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Belief (The Hunter Diaries)

Page 3

by Serena Zane

  “So fresh,” a low whisper like that of a lover rasped out of her captor, “so beautiful.” His other hand brushed the hair from her nape.

  Ami couldn’t move. All her limbs seemed to be held in place by some unbreakable restraint. Her mind screamed, but she couldn’t get away. Somehow, Ami knew that if she didn’t, she was as good as dead. Oh my God, I’m going to be killed in the home of Dracula! She closed her eyes praying that death would come quickly. She waited, and waited.

  The hand around her neck disappeared. Her eyes popped open. There was no one there. She was still in the graveyard, standing right where she had stood before. The rhythm of her heart still beat rapidly, but her body became her own again. The urgent need for flight coursed through her, and she started to run in the direction of the hotel.

  Screw this! Dreams weren’t supposed to be this real. Her breath escaped in little gasps that formed puffs of steam in front of her. Trees loomed ahead. If she could just make the tree line, she’d be safe.

  Pushing herself harder than ever before, Ami put on a burst of speed, and crashed through the edge of the trees. Smack! Ami slammed into a solid object.

  She let out a yell. It wasn’t a tree. It didn’t even budge. Familiar arms came up and grasped her, and she smelled Lucian’s musky scent as he enveloped her in his embrace. She stopped yelling and panted as she tried to catch her breath and calm down.

  Lucian looked down at her with a disapproving stare, “What are you doing out here, Draga?” His face appeared stern, but his voice was tender as he spoke.

  Ami wanted to forget the scary person from seconds ago.

  “I…I don’t know. One minute I’m asleep in my bed, and the next thing I know, I’m out here standing in a graveyard!”

  Pulling her close, he rubbed her back in a comforting gesture. “It’s okay now, but you must be careful Draga Mea. It is not safe to wander alone out in the woods.”

  Ami trembled from head to foot, “Tell me about it. Didn’t you hear what I just said? It’s not like I meant to be out here.” It’s okay to let him hold me; this is a dream after all. I can indulge in a little fantasy. Inhaling his distinct scent, her body began to heat up despite the cold weather. Little sparks sped through her system as his hands travelled over her back. She slid her hands inside his coat on the pretext of getting warm, and reveled in his toned muscles evident under her exploring fingers.

  A low growl emitted from him, “Inimioara mea, I am not a gentleman.” He pulled away from her a bit, “I do not pretend to be, and you sorely tempt me. We must stop.”

  Ami didn’t want to stop. Moving her hands from under his coat to cup his face, she drew him closer, “Then don’t pretend.”

  Lucian grasped the back of her head and buried his fingers in her long hair. He drew her to him. Sculpted lips came down on hers, and Ami’s body leapt with fire. God, she wanted him. All thoughts of earlier raced from her mind as she opened her mouth. Lucian’s tongue swept inside, taking control of the moment.

  Emboldened, she kissed him back with abandon. Ami allowed herself to revel in his touch. Her tongue warred with his. He tasted just like she had imagined, rich and sinful.

  Lucian lifted her and took a step, her back pressed up against a tree, and the rough bark bit into her skin. She didn’t care. In spite of the cold, her body was burning up. Lucian tore his mouth away from hers and pressed the evidence of his desire towards her core. He trailed kisses down the side of her neck to the sweet spot just at the base.

  A gasp escaped her as Lucian suckled and licked at the sensitive flesh. She felt a sharp stab of pain, and he pushed himself away from her.

  “Go!” He rasped.

  Ami shook her head not comprehending.

  “Run! Go before I can’t stop myself.” He disappeared in a flash of smoke and mist, only the echo of his voice remaining, “Run Ami! Run back to the Inn.”

  Ami took off, her heart beating again in confusion and fear. She stumbled over fallen branches and rocks, scuffing her hands. Ami ran, and ran until everything went black.

  Chapter 5

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Someone pounded on her door.

  Ami raised a hand to her forehead. She had a splitting headache. Next time not so much Romanian beer.

