Chasing Red Series, Book 1

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Chasing Red Series, Book 1 Page 12

by Isabelle Ronin

  Chapter Fifteen


  Kara rang the bell ten times, as if someone could hear her from the other side of the door where the party was in full swing. When that didn’t get a response, she jiggled the doorknob.

  “Who locks the door at a house party?” She glared at the still-closed door and started banging with her open palms.

  “Uh, Kar, we can just go in the back,” I suggested.

  She kept on banging—with her fists this time. “Open up, you motherfuckers, or I’ll—!”

  The door suddenly opened, and a tall, muscular guy stepped out. His warm-brown eyes lit up with surprise and pleasure when they spotted Kara. I recognized him right away from the tattoos on his arms. It was the guy from the gym.

  He said something to her, but the deafening blast of music coming from inside made it impossible to hear him. Sending her an apologetic look, he stepped forward and closed the door behind him, muffling the noise.

  “Hello again,” he said, looking a little flushed.

  Kara was tall but had to tilt her head to look up at the guy. I was standing behind her and couldn’t see her face, but I knew she was probably staring at him again, slack-jawed. “Hi! Theo, right?”

  She was using her fake sweet voice. I smirked.

  He nodded. “Yes, I’m Theo. We met in front of the studio when you were, um…ah…littering?” he asked shyly. A dimple appeared on his cheek. He looked boyish, despite his huge build, and happy that she remembered him. “It’s nice to see you again, Kara.”

  “I know. I actually can’t believe you’re in front of me again.” I could hear the grin in her voice. “My friend lurking behind me is Ver.”

  His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed me. “Hi,” he said, smiling sheepishly. I smiled back.

  “So,” Kara started, “can we join the party?”

  “Of course!” He flushed again. “Please come in.”

  There was something adorable and sweet about Theo, a big guy who blushed and seemed out of sorts when Kara flirted with him.

  Music bombarded my ears when he opened the door. He gestured for us to enter first. Inside, warm bodies were packed close together, rubbing and dancing. The smells of beer and sweat and various perfumes permeated the air. Kara’s eyes sparkled, the anger and sadness from earlier fading as she took in the surroundings.

  “Kar, I’m going to grab a drink. Have fun, but behave,” I added, waving her to the dance floor.

  She grinned at me, looking grateful. She blew me a kiss, mouthing I love you before turning to grab Theo’s hand. “Dance with me, Theo.”

  I watched for a moment as she pulled him into the mass of writhing bodies on the dance floor, swishing her hips to the beat of the music, dancing around him. He looked adorably awkward as he just stood stock-still, not dancing and blushing the whole time.

  Kara might flirt with Theo, but I knew that was all she would do. In her mind, she wanted to remain loyal to Cameron, to someone who had broken her heart. I knew she was still in love with Cameron, and watching her now, I realized how much that love was hurting her.

  Wasn’t love supposed to feel good? Make you feel all warm and protected? Then why did it hurt so much?

  Feeling thirsty, I went to the kitchen to search the fridge for a drink. It was nearly empty, only a few bottles of beer remaining, along with a small bottle of orange juice—as if it had been waiting for me, reminding me of someone I was trying hard not to think about.

  I reached for the orange juice anyway, twisting the cap and feeling a smile on my face as I took a long drink. By the time I went back to the living room, I couldn’t see Kara and Theo anymore. I was about to search for them, just to make sure I knew where she was and that she was safe, when the music suddenly stopped playing. The sharp echo of the microphone stabbed my ears.

  The crowd was cheering instead of complaining, and I automatically searched for the reason. There, on a makeshift stage beside the huge speakers, a band was getting ready to play.

  The dim lighting made it hard to see clearly, but there was something vaguely familiar about the vocalist. He picked up his guitar with ease and familiarity, as if he had done it a thousand times before, and folded his long legs as he sat on a stool.

