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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

Page 47

by Lylah James

  “You stopped again.”

  My eyes opened again, and I mumbled another quick apology. As my hand moved over his back, I heard Alessio sigh in relief and contentment. “I love your hands on me.”

  “I love touching you,” I admitted softly.

  “You calm me, Ayla. You calm the fire raging inside of me,” he confessed.

  I placed a kiss on his shoulder as my fingers started to trace the chain tattoo on his arm. It started from his neck and curved around the Phoenix before continuing down the length of his arm, stopping right above his elbow.

  “What about this one? What does it mean?” I asked, soothing my hand over the heavy, black chains.

  Alessio froze underneath my touch.

  I froze too. I started to divert the conversation when he answered, his voice low and deep.

  “It means I am chained to my past.”

  I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I didn’t like where this conversation was going, but that didn’t stop me. “What do you mean?”

  “It represents my vengeance.”

  His words were a blow to my chest, and I felt a crack in my heart. It was almost as painful as the thought of losing everything I had just found. I looked at the chain that marked Alessio’s body, and tears filled my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.

  “Every time I catch a glimpse of it in the mirror, it serves as a reminder. It is a reminder that I need to take my revenge against the Italians. Every time I look at the chain, it fuels my anger and hatred.”

  Oh, his voice, it was filled with so much loathing and disgust. His words were laced with years of fury. His body was tense, muscles coiled tight as his words filled the room, his confession weighing heavily around us.

  He hated the Italians—the Abandonatos—so much that he had marked his body as a reminder.

  “Every time I look at the chain, I see my mother’s lifeless eyes, her blood around me.” Alessio’s voice broke over the last few words, but then I felt him taking a deep breath. He shuddered under my touch, and I pressed my lips together to stop an agonizing cry from escaping.

  “I’m consumed by it. It is what keeps me going, all these years and even now. My need for revenge has kept me alive,” Alessio continued in the same tight voice.

  I was distraught at the thought of him being in pain for so long. I wished I could take it all away, erase all his pain and the years of suffering.

  I didn’t dare lift my head from his arm. I kept my face hidden from Alessio as I soothed him with my gentle touch. “Alfredo is already dead. What will you do? To the Italians?” I asked softly.

  “Alberto is still alive. He is their so-called Boss. Alfredo may be dead, but that little fucker has taken over, and he needs to die.” Alessio paused for a moment as my heart accelerated, sweat forming on my forehead in tension.

  When he continued, I had to stop myself from shifting away from him. “Every single one of them. I will kill anyone who comes into my path. I will slaughter until I’m their fucking Boss. I will not stop until I have them under my feet.”

  Alessio laughed humorlessly, his body shaking under my hand. “That’s the ultimate payback. Making his empire, his army bow down to me, worshiping me as their God.”

  I had seen sweet and gentle Alessio. I had seen angry Alessio. But this one…the one who was filled with so much hatred and vengeance, that was the first time I had seen or heard him speak.

  And out of all the different shades of Alessio, this was the one who scared me the most.

  But even through my fear, I felt sudden relief. And safe in Alessio’s arms.

  During his confession, I didn’t miss the one promise he made.

  Alessio had vowed to kill Alberto, my tormentor. He didn’t know how much that meant to me, to know that one day, I’d be rid of this man—the devil in my life.

  “Alessio,” I whispered.


  My fingers traced the chain and then the Phoenix. “You said you’d kill anyone in your path. But what about the innocent?”

  Alessio tensed. “What?” he said slowly. Oh no, I knew that tone. But I continued to push. I needed to know.

  My voice trembled as I spoke. “What about those who are innocent? Will they perish, too? Just because they were doomed to be an Italian—an Abandonato?”

  Like me. The words were at the tip of my tongue, but I stopped them just in time.

  He didn’t speak for what felt like the longest time in my life. Then he spoke. And when he did, I knew that no matter what…my ending would always be the same.

