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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 24

by Julie Trettel

  It was still unclear when the Grand Council had arrived exactly. My dad hadn't even mentioned them to me and I was furious because of it. All I knew was that they were here now and they were watching us.

  My greatest fear was that the Bulgarians would cause enough trouble to instigate a formal inquiry into my mate's background. I had already heard from several sources that they were screaming foul play in the defeat of Andon.

  Pack Councils vary in numbers based on the size and needs and politics of the pack. Westin Pack has seven council members overseeing pack needs. But the Grand Council only ever had five. And once on the Grand Council you were there until death. It was a lifetime commitment. They released all ties to their original pack, including their mates and pups. The thought behind it was that they have absolutely no loyalties aside from the greater good of the wolf shifter world.

  Of course, that's how things were supposed to work. You often found Grand Council members to be extremely old and wise, but they were still fallible beings as well with self-motives and were not above corruption. In order to overthrow a Grand Council ninety percent of the established packs must join together to make it happen. Since packs were very territorial and rarely agreed on anything, this had only happened once in all of known wolf history.

  The current Grand Council is comprised of Cedric, Omar, Titus, Victor, and Callum. Callum came to them on curious terms having been initiated far younger than his counterparts and without having taken a mate previously. The other four surpassed their mates in life making them more ideal for the positions. Then again, this council had issued more than its fair share of questionable laws and verdicts. I didn't trust them with the safety of my mate and though we hadn't discussed it, I knew Kelsey was aware of the bags packed and stored under our bed in case we found cause to flee for her safety.

  “Titus, you know me, there is nothing underhanded going on here. I have told the Grand Council, we do not understand why their bond grew so quickly or why it began to forge prior to their actual consummation. They fought it for over two years. Clearly their wolves did not believe that time to be rejection.” Jason's voice boomed from the front hallway outside his office.

  “I hear what you are saying, Jason, but it doesn't make sense. We understand and witnessed with our own eyes the extent of their bond at the challenge. The Grand Council will support you in terminating any further mating challenges for either of them. However,” I held my breath waiting to hear the bad news I felt in my bones was coming, “the Bulgarians are demanding a full inquiry into the female. Stories have floated around that she was a lone wolf permitted to live in Westin Territory and even protected by your own Council despite blatant disregard for you and your pack. It is unclear exactly what the special circumstances were around that situation, but we do intend to get to the bottom of it. There will be a full inquiry. I am sorry. There is nothing I can do to stop it.”

  My heart lurched into my throat. The Bulgarians were going to pursue this because I killed Andon. Going after my mate was nothing more than revenge, but there was no way for them to know the skeletons they were about to find in her closet by such an inquiry. What if they were able to verify her heritage? What if someone remembered her and her family? What would happen when they discovered she was an alpha female who escaped from her childhood death sentence and was raised without a pack, fearing all wolves?

  I couldn't take that chance. I looked around the great room, watching my siblings interact with my beautiful mate. They fully accepted her even knowing what she was. They would fight to the death to protect her, but could I allow them to do that? No. I knew I couldn't. Our best chance of survival would be to go off-grid until this all blew over.

  But, Kyle, that'll just make us look all the more suspicious. Kelsey's sweet voice answered in my head.

  I should have known she was listening in on all my thoughts. She looked so peaceful and deep in conversation with my brother Liam that I honestly thought she had been spared overhearing Dad's conversation.

  Kels, I can't sit around and wait for them to come for you, for us, because once they know what you are, they will have no choice but to come for us. I don't see how we can win this.

  Our pack in strong. We are strong. And our family is worth fighting for. If I die, you will too. I will never allow that to happen. You felt our combined power. The strength of it. We are powerful together, and I say we stand and fight. I did nothing wrong. I'm not a threat to anyone except those threatening our pack. And can you honestly tell me that even if you and I ran, that they wouldn't take it out on them? We have to stay and protect them. It's what we were born to do, together.

  I walked over to where she sat on the couch and dropped to my knees before her. I laid my head in her lap and nodded. She stroked my hair lovingly. I just wanted to throw up.

  “Ok, if that's what you want. We'll stay and fight.”

  “Huh?” The moment was broken by Liam. “Uh, what's going on here? I feel like I missed something. Is everything ok?”

  “No,” Kelsey said, “but it will be. It has to be.”

  When Titus left, Dad called me into his office.

  “Liam, she doesn't leave your sight, understood?”

  “Uh, yeah, got it big bro. I'll guard her with my life.”

  “Okay, spill it, what is going on? That felt really intense, and I know you two were doing that bonding mind trick thingy again,” I heard Liam demand as I walked away, and her twinkle of laughter in response, softened the rock that was pressing down on my chest making it difficult to breath.

  Dad closed the door behind me when I entered so we could talk in private.

  “Kamen, the Bulgarian Pack Alpha, is insisting on an inquiry to the challenge. He was so certain that Andon would defeat you, that he is in disbelief of the turn of events. Many rumors are floating around as to what happened.”