  Bang! Bang! Hinges rattled and dust fell to the floor. “Ami, if you don’t answer this door, I’m going to break it down!” Beth yelled from the other side.

  “Just hold your hormones! I’ll be there in a second.” She rolled out of the bed and glowered at her clothes. Evidently, she’d fallen asleep without getting into her pajamas, and her slacks had mud stains on them. What in the world?

  Another impatient knock.

  “Hold on will ya? I don’t feel good.” Ami wrenched open the door, then promptly turned her back on Beth who followed her into the room. Pulling her shirt over her head, she stepped out of her wrinkled, mud-stained slacks. Ami already felt better.

  “Dang. I thought you were going to sleep away the whole vacation. It’s almost three in the afternoon here. Are you okay?” Beth’s tone was tinged with concern as Ami’s observant friend took in her appearance.

  “I’m fine. Just a little hungover.” Ami stumbled over to the vanity, and looking at herself in the mirror picked up a brush. As she reached to pull it through her hair, her hand froze. There, right at the base of her neck, were two tiny little spots where she had been bitten. Leaning in close to the mirror, Ami lowered her hand and poked at the two spots gingerly with her finger. A little sore, they looked like spider bites. The spots were raised, and red. Maybe it hadn’t been just a dream after all. A secretive lift played on her lips as she thought of Lucian, but faded as she recalled the first part in the cemetery.

  If her attacker was real, then they would have to be very careful. He knew what she looked like, and she still had no idea who he was. How does Lucian play into all this? He told me to run, but is he really bad? What if he’s just pretending? And is he my attacker? And how am I going to tell Beth?

  Her friend was totally going to rub this in her face. For years, Beth had been telling Ami that vampires were real. Ami just never believed her.

  “You’re awfully quiet over there. Care to share?” Beth chirped from the bed.

  “Um…not really.” Clamping a hand over her neck to hide the bite marks, Ami reached for a shirt from her suitcase. As she yanked the shirt on, she thanked the Goddess that she thought to bring her turtlenecks. She jerked on a pair of jeans, then threw a red silk scarf around her neck for effect. Glancing back in the mirror, she nodded. Not bad. She turned to Beth and did a little twirl.

  Beth raised a brow and a look crossed her face as though she knew what Ami was hiding. “You don’t think you’re going to get away with that do you?”

  Ami blinked twice and gave Beth a wide-eyed stare, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She picked up her room key, “Come on, I’m starving.”

  Beth bounded off the bed after her, and met Ami at the door. “You’re going to tell me sooner or later. I don’t give up that easily you know.” She tilted up her pert little chin and waltzed out of the room first.

  Ami locked the door behind them muttering under her breath, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  Ryzard was kind enough to serve them breakfast even though it was well past time, and Ami sucked down eggs and sausage as though she hadn’t eaten in weeks. When they finished, and had drank four cups of coffee each, Ami felt more able to take on the world. She even came up with a plan, of sorts. Beth wanted to network with the other merchants, and Ami wanted to explore. She would use the excuse to look for Lucian. If I’m wrong about my theory, then he will be out and about today. Then I can ask him about last night.

  If not, well then, he’s a vampire. But what if he was a tormented soul like those poor guys in the Dark series? What if he needs me? Determined to find out, Ami marched to catch up with Beth and headed to the fair.

  The place bustled. People of all walks of life lined the streets, but th
e main part of the fair stood off in the large meadow to the west of town. Tents sprouted overnight, and what used to be a large field the day before, now resembled a whole different world. People who celebrated all things Gothic milled about browsing at merchant booths, performed on a live stage, and just hung out. A young lady with a too tight t-shirt that read ‘Bite Me’ across the front strolled by, and Ami hid a smile. She’d been bitten all right. The scary thing was she liked it.

  They stopped at several of the booths, Ami watched the crowd, amazed at the way inhibitions fell to the wayside once people were in a remotely “fake” atmosphere. Young couples made out and openly groped each other in certain areas of the fair, and no one paid them any mind, or asked them to stop. In fact, several others actively watched the other couples. Ami tried not to focus on that, and kept an eye out for Lucian. It was getting late, and dusk rapidly approached.

