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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 41

by Richardson, James

  “How is he?” Ergan stepped forward bowing to his Queen.

  “Not well sliver is draining him of his strength. I have a plan but I do not think any of you will like it,” Cominus said telling them of the curse that effected the two of them. Shocked by the news of his heritage they agreed to help their leader. One by one cutting their wrist their blood poured into a glass bowl.

  “Thank you all I know this disturbing news is hard to bear for you all to hear. The courage you have shown to stay by my husband’s side will not be forgotten.” Taking the relic out of the armoire Ishtar handing the gold rod over to Cominus for safekeeping. He could fell the rod calling to him, calling for him to release it from its slumber.

  “Nonsense the man has put his life own the line for my people more then once. Its is the least I can do but have no fear my lady. This news will never leave my lips even under pain of death,” Redbird said sternly.

  “Here, here,” the three elves blowing to her.

  “Thank you now you must go and find Chad if you can. Do not put your life's at stake if you can avoid it. Draco cannot afford to lose such honorable and such loyal friends.” Taking the bowl into her hands Ishtar headed to meet the beast to sleeps within her love. As the door, creped open the coldness of the room stole her breath away. Even paralyzed from the silver that courses though his veins. His cursed powers still held sway over his body.

  Placing the bowl onto the stand next to the bed, Ishtar dipped a glass goblet into the still warm blood. Bringing it to his nose the hint of the copper liquid called to him. As his fangs descend, she had to steel herself. Unless she would spill the life giving fluid that was needed to heal Draco. As the blood hit his tongue, his body wanted more. With the last of the goblet drained. The poison seemed to retreat from his face.

  Encouraging her to return with more Ishtar fed her husband until there was none left in the bowl. His eyes flew open yet it was not the man she knew to be her husband. She sensed the evil that seeped out of his body. The wicked grin that had formed on his face, those cold silver eyes looked at her as its next meal.

  “More!” it cried.

  “No not until you release my husband!”

  “We are the same he and I until there is another.” Her hand shot to her belly she had not told him of the child that grew in her womb. His evil laughter sent chills down her spine.

  “You are not my husband now bring him forth and be gone from my sight.” The beast struggled against the remaining hold the silver had on its body. Wanting to rip through this woman that defied his will.

  “If I do not wish to give him control what will you do then. You love this man yes I can smell it you will not kill him.”

  “I will replace those daggers that seem to cause you so much pain. It would pain me to watch my husband die. I know he would rather be dead then allow you to harm me.” Her confidence beaming breaking the hold the creature’s power had over the room. “Now bring him forth and trouble me no more!”

  “We will meet again his will. Will not last forever and then his body will be mine for all time.” Slumping back into the bed Ishtar held herself back. For fear, the creature was ticking her as his features return to normal. Draco's eyes flittered open the pain had eased a great deal. The tasted of fresh blood still clung to his lips. Fearing that he had done some unspeakable horror, her golden hand crested his pale face.

  “What happen why do, I smell blood.”

  “They offered to help heal you it was given freely.” He could not believe what she was telling him. Never had he taken blood from those he protects. To do so would put him in league with the Doncer.

  “Why not let me pass into the next world it would better that way.”

  “Because we have needed of you here my love,” placing his hand over her belly, he was going to have another child. No, this cannot happen he has to get away before the child is born. Before the beast compels him to seek out his child and curse his child with this unholy plague. “Worry not dear husband we will find a way to beat this curse before the child is born.” Stroking his face, she would be damn if she lost him again. Leaving his side placing the iron key into its home, the tumblers clicked into place allow no one to disturb her. Allowing her fear to carry her out of the room when he still needed her.

  Slipping her dress form her body, Ishtar would give her body, freely to banish the poison form his body. Propping himself on a elbow he watched as the sun danced across her golden body. Walking over to his semi-paralyzed body, she wondered what his kiss would be like. Would it entice her for more gooseflesh rouse on her skin. Knelling on the bed, she allowed him to view her willingness. Running her hand over the still blue vainly flesh. Her musk filled his nose willing his body to respond. “This is shear torture for any man undead or alive,” he said under his breath.

  Smiling that in his condition, he wanted her as badly as the pain that still racked his body. “Give me your kiss my love.” Pushing himself up against the pillows not to fall on his face. As her naked breast pressed against his chest, he pulled her into him embracing the woman he loved. Her finger stopped him perplexed by her action he wondered what she could have meant. “No the other one you still need to heal for the battle is not over.” How could he drink from the woman he loved.

  True he drank from the living, but those were things of evil. Not fit to walk his land, but to take from the one woman. That would go into hell to retrieve his soul. It was too much to ask of him pushing her away. He would allow his body to heal on its own before he would take from her.

  “Don’t push me away I know what this means,” Ishtar said cupping his face in her hands. “I’m your wife, and I love you if this is the only way I can help you. Then I do so freely, I know you are not the evil that lurks within you. I know to that you would only take what you need from me.” Could he do what his body needed, would it conform what he thought of himself. Yet when he looked into those emerald green eyes. He saw no fear of him, how could he do this to her.

