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Taming Emilio (Buried Secrets Book 2)

Page 14

by Brina Brady

  Emilio sat at a bar on the campus, avoiding his class. He drank Coke while he watched two men throw darts at the dartboard.

  Alek interrupted Emilio’s thoughts when he sat beside him. “What’s wrong?”

  “What are you doing here?” Emilio asked.

  “I saw you go in here on my way to the cafeteria.”

  “I needed some time to think,” Emilio said.

  “How’s school coming along?”

  “Okay, I guess.”

  “I thought you had a class now?” Alek asked.

  “Are you stalking me?” Emilio wanted to vent, let it all out, but he didn’t want to drag down his friend with his problems. Kaden had taught him to think first before saying something he didn’t mean, and he was right, of course.

  “Not really. I’ve been worried about you for a week.”

  “I’ve been cutting classes.” Emilio trusted Alek with his secrets.

  “Every day?”

  “For two weeks, I have. Something happened in class, and I don’t want to go back.”

  “Tell me what happened.” Alek asked and ordered a beer.

  “These two guys I used to hang out with told everyone I was gay.”

  “How did they know you were gay?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did they do anything to you?”

  “Just calling me names and sending me notes in class. They made me feel like I was a pervert,” Emilio said. “I feel so good about myself around everyone in our group, but it’s not like that in the real world. People look down on me because I’m gay.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me or Kaden?”

  “I was ashamed. I couldn’t talk about it until now. Plus school is too hard. I don’t like it.”

  “You’re almost done. You have to finish. I can go with you if you want.”

  “You would do that?”

  “Of course, I would.”

  Later that day, Emilio walked to the lake behind the cabin to think about what he would do about school. Kaden had told him he’d be sitting outside with Rafe. About fifteen minutes later, Kaden showed up and sat beside him.

  “What’s going on with you? You seem upset and very distracted,” Kaden asked.

  “I needed some time alone,” Emilio said.

  “How are you doing in school?” Kaden rested his hand on Emilio’s thigh.


  “Why then did I get a letter stating you missed two weeks?” Kaden asked.

  “Did the school send you a letter?” Emilio sat up straighter.

  “I open all your mail for security reasons.”

  “But I don’t get any mail.”

  “Well, you did today.” Kaden looked very serious as if he knew Emilio had done something wrong or broken a trust between them.

  “Oh. Well, the letter is right. I haven’t been going for two weeks.” Emilio wouldn’t lie anymore about school, but he could tell Kaden was disappointed with him.

  “Why? I drop you off at the building, and I see you walk inside. Then what happens?”

  “I walk out the other side of the building.”

  “And go where?” Kaden asked.

  “The cafeteria or I take a walk.”

  “So you have been lying about going to class and seriously engaging in dangerous behavior?”

  “I get you’re pissed at me. I just needed time to myself.”

  “You promised me you would go to school. I trusted you. You have time for yourself after school. So this is sounding like more bullshit coming out of your mouth.”

  “I’m too stupid for school. I’m not doing well.”

  “So, you thought cutting classes would help you in getting better grades?”

  “I don’t want to go anymore. I’m a failure.”

  “That isn’t an option. You’ll go. I’m going to walk you into the classroom, and I’ll ask your teacher to notify me if you leave.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I can.”

  “You expect too much from me. I knew that at some point you’d realize I was stupid.”

  “I have high expectations for you. So does Rafe who paid for you to return to school. Something you asked for. How fair is that to us?”

  “I got myself into a situation I couldn’t deal with. I should have told you, but I was too ashamed.”

  “Why would you be ashamed to tell me anything? I’ve seen every inch of your body. This is still not making sense. If you don’t tell me the truth, I’m going to punish you.”

  “Don’t get carried away. I have a good reason. My only mistake was not telling you. I already told you I couldn’t get my head around it.”

  “Then talk to me,” Kaden demanded.

