perfect example of this. May they be blessed with happiness that grows and with love that lasts and a peaceful life together. My prayer is enjoyment for today, the fulfillment of all their hopes and dreams for tomorrow and love and happiness always.”