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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 43

by Richardson, James

  “All was well mother.” Looking to the empty seat of the god of death Tholosh wondered if his mother had done in the weakling god. A smile touched his lips at the thought of the god begging for mercy. Sensing her sons thoughts she to could hardly wait until she was rid of the fallen god.

  “Mother I do not see Morzan we had such a lovely decision the other day. I had hoped that we could continue it upon my return.” He could not keep the smile from his lips.

  “Ah that man sits in his realm fearful of my wrath. Good riddance I have no further use of that weakling of a god.” Returning her sons smile with a wicked one of her own. Lanshina never heard of the god Morzan she looked to Tholosh for answers. Turning her attention to the gold-skinned elf Liltlih wondered what to do with the creature of her mothers making.

  “Why my father allows your race to defile his image and live is beyond my understanding.” Perplexed in her years at the temple she had never heard of the Dark Goddess having ties to the any of the elven gods.

  “Goddess I am at a loss to which of the gods do you refer to.”

  “Zekiele of course.” She was at a lost, could her own race deface a god for countless eons without knowing the truth.

  “Forgive me goddess but I do not believe you. We are made in Zekiele image.”

  “Wrong little elf you are just an offshoot of the true elven race. For you see it was my mother that gave the elves their likeness. While the humans have my fathers form. After the destruction of this world, for whatever reason your race lost its tie to the earth. As the years past, you lost must of the eternal magic that flowed into the star elven race. Which brought about the other many races of elves though out the land,” said the dark snake goddess.

  Lanshina knew she was lying to her trying to bend the truth. How could her own people be related in any way to those veil creature's that destroyed their world. She would hear no more of these lies looking to Tholosh. She quietly pleaded for them to leave this cursed place.

  “My son knows better then to listen to your whining. He will not take you to the surface as you might hope. You can try to leave on your own but I doubt you would get very far.” Her evil laughter filled the hall all around her the Drow joined their Queen in her terror. “Brizital its almost time, bring the mirror so my son can watch.” Tholosh was confused his mother never said anything about this. With the help of two of the lesser priestess, Brizital sat the mirror beside the goddess. “Come son and bring that thing with you.”

  Anger flushed her face never had she been so disrespected in her life. Tholosh strong hands kept her from throwing herself at the socalled goddess. She would have not guessed it but he was trying to save her life from his mother’s wrath. As they reached his mother's side the mirror began to ripple.

  The predawn sky showed over his stronghold. Tholosh looked to his mother for answer to this. Her only reply was a smirk as shadows come into view. A hundred and fifty dragons filled the sky as the descend on his warriors. Tholosh eyes narrowed as he looked upon the man. His name a whisper on those who sight freedom from the Doncer's rule, in his black armor Lord Draco plunged towards the citadel.

  ********* “Put those that you can to sleep, we shall

  deal with the rest.” Her giant red orb looked

  towards him she could feel the beast stirring with him. She just hoped that he could control himself during the attack.

  Draco had ordered half his force to keep back. Led by his wife their task was to free the prisoners’. While he and the rest dealt with the forces that called that dark rock home. As they sped towards the stone roof, none gave out a call of warning. As the first wave pour down dragon's fire on the unsuspecting men. Jumping from Shadow Fangs back her cries went out to him.

  ******** “It’s not possible he should be dead he was struck four times with silver daggers!” Trying her best to regain her composer, her spy had conformed the undead thing would soon be dead.

  Liltlih turned to the high elf that stood before her. “Did you honestly believe that your assassination attempt would kill a being like him? Have you thought of what he truly is?” Lanshina could not speck fear raced though her body. She knew if they found her spy she would be hunted down. “Fear not no one will ever find you here. Brindel!” As the basilisk came to its master’s call. Backing away from Lanshina Tholosh turned to keep himself from looking at the beast eyes. “You should not have come here foolish elf. I will enjoy having your statue displayed along my walls.” As the basilisk opened it's eyes Lanshina was pulled into it's gaze. These yellow orbs held her prisoner as its spell flowed over her.