  It isn’t as though I don’t know why he’s absent. Her hand came up and she gently prodded the sore area underneath her scarf. Each time the material of her sweater brushed the spot, her womb clenched in response; almost as if her body demanded more. I need to get a grip. If he’s really a vampire, then I have no business getting near him. Ami almost convinced herself of this when she felt a hand slide down her arm and pull her to a stop. From her body’s response, she knew it was Lucian.

  His voice poured over her like warm honey, “Are you okay?”

  With a glance around to make sure that no one got too close, she stepped in toward him. She decided to play innocent, “I don’t know what you mean?”

  The blue in his eyes turned hard, like ice. “Don’t play coy. You know exactly what I mean.”

  Somehow, they had arrived at the back of one of the tents. Ami had no idea how they got there, but she suspected Lucian had something to do with it. His fingers found the knot on her scarf, and he gently pulled down the material along with the collar of her turtleneck. If possible, his eyes seemed to glisten and spark with an undercurrent of electricity. He moved, and placed a kiss right above the spot where she knew the tiny bite marks marred her skin. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  Somehow, even though she knew he was a vampire, she felt safe and wanted to reassure him. “It’s okay. I’m fine.” Her hand came up, and her thumb stroked across the bottom of his full lip. Leaning forward, she placed a soft kiss on his mouth.

  He kissed her back with equal tenderness. As the heat started to find life in her, he pulled back and placed a finger on her lips before she spoke.

  “No, I’m afraid you are too great a temptation for me, Inimioara Mea. I must go. I will see you later tonight. We can meet at the tavern, yes? With your friend.”

  “Um, sure.” Uncertain if she had done something wrong, Ami allowed him to step away without trying to stop him, “See you tonight.” Just as quickly as he appeared, Lucian disappeared. Glancing around, Ami realized that darkness had fallen while she wasn’t looking. It was time to find Beth, and tell her that she’d been right all along. Ami had some serious apologizing to do. Vampires were real.

  When Ami got back to Beth, her friend was still chatting up a storm with the local rune reader. The woman made money like crazy at the festival. It became apparent through the conversation that runes were widely popular with many of the young people at the fair, and several of them wanted to acquire their own sets. Beth had started selling rune sets two years before, and thrilled at this new development. The local merchants all seemed to agree that there would be a burgeoning market for the occult on the internet, and it would be a great way to expand. She already made plans to come back next year and merchant herself.

  Beth chatted away the time, and Ami listened with half an ear. Now was not the right time to tell Beth that vampires really did walk the earth, and that she was probably right about all the other stuff too. Ami also didn’t want to worry her. As long as Lucian kept his fangs to himself, then there would be nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, Ami didn’t want him to behave, and that was a problem.

  Beth and Ami walked through the fair and came to an area where a large crowd was gathered. Ami saw flames jump high into the sky, then disappear back into the crowd. Loud applause erupted.

  Beth grabbed Ami’s hand and dragged her through the throng of people that surrounded the exhibit. They found an opening at the edge of the rope, and slid into place. The group from the tavern the night before performed. Ami caught her breath as their charismatic leader blew on a torch and shot flames at least twenty feet in the air. Her eyes riveted on his rippling muscles and she shifted restlessly. Crap, she was becoming some sort of hussy! One night in Romania, and she was lusting after every hot guy that she saw. Well, only two, her conscious reasoned. But still, that was two more than she’d ever wanted before. Not even Nick stoked more than a remote attraction for her. He was wonderful when he wanted to be, but nothing like these guys.

  The leader’s dark skin gleamed in the firelight-- either with sweat, or oil, she wasn’t sure, but she did like the view. As she watched him dance and play with fire, he turned his head and met her gaze. His obsidian eyes zeroed in on her, and she wasn’t sure she liked the look of possession that he aimed at her. Ami took a step back into the crowd. Their eyes remained locked, and he took a step towards her like he meant to approach. Her heart sped up, and a sense of self-preservation kicked in. She tore her gaze from his.

