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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 44

by Richardson, James

  “Hear me well Brizital I shall not warn you again. Never question me my word is law here, little elf. I can easily squeeze the life from you, and send you lovely soul to Morzan’s dark realm. Who or what I spend my time on is mine and mine alone. Maybe I should send you and yours back in rank for this.” Fear laced though her body if she was sent back in rank. Liltlih’s favor would no longer protect her from the many daggers that would seek to end her. Her grasp tighten around her ebony throat. Coughing up blood as her attempts failed to fill her lungs with much needed air.

  “Never again my Queen I beg for your forgiveness.” Releasing the Drow, she studied the blood on her hands. Pondering if what he said was true. Her pink tongue sliding over her blood stained finger. She would never admit it aloud, and after her own mind agreed with him. She berated herself for allowing herself to give into to her curiosity.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cominus began to speculate if his brother had gone ahead with the raid on the citadel. Fours days had pasted since Draco had sent word about Lanshina, he could picture her face as his brother’s forces stormed that fortress. When Argan had returned that day extra precaution was taken around the high elf. Everyone was careful not to divulge critical information for the fallen princess to use against them.

  So far, Argan’s actions gave no hint of his subterfuge. He began to think his brother was becoming paranoid. Could he blame his brother for the need for extra caution. Before they had, left Draco himself had been attacked yet did that warrant such behavior. Ergan and Darjin had gone off to scout the area earlier this morning. As the midday sun rose over head, Cominus could not help but feel the lost without Darjin next to him. With her some miles away Cominus felt hollow without her constant presence in his mind.

  How she became so ingrained in his life he could not answer. He was just glad she had chosen him as her rider. Aryl tried to ease his discomfort caressing his cheek. Cominus knew she was trying her best to fill the void. He loved her for that, but how could any one replace Darjin. Who never judged his actions, true he may act like a love drunk fool some times, or rubbed the elves the wrong way. Darjin never questioned him or his conduct. He could always count on her sound advice when his own had him confused and bewildered.

  As the sun neared the horizon, the four set the daily task of setting up their little camp. Aryl never leaving his side for fear Argan may strike when he was less protected. However, it pained her to know she was not the single most important thing in his life. Their situation was not a thing of normalcy even in the land of dragons. Fulfilling the role of the bridge that would bring peace once again to their world. Herya had told them of how special he was, the night they watched though the mirror in her home.

  However, she was not pleased to share him with another woman. Aryl could not help but feel some sense of joy for he had chosen to spin his life with her. Yes, there were bound to be problems for them. She could not help, but smile as she pictured the children running around their home. They had talked about moving out of the castle to a remote area. Where their children could be raised without the constant presence of armored soldier’s.

  With the assassination attempt on Draco, all thoughts about a nice quite life went out the window. Then again, this war would not last forever. With Draco’s raid on the citadel the Doncer were bound not to allow this outrage to stand. What if Sol was under attack as they venture through the land to find a lost rider. Who for all they know could have die along time ago. Dumping their loads of firewood Aryl shoot them a cold stare for interrupting their alone time.

  “Sorry my Lord no luck today it be salted pork and ration biscuits for dinner.” Argan said slumping to the ground. In there silent code Redbird told him he saw nothing. That would cause Draco to fear this man.

  “Any word from Darjin or Ergan yet.” Sitting next to Argan puling out a piece of wood he had been carving on for the past two day’s. Cominus had asked Redbird what he was constantly making. “A gift for you my Lord,” was always his answer.

  Determined to get a straight answer this time, “No we have not seen hide or hair of either of them. I hope they did not find any trouble along the way.” Plunging his makeshift poker into the hot embers, Cominus hoped that his friends would return soon and whole. “So master dwarf will you give me a hint to his gift you wish to bestow upon me,” sitting down the cherry wood, reaching into his leather jerkin; pulling out a leather patch that held his pipe and his kianbud weed.

  As the dry leaf caught a the flame, as he drew on the flame the hint of cherries and cinnamon filled his mouth. “It’s a game on which one plays with twenty pieces on each side. Were one must use cunning and strategy to take the others king.” Hoping this would quite his questions so he could return to his work. When he lived on second earth, this game sounded so much like chess.

  “We have a similar game were I come from. Were pawns can only move forward, and knights must move in “L” movements. Bishops can only move diagonally, castle’s can move forward and sideways with immunity. Were the Queen can do all these things, except the King though the star of the game. It is relegated to the movement of one space at a time.” Redbird could not help, but ponder how much was their two worlds alike. Darjin’s silver body shined like a star as the silvery moonbeams struck her bright scales. Circling the small camp her rear talons were the first to touch the grassy hill. As her padded feet ran along the hilltop, as her mighty wings pulsate to steady her four-ton body.

  As her momentum slowed Cominus, saw the the limp body of the dead stag in her fore claws. The prospect of fresh meat for their evening meal lighted his mood. Ergan made short work of removing the stags golden hide from the burgundy red flesh underneath the animals hide. Sniffing the air as the blood poured into the parched ground. Darjin’s lip curled at the tasted of the rich red flesh molding between her rows of dagger sharp teeth. The crunching of its bones under her powerful jaws made her tail tingle with expectations.