  The sound of her living flesh turning to living stone had those brave enough to watch in awe. Her silent scream would marred her stone features for all time. As the beast returned to its place on the dais her servants collected her new prize, Tholosh listen as they bickered over were to place their Queens prize. As he returned, his attention to the mirror no longer was it of the citadels roof. The image was on the man that had his mother enthralled.

  As Draco descend into the keep Shadow Fangs voiced cried out to him. He knew he should answer his partner but the sent of fresh pray so close overwhelmed his factional mind.

  “Answer me damn you!” Her wails

  pounded on his mind. Dizziness over took him, his hand shoot to the wall. It felt like his skull would burst if she continued this, or was it he that should return her call. His fogged mind could not discern between the two.

  “What is it you’re keeping me from my

  meal?” Venom lace through his voice, Shadow

  Fang could hardly believe the words. She sent word to Ishtar in hopes that she could beat some sense into her rider. As the fires cleared, the smell of charred flesh overwhelmed them. Holding back the bile in her throat, she could not afford to linger to long. Her husband needed her she only hoped, that she would make it in time before the beast took full control of Draco.

  Running down the stone corridor bodies lined the floor. No wounds marred there armor, no blood panted the walls. Two single puncture points marred there ebony skin. “Well better then bread crumbs,” she said to herself. As the sounds of metal clashing echoed though the corridors, she bounded off in search of her husband.

  Surround by twenty Drow her husband stood alone. His once handsome features contorted by the thing within. Blood smeared his pale face eyeing the next Drow that would be his meal. Ishtar scanned the room seeing no exits sealing the unlucky few in with that accursed thing. As the magic of her spell took over the stone, rising to seal the doorway closed. Ishtar turned to find a small child at her feet.

  “It seems this spell is quite useful I must thank Aryl. What a clever girl that one is.” Ishtar was stunned as the child before her knew so much about them. “Worry not I shall keep watch over him you need to hurry.” Her ebony hand patting her thigh yet Ishtar could fell the strength behind that tiny hand.

  “How can you speak so boldly child for I have never seen the likes of you before my eyes.” Her needle sharp teeth fill her mouth was Shadow Fang in child form smiled at Ishtar.

  “Now go we don’t have time to stand around and wait for their reinforcements.” Push her to continue on Ishtar was in a daze by the strength of the child. Ishtar did not fear the child taking her advice, she continued down into the dungeon.

  ******* “Watch my son, watch as the doomed fools realize there is no escape.” As Tholosh watched as Draco slew one after another of his men. Wounds covered his open skin. He could not believe his mother would allow good men to die in such away. “A necessary cost of life my son.” Placing her delicate hand on his armored forearm, Tholosh began to fear that if he where to fulfill his mothers request. He would die by the this beast hands. “Come now my son, do you believe I would not aid you in your quest?”

  Reaching into time and space, her godly powers brought forth. A quiver filled with silver arrows, an unstring bow nestled inside the leather case. “Use these on him they will not kill him. As the silver runs through him, hi
s powers will lessen. Then when he is no more then a rag doll in your grasp, take hold of his body that will allow you to control his dragon.” His mother had never given him the means to quickly carry out her demands.

  “Forgive me mother thru I am grateful for your gifts. I can not help, but wonder why such interest in that man.”

  “Because I wish it!” Fearing he had erred Liltlih watched him tremble under her gaze. Turning her sights back on to the man that would become her newest mate, lust filled those cold heartless eyes as she took stock of his form. Tholosh watched as he had drained the last of his men’s life giving liquid.

  ******* As the blood ran down his throat, Draco sensed that he was being watched from afar. Scanning the room for any magical devices, seeing none he cast his coconscious to the wind. His eyes flew open as he felt her presence. He feared if he did not pill back, she would shallow him whole.