  “I have been hanging out with some guys from my class after school, and things were going great…then one of them accused me of being gay. Before I could answer, they all jumped in and called me horrible names. If that wasn’t bad enough, they told everyone in my class. I couldn’t face them anymore. So sometimes I went to the bar across from the school and had a drink until it was time for you to pick me up.”

  “For two fucking weeks?”

  “I guess so. I’m sorry.”

  “Get inside and prepare yourself for a whipping.”

  “Don’t you even care what happened to me?”

  “Care? I care so much your ass is going to be red. You lied to me for two weeks straight. You weren’t in class, and you pretended to do your homework. Anything like this should’ve been reported to me. I can’t believe you carried on this fucking farce for two weeks.”

  Emilio got up and raced to the cabin. He went to the bedroom, stripped off his clothes, and threw them onto the dresser. Kaden stood in the doorway.

  “Move the chair to the middle of the room,” Kaden ordered.

  Emilio lifted the chair and moved it where Kaden had told him.

  “Bend over the back of the chair and put your palms flat on it.”

  Emilio did as he was told. He worried how many swats Kaden would give him and with what. The loud sound of Kaden’s belt sliding through the loops made him clench his ass cheeks. Breaking rules and trust warranted a harsh punishment. It was Emilio’s own fault for not being forthcoming with the situation at school. Certainly, Kaden would have found out he’d cut classes when he didn’t graduate on time. After all, the man was his protector, and if he didn’t know about someone threatening him in some way, how could he protect him properly?

  “I’m going to punish you for breaking three rules. You lied to me for two weeks straight. You went to a bar without my permission, and you didn’t tell me about the verbal threats. As your protector, I find this a betrayal to me and my job.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

  “If you move your hands to protect yourself from my belt, I’ll start all over again.”

  “How many strikes?”

  “You’re taking swats until I say it’s enough.”

  “How can I know when it’s close to the end of my whipping?”

  “You won’t.” Kaden spread Emilio’s legs further apart.

  The snapping of the belt landed on his ass cheeks. He cried out in pain. Kaden wasted no time.

  Kaden’s belt struck him every few seconds as if he wanted to prolong the whipping. Emilio cried from the humiliation and was on the verge of passing out from the pain when Kaden stopped. Emilio had never known this much agony and humiliation in his life. There was no doubt in his mind he would never lie to Kaden again. He knew he had said these words before, but he meant it this time.

  “Go to the living room and sit on the couch. Bring your backpack,” Kaden said.

  Emilio wiped his tears away, picked up his backpack, and followed Kaden to the living room.

  “I’m sorry, Kaden.” Emilio fisted away more tears. He wanted to put on his clothes. He felt uncomfortable being naked. Sitting was the last thing he wanted to do with the condition his sore ass was in.

  “Kneel in front of
me,” Kaden said.

  Emilio kneeled down on the carpet before Kaden and waited a good five minutes for further instruction.

  Kaden stood above him watching him. He unzipped his jeans, and his hard cock popped out.

  “Hands behind your head. Suck and swallow.” He gripped Emilio’s shoulders.

  Emilio looked up at him through his tears while he placed his hands behind his head but froze in position unable to move toward Kaden’s cock. His mind was traveling in circles. At least Kaden hadn’t traded him in for a smarter protectee. At this point, Kaden must be tired of how stupid he was and now he was a lousy liar too.

  Kaden yanked his hair and shouted, “Suck and swallow.”

  Emilio’s cock swelled after Kaden had ordered him to suck his cock. Yet another betrayal by his stupid cock that was as stupid as he was. Emilio lowered his head and wrapped his lips around Kaden’s rock-hard cock. He slid his tongue up and down while sucking him. His cock twitched and leaked. His tight balls were ready to release, but he wouldn’t dare come while he sucked Kaden.