  He looked down for a moment to adjust his guitar, his wavy hair sliding silkily over his forehead, hiding his face. He raked his fingers impatiently through his hair, rising from his seat and setting his guitar down to search his pockets. He laughed lightly at himself when he found an elastic band in his pocket and quickly gathered his hair in a bun. I could hear his fangirls sighing.

  “I hope everyone is having a great time. Thank you for letting us play for you tonight,” he said. He had a faint accent I couldn’t identify. French, maybe?

  The crowd went wild at the first note from his guitar. Girls screamed, “Damon! Damon!”

  His voice was deep, almost raspy. I found a spot near the staircase and leaned against the wall, drinking my orange juice as I listened.

  A couple of girls lifted their shirts and flashed him. I wanted to march in front of them and pull their shirts down. He looked down, smiling and seemingly embarrassed as he continued singing.

  A movement in my peripheral vision made me look up, and I thought I saw Kara and Theo walk into the kitchen. What were they up to?

  I stayed where I was, enjoying a few songs to give them privacy. When the band called for a quick break, I decided to look for Kara in the kitchen, but I only saw a guy on the floor, passed out drunk. Where was she?

  Deciding to get another drink, I opened the fridge and found it empty. I sighed loudly and leaned against the counter, crossing my arms and feeling out of place.

  What was Caleb doing now?

  Stop! Stop thinking about him!

  I’d made him chicken potpie for dinner, but Cameron had phoned before we could eat, and then I’d left to check on Kara. Did Caleb eat already?

  Stop it!

  I miss him.

  No! You do not miss him.

  If he were here right now, he’d probably do something ridiculous like sing onstage with the band or do cartwheels in the middle of the dance floor. He was so silly. And sweet. And so attractive. So…appealing.

  I closed my eyes, imagining the way his eyes looked at my lips, how with just one look I knew what he was thinking…

  I looked up when I heard someone clear their throat. It was the lead vocalist from the band, the one who looked familiar. He was leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed, almost like he had been there for a while, watching me with an amused smile. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Hey, Angel Face. I—”

  A group of guys suddenly grabbed him, each guy holding one of his arms or legs. I moved away as they carried him toward the back of the house, laughing raucously. A few moments later, I heard a loud splash, followed by “You assholes!” They must have thrown him into the pool.

  I grinned in spite of myself. That was definitely something Caleb would do. Why was I always thinking about him? Frowning, I shook my head. This was not good. I needed fresh air to clear my head.

  Stepping out to the backyard, I walked to the garden and stopped when I heard Kara’s voice. I found her and Theo sitting on a stone bench, surrounded by high, thick shrubs that almost hid them from view. They were facing each other, leaning close to each other. I spun around with every intention of leaving them alone when I heard angry footsteps.

  “Theodore, we’re running out of beer!”

  Kara and Theo pulled away from each other. A girl stood a few feet away from me and was glaring daggers at them.

  She was stunning. Her hair was pixie-cut and dyed a shocking blue—like the skin color of a Smurf. Her face was heart-shaped, cheekbones high and sharp. But what fascinated me more than her hair were her eyes. They were two different colors. One was a vivid blue, and t
he other was dark brown.

  She was petite, but she had the body of an Amazon. She dressed her luscious curves in a black shirt that said Bow to me, you useless mortals and white-washed jeans that were ripped at the knees. She finished the look with black combat boots.

  This girl screamed balls-kicker.

  “Dude, I’m busy. Can’t you get your brother to get some?” Theo grumbled.

  “No. He’s busy exchanging spit and germs and God-knows-what with that walking STD over there.”

  I choked on a laugh.

  Theo blushed. “Language, dude.”

  “I am not your dude!”

  The girl looked like she was going to stamp her foot.

  “I’m sorry, Kara,” he apologized.

  Kara looked like she was on the verge of laughter. “It’s all right,” she replied as she stood. “I’ll see you around, then?”

  I headed back inside to let them finish their conversation in private. When Kara found me, she was grinning.

  “So, we have a plan,” she started, hooking her arm through mine.

  “We do?”

  “You and I are going to ride in Theo’s car to get some beer at the store. He’s meeting us at the front with his girl buddy. Let’s go!”