  Taking two-shoulder roast Ergan set them before the dwarf as the water in the cast iron caldron steamed above the fire. Her barded tongue ran over her scaly lips as she savored the meal to come. Keeping a safe distance from her while, she gorged herself on the stag. Taking the empty spot to Cominus left Ergan began to recount the day’s tale. They were only two days from the entrance to the twilight forest. When he told them were Draco, had requested their first travels in the long trek to find Chad. No one said a word of ill, but he could see it in their faces. To go there was folly and escaping those woods whole was unheard of.

  Cominus looked back to his saddlebags within there leather compartments, was the one thing that may see them safely though those nightmarish woods. He had once tried to call on the magic that was within the rods crystal orb. The voice that once spoke to him in his brother’s sitting room. He wondered if the ancient relic had any power left in its golden structure. If he could not relay on the relic he knew it would be a slow and arduous journey. To fine a man that would call those evil woods home. Cominus could not fathom why any sane person would call that place home.

  Cominus and Aryl would have to relay on there magic to see them though this. With Darjin near his side, he was sure nothing could get pass them. As his confidence grew as the water boiled, their dinner was shared with grand epics of ages past. Songs that have not been heard by the other races in so long the words seem to lead them into its mysterious spell.

  The dark trees of Twilight forest loomed before them on the second night. Their eyes scanning the edge of that godforsaken land, for signs of movement as their watch wore on throughout the night. Howls and eerie cries filled the night allowing no one the needed sleep. For fear if they did their bones would bleach the landscape. As the morning dawned on the weary travelers, tempers flared, hands reached for weapons at the slightest movement in the brush. Cominus craned his head to see if any light could be seen.

  Seeing how the branches of the forest intertwined with one another. It was foolish of him to think they would have any lu
ck in the forest. It seemed Darjin’s spear shaped head was on a swivel. Her sky blue eyes peering into the darkness were his failed him. She would be his eyes as movement large and small dance across the woody plains. The eerie silence of the birds told them something evil was encroaching upon them. The sound of metal on leather vibrated though the still air. Aryl midnight skin turned white as her grip tighten around her mages staff.

  As the six continued deeper into the darken woods the red tint of there eyes perplexed Cominus. Aryl whispered to him their eyes had switched over to the inferred spectrum. Encircling Cominus the five would not allow harm to come to him. The air became stagnant as the group traveled down the dirt path. Leafs rustled in the treetops, snapping twigs sent their hairs on end. Sweat ran down his spine as the minutes ticked by. Heads swiveled as the unknown force continued their mental breakdown of their prey.

  Chill's ran down their spines, as their cruel laughter seemed to come from every direction. As the dark shapes took to the air crashing into Ergan’s and Redbirds bodies. Darjin’s talons shredded those foolish enough to approach her rider. Tooth and fang made short work of those who set eyes on broad siding the group. Argan’s bow hummed as his arrows struck home on those still within the confines of the trees. There silver tips eating away their undead flesh as they dug there way though their bodies.

  Casting ware lights for her mates eyes to see his enemies. Her elven ears pick up nothing that would have told her that her life was in danger. The thub of the vampire’s body falling to the ground behind set her heart racing. Turning to her see who had saved her. His swords dripped with the undead blood stained his hand, pushing her down as his scimitar sung though the air. Striking the fiend in its pale throat. His nod assured her that she was safe for the moment. Yelling over the clash of metal Ergan ordered them to run.

  Cominus would not leave his trusted friend to die in this unholy land. Guessing what he meant to do Darjin placed her giant body between the horde and them. While she gave them, time to flee her talons never sung with so much excitement as the curved though undead flesh. Her trunk thick tail swung to and fro, cleaving those unfortunate to near the deadly instrument. Watching from the shadows, she was old, old enough to know not to attack such a creature. Her nose could not help but pick up his scent of that man. An evil grin touched those once fine velvety elven lips. As the dragons fire poured into the clearing, she watched as the fire sent those to their doom. She cared not for their loses for they were young and foolish to attack such and well armed group.

  She however was wise enough to attack when his dragon was not beside him. The scent that clung to him was to alluring to forego. Pushing her body to speeds that once would seemed impossible to her when she was an elf. She ran silently though the woods to meet this man. Eagerness’ filled those long dead eyes. She had promised to herself to find the man that so controlled the fate of their race. She had to force her body under control so her trimmers would not give herself away.

  Cominus felt a foreign mind brushed against his he knew it was female. Darjin was still too far behind to reach them if this prescience turned hostile towards them. Slowing his strides her voice called to him, pulling him further behind the others. Until his body no longer moved on its own accord. As her copulation on his mind, turned his body to face the female vampire, in the dim light he could only make out her faint image. Cold fear raced through him yet he could not release himself from her grip. Her hips swaying as she approached his fear tasted as sweet as honey.