  “There is no fucking innocence in that family. They are all the spawn of the devil. They are tainted with my mother’s and sister’s blood.”

  Bringing a hand to my mouth, I choked back a sob. It didn’t matter that I was a victim and innocent, because at the end of the day, I was an Abandonato.

  “Tell me something, Alessio,” I said hoarsely. “You said there is no innocence in that family. You hate them. But…” I paused and took a deep breath. “What would you have done if I was one of them? What if I tell you I’m an Abandonato?”

  My question was met with silence. I quickly swiped my tears away and waited. And waited. And waited. Seconds passed by…and then minutes. I still waited as silence enveloped us.

  Alessio suddenly shifted from under me, and then I was on my back, and he was looming over me, his gaze intense, his eyebrows furrowed in question.

  “What are you talking about?” he growled.

  Palming his cheeks, I whispered, “It’s just a question, Alessio. I’m just wondering.”

  “Ayla, that’s a stupid question. Why would you even ask that?” He glared down at me. “Don’t say that ever again.”

  He leaned down and placed a kiss on my nose. “I don’t ever want you to associate yourself with those fuckers again. Not even as a fucking joke. Do you hear me?”

  My heart stuttered at his words, and before I could stop myself, I pulled him down until our lips met each other. I kissed him with everything I had. I kissed him until I was breathless. I kissed him with such fervor as if it were my last kiss.

  Alessio growled into my lips and slowly pulled away, both of us breathing hard, our heart pounding, singing to each other with the same rhythm.

  “You’re too innocent, sweet, and gentle to ever be an Abandonato. Your heart is pure. An angel can’t belong to the Abandonato,” he whispered against my lips.

  My breath hitched, and my fingers tightened in his hair.

  “Alessio…” I said softly. He gazed down at me with loving eyes. And I knew he could see the same thing in my eyes, for I had given myself to him. My heart, my body, my soul, and my love.

  Even through the searing pain my chest, I smiled.

  And then he did, too.

  Our smiles had lightened each other’s hearts. I could see the pain fading from his eyes until they were soft.

  “Enough with this now. We should sleep. It’s late,” he admonished quietly. Getting off the bed, he turned off the lights, leaving only the night lamp on before joining me in bed again.

  Alessio rolled us over until he was on his back and I was half lying on top of him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest, right over his beating heart. He wrapped an arm around my hips, holding me close to him, and he pulled the comforter over us.

  I closed my eyes with a sigh.

  Alessio’s vengeance was weighing heavily on his shoulders. I knew he would kill Alberto soon. It was coming. His death had been signed the moment he took over.

  For the first time in my life, I prayed that someone’s death would come faster. I prayed for the day that Alessio would end the life of my tormentor and release us from the chains of our pasts.

  The moment Alessio refused to believe that I was an Abandonato was the very same moment I had made a decision.

  It was a naïve thought. Stupid even. Maybe my naivety would get me killed me in the end.

  But in that momen
t, I had decided that I was no longer Ayla Abandonato.

  I was just Ayla.

  Alessio’s Ayla.

  Alessio’s Angel.

  With that as my final thought, Alessio’s heartbeat lulled me into a peaceful sleep. I dreamed of us at the creek, kissing and making love as happiness radiated around us.

  Chapter 23

  2 months later

  I groaned while looking at the mirror. Alessio had left hickeys—love bites, all over my body again. He left his mark on my neck in plain visible sight for everyone to see. So they knew who I belonged to. Those were his words.

  Over the weeks, I finally got a glimpse of the real possessive man behind the sweet gentle Alessio. He was a jealous man, and I purposely drove him mad with jealousy. Sometimes, just a quick innocent kiss on his men’s cheeks, just to rile him up.

  I admit that I only did it for the sex afterward.

  Like last night. At the thought, I squeezed my legs together as the tingling sensation intensified. He took me over and over again. On the bed, against the wall, on the floor, on the nightstand and the sofa. We had consummated our love on every surface in the room.

