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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

Page 48

by Lylah James

  Alessio didn’t answer. Realization slowly dawned to me that they were waiting for my answer.

  I can do this. Taking a deep breath, I gave them the words they needed. “Ready.”

  The car started moving, and I opened my eyes, looking out of the window. I saw us leaving the estate, and the gate closed behind us.

  I was out. Panic started to make its way into my body again, but Alessio’s firm hand around my neck calmed me. I buried my face into his neck and closed my eyes.

  This was going to be a long drive.

  “Sleep, Angel,” Alessio whispered.

  And I did. I slept soundly for hours, and the next time I woke up, it was morning already, the sunlight brightening the inside of the car.

  “How much longer until we reach there?” I asked in Alessio’s chest. I was no longer on his lap; instead I was seated beside him. Still, I was wrapped around him like a vise. I was using his chest as a pillow, and my arms were around his waist.

  “Eight hours or so,” he replied, his chest rumbling with his voice. “We have to make a few stops along the way.” I must have slept for some time.

  He chuckled low. “You must have been tired, and the stress you put yourself through last night has weighed heavily on your mind and body.”



  “I need the bathroom,” I said as quietly as I could.

  “Nikolay, take the next exit. We need to rest for breakfast,” he ordered.

  “Boss,” Nikolay acknowledged Alessio’s demand.

  When the car came to a stop, Viktor and Nikolay stepped out first. They guarded our door, and then Alessio stepped out, pulling me behind him. We walked into a coffee shop, and after Alessio handed me a small bag, I quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up.

  After I deemed myself presentable again, I walked out and almost bumped into Nikolay’s back. He turned around. “Boss is waiting for you there.” He nodded toward the entrance. We joined Alessio and Viktor and walked back to the car.

  “Viktor got you donuts and muffins,” Alessio said, handing me a brown bag.

  “Thank you, Viktor.”

  “You are welcome, baby girl.”

  I giggled at the name while Alessio growled beside me. “Don’t call her that.”

  It had been a few weeks since Viktor gave me the new nickname. After several attempts at flirting with him, he also joined in the fun to make the brooding man sitting beside me jealous. Viktor found the best way to push Alessio’s button.

  His new nickname for me: baby girl. Alessio hated it and looked like he was murdering Viktor multiple ways in his head every time the name was uttered.

  “What type of name is baby girl, anyway?” he snapped.

  Viktor laughed and winked at me. “Look who’s talking. The one who calls his woman Kitten.”

  “Fuck you! She loves it,” Alessio said, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “Ayla, you like when I call you baby girl, right?” Viktor asked, just to taunt Alessio.

  “I love it,” I said, hiding my giggle behind my hand.

  Alessio’s hand came to rest on my thigh, his fingers pressing into my skin in warning. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear, his voice taking a huskier tone. “You are going to pay for that, kitten.”

  Oh, I know.

  Smiling innocently at him, I gave him a quick peck on the lips. Alessio’s eyes turned molten with desire, and I bit down on my lips. I shook my head, giving him a warning look.

  I must have fallen asleep on Alessio’s shoulder, because the next thing I knew, someone was shaking me to wake up.

  My eyes opened to meet Alessio’s smiling blue ones. “We are here.”

  My head snapped up, and I looked outside the window. We were here. I made it without a nervous breakdown or panic attack.

  Alessio opened the door and stepped out first. He took my hand and pulled me out of the car. The first thing I heard was the sound of the waves. And then I felt the wind on my skin. Everything was quiet except the ocean waves. The smell of the ocean filled my nose, and I smiled.

  Peace. It felt like peace.

  I looked up at Alessio to see that he was already staring down at me, his gaze filled with adoration.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “I bought this beach house yesterday. This place is ours. And the beach is ours, too. It’s a private beach. Nobody is allowed here except us,” he explained.

  “We are the only ones here?” I asked in astonishment.

