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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 42

by Richardson, James

  “Traitorous bitch how you can sit there sharing food with the forces that destroyed our homes!” Screamed the naked female high elf. Paying the elf no attention Lanshina thanked her host for the gown.

  “How was this dress made its far different then the ones made in Shadleel.”

  “It’s spun from the webs’ of the giant spiders that live in the cravens near the city of Ethas."

  “It’s lovely I thank you for your kindness.”

  “Did it feel good to have him between your legs!” Said the male struggled against his chains. Her eyes burned into the man's naked flesh.

  “Can you not see I am doing this for our people!” Slamming her fist into the table spilling her wine onto the floor, fruits rolled along the wooden surface.

  “How would kidnapping a child do so? No, you just want the crown so you can place us all under your thumb. You would make us salves to your will in all but name. Your no better then these damn fiends that you so enjoy their company. I hope when your mother’s forces storm this keep. When they find you sharing his bed they treat you no better then the dog you are.” With a wave of his hand, he sent the slaves back to there cells.

  “I must apologize for this I sensed the magic placed on you. I had to know the truth of your banishment.” Refilling her cup his silver eyes began to see her as a drow. “Now tell me your price for this information.”

  “Return the lands of the high elves to my control I cared not about the other elves. They made their choice inciting with that undead thing.”

  “Bring this woman to me my son,” Lilt

  lih’s voice echoing in mind.

  “Done now what about his new rider what

  quest has Draco sent this man on.”

  “To find Chad,” His eyes narrowed for it

  would take them to far into the Orc own territory. Led by a very old rider that even he dared

  not cross. He would have to pay that veil place

  a visit. Draco would not send his rider so deep

  into Doncer lands with out keeping eye on the


  As their cell doors closed behind them they waited for the Drow guards to leave. Calling on her mystical powers of the arcane, weaving a spell that would contact their Queen. As the water become still, the image of a foreign chamber came into view.

  “My Queen are you there.” Moment across the room catching her eye.

  “Yes who are you, and why are you contacting me this way.” Bowing to her Queen, she tried to shield her from her naked form. “Where are you that you can not address me with out garments to cover your form?”

  “My name is of no import. We were taken as slaves after the fall of our dear city. We are not giving clothes to cover ourselves. Our treatment is not why I have called upon you my Queen. Your daughter is sharing bread with the Drow. I can only suspect she will divulge all she knows to their commander.” Rage filled Ishtar’s eyes yet again her daughter has betrayed their race.

  “I see where are you now can you and those with you escape from your prison.”

  “No my Queen we are kept in the Drow's flying citadel. Even if we could break free we would have no means to help those with no magical powers of their own.” Shadows played across the far wall. “My Queen is some one there with you.”

  “Yes I would like you to meet my husband Lord Draco. His men helped those escape from the Doncer in Basing and Shadleel. Our people now reside in his land. My Lord she says that the exile princess has taken residence with the Drow.”

  “Tholosh!” Sticking his head inside the view of the mirror, “Forgive me,” diverting his eyes from her naked form. “The commander of that flying fortress how tall is he, does he fly a black dragon.”

  “He is very tall my Lord as tall as their women. I thought it was odd that the rest of the men stationed here are so tiny compared to him. His dragon I do not know of the beast name. From the talks I have overheard from the guards during the rapes. He is a rider of the black you speak of.”

  “They rape my people!” Her fist slamming into the table nearly ending spell, turning to her husband “We must save these people my Lord. I cannot sit here while the suffer so,” Ishtat demanded placing his hand to steady her rage.

  “What’s your name kind elf?”

  “Taryla Evermoore my Lord.”

  “I want you to end this spell before they learn of your doing. When the black dragon and its rider leaves I wont you to contact us. I shall ride to free as many as I can while he is gone,” Draco said controlling his anger.

  “Thank you my Lord.”

  “No it is you I must thank, you may have saved many lives this day.” As the spell faded from the mirror Draco rush to Shadow Fangs alcove she could feel the fear building in her rider. “Can you reach Darjin,” he said frantically.

  “They're to far away for me to touch her mind. Why what has happen to put you in such a state my rider.” Promising to explain all to her after he found a spell that would send his brother the warning. Opening the stairwell door as he climbed the spiraling tube that led, to his own personal library housing many dangerous mystical tomes. Opening the door, that lead to his library Draco began his search though the ancient tomes. Ishtar hearing the commotion above her, she watched as he ran throughout the room. Ishtar could not believe the volumes of books that lined the walls.

  “By the gods!” Her fingers ran down the spine of the ancient tome. The language of her people called out to her. Beseeching her to open their yellow pages. “What else have you been keeping from me my love?”

  Should he tell her of the magical seal that kept the hearts hidden. He knew he had to with his beast surging though his body. Even the gods could not tell how long he would be sane. First things first he had to find the spell that would send his warning to his brother.

  His pale fingers tracing the burgundy leather spine. As the ancient elven runes flashed before his silver eyes. Calling to him to draw on its long forgotten magic. As the yellow tinted pages wiggled with joy as there knowledge poured into the holder. Thinking this was a dead end, there in its silver lined pages. The runes shimmered as he felt the magic coursing though him.

