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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 25

by Julie Trettel

  A census of consent was taken and all agreed they were ready and willing to fight for her, for us, for pack.

  Group after group came and went with the same results and a unanimous decision was made. I knew Kelsey was wearing down, exhausted from the day’s events, both emotionally and physically and excused us as soon as the last completed. I had never been prouder to be a Westin than I was that night.


  Chapter 31

  A knock at the door jolted me awake. I looked at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand next to Kyle's side of the bed. Two twenty-six am. We had barely laid down. The urgent knock sounded again and I shook Kyle but he was dead to the world. Out like a light and snoring loudly. I stumbled out of bed and down the hall to the sound of more urgent knocking.

  When I opened the door five men stood before me.

  “Kelsey Adams. We have been issued a formal inquiry for background check. Are you aware of who we are?”

  I nodded, “Yes, you're the Grand Council members.”

  “That is correct, and we mean you no harm.”

  “Mean me no harm? Then why are you knocking down my door in the middle of the night?”

  “We assure you, we want no problems,” the short one I knew was Omar, spoke up. “We only want this over quickly without issues and concerns escalated from your pack.”

  I nodded. It sounded reasonable even if didn't sit well with me.

  Kyle? Kyle wake up, and get out here! I screamed into our bond.

  “What is it you want from me?” I asked hesitantly allowing them in and motioning for them to sit.

  “We just have a few questions to ask and a little blood sample to take.”

  “Blood? Why?”

  “Do you know Kamen of the Bulgarian Pack?”

  “I've heard the name.”

  “Well, the Bulgarians have brought up some concerns regarding the strength of your bond to Kyle Westin.”

  “I understand they are upset because he beat their challenger in battle.”

  “There's some truth to that which is why we're trying to keep a low profile and get through this as quickly as possible.”

  Another, with dark hair and a slight foreign accent spoke next. “Seems there was some hype around here these last few years about you. A little lone wolf squatting in Westin Territory. It should have come as no shock to anyone to find you mated to Kyle Westin giving the fact that you remain alive today. You are aware that no other wolf would have been granted such a privilege?”

  “I'm aware now. I wasn't at the time. As I am sure you have already heard my story. Is it confirmation you seek? Yes, I was a little girl when my parents died in an attack. I was bitten trying to escape. I turned that night for the first time. I thought I was a monster. Laugh all you want, but I had no one and knew nothing of wolf shifters. I drifted in and out of foster homes until I aged out and have kept a low profile ever since. It was sheer luck that I stumbled into this territory and learned what I am.”

  Kyle, wake up, I need you! I begged to him.

  “Should I have my Pack Alpha present for this?” I saw a shared look between them and knew they had hoped I wouldn't ask.

  “There's really no reason to bother him in the middle of the night like this. I think we have our confirmation, just a quick finger prick and we'll be on our way.”

  One of them held me down by my shoulders with force as the other reached for my hand.

  Ow, what the? Babe, where are you? What's going on? I finally heard Kyle.

  I don't know what they want, they're hurting me. I cried back.

  It was then that I heard a noise from the bedroom and a loud menacing growl came through the house the same time a flash of brown fur jumped on the man behind me holding me down. I heard him scream out in pain.

  “Quickly, get her blood,” Omar insisted to the one holding the needle above my finger, but Kyle was fast and he was angry.

  What do they want? Why are they here?

  I don't really know.

  Why didn't you wake me?

  In the midst of all the chaos I know I glared at him for that comment. Don't you think I tried?

  Get behind me, I'll hold them off and get to the bottom of this.

  “Enough!” The demand came from the largest of the men. Cedric, I think his name was. His demand was punched with more alpha power than I had ever felt. My initial reaction was to stand my ground and refuse to back down to him.

  Kneel. Kneel now, Kelsey. Don't confirm their suspicions.

  Against every ounce of fiber in my body I complied to my mate's plea and submitted as would be expected of me.

  “Kyle, change.” Cedric ordered.