  He nodded and started to pull me away from the car. But instead of walking us toward the house, we walked the opposite way.

  The sound of the ocean grew closer, and the smell of it hit me harder. Excitement and anticipation filled my chest.

  As soon as I saw the first glimpse of the ocean, my breath came out in a whoosh. The beauty of it stole of my breath. It looked unreal.

  Alessio let go of my hand. “Go,” he urged. “Feel the sand under your bare feet.”

  I quickly took off my flats and took my first step on the sand. The softness tickled my feet a little, and I wiggled my toes, my feet sinking deeper into the sand. I looked back at Alessio, and he smiled encouragingly.

  I took another step…and then another. Each step, my heart grew fuller with love for the man who gave me this.

  I bent down and scooped a handful of sand before letting it slip free between my fingers. A tidal wave of emotions crashed through me, and my eyes stung. Was it possible to be this happy?

  I lifted my head to the sky and closed my eyes, letting the sun kiss my face. After the longest time, I stood up and walked toward the water. I felt Alessio at my back. He wasn’t far, but he also wasn’t stopping me.

  Alessio was letting me explore…on my own. He was giving me freedom to do what I wanted as he kept watchful eyes on me.

  The sand was wet as I drew closer to the tide. The first step I took and the water passed over my feet, I let out a small gasp. I stood there, letting the water wash over my feet.

  When I felt an arm wrap around my waist, I smiled. Alessio pulled me into his body, and I placed a hand over the arm that rested possessively and protectively over my stomach.

  As the tides crashed gently around us and a smile spread across my lips, I could only think of one thing.

  The words ran through my mind, but I didn’t say them.

  The words were a mere whisper in my thoughts. Words that were meant for only Alessio.

  I love you.

  Chapter 24


  I watched her wander toward the ocean, watched her experience the feel of the sand for the first time. Ayla’s steps were almost feather light, as if she was floating toward peacefulness. As she grew closer and the water rushed around her feet, I saw her shoulders relax further, and she tilted her head toward the sky.

  I’ve been to many places with beaches but never cared about it. Never thought of taking the time to feel the sand or the ocean. But watching Ayla experience this, it showed me that sometimes we needed to be grateful for what we have.

  And I was grateful for her. My Angel.

  Rolling my slacks up above my ankles, I walked over to Ayla. When I was close behind her, my arms instinctively went around her waist, pulling her small body to mine until her back was pressed against my front. She rested a hand over my arm, and I smiled.

  This…this was what I needed. Her. Us.

  As the tides crashed gently around us, I could only think of one thing.

  I was never letting her go. Now that I had had the taste of true happiness, I didn’t think I could live without Ayla. She was everything and more.

  Placing a kiss next to her ear, I let my lips linger there. Ayla sighed and then turned around in my arms. Her hands went to my waist, and she tilted her head up.

  Ayla beamed up at me, her smile so big, her green eyes lighting up…actually her whole face lighting up. It was enough to make me catch my breath as I stared back in awe at her beauty.

bsp; “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, her eyes trained on mine.

  “Do you like it here?” I asked, my fingers brushing against her cheek lightly.

  “Yes. And you still have to show me the house,” she murmured. Leaning forward, she placed a kiss in the middle of my chest and then laid her head there. Seconds turned into minutes, and I had no desire to move.

  Finally, I gently pulled away. “Let’s go. I’ll show you around the house. And then I have to take care of some business.”

  “Okay!” She stepped back and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the house excitedly. We walked up to the porch that overlooked the ocean, but instead of going inside, I froze on the steps.

  “Right. I need to do something first,” I muttered, looking down at Ayla’s confused face. Without giving her a chance, I bent down and swept her off her feet, cradling her to my chest.

  “Woah. What are you doing?” Her arms went around my neck, but I just smiled, walking inside the house with her in my arms.

  “Carrying you over the threshold,” I announced, almost too proudly. Thank fuck the guys weren’t present or I would never hear the end of this.


