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Belief (The Hunter Diaries)

Page 2

by Serena Zane

  Ami hurried to follow. Lots of people crowded the tavern as they entered, and the smell of good food wafted in their direction. Ami’s stomach rumbled in protest at the fact that she hadn’t taken advantage of the airplane food.

  Beth laughed at her, “Sounds like we better get settled in and grab a bite. That monster in your stomach isn’t going to stay quiet for much longer.”

  “Yeah.” Ami glanced around and spied the bartender. With a determined stride, she approached and cleared her throat. The man looked up from his task of drying mugs, and flipped the towel he used onto his shoulder.

  “Salut.” The man grinned wide, and his dimples showed.

  How cute. She smiled back, “Um, salut. I’m so sorry, but I don’t speak Romanian. Do you speak English?”

  His seemed to get bigger, if that was possible. “Why yes, a little. How can I help you?”

  “My friend and I have a reservation. Sherridon, I believe there are two rooms.”

  “Just a moment, please.” He held up a finger and pulled a large leather-bound volume from under the counter. Flipping it open, he scanned the entries. “Ah, Sherridon. I have you here.”

  “Oh good,” Ami sighed in relief, “What rooms are we in?”

  “I will have my wife show you. She doesn’t speak the English very well, but you will get along. ANGHEL!” He glanced back toward an entryway just beyond the bar as he called, then brought his gaze back around to her. “She’d be just a moment.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sure enough, a tiny woman who couldn’t have weighed more than one hundred pounds skidded around the corner spouting something in Romanian that Ami had no hope of understanding. She looked at the bartender for help, and felt a little irritated when she noticed the man almost laughed, a twinkle in his eye.

  “Scumpul meu, could you please show our guests to their rooms? Be kind, they do not speak our language.”

  The woman turned her dark eyes on Ami, “Yes, of course. Come, follow.” She grabbed the keys from her husband and jumped up onto the bar to give him a quick kiss, then led the way.

  Ami followed her out of the tavern. Beth still waited in the alcove, and moved to join her as Ami scurried after the little innkeeper. The stairway up to their rooms was dark and winding. Ami was glad she thought to pack her flashlight. The steps looked as though they could be treacherous at night to someone who didn’t know where she was going. Just before they reached the top stair, a man moved to make his way down.

  Anghel called a greeting to him. Ami had no idea what he said in reply, but his voice was deep, and the rich tones wound their way into her nerve endings making her feel a sensuous melting in her lower abdomen. Curious, she tried to get a closer look, but he remained swathed in shadow. She could not make out his features other than a strong jawline, and broad shoulders. If the fit of his shirt gave any indication, the man definitely did not need to work out. Her libido booted up to life. If he had a face to go with that voice, watch out.

  Anghel motioned for them to keep moving, and Ami and Beth climbed the steep stairs onto the landing. Before Ami got a good look at her mystery man, he slipped away out of sight. He left behind an interesting scent of some great-smelling aftershave that she would die to know the name of. If men wore that in America it would be like Kibble for women.

  Stopping just before a door in the tiny hallway, Anghel handed Beth a key. “Your room here-- Okay? Good?”

  Beth bestowed a benevolent smile on the innkeeper. “Of course, thank you.” She turned to Ami. “I’ll meet you downstairs in twenty. I want to freshen up.”


  Anghel touched Beth’s arm and pointed down the hall, “Bathroom there. We share each floor, yes?” She waited for understanding.

  “Thank you,” Beth glanced at Ami with big eyes. Ami knew that her friend did not like the idea of sharing a bathroom with anyone.

  “Better make that a half hour,” Beth grimaced.

  “Works for me. Later.” Ami waited for Beth to close the door to her room and then followed Anghel to hers, which was located at the end of the hall. Ami had seen the tower room from outside, and it looked as though she got the coolest room in the inn. Almost giggling with glee, she took the key from Anghel eagerly when they stopped in front of the door. “Thank you, Anghel.”

  “Yes. Dinner served till seven? Okay?” She waited.

  “Thank you again. See you soon.”