  “Who are you?” Draco asked the silent room. Her auburn eyebrow shoot up as he spoke the words though the mirror. She had to keep from drooling over the man. As he was a lesser being, his cursed need to feed on the living having pushed his body to new heights. She nearly laughed with glee as to the possibly what this man would become while under her control. He needed to find who was the caused of this presence that seemed so interested in him. Slowly he once again felt for the overwhelming female’s mind. As his mind began to brush against it Tholosh watched as his mother, began to writhe in pleasure as Draco’s mind encountered hers. “How could such a man be so overwhelming that would touch his mother so?” Tholosh could not fathom what was going on in her wicked mind.

  “I know you are there, spying on ones feeding is not very polite.” Shadow Fangs touch brought him out of his ranting.

  “Are you of sound mind once again?” Shadow Fangs voice carrying a trace of her childlike voice through the sealed doorway.

  “Sound no but for the moment I have sway over this body.” As the magically created wall crumpled away, Draco was surprised to find Shadow Fang in the disguise of a five-year-old child. Knelling in front of his friend, that had shared so much within his five years in the land of dragons. Draco could not help pinch her puffy cheeks. “Oh my, don’t you just look so adorable.”

  Her ebony head swing out of his grasp. “Well it seems that your humor has not been affected by that thing.”

  “Maya will just love this I can see the two of you now.” Taking her into his arms Shadow Fang struggled against his grasp. However, in her true from she could have overpowered him. Yet her new form did not carry such strength. As he brought her to his chest the months of there solitude together in the wilds, ran though out her mind as she nestled against his chest. “Now what to do with you, hmm a proper bed time is in order. No more late nights out flying with Balo,” Draco said chuckled as her fist pounded on his chest, he could not contain his laughter. As the sounds from the lower sections of Tholosh keep filtered up, Draco wondered what happen since his beast took over.

  As the first of the high elves came into view, fur cloaks lined there lithe bodies as each one passed all whispered their thanks. He couldn't bring himself to voice that he was of no help. It was his wife’s doing that had freed the elves from their enslavement. While he could not bring himself, to control the thing within grief lined his pale face.

  “No one blames you for what occurred this night. True you did plunged yourself into the citadel alone. I think it gave those inexperience courage to watch their leader. Sacrifice himself for those me never met and most likely will never meet.” Placing a small, but heartwarming kiss on his bloodstain cheek, her crimson tongue tasting the salty elven blood. With the sleeve of her borrowed shirt, Shadow Fang erased the evidence of his blood lust. “I have to admit drow blood is quite spicy. I wonder what they would taste like whole.” Wigging out off his arms, she raced to the roof of the black citadel. Eager to put this place behind her, as Draco approached the roof, the flights of dragons landing and with their passengers in tow, sent shock waves though the stone building.

  Ishtar with the frighten elves directing the rescue efforts. No one wanted to stay to long this deep within enemy held lands. As the child that she had meet just hours earlier stripped off the tattered shirt. Her body began to simmer as she ended her spell. Ishtar watched in amazement as Shadow Fangs illusion faded from her scaly form.

  Turning to see if her husband had once again became the man she love. There in the mid-morning sun she could have sworn that his pale skin glowed even brighter then before. As quickly, as her elfin eyes picked it up the glowed retreated within. Ishtar could not take her eyes off the man. Something had her so enthralled with his form all sensation seem to leave her body.

  Shaking the effects off she returned to her duties as the last of the elves climbed on to the awaiting dragons. As his body brushed by her a shudder ran down her spine. Waves of energy came off him in droves. His pale slender fingers slide into hers. As the last of the riders climbed into the sky, Ishtar turned to her husband as she studied his face. She saw no trace of the beast that held her love enslaved.

  “All are a counted for my Lord a few injures. It seems that very few called this place home. Most were in that room, with you so the prisoners suffered no undo risk.” His arms found there home around her waist. Taking her chin in his index finger and thumb, leaning down Draco’s lips brushed by hers to test the waters of her being. Ishtar thought she would lose herself in his embrace. Heat flooded her cheeks by the pubic display of affection. Her body could not help but heed his call.