  “Maddie said I had to do it. Don’t know why. She said it’s important.” I rolled my eyes, remembering her order and murderous intent if I didn’t do as I was told.

  “That’s weird.”

  Agreed. I didn’t know why we had to do this either, although I wasn’t complaining. I would carry Ayla anywhere, and having her in my arms was enough to make me a happy man.

  Damn, I really was pussy whipped.

  Putting Ayla back down, we walked around the house, showing her everywhere. Ayla loved it. If I wasn’t mistaken, she loved it more than the estate. It was a simple beach house.

  Our final stop was our bedroom. Ayla pushed open the door. “Wow. We can see the beach from here.” She ran toward the balcony and laughed. “Alessio, this is gorgeous. I love it!”

  “Glad you love it.” I watched Ayla bounce on her tip-toes as I made my way to the closet. “Ayla,” I called out, bringing her attention back to me.

  She swiveled around, and her eyes went wide. “How?” She walked toward me in astonishment.

  “I hired a maid when I bought the house. She made sure it was clean, and I told her to buy some clothes for you.”

  “That’s not just some clothes. That’s a lot!” Ayla mumbled, looking at the closet and then back at me.

  I shrugged, suddenly finding myself fidgeting under her intense gaze. Ayla stepped forward and slipped her hand into mine. A breathtaking smile appeared on her face. “You are so sweet.”

  Great. I was now sweet.

  “We’ve been over this before, kitten.”

  She nodded furiously. “And I’m sure we came to the conclusion that you are sweet.”

  “No. You came to the conclusion that I was sweet.”

  “And what’s so wrong about being sweet?” she argued, her smile now a frown as she glared up at me.

  I felt my lips turn up in a small smirk. Grabbing her waist, I pulled her to me, her body molding mine. Soft against hard. She bit on her lips nervously. “Do you want me to show you why I’m not sweet?”

  “You’re teasing me now,” she muttered. “I take it back. You are a beast.”

  “Oh, kitten, I’ll show how much of a beast I am when I get back home,” I promised before pulling away. After kissing her soundly on the lips, I sauntered out of our room.

  As I made my way outside, I saw Nikolay, Viktor, Artur, and Phoenix standing next to the car. “Viktor, I want you to stay with Ayla. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  Viktor nodded and went inside. Without a word to the others, I got into the car. I didn’t have to say anything. They already knew the routine.

  I had several underground fighting rings operating in several states. Several checkups were made through the year, and this month it was Florida.

  It was time to recruit more members. Only the best fighters—killers—have the honor to work for me.

  Now that Ayla was in my life, more protection was needed. I didn’t want to risk anything. I was going to protect her with everything I had.

  As the car lurched to a stop, I was already pumped. I walked toward the door, Nikolay, Artur, and Phoenix closely behind me.

  The men bowed their head as I entered. Walking further inside, I heard the screams from the crowd. People were cheering, pushing for more, chanting for death.

  I walked upstairs to the VIP lounge, where we had the best view of the fight. My gaze stayed on the glass window when I sat down.

  My blood roared as I watched the fight. The ring looked more like a dungeon. It was a cage, and only one person walked out after the fight. Only the winner. The fighters sliced, stabbed, bled, and fought to live. They were brutal, almost animalistic in their attacks.

  After watching for several minutes, I already had my favorite, and I knew he was the one to win. He was, after all, ruthless. I watched him play with his opponent, turning him into a puppet with his moves.

  “What’s his name?” I asked.

  “He’s known as KILLER. He’s twenty-three years old and has been fighting since he was thirteen. He’s one of the best and never loses a fight. Makes about five million dollars for every fight,” Nikolay quickly reported.

  “Hmm…hire him.”

  “Boss, he also does Alberto’s dirty work. I guess you could say he’s a mercenary.”

  “Hire him. I will give him thrice what Alberto is giving him.”