  Ishtar watched as he began to draw the ancient runes. He moved with so much speed she thought of him of no more then a ghost. Draco walked slowly around the finished magical circle. Checking and rechecking that all was in order. He could not afford to have any one listening to his conversation. Too many lives were at stake for him to be so care less.

  When he was satisfied that all was in order he stepped into the circle. Reciting the ancient words the runes spun around him in vibrant colors. As the magic flowed from him, he hoped that he had enough to call upon his brother.

  ********** They had made good time since leaving the land of Sol. However Cominus could not fly on Darjin's back as much as he would have liked. During the days, she would hide in caves, and hollows in the woods. When none could be found, Aryl placed an illusion spell on the mighty dragon.

  Every time Aryl placed the spell upon the dragon. Cominus could not help himself from laughing. The magic took hold of her body transforming her into small child. Though Darjin kicked him in the shin, every time he did. She would always ask to be carried on his shoulders.

  “Well these little things you call legs. Wear out to easily so unless you want to stop every hour. This is the best course to speed our journey along.” Darjin said in her childlike voice.

  Though he did not believe a word he was happy nonetheless, for it took the two back to the days when she was just a hatching. As the five began to set for camp, the addition of the high elf ranger was not overly welcomed. With his brothers, warning Cominus never took his eye of the elf. Cominus had no doubt about the elves skills.

  He watched him stalk a doe for two hours; the deer’s reward was a swift pat on the rear and a arrow in its heart. With the attack on his brother before they had left Cominus could take no chance with the elf. As they settled for the night, Argan took to the woods
in hopes to catch them some fresh meat for their meal.

  Cominus watched the fire dance oddly as it leaped and flickered as if something wanted through. As the seconds ticked by an image began to appear in the yellow orange flames. As the apparition began to take form, Cominus was stunned that it was his brother. “Has he done this to call us back, there must be trouble. We can always return when all is well enough for us to leave,” he said to himself.

  “Cominus we have to talk.”

  “I’m here brother is there some trouble at the castle. We will break camp this second and hurry back if there is need of us.” Shacking his ghostly head he blow out a sigh of relief.

  “It’s not me that I am worried about. Much has occurred since you left, your party is in grave danger.” Their heads snapped up at his brothers despairing news.

  “Come now brother I know this quest is dangerous for us. There is no need for you to frighten the others.” Aryl's hand shot to his shoulder, her look told him this was not a social call.

  “My Lord what has happen that you fear for our safety.” His ghostly head surveyed the surroundings.

  “Where’s Argan.”

  “Gone hunting my lord, he left no more then a half an hour ago,” said Ergan.

  “Good,” they watched as the relief flood over his pale skin. “The Doncer know that you search for Chad among other things I am sure she will tell them.”

  “What!” said Darjin jumping from her bedroll Draco was stun that his brother would brought a child along with him. As he studied the child, her silver skin, starlight hair and those blue eyes. He could not believe a dragon could polymorph.

  “Hello Darjin.” Flashing him a grin that reveled, her needle sharp teeth, “I must say how did you perform such an act. Wait I am getting myself off track.”

  “I know it’s a useful form to have though it was Aryl brilliant idea.” Aryl midnight blue skin flooded with heat.

  “Indeed, Lanshina has once again showed her true colors. As we speak, she sits in the black citadel of Tholosh. I can only assume the fact she is still alive. That she has made a bargain for her life with what she knows. About you, and your search for Chad, along with the spell that would allow their armies to freely march though my hop gates,” said Draco.

  Cominus knew from the moment he meet that elf she would bring nothing but trouble. Yet as his anger called for her death. He could not help remember how he questioned his brother. When Lanshina had kidnapped Maya, he knew his brother wanted her head. Yet he could not condone it, now as his own mind called him to do so.

  “I’m sorry brother it was noble of you to spare her life. I must say I to wish the elf to live but we cannot allow her to live if she is so willing to endanger countless life’s.”

  “Worry not either by my hand or another’s she will meet her fate. Now if you feel that you cannot continue without risking becoming the Doncer’s prisoners. I want you all to return I can not afford to lose any of you at this critical hour. Now I must go and prepare for our flight. I do not have to remind you to watch your back.”

  “Fear not my lord I shall watch is back,” Aryl said with her lust filled silver eyes. Cominus could not help but feel as she was devouring him with those eyes. As the magic began to fade from the fire Draco's last words rang in his head,

  “Flight! Brother were are you going.”

  “’,” His eyes flew wide Draco could not possible mean to raid Tholosh citadel. Fear for his brother raged throughout his body. Then fear turned to anxiety, Cominus debated on whether to turn back and fly with his brother, or to continue with their quest.

  “What you think Darjin. Should we return to Sol so that we may fly with my brother and your mother in their attack, or should we stay our course.”

  “No we were given this task because only we can accomplish this. I to want to sink my fangs into elven flesh but there will be enough of that in the days to come.”