  “What is the meaning of this, Cedric?” Kyle demanded. “You barge into my home and attack my mate in the middle of the night? Is this how the Grand Council operates now?”

  The man sighed, “My sincere apologies, Kyle. We were just trying to get to the bottom of things without drawing any attention which is in the best interest of us all.”

  “Physically assaulting my mate is in no one's best interest,” he growled out.

  “I can see we were mistaken in our methods. A simple drop of blood and we'll be on our way.”

  “Why? Why do you want her blood?”

  “A lineage test.” Omar spoke. “That is all. Kamen has requested a lineage test to see if it can be determined to which pack Kelsey's family derived from. Nothing more.”

  “It does not matter to anyone in Westin Pack where she derived, she is Westin now. Period.”

  “This will all end with a simple finger prick, Kyle. Please do not be unreasonable.”

  “One drop of blood, and then this is all over? You'll leave?” I asked.

  Kyle glared at me. Do not do it, Kelsey.

  Why? Kyle why?

  He didn't respond and I submitted to the testing only realizing in hindsight that they distracted me before I could fully heed the warning. And with my blood in hand they left as they had said they would.

  “What have you done? I told you not to give it to them.”

  “Why wouldn't I? I just wanted them gone.” I was still freaked out and shaking from the encounter with the Grand Council and now my home felt violated too.

  “Because now, they have their proof,” he whispered.


  “Your alpha line will run strong through your blood.”

  “Why did you let me do it then?”

  “Kels, they silenced me. I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.”

  “Silenced you?”

  “Yes, they are very powerful Alphas, they can even silence a bond. We need to call my dad and prepare our pack. Once they know what you are, they will come after us. It's only a matter of when now.”

  I began sobbing. What had I done? How could I have been so stupid? But how could I possibly have known they could tell all that from a drop of blood? Our pack would be forced into war and it would be all my fault. What could I do now? Run? It's what's always kept me alive. I would run, on my own. They wouldn't hurt Kyle if I weren't here, would they?

  “Babe, stop thinking like that. You aren't running away. Not without me. And apparently not without the entire pack from the sounds of things last night. We are strong together. They will not defeat us. And to answer your question, no. If you ran they would simply kill me knowing it would also kill you, remember.”

  “They wouldn't dare! Would they?”

  “It's possible. But we aren't going to find out. You hear me?”

  He pulled me close to his body, still warm and naked from his transition from wolf. I clung to him, taking in as much of his scent as I physically could breathe in while fighting back hysterics.

  “It's going to be okay, Kels, but I have to call and warn Dad. They came at us in the middle of the night while we were most vulnerable. They will not hesitate to do that again.”

  It took several phone calls, but within the hour the entire Pack Council and a few other notable
wolves from the Westin Pack filled our living room and dining room areas. Each had been informed on what the Grand Council had done and were furious. Strategies and ideas were flying all around from each of them.

  Elise hugged me tight and kept telling me it was going to be okay.

  “Maybe they won't find anything out from your blood and it'll all blow over,” Lily encouraged with little faith.

  Jason had the phone glued to his ear making calls to allies outside the pack. He called in every favor possible as he set up alliances.

  “Collier, Longhorn, and Central Pack of New York are onboard. They are each sending an elite team of representatives to stand and fight with us should it come to it. Alaska and the Virginians are staying neutral for the time being. They want to see what, if anything, arises before choosing a side. And unfortunately, Dermot, Patrick's father, is still a bit miffed over his refusal to fight in the challenges, but not enough to go against his son either. Since Patrick has allied with us, the Irish Clan will neither fight against or for us.”

  “How many packs are there anyway?” I asked aloud. The room went quiet as all eyes glued on me.

  “Well, my dear, there are many packs around the world, but only eleven that we know of big enough to cause a war.”

  “The Grand Council recognizes fifty-seven packs worldwide, last I heard confirmed,” Cole Anderson added.

  I couldn't believe there could possibly be that many wolf shifters in the world.