  He was a beast, I thought with a shake of my head, although I couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on my swollen red lips.

  Quickly getting dressed, I combed my hair so that the marks were hidden. Well, I tried to hide them as best I could.

  When I was ready, I went downstairs to join Maddie. “Good morning, Lena. Maddie.”

  “Good morning, babe.”

  “Good morning, dear.”

  I tied the apron around my waist and started to help them with breakfast. I had finally learned how to cook, and I found that I enjoyed it.

  After setting the table for breakfast, Lena went to rest while Maddie and I cleaned up. “You know, I’m thinking we need soundproof walls,” she said casually.

  I choked on my apple, my eyes tearing up. Feeling completely mortified, I looked down at my apple. “I was loud? Again?”

  “Yup.” She laughed.

  “Well, you were loud the night before!” I shot back.

  Her laughter died. “You heard that?”

  “Yes.” This time, it was my turn to laugh.

  “No way!” she gasped, but then paused. Maddie looked at me curiously, leaning a hip against the counter. “Why does this feel like the guys are making a contest out of this? Like who can make their woman scream the loudest.”

  My eyes widened, and I shook my head vigorously. “No!”

  She only nodded. “Trust me, they would do something like that. They go all caveman when it comes to us.”


  We stared at each for a second before busting out in laughter. “They are impossible.”

  “And insatiable,” she added. That was true. Alessio had a stamina like no other. Sometimes, I couldn’t keep up with him. The last few nights, I would fall asleep almost instantly the moment he would slip out of me.

  My body was almost always sore and aching. But Alessio was a gentleman through and through. He made sure I was always taken care off. Warm and relaxing baths after our frenzied sex sessions. Sometimes he would give me a massage. Just little things to show he cared.

  There was never a day that went by I didn’t feel cherished and completely loved by him.

  “I’m going to nap. Artur barely let me sleep last night,” she mumbled behind a yawn. I snapped out of my thoughts and waved at her.


  I was so completely lost in reading that I didn’t hear the door open.

  “Angel,” Alessio called. My head snapped up, and I closed the book with a smile.

  “Alessio,” I replied, placing my hands out for him, silently calling him to me. He walked further inside and closed the door behind me. Coming to me, he grabbed my hands and placed a kiss on my forehead before straightening up.

  “I have to go,” he announced abruptly.

  My heart slammed to a stop before racing again. “You have to leave?”

  Alessio made a regretful sound, his eyes sorrowful when he nodded. “I have to take care of some business. Outside the state. So I will be gone for a few days.”

  “When?” I asked, my fingers moving nervously over the comforter. I hated the idea of being without him.

  “We are leaving tonight,” he said softly, looking into my eyes.

  My shoulders drooped low, and a resigned sigh escaped my lips.

  “I want you to come with me.”

  My mouth fell open in shock, and I looked up in surprise. Alessio’s blue eyes were glimmering from the rays of sunlight showering in the room, and a small smile played across his lips, showing the small indentation in his cheek.

  “What?” I sputtered.

  “Have you ever been to the beach?” he asked, cocking his head to the side in question.

  I shook my head silently.

  “We’re going to Florida. There are some beautiful beaches there,” he murmured.

  I couldn’t leave. Alberto was still out there. The thought sent chills down my spine, and I shook my head.


  Alessio didn’t give me a chance to utter any excuses. “You’ll be safe.”

  I didn’t answer. I desperately wanted to go with him, to see the beach. To be with Alessio.

  Alessio made the decision for me. He leaned forward and kissed me soundly on the lips, leaving me breathless. “I want you with me. I need my Angel.”

  I had only one answer. “Okay,” I whispered against his lips.

  Alessio sent me one of his beautiful smiles before straightening up to his full height. He pulled me off the bed until I was standing in front of him. “Good. You don’t have to pack a bag.”

