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Witty Pieces by Witty People

Page 24

by Various

"Blaetter" for consistency; corrected "eattheir meals" to "ate their meals."

  Page 17, removed stray quote after "winnowing."

  Page 28, added missing open quote to first sentence of "Certainly."Changed "Doodle" to "Doddle."

  Page 33, added missing quote after "Well, what ails your town thisyear?"

  Page 35, changed "mawrnin,'" to "mawrnin',"

  Page 38, changed double quote to single quote after "Do you have to wearthat when you are seeking religion?" and changed question mark toexclamation point in "Yes, Marse Thompson!"

  Page 46, added missing comma after "Tennessee."

  Page 66, changed comma to period after "recoiling."

  Page 67, added missing period to first sentence.

  Page 69, changed "its mighty risky" to "it's mighty risky."

  Page 80, changed "hay mow" to "haymow" for consistency.

  Page 93, changed "fonnd" to "found."

  Page 94, changed "explaimed" to "explained."

  Page 109, added missing quote after "dat mule."

  Page 110, due to a flaw in the original book, the Chief's name in thephoto caption is partially illegible. The name presented here is a bestguess (there was a General Superintendant George W. Hubbard in Chicagofrom 1888 to 1890).

  Page 114, added missing period after "sez he."

  Page 122, added missing "this" to "that this is a hot day" and changed"someting" to "something."

  Page 123, added missing italics around "bier."

  Page 126, changed ! to ? in "do you mean by that that you preached?"

  The last six pages of this book come from "The Journal of SolomonSidesplitter," which is a whole book in its own right. It is unclearwhether this is an intentional excerpt or a printer's error.


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