  The huge cock grew warmer and harder in Emilio’s mouth. He felt Kaden’s cock vibrate on his tongue, and hot sticky cum spurted into his mouth. Emilio wanted to please him after he had acted like such a creep by lying. Kaden kissed his forehead.

  “That was a real good sucking. Now lick it clean,” Kaden said. A satisfied light glowed from Kaden’s sparkling eyes.

  “I wanted to please you.”

  “Get dressed and do your math homework on the couch.”

  Emilio left the room and raced into the bathroom to check out his ass. The belt had definitely left marks, but they weren’t bonding marks. He didn’t like punishing ones because it reminded him he was a fuckup in more than one way. After he dressed, he returned to the living room with a pillow. Kaden had his math book out with paper and pencil. He sat down on the couch with the pillow underneath him. His ass was so sore. Kaden had disciplined Emilio’s ass like it was the enemy of the United States.

  “When you’re done, we’ll talk about BDSM. I promise you.”

  “I’ll get it done.”



  Kaden looked over at Emilio, who was still staring at the same page in his math book. His phone buzzed with an incoming message. He pulled it out of his pocket.

  Rafe: Important Protector meeting. Meet me at the picnic table. NOW. Send the boys to my cabin.

  Kaden turned to Emilio and said, “You need to go to Rafe’s cabin because we have a meeting outside.”

  “Meeting now?” Emilio asked.

  Kaden checked for the time on his phone. It was eleven o’clock in the evening, which

  meant Emilio had been staring at his homework for one hour. Damn! It’s only high school, Emilio. How are you going to get through college?

  “Yes, now.” Kaden stood. “Rafe usually doesn’t call for a meeting at this hour unless something big is going down.”

  “Oh no, that makes me nervous,” Emilio said.

  Emilio stuffed the blank paper inside his geometry book, slammed it shut, and set it on the coffee table. One thing was clear to Kaden. Emilio hadn’t been doing his homework since his math paper was free of any pencil marks. He must have been daydreaming instead of completing his assignment. Kaden had sat beside him, reading a crime novel instead of watching him. At Emilio’s age, he should be able to do it on his own. Apparently, that wasn’t the case, Kaden was going to keep a closer eye on him, or he wouldn’t graduate. He only needed four more weeks to finish.

  “Don’t worry until you need to,” Kaden said.

  “I’m afraid it’s going to be something really bad,” Emilio said.

  “Why don’t you bring your homework with you?” Kaden asked, noticing Emilio’s fear.

  “Then I can’t hang out with the guys.”

  “You need to get it done for tomorrow. I have no idea how long the meeting will be.”

  “Okay.” Emilio picked up his book and stood. He seemed disgusted by the fact that he had to finish his homework. Emilio always followed orders but complained doing them.

  “Come here,” Kaden ordered.

  Emilio fell into Kaden’s strong arms.

  “Later, we’re going to have our talk about BDSM. Your homework must be done before our discussion tonight.”

  “I’ll get it done. Anouska can help me.”

  “Don’t make her do your homework.”

  “I’d never ask anyone to do that,” Emilio said.

  “There’s something about you that makes me think otherwise.” Kaden winked and pinched Emilio’s nipple through his shirt.

  “I don’t cheat,” Emilio said.

  “That’s what I want to hear from you,” Kaden said.

  “Something always gets in the way of our talk,” Emilio said.

  “I want to have our BDSM conversation as much as you do. It will change how we do things. After the meeting, I’m going to send you a text. I want you naked and kneeling at the foot of the bed. Bow your head and wait for me.”

  “Kaden, my cock is growing.” Emilio rubbed himself. “Now what am I supposed to do with it?”

  Kaden swatted Emilio’s hand from his cock. “Don’t touch it. It’s mine.”

  They walked to Rafe’s cabin, and Kaden waited for Emilio to go inside, then met the others at the picnic table. He sat down beside James. Valerik and Mateo sat across them.

  “Anybody know what’s going on?” Kaden asked.

  “No. We thought you’d know,” Mateo said.