  Anghel hurried back downstairs as Ami opened the door to her room. A cold draft wafted over her as it opened and dampened her spirits. Ami shuddered. Determined to have a good time, Ami suppressed the feeling of dread that started to take over. She stepped across the threshold.

  A surprisingly large room, the circular shape gave her more space than she imagined many of the other rooms had, and she wondered briefly at the size of Beth’s room. The tower room contained one dresser, and an old-fashioned vanity with a mirror on the other wall. A small stool sat in front of it as though it was waiting for her.

  The bed was positioned right beside the window on the far side of the tower; the wrought iron fixings shining as though it was new. Ami quickly became aware that nothing in the place was new. The hand-quilted comforter covering the bed called her name, but her tummy rumbled again. Ami resigned herself to the need for food first before rest.

  Her first night in Dragomirsti, she wanted to do some exploring after dinner, but jet lag was catching up fast. Ami strode over to the bed and tossed her case on top. She’d unpack, and then go meet Beth for dinner. Then, who knew what could happen? Perhaps her mystery man would be in the bar? A grin formed at the thought. This could prove to be a very interesting vacation.

  Chapter 4

  The tavern was packed, Ami stood in the archway looking over the patrons with a curious eye. The room appeared just like the one described in her favorite book, Dark Prince. Round tables were placed strategically to give enough room for seating, and private booths lined the back wall. The air was musty from old wood, and the smell of pine tickled her nose. Heaven.

  Many of the guests wore clothing that screamed Goth. Black abounded, and the piercings were numerous. One woman wore a leather corset Ami was sure she’d spray-painted on. She would never have the guts to wear something like that.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Beth waving at her from one of the booths. She skirted through the crowd, and slid onto the bench opposite Beth. Her stomach grumbled again, and she put her hand over it as if to quell the offending noise.

  “So, what’s good to eat?”

  Beth raised an eyebrow at her. “How should I know? The whole menu is in Romanian.”

  After a quick glance at the menu, Ami confirmed that indeed, the whole thing was in Romanian. She put her purse up on the table and dug inside for a breath mint. They would just have to wait for the waitress.

  After waiting a good fifteen minutes, Ami gave an exasperated groan, “Looks like we have to order at the bar. I’ll be right back.”

  She dodged the groping hands of an over-large man hairy enough to be a bear, and got smacked on the backside by a man who looked young enough to be her son. Ami made it to the bar, harassed, but grinning. She placed her hands on the countertop and leaned in to get the attention of the man who’d helped them earlier.

  As he turned to give a tall glass of beer to a patron, he noticed she was standing there, “Salut. What may I help you with, Miss Sherridon?” His dimples came out.

  “My friend and I need something to eat, but your menu seems to be in Romanian.”

  His boisterous laugh filled the room, as though they’d shared a private joke. “Why yes. I will bring out my favorite for you and your friend. Just sit; it will be there in a moment. Here, wait,” he turned and filled two mugs and placed them on the bar in front of her, “Welcome to Dragomirsti.”

  “Thank you.” Taking the mugs, Ami hurried back to the table making sure not to bump into any of the patrons and spill the precious beer she’d just been give
n. The glass froze her fingers as she made her way back. She reached the table and set them down. Ami rubbed her hands on her pants to warm them up.

  “He’s going to bring our dinner out.” Ami slid back into her seat.

  Beth looked at her skeptically, “What’d you order?”

  Ami shrugged, “Don’t know. He said it was his favorite though, so I’m guessing it’s good.”

  “Wow!” A low wolf whistle escaped Beth as her eyes widened to the size of saucers. She was facing the door and her mouth hung open.

  Curious, Ami turned in her seat, and craned her neck around to get a better look. A new group of people stood at the entrance. Three women and two men, Ami guessed were all together. They were dressed in the same type of clothing, if it could be called that.

  The three women in the group were scantily dressed with strips of leather that could pass for watch bands. Two of the girls wore matching all black outfits and had short spiky black hair. Their eyeliner was so thick, Ami was sure she could write a term paper with the excess kohl.