  “The Westin Pack is amongst the largest in numbers, Kelsey. Some of the recognized packs could have as few as four members.” Cole added seeming to read my mind. “The top eleven packs each have more than five hundred shifters and comprise the majority of known wolf shifters in the world.”

  “So, Collier, Longhorn, Central, Alaska, Virginia, and the Irish Clan are all part of the top eleven too?”

  “Yes,” Kyle joined in. “We have four confirmed, including our pack, willing to fight if it comes to it and three more currently staying neutral. That still leaves four packs that could potentially ally against us. But hopefully that will bring an even match, or best we have the slight advantage because of the size of our pack and the fact that they will have to bring the fight to us.”

  “No pack will risk their entirety on a battle such as that. We will have the numbers.” Jason confirmed stoically. “Let's just all pray it doesn't come down to it.”

  By that evening, Collier and Longhorn representatives had already arrived and Central was only a few hours out. We had more than filled our home and decided to move everyone to the pack house. Mary and several of the she-wolves were busy preparing meals. I stopped by the kitchen to offer my help and was immediately shooed out, but not before giving her a quick hug and thanks. I smiled at Sally Merchant who reached out and squeezed my hand as I made my exit.

  There was a knock at the main door as I passed through the foyer heading for the community room where everyone was currently sprawled out in deep conversations. I knew that was odd because pack members wouldn't knock. I hesitantly opened the door only to be greeted by all five of the Grand Council wide eyed and maybe even a little fearful.

  “Kelsey,” Omar began, “we humbly ask to speak with your Pack Council.”

  Kyle, they're here. I screamed through the bond trying not to show an outward response.

  A low growl of warning sounded off to my left coming from the direction of the community room and growing louder in approach. I wasn't scared though, I would recognize that growl anywhere. Relief washed over me.

  “Kyle,” his father said with enough authority to calm him and piss him off a little. “Please, calm yourself. The Grand Council means no harm entering our halls. Isn't that correct?” He demanded more than questioned.

  “We need to talk, Jason.”

  He sighed and invited them in. All five seemed oddly uneasy.

  “Alone,” Omar said. “This is a private conversation.”

  “You entered my son's house in the middle of the night,” he accused. “You stole blood from our future Pack Mother. I can only assume you wish to discuss the results of such actions. There is nothing you will say that will not be taken back to my pack, so please, speak freely.”

  Man, Jason sounded pissed, and as scary as the Grand Council was, I could have sworn each of them squirmed slightly under his accusations.

  “I agree, our methods were perhaps out of line. But Jason, the results are not something we wish to broadcast publicly for fear of the outrage and fear that could result.”

  Cole stepped up as Kyle's arm possessively tightened around me.

  “Kelsey is an Alpha Female, hidden by her parents from the executioners and shouldn't be alive today.” He said frankly.

  Their eyes grew wide and their faces reddened in anger.

  “You knew? And yet you harbored her all this time?” He paused and looked around at the Westin Pack Council in shock. “Jason, do you realize the predicament you have put us all in? Do you realize how dangerous this all is?”

  “Kelsey Adams is no danger to us, nor you. And I know this to be true because I have tested her powers personally, and if even an ounce of that strength showed up in your little test then you know that she willingly gave it because otherwise there would be absolutely nothing you could do to stop her. Yes, I agree, she is powerful, even more so than you realize now that her bond has sealed with Kyle's. I do not say that as a threat, I say that for you to consider that with so much power, how is she able to control it? Afterall, isn't that the real reason the Old Council placed a death sentence on children like her? Because females are too emotionally unstable to actually control the power? That is what the old books say, and I dare challenge you to test her level of control. It is unlike anything I have ever seen.”

  The Grand Council was furious. You could see it all over their faces.

  “The penalty for harboring such an atrocity against nature, is death. You have just willingly admitted that you and your Council have done just that. And now you make threat against your Grand Council?”