  “I just got the same crazy text as you all did,” Kaden said.

  Within minutes, Rafe stood by the table and everyone became silent.

  “I’m going to make this quick. It’s late. Then you guys can ask questions. We need to move tomorrow morning. I received word from some of my people. The police are looking for our group in the matter of the murders of the gang members in California. We’re going to have to pack lightly. I made reservations to fly to our next location. We’ll be staying in a private compound of five cottages in the woods, similar to here. Pack tonight. Some of my men will box up what we don’t take and put everything left over in storage. The main point is we need to move fast. Talk to no one about the move or why. I’ll drive everyone in my van to the airport. Be ready at six in the morning. Any questions?” Rafe asked.

  “Where are we going?” James asked.

  “You’ll know when you check in at the airport. No phone calls or communications outside of the group. Remember, no one goes anywhere without at least two protectors. Confiscate all phones, laptops, and iPads. No electronics for the boys or Anouska.”

  “Should we mention to the boys why we’re leaving?” Kaden asked.

  “No. Just tell them we had a security breach and need to move.”

  “Got it,” Kaden said.

  “What about their education?” James asked.

  “Say nothing to the school. They will all have to drop out until things are safe, although I don’t know when that’s going to be at this point,” Rafe said.

  “So, only the protectors keep phones and iPads, right?” James asked.

  “Right. Make sure you secure your electronics so there’s no way the boys and Anouska can access them. From here on in, high alert status.”

  Valerik said, “I know how to make this go away. Someone owes me a favor and can shut this down.”

  “Who can do that?” Rafe asked.

  “I know a very powerful man from Russia who can fix this.”

  “Work on that, but tomorrow we’re leaving. Any other questions?” Rafe asked.

  “What about the food?” James asked.

  “Leave it. I have someone coming to clean everything and take the food to a homeless shelter. We’re paid up here until the end of the month,” Rafe said.

  When Valerik, James, and Mateo left, Rafe sat at the table across from Kaden.

  “Is everything okay with Emilio?” Rafe asked.

  “Why wouldn’t i
t be?” Kaden asked.

  “He never talks to me anymore.”

  “He will. He’s been stressed out with school. He’s almost done and now this bullshit. He needs a damn high school diploma. Did you know he has problems reading?”

  “No. I didn’t know that. I mean, I know his grades sucked.”

  “We read to each other every night so I can see how much help he needs. He really must have more education to survive in this world.”

  “Thank you for working with him on his reading. I know he needs more schooling, but we must move, even when we don’t want to,” Rafe said.

  “I get it. I doubt he’ll be upset. He hates going to school anyway. I’ll have to work with him at home.”

  “Thanks. He never liked school. He cut classes from first grade. I never heard of anyone hating school as much as Emilio, and yet he feels dumb because he didn’t graduate,” Rafe said.

  “That’s the thing. He feels stupid all the time, but he doesn’t want to do what it takes to learn.”

  “Let’s go,” Rafe said.

  Kaden picked up Emilio at Rafe’s. On the way back, Emilio seemed happier than he had been before the meeting.

  “I finished my homework,” Emilio said. “So, are we going to have our discussion?”

  “That’s good and no,” Kaden said.

  “What’s going on?” Emilio asked.

  “We have to move tomorrow, but tonight we need to pack. Rafe’s picking all of us up at six in the morning.”

  “Why?” Emilio stopped walking.

  “Come on. Don’t stop. We need to pack.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know. Rafe didn’t tell us where.”

  “Tell me why?”

  “There was a security breach.”

  “What does that mean?” Emilio asked.

  “I can’t talk about it. Rafe wants everything on a need-to know basis, high-security mode. This is for the group’s safety.”

  “I’m worried about this move. What if something happens to us?”

  “Nothing will happen. I’m sorry we won’t be able to have our BDSM discussion until after the move.”

  “That’s okay. It’s not your fault.”


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