  The third woman wore a crimson and black halter top, and a short skirt that made it look as though flames brushed her thighs. She had a slim figure which she draped across one of the most gorgeous men Ami had ever seen.

  He had short wavy black hair, just long enough to fall onto his forehead. Eyes the color of obsidian scanned the room. He looked as though he was surveying over his domain. Ami felt a twinge of irritation. Who does he think he is? He may be hot, but after all, he’s just a man.

  Just then, his gaze fell on her. Their eyes met, and his flared with a spark of interest. Sitting very still, she felt naked as he looked her over slowly from head to toe. Ami wanted to move back in the booth out of sight, but something held her in place. The tension broke like a snapped string.

  She didn’t know what happened, but it seemed as if something released her, and she scrambled back to the far edge of the booth where he couldn’t see her. The man made her edgy, and how dare he eye her up and down when there was a tall, beautiful, scantily clad woman hanging off his toned, muscular body. Damn!

  Ami grabbed her mug of beer and pressed the cold glass to her neck. Beth laughed.

  “Feeling a little warm are we?”

  Ami glared at her, “Like you’re not? I saw the look you gave him.”

  “So? He’s hot.”

  “Yeah, and he knows it.” Ami didn’t appreciate men like him just on principle. It was never good to be too full of yourself. Looking around to see if their food was on its way, she noticed the man from the stairs. He leaned back against the bar at the far end, so his eyes were still hidden in shadow. Who was he? The man intrigued her, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. Ami got that feeling, like someone was watching her. She shifted uneasily in her seat. Her body started to heat up as she watched him, as though her body recognized him, and she became aroused. Heat pooled low in her abdomen.

  He leaned forward just enough and the dim lights from the bar illuminated his face. Ami’s breath caught, and her heart skipped a beat. Forget the other guy. Their eyes met, and an electrical current passed between them. She couldn’t look away, and she didn’t want too.

  “Hey! Ami! You in there?” Beth snapped her fingers in front of Ami’s face.

  Ami blinked, and he moved back into the shadows. What the Hell? “I’m fine.”

  “Good, ‘cause our food’s here.” Beth gestured to the plates on the table.

  Ami raked a hand through her hair, “When did that get here?”

  “About five minutes ago, while you were staring at tall, dark and handsome over there. Man,” Beth dug into her food, “I thought you two were going to have a super interesting moment right here on the barroom floor.”

  “Beth!” A blush rose and Ami felt the heat in her cheeks.

  “Well, the way you looked at him I wouldn’t be surprised,” she stated around mouthfuls of food. “Hey, this is really good. Dig in.”

  Ami picked up her fork and filled her mouth. Better to not be able to talk right now.

  The food was delicious. After finishing off her plate, and two more beers, Ami stood. The room spun. She started to sway, and fell to the side. With a thud, she hit something rock hard. Her hands came up to catch herself, and she felt strong, well-defined muscles under a silk button-down shirt. Raising her eyes up, they met his. Sculpted lips curved up in a sensual smile, and she wanted to run her fingers over them, and feel them on her body as they kissed every inch of her.

  “Watch yourself there,” his voice was low and husky as though he knew exactly what she was thinking. His tone played over her nerve endings bringing her body to life. “It appears as though our stout beer might be a bit much for you. First time?”

  Ami had a feeling he wasn’t asking about the beer, so she declined to answer, but didn’t want to be rude, “Thank you for stopping me from taking a dive. I was just headed to bed. Night.” She pushed away from him and started to sway again. Dang, she must have had more than she thought.

  He swooped her up into his arms. “Looks like I’d better help you to your room.”

  Ami could hear Beth gasp behind him.

  “But I don’t know you.”

  Ami thought she heard Beth say something in the background, but she only heard the pounding of his heart under her ear. Boy, he smelled good.

  “Ryzard can vouch for me, right Ryzard?” He glanced over to the bartender.

  “Right. He’s a good man Miss. You take it easy.”

  “Okay,” Ami leaned into his chest; for some reason she felt safe and protected, “But no funny business.”