  Her body invited him to taste the forbidden fruit that lies underneath her skin. Taking her by the mouth, he would ease her into the seduction. “It will only hurt for a few seconds,” he whispered into her ear. Nodding that she was ready, his hand slide into her welcoming mound, as his fangs retraced her pink nipples. As his fingers moved within her, releasing a moan of pleasure, Draco took her golden breast into his mouth. His tongue teasing the pink button until it stood rock hard.

  “What are you doing ..." A shudder ran down her spin as his fangs brushed by harden nipple. Her body arched as his fangs sank into her soft golden flesh. Her muscles contracted around his fingers as they continued their exploration of her folds. Her hands clutching tufts of his hair as wave after wave of her climax hit her.

  When Ishtar awoken she laid in an empty bed. Thinking he could not face himself after they shared that incredible embrace. Maya's giggles flowed though the door looking down at her breast. Where Draco had drunk from her nothing marred her golden skin. She had hope to his love bite was still on her skin. Sitting on the edge of the bed, her legs were still weak. She wondered if he had taken too much from her, or was it from her intense climax. Bracing herself along the wall, she opened an ottoman pulling out a silk nightgown.

  As she turned the doorknob, she could have sworn that she had locked the door. As the door edged opened Maya ran to greet her mother. Her beaming face bring joy to her mother's face. That no harm had come to her while she had lain asleep, as she stepped into the sitting room, she looked into Shadow Fangs alcove. There she sat in her mighty glory. Her heart swelled with joy that her husband had not left her.

  “Excuses me for waking you Shadow Fang, but would you know were Draco is.” Opening her giant red eye she could have sworn she saw jealousy in their depths.

  “Now why would you look for such a man my lovely lady. When you can have me,” her eyes brighten at the sound of his voice. Turning she saw him standing in the doorway to their balcony. Stepping out of the sun his skin seemed
to glow. Rushing over wrapping him in her arms Shadow Fang sifted her head releasing a puff of smoke. Ishtar wondered what cause her to be in such a foul disposition towards her.

  “She was in my mind during our little encounter. Your blood said some very dirty things my dear.” Heat rush to her golden cheeks, his chuckle permeated the air. Hearing none of it, she turned her head. She could not fight the smile as his lips traced up her neck. Stepping out of his wife's embrace, he meant to soothe Shadow Fangs mood.

  Look at me my Shadow.” Lowering her massive head onto her right foreleg, her red orb showed the hurt that she would not express. “You know I love you. With out you I would have never seen this world. Without you I would have never meet the woman I love, or be

  blessed to have a beautiful daughter."

  “I know you do my little one. It is just that when she touches you and says those things. It

  feels that you withdraw from me."

  “How do you think I feel when you fly with Balo? Knowing that he is allowed to touch your beautiful scales. I know I close my mind to you when we are together but you do the

  same.” “I do no such thing." Attempting to return

  to her position, yet his strong hands keep her looking at him. “Yes you do but I still love you none the less because, I know you will always be there for me. As I am sure, Balo hates it when I do

  this.” Resting on her massive head, he began

  to pant sweet kiss along her eye ridges. Balo's displeased growl filled the tunnel that lead to

  his alcove. “See he just proved my point. So

  there no need to be jealous of Ishtar as there no

  need of me with Balo.” “Can you forgive me little one,” Shadow

  Fang said nudging him with her snout, watching Ishtar claim the rose dragon. She must be doing the same with Balo.

  “Of course my dear,” placing another

  kiss that made her tail beat against the stone. Balo's rosily eyes watched his every move on his mates head.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As the spell that had banished her from the lands of Sol and the surface elven lands. Lanshina smiled at herself for he had forgot to include the Drows homeland. All she had to do was find the entrance to their underground cities. She must be getting close to their settlement. For no creature of good could be found wherever she looked.

  As she pushed deeper into the godforsaken land she felt eyes watching her every move. “Good let them see I am no treat towards them,” she said to herself. She just hoped that they knew of her position as the former princess. Her stomach growled demanding that she find something to eat. It had been nearly three days since she had eaten these blue jay eggs and a hand full of everberries.

  Shadows loomed overhead she hoped that it was those that she had sought. As she looked to the sky, the black citadel of the Doncer’s came into view. “I know they'll have food, and with what I bring them they will make me a Queen.” Her devilish smile played across her lips. The storm clouds that held the citadel in the air loomed before her. As the thunder crackled, she could not show fear. To do so would put her life in danger. As five Doncer dragons leaped from the walls of that dark piece of rock they begun a spiral flight pattern down to the land they have come to call home.

  Lanshina wondered who would they send to greet her. As the dragons neared, she could make out the colors two sapphires, a rose, a crimson and a black. “A black well how nice of them to send their leader to meet with me,” Lanshina whispered an overconfident smirk touched the corner of her mouth. Brushing the grim from her clothes the best she could.

  Walking out into an open field large, enough to acuminate five full-grown dragons sweat began to gather at the base of her spine. As the dragon's neared Lanshina straighten her shoulders. Mustering the composer of a princess even if she was to be in the presence, of the most foul beings in the world at least she will be the regal. As the black dragon landed in front of her, the size of the dragon overwhelmed her even laying down the dragon reached the tops of the trees.