  “And if he betrays you?” Phoenix asked behind me. “He can’t be trusted.”

  “He won’t betray me. If he does, then simple—I’ll put a bullet between his eyes. If he is Alberto’s man, then having him on our side is important. He will lead us to the fucker. And also, he won’t refuse the money I’m giving him.”

  In this world, when it came to business—it was only about the money. Whatever worked in your advantage, you went for it.

  I didn’t have to go far to know that KILLER wasn’t a loyal man. He might have been working for Alberto, but there was no way he was loyal. Men like him didn’t bow down to others. Everyone feared killers like him.

  I didn’t watch the rest of the fight. I didn’t have to. It was obvious who won. Getting up, the crowd exploded, the volume deafening as the winner was announced.

  The screams still rang through my ears as I walked to the car. Alberto’s end was coming soon. I could taste my need for revenge. The Italians would bow to me. Every single one of them. I was going to make sure of it.

  Chapter 25

  When I arrived at the beach house, the sun was already disappearing behind the horizon. I went inside to see Viktor sitting on the couch, polishing his guns and knives. The bastard loved to keep his toys shiny.

  “Ayla is upstairs,” he mumbled without taking his eyes off the dagger he was holding.

  Our room was empty, but I could hear soft singing from the room next to ours. Of course, she was there. I should have known better.

  Walking closer, I quietly pushed the door open, only to have my heart squeeze at the sight in front of me.

  Ayla was moving around the room. A slow song played in the background as she twirled around, a smile present on her beautiful face.

  She was oblivious to my presence, and I took the opportunity to admire her. Leaning against the door, I didn’t take my eyes off my Angel.

  Ayla was wearing a light pink dress that came down to her knees. Her black hair hung loose at her back as she danced around barefooted. She looked angelic. Impossibly beautiful.

  When she swiveled around and saw me, a small gasp escaped her plump red lips. Ayla froze and stared at me for a second.

  I walked toward her until we were standing a foot away. She stared at me, her head tilted to the side, waiting for my next move, which surprised us both.

  Extending my hand out to her, I uttered the words I never thought I would. “May I have this dance, Ange

  Her mouth fell open and then snapped shut. I saw a hint of color rise in her cheeks as she ducked her head shyly, a small smile playing on her lips.

  I found it absolutely endearing that after all the time we had been together and all the things we had done, she was still shy around me.

  Oh, she was also definitely bold and had turned into a little minx under Maddie’s influence, but there were times when she was shy and nervous—the sweetness in her actions almost making my chest tight.

  “I don’t know how to dance,” Ayla whispered.

  Grabbing her waist, I placed a kiss on her forehead. “Neither do I.”

  Ayla beamed, and when I chuckled low, she ducked her head again, hiding her face in my chest. My arms tightened around her hips as she placed hers around my waist.

  And then we moved. Slowly, matching the rhythm on the song.

  Ayla sighed in contentment as we held each other. I wouldn’t say we danced. We only moved in small circles, but it was enough for us. That silent moment spoke hundreds of words between us.

  As our dance came to an end, I lifted Ayla up by the waist and twirled her around. Her laughter echoed around us. My heart squeezed as her face glowed with complete happiness. Ayla was precious.

  The need to protect her was so overwhelming. I couldn’t imagine ever losing her.

  Placing her down, we stared into each other’s eyes. “You are so beautiful,” I whispered.

  Again. There it was. That shy and sweet smile.

  When our lips made contact with each other, it was a sweet kiss. Light, soft, and so very sweet. We kissed until we were breathless.

  We pulled apart only to catch our breath, and then our lips were on each other again. This time, our lips were firm and demanding, both of us slowly losing control. I had her against the wall in a matter of the seconds with her legs wrapped around my waist.

  “What do you…like?” Ayla asked, her voice a little husky.

  “Hmm…you,” I said against her neck, kissing my way down.

  “No…I mean…eat. What do you like to eat?”


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