  As Tholosh and Lanshina retired to his room to continue their conversation, his six foot form dwarfed the small chairs that lined the table. As he poured the honey mead into a copper goblet, his mother’s voice commanded

  him to obey. “Mother allow me one night and

  you shall have this woman before you in the

  morning,” he whispered in his mind.

  “Very well my son have your pleasure with the elf. She must be here at my feet by the rising of the sun, or my dear child my wrath

  will be great for your disobedience.” He was

  smart to keep out his thoughts while his mother called his mind home. He did not think for one minute that Liltlih would spare him if he fail to deliver the elf to her.

  “Now my dear what else pray tell do you have locked in that pretty head of yours.” Her devilish grin spread across her face this would give her complete control over her mothers land.

  “I have spies in his ranks, and one with the white rider as we speak. I also have the spells at would allow your forces to enter his hop gates freely.” Cocking his eyebrow, he had to look at the woman sitting in front of him. He was sure this woman was a high elf yet she acted far too much like his own race.

  “I see can you contact your spies at will even from this range.”

  “Yes, they only severe me if you try and have me killed, and replace me with an imposter. They will now of the ruse and destroy all trace of their involvement with me. I am willing to allow you access to these people for your use. For a price that is,” As his lips stole hers she knew their pack was formed.

  Walking the sleeping elf that laid next to him. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she looked at him with questioning eyes. Telling her, they were to meet someone of great importance. That he was asked to bring her before dawn this seemed to please her. Sliding on the fur cloak that he had set out for her, they climbed to the roof were his dragon awaited.

  Hearing the mighty dragon take off the high elves watched as the shadow drifted off into the darkness. Their eyes searched for the guards for fear of their discovery. Would ruin any chance of rescue from this nightmare, calling upon her arcane powers the water stilled into a mirror.

  “My Queen forgive the hour I know it’s late.”

  Steeping into the mirror her rose scales dace as the candlelight touching there hard surface. “No need we have been awaiting you call. Has the black dragon left the citadel?”

  “Yes my Queen no more then five minutes ago.”

  “Was my daughter with him?” Trying to keep the anger from touching her lips but the anger that burn in her eyes could not be denied.

  “I can not say my Queen.”

  “Very well our forces are leaving in a matter of minutes. We should arrive there an hour before dawn. Do not put yourselves in needless danger we will find you.” Ending the spell the prisoners held their glee until they were safe from there evil cousins.

  The entrance to the Underdark was nothing more then a jaded tooth carven. Lanshina scowled at it with disgust though if she was to have what was rightfully hers. She would embrace the darkness that lived under her feet. As they ventured deeper the air grew cooler. The sounds of water dripping from the caravans walls echoed in the enclosed area.

  His dragon never paid her much attention she was thankful for that. Yet as the tunnels grew smaller she would have to wait until the mighty beast was out of her way. Tholosh hand warmed something that lurked within her body. There lovemaking last night was beyond her imagination. It had kept her mind in a fog state as they rode though the night air.

  As her eyes switched to the infrared spectrum she could not help, but noticed the heat that was gathering between his legs. “It seems I may share this mans bed once again.” she said to herself. Through the twist and turns of the tunnels Lanshina had forgotten her way. She was not worried though she should have been.

  Not all is as it seems in the Underdark. Creature's lurked in the craves waiting for some foolish meal to ensnare itself in its web. She saw no sign of life in this dark world. S
he could only assume that it was the half-god presence that kept the monsters away. She could not see that he was leading her to an even bigger monster. One let to decide whether she would leave this place. She had to stop to rest her legs, Tholosh urged her on telling her they only minutes away from their destination. The warm glow from the fungi that lined the cave ceiling, the sight of the city put her in awe.

  “Welcome to Tysinger Princess the home of my birth. You are must likely the only high elf to see our fair city.” He quickly added to himself “And most likely the only one to ever see it alive.” Nodding she was to speechless to answer her escort. Taking her in his arms in order to protect her, from those creatures’ unaware of his mother’s orders, or foolish enough to attack his mother’s prize.

  Coming to the great steps of his mother’s temple Lanshina could fell the evil pour out of the temple. Every fiber in her body told her to run. Yet her greedy mind would not heed her common sense. With a push of her massive black snout, the four story tall doors swung open. In the grand hall, two hundred red glowing eyes stared at her. Forcing saliva into her dry throat Lanshina could fell their hatred pouring off their bodies. With a flick of Liltlih's wrist sending, the interior of the temple in the glow of white light blinding those within.

  None made a move against them as they traveled along the aisle. Lanshina looked upon a woman “She must be their Queen,” she thought. Her black marble throne glistened in the torch light, only five feet tall her feet never touched the stone floor. Her red velvet cushion protected her rear from the hardness of the stone. As Tholosh bowed, she did well to mimic the half-god actions.

  “Welcome my son how was your journey home.” He had brought her before the Dark Goddess, Lanshina rational mind told her to flee as quickly as possible. The anger that filled her drowned those thoughts out. A confident smile formed on her face. “Now I shall have what I seek and this god will give it to me.”


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