  I gritted my teeth, “Like what?”

  “Well, for starters, that Kelsey was faking pain to draw his attention away and give you the break needed to end him.”

  “That's absurd, her hand was bleeding.”

  “I know, son, I was there for the front row seat to it all, remember? And it is also being said that I collapsed under your alpha power during the challenge. This is causing quite an uproar with allegations that you and Kelsey have assumed leadership in the pack.” He cleared his throat, “And there a rumor going around that she is a, well, a witch.”


  “I know it's absurd, but if that rumor doesn't end soon it will lead to a full investigation into her past. Before the killings of female alphas began, they were often called witches. Women of magical powers over other wolves. We need to take this rumor serious and stop it at all costs. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “You have your bags packed should they come for her?”

  “Yes, but she isn't going to run, Dad. She's become very protective of this family and this pack and she is adamant that we can not leave everyone to face the wake of this alone.”

  “Kyle, I'm not going to lose you over this. If it comes down to a fight, I need you to take your mate and leave. They come after her, they come after you.”

  They come after you, they come after this entire pack. No one will back down from this. I heard her warn me and I knew she was speaking truth.

  “Kelsey believes the pack will rise to protect us if it comes to that.”

  My father sighed looking far older than he had even one day earlier. “You know they will, but we're talking a potential war here, Kyle.”

  “I think we need to bring in the Pack Council and formally fill them in. If they agree with Kelsey, then we need to hold an emergency pack meeting to prepare our wolves. If they do not, when the time comes I will grab her and go despite her protests. They will not kill my mate without first killing me.”

  Dad nodded in agreement and made a few quick phone calls. Within an hour, the full Pack Council was assembled in his office and Kelsey joined me as
we filled them in on what we knew of her past and confirmed to their shock and horror that she was indeed a female alpha.

  “This will go to war amongst the packs when they discover what she is, and I do not think Kamen will back down until he has all the answers, including this,” Ambrose spoke up first.

  “Yes, but she is pack. Have you not seen the response of the pack to her presence? She has allegiance of many already. They will fight for her. I have no doubt in that,” Quinton spoke, generally the quietest of the bunch which caused the others to subdue.

  “I move to tell the pack. Hold a special pack meeting and discuss this with them as a whole. If they fear what she is and the outcome of that news getting out, then Kyle is prepared to take her and run,” Kelsey started to protest but I shook my head and she submitted as Cole continued, “But, if they are willing to stand in support of her, then I say we prepare to fight. This is our future Alpha and Pack Mother we are talking about here. Kyle will die by her side if we do not. We can not allow that to happen.”

  Heads nodded around the room and the issue was settled. We would move forward with talking to the pack. It was a risk, especially since Kelsey's alpha powers had not yet come to light. Still we all felt we were on borrowed time with that and needed to proactively stay ahead of the Grand Council and whatever packs aligned to take her.

  The emergency pack meeting was called for that very night. Because of the severity in the nature and because, despite my father's insistence for the visiting packs to clear out, with the Grand Council's presence in Westin Territory, there were still more unwanted ears potentially listening in than desired, so the meeting was being held in the sub-basement of the pack house which was fully shielded from prying eyes and ears, same as the offices in Westin Foundation and my father's office in our family home. The room was much smaller though so wolves were brought in in groups of thirty by alphabetical order.

  It was a good plan also in that the numbers were small enough not to draw too much attention to the outsiders and should the pack not accept Kelsey's power and position, we would not be ganged up on by the entirety of the pack at once. I honestly didn't think that would happen, but had to be prepared for the possibility. Because of this, I strategically placed Kelsey near the emergency exit that only a handful of people knew existed and even fewer knew where the escape tunnels exited. I would do anything to protect her, even against those I cared about.

  When the first group arrived, I was an aggressive nervous mess. It was my mate that had to calm me and she chose to speak up on her own behalf. I was equally humbled and grumbled over it. On the one hand I wanted to take the lead and properly introduce her, but on the other hand, I wanted to keep her secret safe and protected. I was a mess. She was right to take the lead.

  “Hello,” she greeted everyone equally. I knew the other wolves felt my unease and it stirred their own, but she smiled and welcomed everyone and almost knew each of their names. I wondered when that had happened.

  “Please take a seat, this won't take long.” She said with authority. “Most of you know my story by now. But there is a part of it that was held back to protect you all as much as me, but circumstances are changing quickly and a pack joint decision needs to be made immediately.”

  There were murmurs of confusion around the room, but my father nodded and raised his hand asking them all to settle and hear her out.

  “I know you all are fully aware of the rumors that Kyle and I have fully bonded. I know you saw the scene I caused at the challenge. That was not faked, our bond has sealed.”

  Again a few concerned whispers.

  “We don't know why this happened so quickly, but there are a few theories, and unfortunately it was enough to stir questions and a formal inquiry to the Grand Council forced through the Bulgarians who are angry over Andon's defeat.”

  She paused again and let that sink in.