  “Of course not.” Shifting her as though she weighed nothing, he headed upstairs to her room. Beth followed closely behind.

  Ami’s head spun. Dang, if only three glasses of beer did this, I’ve turned into a lightweight. Closing her eyes, Ami inhaled deeply and took in the smell of his spicy aftershave. The scent hit her nose and she felt that flash of electricity soar through her body like a lightning bolt.

  Ami peeked over his shoulder at Beth and gave her a huge grin. Oh yeah, nothing like getting swept off your feet by a hunky man with an accent. Bonus points. Not that he needs any; he’s already a perfect ten, no, twelve…

  It wasn’t long before they reached the top of the stairs. The man wasn’t even breathing hard. She could feel his muscles as he moved, and he reminded her of a caged tiger, all sleek and powerful. One of her hands toyed with the hairs on the back of his neck marveling at their silky texture. She wanted to stroke him.

  Beth was like a guard dog, and stuck on their tail until he stopped at her room door.

  Before she knew it, he came to a stop in front of her door. “Do you have the key?” Slowly, he lowered her to the floor. Their bodies brushed against each other, Ami felt a blush rise to her cheeks as the evidence of his attraction pushed against her belly. Their eyes met, and Ami held her breath.

  Well sculpted lips sculpted lips rose in a sensual smile.“The key, Printesa Mea.”

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out her room key, as she leaned into his body.

  A throat cleared behind him, and Beth stepped forward interrupting, “Thank you for helping, Mister…?”

  “Dimitu. Lucian Dimitu.” He stepped back, but maintained eye contact with Ami.

  She could see his passion contained in the depths of his eyes which darkened to a deep blue, like the ocean before a storm. She’d never seen eyes like that before.

  Beth reached out and took the key which Ami still held. “Thank you, we can take it from here.”

  Lucian did a slow examination of Ami with his eyes, and she could feel his gaze everywhere he looked, like hands caressed her body. Unlike the guy from earlier, she didn’t want Lucian to stop looking at her that way.

  He suddenly nodded and without another word, strode down the hall. Ami followed his progress enjoying the view of him walking away-- almost as much as the front view.

  The door behind her swung open, and
Beth hustled her inside. “What was that?”

  Dreamily, Ami strolled over to her bed and flopped down on the mattress with a slight bounce.

  “What was what?”

  “You! And that guy! You never act like that. Not since you and Nick broke it off six months ago. In fact, I can’t even recall you acting like that with him.” Beth’s big expressive eyes filled with concern.

  Ami felt slightly guilty, but for the first time in months, she didn’t want anything to ruin the warm drift of desire that had hit her. “Don’t worry Beth honey. I won’t do anything you wouldn’t do.” Ami smiled at her quick response, proud that she could think around her fuzzy head. Her eyes drifted shut and she heard Beth sigh. The soft click of the door shutting sounded as Beth left. With happy thoughts of blue eyes and men with dark hair, Ami fell asleep.

  Dreams invaded her rest. She found herself standing in a graveyard. Ami didn’t recall leaving her room, so awareness crept in that she must be dreaming. That didn’t make it any less terrifying. The place looked familiar. She’d passed it earlier in the day, in the sunlight. There was no sun now. All the previous happy thoughts that were in her head escaped.

  Fog blanketed the ground and the moon shone down illuminating the cross on the grave in front of her. Everything was in shades of grey and black. Nerves stood on end, and with a quick glance around, she confirmed that she was alone. Ami shifted restlessly from foot to foot. Any person with half a brain knew that one didn’t go out alone on nights like this.

  A twig snapped. Ami turned, startled. She tripped over her feet. Who was there? She glared into the darkness determined not to be a midnight snack for some werewolf. Ami could see why people wrote scary stories about this place. It bred legends: Vlad the Impaler, Frankenstein, werewolves, the list went on.

  Another twig snapped. This time, the sound came from off to her right. Her heart pounded with fear. Cold swept up her spine. Icy fingers clamped down on her neck and jerked her backwards against a solid body. The vein under her skin throbbed, beating out a staccato rhythm.


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