  Confused, I started to protest, but he placed a finger over my lips. “It’s okay, Angel. Everything will be taken care off.”

  After giving me another kiss, he left the room, leaving me alone with my wandering thoughts. I was going out of the estate for the first time since I had escaped Alberto.

  Fear slithered its way into my body, and I struggled to breathe.

  Alessio’s words resonated in my head, loud and clear, calming me just a little.

  You’ll be safe.

  I need my Angel.

  It was dangerous, yet I was willing to take such a big risk. Only because I trusted Alessio…only because I couldn’t bear to be without him. And I knew he felt the same way.

  Throughout the day, I willed myself to be strong. I told myself repeatedly that everything was going to be fine. I was safe.

  Maddie came to my room, and I told her. She was excited, deliriously happy for me. She talked animatedly about the beach and how much I was going to love it, but still the panic never left me.

  And then, finally night had fallen, and it was time for us to leave. Alessio came into the room, and I jumped off the bed, swallowing nervously.

  He made his way to me, his eyebrows furrowed at my tense expression. “Hey.” He cupped my face, tilting my face up so my eyes were on his. “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  “I—” Words failed me, and I broke off with a shuddering breath.

  Alessio quickly wrapped me into his arms, holding me tight against his body. I took a deep breath, and my muscles slowly started to relax. I held on to him for dear life and pressed my ear to his chest, listening to his beating heart.

  “Ayla, if you don’t want to go, then you don’t have to. I don’t want to force you,” he whispered gently in my ear, his hand rubbing my back soothingly.

  My fingers tightened around his suit jacket, and I shook my head. “No.”

  “What is it? Talk to me, Angel.”

  “I want to go,” I muttered.

  “Are you sure?” he questioned, his voice slightly hoarse.

  I nodded. “Yes. Take me with you, Alessio.” This time, it was my choice, not Alessio’s demand.

  Alessio pulled away and looked down at me with prideful eyes. “That’s my girl. You always leave me in awe with yo
ur strength.”

  I closed my eyes, feeling slightly relieved. His lips feathered over my lids. He kissed each one and then laid a kiss on the tip of my nose. His lips touched my cheeks in the softest kisses, and then they were on mine, kissing me slowly and deeply.

  Pulling away, he wrapped his fingers at the back of my neck, caressing softly, and then gave me a reassuring squeeze. “Ready?”

  I simply nodded. We walked down the stairs, my hand clasped in his tightly. He was my strength.

  But when we reached the main door, my steps faltered. I saw Nikolay, Viktor, Phoenix, Artur, and two other men standing there, waiting for Alessio and me.

  As we neared the doors, I started to sweat heavily, panic clawing at my throat. I was frightened that this would end in tearful hyperventilation. I cast a fearful look at the door, and my hands tightened around Alessio’s.

  He gave me a squeeze and slowed his steps to match mine, giving me the time I needed.

  My stomach rolled and twisted. My head was pounding, the blood rushing in my ears until it felt deafening.

  I wanted this…yet I was still scared.

  Alessio gave my hand another squeeze. There it was. His silent support as he sent me his strength. I could do this. I had to do this. I had to overcome this fear.

  As soon as we stepped out of the door and into the night, my breath stuttered and my legs almost gave out, but Alessio quickly wrapped his arm around my waist, supporting me.

  “I got you, Angel.”

  I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I have to do this. For Alessio. For me. I can’t live with fear anymore. I have to be strong. I have to be fearless.

  We walked to the car, and Viktor opened the door. I slid in the backseat first, and Alessio joined me seconds after. The door closed, and darkness enveloped us. Alessio pulled me onto his lap and placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “I got you,” he repeated again.

  Placing my head over his shoulders, I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “Never thank me for taking care of you,” he muttered in my ear. Alessio slid a hand around the back of my neck, beneath my hair, and squeezed gently.

  I heard the door slam close, and then Viktor’s voice filled the car. “Ready?”


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