  While the other dragons seemed too immature compared to the black. Lanshina hoped that it would be the Drow general that had come to greet her. Not those silly would be elves that rule the rest of the Doncer. As she watched, the man unlatched himself from his saddle. No other rider made any sort of movement. They all watch for any sign that their commander was in trouble as his ancient black scale armor glisten in the morning sun. Tholosh wondered what would a high elf be doing in this part of the world alone.

  As he walked towards her he sensed an air of royalty around her. Yet the rags she wore told him that she had been wondering in the wilds for a month. She could fell his eyes boring into her. She knew if she looked down this man would not hesitate to run her though. He had to admit he would love to have this elf in his bed.

  “You should be quick before I have my men have their way with you. Its not often we are graced with the presence of such a beautiful high elf.” Their lewd calls would have affected her once but she was here for a reason. “Their words mean nothing drown them out,” she said to herself.

  “I am Princess Lanshina of Shadleel.” Their hands reached for the swords they would have rushed her then, and there if not for his staying hand.

  “And what would bring the princess to her enemy’s doorstep,” Tholosh asked curiously.

  “I do not see you as enemy that is why I have sought you out. Lord Draco is my sworn enemy if I have to work with the Doncer. To see my goals fulfilled the so be it.” As much as he hated the other races of elves, that walks the land. That man was placed before all the others. Not only did his mother order him to capture the man alive and whole. He had killed one of his own men days ago. Even caused the Doncer exiled from the star elves land their expulsion was still undetermined.

  “Now what could the Lord of Sol have done to cause so much hate in those pretty eyes,” said Tholosh.

  “Banishment,” Lanshina spilt the word out if it was dung.

  “Why would he do such a thing, the world a dangerous to send such a young thing into the lion’s maw?”

  “I tried to make my mother see reason that this war does not concern us. By taking the throne of my people by force,” her stomach voiced its need to be fed. If she could see the smile on the man’s face, however she did not.

  “Now back to the point why come to us.”

  “Because I have information that would prove useful to you for a price that is,” Lanshina said hopefully.

  “That would be.”

  “Food first then we will talk about the rest of my payment,” Lanshina said with a satisfied smile.

  “And if I should choice to kill you now.”

  “Then you will lose an opportunity to learn about what I know. Draco's new white dragon rider and his quest and many other things I know.” As the leather satchel flew through the crisp morning catching it in his ebony hand. The smell of the fruit tarts forced saliva into her dry mouth. Handing over the bag Lanshina drove into the tarts with a vengeance.

  “Thank you,” Lanshina said wiping elderberry jam from her cheek.

  “Come I shall have a grand feast held for you Princess,” her golden hand filling his as he led the way to his awaiting dragon. Wolfing done the last of the tarts as the rushing wind brushed her face. As they descend through the citadel the voices filtered through the hall's in an elfish language. She not put her finger on yet the syntax was similar to the wood elf language. She mind raced to her benefactor’s identity.

  “You still have let to have a name to my graces host.”

  “I am known by many names Black Hand, Midnight wind, and my mother named me Tholosh.” He heard her gasp behind him. “Does that displease you to know that you walk the halls with the son of Liltlih?”

  “No I am pleased that you were the one that sought to see me. Not those things that think themselves elves,” The sound of his chuckle brought warmth to her face. “Why would this man move my body so?” Lanshina muttered under her breath.

  “I have to agree a beautiful madden would not last to long with those brutes. Moreover, they would not listen to your words. Why they were granted a dragon, I will never know. Here not one of those brutes graces my halls. Only the Drow call this place home.” Opening the four foot door Tholosh ushered her inward. The room was meager but the week in the wild had culled her need of finer things.

  “Thank you this with do nicely.”

  “You must forgive the entrance males of our race do not get much taller then four and half feet tall. I will have some one fetch you when you've had enough time to rest.” Closing the door behind him, the weariness of her journey overtook her. As she awoken, an elegant gown was draped over the small wooden table that graced her tiny room. The workmanship was wondrous as she ran her hand over the cloth. The gown was made out of silk but the texture was different from the silk spun from the worms of Dantra.

  A knock came on the door as the gown slid over her golden body. A Drow female at six feet she could stare down the wood elves women. Dressed in chain mail armor Tholosh had sent her to escort Lanshina to the dinning hall. “Greetings cousin Tholosh has sent me to escort you, and keep the men off of you.” From her tune Lanshina could tell that the woman could care less if, the men had there way with her. Nodding that she was ready as she made her way though the citadel. However, they were respectful due to Tholosh but their eyes told her. That the minute he released his protection over her, she would be theirs.

  As they entered the hall tables lined the walls while leaving room for entertainment. Ushering Lanshina to Tholosh side the Drow guard retreated into the shadows. Pouring her the finest wine they kept in the cellar. The roasted meats and steaming vegetables’ gnawed at her stomach. As the festivities got under way salves were brought out. As the chains dragged on the cold stone floor. The captured high elves where horrified as their eyes fell upon the fallen princess. Running to the table spiting on the outlaw, they spewed cruses at her as their chains became taut.


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