  I frowned. “He’s a stranger, Kar.” I knew Theo looked like a sweet guy, but looks could be deceiving. “What if he ends up being one of those sex-slave traders and sells us to the mob? Haven’t you seen that movie with Liam Neeson where his daughter gets kidnapped and sold into sex slavery?”

  Kara barked out a laugh. “Then I’d chop his balls off. Let your hair down just this one night for me! I’m brokenhearted, and I haven’t been banged in…” She muttered something under her breath. I heard the words months, days, and hours. “But who’s counting?”

  “You drive me crazy.”

  She winked. “You love me.”

  She dragged me to the front of the house, where Theo pulled up in a sleek, black 1967 Chevy Impala. Kara sat in the passenger seat, while I climbed in beside the blue-haired girl in the back.

  “I don’t know why I have to sit here, Theo.” She pouted, her voice dripping with annoyance. “I always ride beside you.”

  “Be nice, Beth.” Theo glanced at Kara and back at me apologetically. “I’m sorry. She forgot to take her polite pills today. She’s Beth, by the way. Beth, this is Kara and Ver.”

  “Hi, Beth.” I smiled at her. She smiled back.

  Kara turned in her seat. “You can call me Kar.”

  Beth rolled her eyes at Kara. Suddenly, the tune of “Baby Got Back” filled the car. It was Beth’s phone ringing. She frowned at it before she answered. “Hello! The number you dialed is busy finding fucks to give. Please try again later.”

  I laughed. I liked this girl.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “So, Kara,” Theo started, “what’s your story?”

  Beth rolled her eyes again and let out an exasperated sigh. “He’s always like this. Watch out. Theo could fish out a priest’s secrets. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself telling Theo all your dirtiest deeds.” She smirked.

  “Is that true?” Kara asked, her voice flirty.

  I was glad that Kara was having fun, or else she was trying hard not to be sad. Beside me, Beth squirmed in her seat. She seemed itchy, like she wanted to pounce between Theo and Kara to separate them. I bit back a laugh. The girl was nuts about Theo. That, or she was overly protective of him.

  Were they siblings? It didn’t seem like it when I computed the way she looked at him. She looked at him like…Caleb looked at me.

  I sighed. Caleb thoughts weren’t allowed tonight. I tuned out for a moment until I heard Beth’s annoyed voice cut in.

  “So you’re using Theo as a rebound because you broke up with your ex?” Beth demanded all of a sudden. Her hand went to Theo’s shoulder protectively.

  “Beth,” Theo warned.

  Kara chuckled. “Relax. Theo is a nice guy, and I only fall for the bad guys. He’s all yours, girl.”

  Theo groaned at the same time Beth said, “Good.” Then she added, “I’m not always a bitch. I sleep sometimes too, you know. Like a normal human being.”

  The tension disappeared. Kara and I laughed, and Theo snorted.

  “Theo’s a softie. People take advantage of him all the time because he’s such a nice guy. He needs me to protect him.”

  “I’d like to think I’m the one protecting you, since I’m older.” He flashed her a grin.

  “Look,” Beth said, flicking Theo’s ear. “Tell me I’m right or tell me you’re wrong, Theo. Take your pick.”

  Kara and I kept quiet, enjoying their banter for a while. They were like an old married couple.

  Theo parked in front of the liquor store and asked us to stay in the car and wait for him.

  “See how he can make you do things for him?” Beth ranted. “I mean, what kind of girl in this day and age would just accept a guy ordering her around like that? It’s a talent, I’m telling you! He’s so irritating.” Her face mirrored her displeasure, but her eyes told a different story as they followed Theo’s form until he disappeared inside the store.

  Kara and I shared a knowing look. Beth scooted between the front seats so she could switch the radio station. She settled on indie rock before sitting back in her seat.

  “I think it’s because he’s a very nice guy,” I offered. “He doesn’t tell you what to do; he asks in his own sweet way. I like your Theo.”