  Her attention was not to fed on the man yet she could not help, but marvel what his blood would taste like on her tongue. She could feel him struggling to free himself from her grasp. “This one is strong I might just have a little nibble.” She giggled at the thought. Every muscle in his body fought to free his body. Sweat ran down his brow from the assertion of the task. Her pale hand rose, creating a wall of flames between him and the others, the heat of the flames at his back baked his skin. In the distance, he could hear Aryl call out to him. “Move god damn it,” he yelled in his mind.

  Her lithe form grew ever closer to him, veins throbbed in his neck and forehead. Cocking her head her giggle stilled his mind at the cold lifeless laughter. The air grew ice cold the closer she got. “If you don’t move now then you’re dead and Draco won’t be here to safe your ass this time.” As if she could read his mind, her eyebrow raised at the name of his brother.

  “Tell me what you know boy and I shall let you live.” He could fell is tongue moving on its own accord. “Speak I have little time for these games.”

  “What is it that you wish to know my Lady?” Cominus heard the words come out of his mouth yet it was not his words. Her smile was his reward; he knew there was no kindness in those green eyes.

  “I smell him on you I wish to know were he is.” Her velvety voice covering his body in their silken words.

  “All lies do not listen Cominus she means

  to lead you astray.”

  “Were may I find this Draco my pet?” He fought to keep his body from answering her commands.

  “My Lady he rules the land of Sol.” He raged against her will, how can she have so much control over his body and mind.

  “You know what he is, do you not?” “Yes my Lady.” Filling her control over her rider Darjin rushed as silently as she could along the dirt trail. She waited for the right moment to strike at the undead woman. His mind was closed to her, the hold that this woman had on him troubled her greatly. Pouncing though the air Darjin opened her gapping maw ready to snap her lithe form in her jaws. His body free from the vampires hold on him. Falling to his knees his strength seemed to leave him in droves.

  “When you meet again with this Draco tell him we await for his return.” Her eerie voice rang out through the trees. Darjin’s body covering his to shield him from any would be attackers. Her roar thundered through the dense foliage. His hand seemed to move on its own. His strong fingers coming around the gold rod. As the magic coursed though his hand calling him to release it power upon those unholy creature's. As the rods end plunged into the ground releasing the blinding light. Scorching those unfortunate enough to be caught in its holy light, as the magic left him darkness descend over his eyes.

  When Cominus awoke the relic was still protruding from the cool moist earth. As he looked around all were asleep within the warm holy light of the relic. He could not blame them for it had been a very trying day for them all. As silently as his weary body could manage, Cominus moved to the end of the field of light. Looking into the darkness for the woman that held his mind prisoner, Darjin’s sweet voice entered his hazy mind.

  “What troubles you Cominus?” Looking

  over his shoulder her caring words touched his bewildered heart.

  “Thinking Darjin what else is there to do

  in this land?”

  “About your brother,” nodding Cominus could not help but think about his brother. Was he to become like those that call this place home. Would he enjoy enslaving minds as much as that woman did his. Bending their wills to sate his own hunger. Would he have to kill his own brother to keep the evil from this world. No, he could not do that even if his brother was turning into a monster. He could never raise his blade in hatred towards his brother. He was right he must be taken to a place were his cruse cannot affect those of the living.

  Resting her spear shape head next to him they peered out into the darkness for answers yet none were forth coming. Allowing the others to rest a few hours Cominus began to wake them. When all was ready taking the relic in hand Cominus, leading the way down the old dusty trail. Whether the sun had risen or not, no one could know, as the day wore on the light never failed them nor did the things that lurked in wait leave their wake.

  Stopping to rest their weary legs, the light of the relic bathed them as they gnawed on the salted pork and ration biscuits. Their eyes darting side to side never trusting the light would fade into nothingness. When there bellies were full they continued their endles
s journey down the dirt trail. Time seemed meaningless to them as the trail seemed too stretched to very ends of the earth. As they began to lose hope, that there was no escape from these accursed woods.

  The woods began to thin out along the trail signs of animal life were engraved in the dampen soil. Could they have walked though the entire forest without any sign of the man they sought. Birds sang cheerful tones high in the branches, squirrels chattering high in the trees at there displeasure. Rabbits bounded out in front of them as they walked on. Argan had taken two with his sling. Sniffing the small things in to his satchel.

  “Ah appetizers,” Darjin voiced for all to

  hear, their laughter eased the day’s bleak mood. The redness of the sky, the twinkle of the few stars in the twilight sky, pulled at their bodies. Seeing no need for the relic Cominus returned it to is compartment, but never far from his reach should it be needed once again. No one talked during their meal, their fears plagued there minds as the rabbits slowly roasted over the fire. Darjin had taken her child form once again. Sitting in Aryls lap her little form seemed to fit perfectly against her elven form.

  Cominus began to ponder what the future would hold for them if they survived the war. What would become of his brother, would Shadow Fang leave his side for all eternality. What would Ishtar do if they could not free his brother from the curse that ran though their veins. Was he doomed to watch his own children deal with this blight that was not of their own making. No, he would not watch those he loves suffer! Anger at his own ancestor’s lust for power and his ill attempt at immortally. Anger at the gods that placed this upon their shoulders for crimes they had not part in. Anger at himself for being powerless to do nothing about it. Darjin’s gentle hand enveloped his in her attempted to console his grief.


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