  “I've always told you the truth. I do not know where I come from, or what pack I may have once belonged to. I do not know for sure why my parents chose to raise me away from a pack, or why they told me to fear wolves, and never mentioned what I truly am. I'll likely never have these answers, however, with Kyle and Jason's help we do have a theory. And there's no easy way to say this, so here goes, I am a natural born alpha female.”

  She hesitated and waited for reactions, but there was complete silence.

  “We believe this is why my parents acted as they did. We believe they were trying to save my life. It is also suspected that this may be why Kyle and I bonded as quickly as we did. And this is something we fear could come out in the Grand Council's inquiry into me.”

  I was taken back by the fierce grumbles that followed in that. My dad again raised a hand to silence them as I began mentally preparing to protect and remove my mate.

  “You all know the implications of what she is saying.” Cole Anderson spoke up. “If they find out what she really is, they will no doubt order her death, and with that comes the death of Kyle too. We are certain of this. Micah has examined their bond and there is no doubt here. You all know what's at stake. We are risking the loss of both our future Alpha and Pack Mother if this comes to light. Kyle is prepared to run and live in exile to keep her alive, in which case we will still lose our future Alpha and Pack Mother.”

  That brought up a fury of angry voices.

  Leo Tripp stood amongst the crowd and raised his hand. “What does the Pack Council propose?”

  “We are not proposing anything right now,” Saul assured them only to be received by angrier voices. “We are giving you this knowledge and as a pack will decide what is best for all.”

  Leo smiled, “In that case, there's no discussion far as I'm concerned. Kelsey is pack and we protect our own.” He turned directly to Kelsey. “I will fight till my dying breath to protect you, future Pack Mother.” Then he kneeled before all and bared his neck to her in allegiance. Many others dropped to their knees pledging allegiance with him, but not all.

  Sally Merchant stood and raised her hand. “Kelsey, you know I love you and appreciate our friendship, but I have to know,” turning towards her Alpha, “Alpha, is she a threat or danger to us? There is a reason female alphas are sentenced to death. They are too powerful. Have her powers even been tested? Are we certain she is what she says?”

  “Oh, we’re certain,” Vanessa Relic spoke up. “Trust me, being on her wrong side isn't exactly fun.” That earned a few chuckles. “But a danger, no, not to us at least. I don't know this for sure, but having been on the receiving end of her powers, I would say they are defensive and protective in nature. I do not believe she was even aware she had them when I goaded her over Kyle causing a surprising jolt to surface.”

  Kelsey smiled and laughed, “I am truly sorry. I didn't even know I could do that at the time, Vanessa. I have learned to control them since. Honestly we believe they were entirely dormant until you provoked me.” That earned her many laughs and nods or approval. They all knew how aggressive Vanessa had been to claim me.

  “To answer your question, Sally, yes, I have tested Kelsey's powers myself and she is very strong. But no, I do not feel she is a danger to our pack. If anything, she is a danger to anyone seeking to harm our pack. She is also able to combine powers with Kyle and both can easily pull pack power on their own now. Powerful? Strong? Most definitely. But a risk to us. No.”

  She seemed pleased with his answer and turned back to Kelsey who laid a soft hand on my arm and stepped forward. I hadn't even realized I had taken up position in front of her readying myself for anything coming our way. I didn't like her exposing herself as she stepped forward, but I felt like it was about to be a profound moment and bit back my natural urge to protect her.

  “Kelsey, can you push your power out for all to feel?”

  “I can, but please do not ask me too. I do not wish to demand allegiance from anyone. I am asking if you will stand up for me, and for Kyle, should the threat arise against us.”

  “I will.” Sally said wi
thout hesitation and the remaining in the room dropped to their knees with her.

  “I'd still like to feel your power, Kelsey. Are you controlled enough to make it present without being demanding?”

  I understood what she was asking. She wanted to know how much control Kelsey had on it. My mate nodded.

  “I am still learning, but I know there are different types of alpha power. There is the quick and absolute power of defense, which, I sincerely regret Vanessa having to have faced. I had to learn to control it during the challenges and honestly it was easier to do battling Christine, than to have to watch Kyle suffer at the hands of another and not protect him. There is also the power of demand which the Alpha gives with a command or order. If I told you, Sally Merchant, to rise now, you would do so.” As proof the heat of her power propelled forward but only to Sally who stood and dropped her gaze to the floor unable to look at her. “There is also the power of love, acceptance, and commitment. I discovered this mutually with Kyle after the allegiances granted me at the end of my challenge with Christine.” The room suddenly flooded with warmth and happiness as she let her power flow easily from her.

  I stepped up next to her and taking her hand released my own power to join hers. She looked at me and smiled warmly. Combined it had a very calming effect on every person in the room. I knew when she cut it off and I did the same. The others began to rise and stir and murmurs were heard throughout.

  “Thank you for your demonstration, you are indeed powerful, but controlled and I would never believe you a danger to our pack.” Sally confirmed unnecessarily. “I will stand with you should the need arise, even against the Grand Council.”


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