  Beth shifted in her seat, smiling. She seemed satisfied when I said your Theo.

  “So, Kar.” Beth started. When Kara didn’t answer, Beth called her again. Finally, Beth reached forward and tapped Kara on the shoulder.

  “Yeah? Sorry.” Kara sighed, raking her fingers through her hair. She sounded tired.

  Beth whistled. “You got it bad for the ex, girl.”

  She scooted closer to Kara. Now that she was sure Kara wasn’t moving in on Theo, Beth was warming up to her. “If he doesn’t give a fuck about you, why do you still love him?”

  Kara looked at her seriously. “Would you keep loving Theo if he didn’t feel the same way about you?”

  Before Beth could say anything else, Theo came back, smiling and holding beer. A lot of beer. Beth scooted between the front seats again. She pulled the keys from the ignition, rolled down the window, and passed them to Theo’s outstretched hand. He walked back to open the trunk and put the beer in, then got in and started the car. They seemed to have a routine. It was so cute to watch.

  We were a block away from the liquor store when the car shuddered to a stop.

  Theo groaned. “Man,” he moaned, resting his head on the steering wheel. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I told you to sell this piece of shite, Tee. What is it this time?”

  “It’s just the battery. I need a boost.”

  “My dad owns a car repair shop,” Kara offered. “You can bring it in, and I’ll give you a discount.”

  Theo looked at her gratefully. His smile was embarrassed.

  Beth tossed a set of keys to Theo. “Grab my car so you can give it a boost.” She turned toward us to explain. “I live just a couple blocks away. He can run it. Go, Tee.”

  Theo stepped out of the car and hesitated before closing the door. “I don’t want to leave you girls alone here. It’s late.”

  “This is not the time for that caveman crap, Theo,” Beth chided. “I’m hungry, and I have to pee. Go!” She made a shooing motion with her hand.

  Theo looked worriedly at us, and I gave him a smile so he knew I was okay with it.

  “Lock your doors, and keep your phones with you. Dial 911—”

  Beth reached for the handle and closed the car door in his face. Theo just shook his head, waved, and left.

  “He is suc
h an old-fashioned nerd.” Beth huffed. “He thinks guys should take care of everything. It’s stupid.”

  “I think it’s sweet,” I said, smiling at her.

  She pouted. The car was parked under a streetlamp, and its light created a halo around Beth. With her blue hair, she looked supernatural, like a sea fairy.

  “You’re so in love with him,” Kara commented, turning to stare at her.


  “You heard me. Does he know?”

  Beth was silent for a moment before she answered. “No. Yes. I don’t know.”

  I could tell she was debating whether she should trust us or not. I guessed she’d decided to trust us, since after a minute she said, “He’s pretty dense, and I don’t want to tell him. It’s going to…ruin what we have, you know?”

  She cracked her knuckles and turned to Kara. “So what happened to you and your ex?”

  I glanced at Kara, worried. She looked pale and subdued.

  “I was going to wait until Ver and I were alone, but I think we can welcome an ugly face like you into our little group. What do you think, Ver?”

  I chuckled. “Sure. One with pretty blue hair, preferably.”

  Beth beamed at me, then suggested, “Well, if we’re listening to this drama queen here, let’s go outside for some fresh air. Sit on the hood and drink beer? No one is around.”

  We all agreed. We lounged on the hood of Theo’s car, Kara and I flanking Beth. They were drinking beer, but I declined. I didn’t want to get drunk when Kara needed me sober.

  “So, what’s up?” Beth started.

  Kara pulled her long legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and resting her forehead on her knees. “Ver brought me to watch her boyfriend’s basketball practice today—”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “—and my ex was there. I wasn’t feeling well so I left. Cameron saw me and eventually found me. He brought me to his place.” She shrugged. “Nothing happened. End of story.”

  Beth nudged Kara and told her to stretch out her legs. She settled her head on my lap and draped her feet over Kara’s legs. I couldn’t help but smile at the way Beth fit with us, how at ease she was with us. “Come on. You gotta give me more than that.”


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