  “Beth, I’m going to head back. It’s not that far, so I’ll walk.”

  Beth’s head swung around and she narrowed her eyes at Ami. “I can come back with you.”

  Ami was sorely tempted to take her up on the offer, but she also wanted some time alone to think. Besides, she didn’t want to spoil Beth’s fun, but she had to get away from there. “No, you stay. Enjoy yourself. It’s a lovely night, I’ll be fine.”

  “If you’re sure?” It was a question.

  “Yup, totally sure. Have fun. I’ll catch you back at the tavern.”

  Beth’s eyes flashed with concern and Ami laughed to relieve some of the tension.

  “Don’t worry, Beth. I learned my lesson last night. I’ll see you later.”

  Beth nodded and a stray blond lock of hair fell into her face. She brushed it away. “Just be careful.”

  Ami took another step away from the crowd. “I will.”

  Beth gave her one more once-over, and turned back to the fire dancers, obviously satisfied that Ami wasn’t going to do anything too stupid. She hovered like a pesky mother hen sometimes.

  Ami pulled away from the crowd, and turned to head back to the Inn. It was only about half a kilometer away from the Inn, and the full moon created good light. Once she passed all the exhibit tents, the cobblestone street started. The stones had a shine to them where the light hit, and Ami smiled thinking they looked like rippling water. She took in her surroundings as she walked, feeling more secure the further away she got from the man with the fire dancers. It was weird how affected she was by seeing him.

  As she walked, the cemetery from her dream came into view. A little rundown chapel sat to one side of the road, and the open cemetery lay just beyond. Curious, she approached. Somehow, she knew there wouldn’t be any evidence from the night before, but she had to look. The place would be beautiful if it wasn’t for the deep-seeded fear that coursed through her body as she drew closer. Perhaps it wasn’t such a great idea after all.

  Determined to prove to herself that she was just being silly, Ami walked with determined strides to the entrance of the small graveyard. She took in her surroundings. Just like in her dream, fog blanketed the ground. She spotted the cross from her dream, and began to walk towards it almost drawn to the spot as though by some unseen force.

  It wasn’t until she was almost upon the cross that she noticed the dark shape that lay on the ground in front of it. Ami stopped. The shape wasn’t moving, and it looked distinctly human. Pulling out the flashlight she had bought with her, just in case, Ami shone it towards the lump. It was a woman. She lay
on her side curled up in a ball. Ami drew closer. Perhaps the lady would be okay, but it didn’t look like she was breathing.

  “Hey, do you need help?” Ami asked the still form.

  She didn’t move.

  Taking a deep breath and steeling up her courage, Ami approached, and knelt by the woman. Definitely not breathing, Ami decided. She shone her flashlight on the woman’s face and stopped when she noticed her neck. It was torn open, and there was a dark stain under the woman’s body where the remainder of her blood must have drained out. Not nearly enough blood to have killed her though, Ami thought. Careful not to touch the woman Ami stood again, her skin clammy from the cold sweat that had started to break out. Vampire. Her thoughts flashed to Lucian and her hand flew to her own neck. He wouldn’t do this, would he? I only met him last night, how well do I really know him?

  Regretting that she hadn’t told Beth about what happened Ami took a step away from the body. Perhaps she should report it. She didn’t have a phone with her. It was too expensive to pay global fees. This new thought in her head, Ami turned to head back to the Inn thinking that Ryzard would know what to do, and he seemed like a nice enough fellow.

  A bright light hit her face, and Ami stopped. “What the hell?”

  “Politia. Stai.”

  Ami froze in place. A man in a police uniform approached her, his gun drawn. His gaze moved between her and the body on the ground. He started to question her rapidly in Romanian, and Ami gave him a blank look.

  Shaking her head, Ami spoke, “I apologize, but I don’t speak Romanian. I can’t understand you.”

  The man paused.

  “Do you speak English?” Ami asked, hopeful that the police in the area were trained in multiple languages. She’d read somewhere that many people in the country were taught several different languages starting at a young age.


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