  Driving herself into him, she yearned for his touch. Her body demand that they taste the sweet nectar that clung to his lips. Ishtar knew they could not stay here, yet she could not will herself to move. As his tongue explored hers, her hand found its way. Underneath his scale armor as she traced his sculpted muscles. Her body demand more yet she could not pushing herself from him.

  “My Lord we must leave there will be plenty of time for our fun later.” Her tongue teasing the tip of his nose to reinforce her words. Ishtar felt light head as she made her way towards Balo. Draco watched her go however there was one more thing to do.

  ******* The rage he saw on his mothers face as Draco kissed the golden elf. Never before had he witness the kind of rage her shapely face held. Even her pet slithered way from her for fear her wrath would land on its scaly hide. What did she see in that man that he could not.

  True he has become a force of reckoning, yet with the knowledge of his weakness. Tholosh could not fathom why she was so taken with the man. He was smart enough not to question his mother. When her anger boiled in her veins, no one was safe from her. Was she trying to bewitch the man into her grasp, or did her loins call to have this man fill her.

  Did she cast her influence into the mirror to will the man to obey her. Tholosh shook his silver hair at the idea. Whatever his mother had planed for this man, it was not good. His hand rested on her small rounded shoulder. Liltlih looked at her son debating whether to punish him or caress him for his devotion to her. She let the matter drop as her emotions came to a simmer. Her golden eyes watching the man in the mirror to see if he was truly worthy of her affection. As those silver eyes looked straight at her, there silver depths seem to pull her in. She felt his mind enter her realm where none dared to enter. How could he do such a thing and escape his death. In some unknown plan of existence, she watched the undead man walk freely in the realm of her honored servants.

  “I see you,” his silky voice following into the mirror. Tholosh head shoot up in fear that the longer the spell was maintained the more this man learned of them. Urging his mother to end this, her light but power blow sent him flying to the floor.

  “Do you now! I have killed for less why should I not do the same now. When you trespassed into the holiest of places of my realm,” Liltlih said her anger mixed with want as she spoke to the man.

  “If you could I doubt that I would still be here. Yet here I stand and you cannot. Oh, do tell Tholosh I did enjoy the little snack h
e left. You should have your people add some sweets to their diet.” His laughter had her speechless no one had ever so openly defied her. “Also do tell him that I am sorry I missed him. It seems he has been looking for me. It’s just too bad about his home though.” Draco said the air simmered as the magic flowed around him. Liltlih watch as the ancient magic that held her sons citadel aloft was shattered. His blond hair began to whip around as gravity took hold of the ancient fortress. Running towards the outer walls, his sleek form moved faster then even elfin eyes could follow. She saw every stride, every muscle bulged underneath his armor.

  She was on the edge of her seat as she watched as he flung himself off the walls. Wind ripped pass as he fell through the air. Calling for Shadow Fang, she had been waiting for his command. As she drove though the air, her black form sliding beneath him. Using the friction of the air to reposition himself over Shadow Fangs saddle. To avoid injuring his manhood on Shadow Fangs many spikes. Even though his body would regenerate any injury that was one Draco was not ready to face.

  Liltlih could only watch the one man, she no power to control, or send his ashes to the far winds. Fly into the distance to his stone castle that she could not see into. “What or who protects this man from my grasp.” She mumbled to herself.

  Brizital her high priest for many centuries looked at her goddess with scorn and contempt. She had no love of men the only use she saw out of them was the continuation of their race. Why did she allow this man to enthrall her so she could not fathom. Snapping her fingers, the two lesser priest rush to retrieve the gilded mirror, to return the magical item to the treasury room.

  “My Queen is it wise to consort with such a creature. To do so would bring shame to you.” Her backhanded blow sent the Drow crashing into the far wall. As blood ran freely from her mouth, Brizital saw the hand of the goddess latch itself around her slender neck.


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