  “I've made no such threats, Titus. Do not put words into my mouth. I have simply invited you to test her for yourself and see that she is no threat to you.”

  I hated that they were speaking about me as if I weren't standing right there.

  “Jason, there's more to it,” Callum spoke softly. “I'm afraid the Bulgarians were the ones to raise the alarm and demand inquiry. We honestly took the sample of her blood only to try and identify her pack line. Nothing more. So forgive us, as we are all in shock over this discovery even if you do not seem to be.”

  “And was it?” I asked softly. “Was my pack line discovered?”

  He looked at me sadly and nodded. “I'm afraid it will not bring you peace. Quite the opposite actually. May we sit?”

  I started to shake. I didn't like the sudden softness of his voice. I could deal better with the fury and outrage than whatever this was.

  “Kelsey, how much do you remember of your childhood?”

  I looked to Kyle, then to Jason. Both nodded their heads encouraging me to tell my story. They already knew what I was, so what harm could possibly come of it now?

  I took a deep breath and launched into the story of my childhood, what little I remembered and the dreadful night of my parents’ murder, how I got away, how I changed that night, and a little about how I survived afterwards prior to coming to San Marco.

  They were quiet for a few moments after I completed my story. I wasn't sure what to do or say. They just sort of looked at each other knowingly.

  "Kelsey," Victor began slowly. "We were able to not only determine your pack line, but we are 100% positive we know your identity. We have not shared this information with Kamen yet, but he will insist on hearing it and he will explode when he finds out."

  I took a sharp breath and felt Kyle's arm wrap around my waist. He was standing just behind me. I was grateful for his presence.

  "Perhaps we should take this in private if you wish to kn
ow your history. If not, Jason, as Pack Alpha, you will most assuredly need the information."

  "Here is fine. Kyle and I made a conscious decision not to keep anymore secret from our pack. From our family," I corrected myself.

  Elise squeezed my hand and held it tight. The rest of our Westin family closed in behind us. The remaining six Pack Council members moved closer just to my left. And then I felt and saw my pack circle us all, or at least those that were present at the time.

  I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "You say you have info about my pack, my Family, but truthfully, I know exactly who I am, who may family is, and what pack I belong to. I am Kelsey Adams. You are surrounded by my family and I am proudly a member and future Pack Mother of the Westin Pack."

  Cheers went up all around and I could see the unease cross each of the Grand Council's faces. Giving them all time to settle down, I held up my hand as I had seen Jason do in several pack meetings to quiet the group. "However," I said, "if you have information about my parents and my history, I would like to hear it."

  You could practically hear a pin drop it was so quiet as all ears tuned in for the story. Callum attempted to protest, but I dismissed the thought. "No. My pack deserves to hear this as much as anyone. They have every bit the stake in this as I do." It was true too. They had decided to fight for me. They would be laying their lives on the line if it came to that. I would not keep this from them.

  "Very well," Victor continued, "Your parents were Adelina and Dragomir of the Bulgarian Pack."

  A collective intake of breath could be heard. The Bulgarians? I didn't think I wanted to hear anymore.

  "I remember you as a small child. You and your sisters were perhaps the most adorable little pups I had ever laid eyes on. Each of you different, yet combined even as young as age four you were lethal."

  "Oh my god, she's the lost triplet." Elise said under her breath as she squeezed my hand harder.

  "That's correct," Victor confirmed. "Your name was Elena. You sisters were Lidiya and Mila. You were the youngest of the three, quiet, shy, always within arm’s reach of your mother. Mila was loud and a bit of a diva from the second you were all born. She loved the attention. Lidiya always chased behind her trying to keep up. But by four all three of you had come into powers. The little witch girls they called you. Mila liked to show off her power and shortly before your fifth birthday learned that she could combine her power with Lidiya's and bend people to her will. Your parents were good people and they tried to control her, but there was no controlling Mila. Kamen had fought off making the decision, but the time came when she was just too powerful and too dangerous to the pack and called for the death of all three. They came for Mila first."


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