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Taming Emilio (Buried Secrets Book 2)

Page 15

by Brina Brady

  “It’s not anyone’s fault. This is why we travel in a group to protect each other from our enemies.”

  “Am I the cause?”

  “I can’t discuss it, but no one person is the cause.”

  They spent most of the night packing and clearing out things they didn’t want. When they were finished, they went to bed.

  “What about school?” Emilio sat up against the headboard.

  “What about it?”

  “Will I be able to finish school here?”

  “No, I don’t know where we’re going. This abrupt move leads me to believe we’re moving far enough away you won’t be able to finish. At this point maybe online classes will be better for you.”

  “So, all that hard work I did went out the door?” Emilio asked.

  “No. Education never goes out the door. When you learn something, it lives within you.”

  “I don’t see it that way. I see that diploma gone.”

  “You didn’t even want to go to school anymore.”

  “I was going to go back. Alek said he would go with me so no one messes with me.”


  “Yes, we go to the same school. My classes are on the same college campus.”

  “I’m aware you and Alek go to the same school, but you told him and not me?”

  “It’s not the way you think. He saw me leaving the building and followed me into the bar.”

  “What were you two doing in a bar together?”

  “I just wanted to have a drink and listen to the band. Alek came to check on me.”

  “I suppose it’s good you have someone to confide in.”

  “Well, you have Rafe.”

  “So do you. Is there any reason you haven’t talked to Rafe in a while?”

  “He’s always busy with Alek, so I didn’t want to interfere plus I like being with you.”

  “You need to talk to him more. You two were very close, and now nothing. I can always stay with Alek while you spend some time with Rafe.”

  “Okay, that sounds like a plan. Are you going to finish that BDSM romance story? It’s your night to read.”

  “Shit. I packed it. Sorry. Turn over. I didn’t pack the cream. I want to put some on your pretty ass.”

  “Thank you. It still hurts.”

  Kaden went to the bathroom for the cream. When he returned, he sat on the side of the bed and rubbed it in. Emilio’s ass was bright red, and he hoped it didn’t turn black and blue. He probably shouldn’t have swung so hard, but he took great pleasure in looking at it.

  “It’s three in the morning. Two hours before we need to get up,” Kaden said, kissing Emilio’s cheek.

  “You said six, not five.”

  “We need to shower, dress, and eat.”

  “I’m already tired just thinking about it.”



  Emilio woke up to hearing Kaden and Rafe talking in the living room. He strained to listen what they were talking about. He got up, put on a pair of jeans, and went to the living room as Alek carried some boxes out the door.

  “Shower and get dressed,” Kaden ordered.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Rafe asked, inching closer to him.

  “Where are we going?” Emilio asked.

  “It’s a surprise. You and I need to find time to talk again.”

  “I’ve been meaning to do that.” Emilio hugged Rafe. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Hurry up. We’re leaving after breakfast,” Rafe said.

  While he got ready, Kaden made sure they didn’t forget anything important. After Emilio showered and dressed, he met everyone outside for breakfast. He sat beside Alek while Kaden was in deep conversation with Rafe.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” Emilio asked.

  “Nope. He didn’t tell me. I even begged him to,” Alek said.

  “Our schooling is going to be all messed up.”

  “Maybe not. We can finish by email after we’re settled.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I asked my professor when I started. I didn’t know how long we’d be here. Nothing ever goes as planned,” Alek said.

  “That’s true.”

  “You can pass the High School Proficiency Test, then enroll in an online college.”

  “I guess I could. That is, if I can pass the test.”

  “I’ll help you. I tutored guys in prison, and they passed.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  When everyone finished eating and the boys cleaned the area, Rafe stood in front of the group.

  “Get into the van. We have an hour’s ride to Newark Airport. Check in with your driver’s license. Here’s what’s going to happen. I mixed up the couples and divided our flights into two. Don’t worry. There will be a driver waiting. I’ll rent another van when I arrive. I’m on the first flight.”

  “You separated the couples?” Kaden asked.

  “I had to. You won’t be on the same flight as Emilio. All I ask is you all follow directions without any complaints,” Rafe said.

  Kaden took Emilio’s hand, and together they walked to the van.

  “Kaden, I need you in the front,” Rafe said.

  “I want to be with Kaden,” Emilio said.

  “I need him. Sit in the back with Alek,” Rafe said, almost losing his patience.

  All the other protectors sat with their protectee while Alek and Emilio sat in the back together.

  “I don’t like how this is going,” Emilio said.

  “Kaden is Rafe’s partner, so he probably needs him up there for support. I have no idea where we’re going, but it’s kind of exciting. We’ll all be together when we get off the plane.”

  “I did that damn homework for nothing last night.”

  “No, you didn’t. Now you know how to do it,” Alek said.

  “When are we ever going to have some fun?” Emilio asked.

  “This is fun. We’re flying to an unknown place.”

  After a long drive to the airport, Kaden handed Emilio his ticket.

  “We’re going to Hawaii?” Emilio nearly screamed with excitement.

  “Yes, that’s where we’re going. We’ll be staying at my parents’ property.”

  “Who is sitting with me?”

  “Rafe. You’re on the first flight, so you need to be at gate 44. I’m on the second flight with Anouska.” Kaden rolled his eyes.

  “I love Anouska. I don’t know why you don’t like her.”

  “I told you why. I don’t trust her,” Kaden said.

  “Who else is going on my plane?” Emilio asked.

  “James and Liam.”

  “Who is sitting with Valerik and Mateo?”

  “Valerik has Dante, and Mateo is with Alek. I’m going to walk you to the gate. My plane leaves an hour after yours from the same gate.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “You’ll have Rafe,” Kaden said.

  They sat in silence while they waited to board. When the boarding call sounded, Kaden handed Emilio a black watch with a step counter.

  “Why did you get me a gift?”

  “Because I love you,” Kaden said.

  Rafe and Alek met them in the line. Then they said their good-byes.

  Once Rafe and Emilio located their assigned row on the plane, they buckled their seatbelts.

  “So, are you going to tell us why we’re moving?” Emilio asked.

  “At some point, I’ll hold a meeting with the entire group. Have you been to Kauai?” Rafe asked.

  “No. I know it’s an island.”

  “We’re staying at Kaden’s parents’ property. It is a bunch of small huts sitting near the beach. They have a separate building with a large kitchen and recreation room. We can cook there for the group. We’ll be close to each other but in separate buildings for sleeping.”

  “Something must be wrong if we have to move in one day,” Emilio said.

  “Stop digging,” Rafe s
aid. “I told you that you’ll find out when it’s safe.”

  “Why did we have to separate from our partners?”

  “For security reasons.”

  “How many hours do we have in the air?”

  “We have two stops, around eighteen hours. You can get some sleep if you want.”

  Emilio bent forward and saw James across the aisle with Liam, who wore a baseball cap hiding his hair. Valerik made him wear it for his protection.

  When the plane had finally landed in Kauai, Rafe woke Emilio. He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

  “Come on.” Rafe helped Emilio out of the seat.

  “I’m still tired.”

  “Well, you’ve been sleeping most of the trip.” Rafe’s phone buzzed.

  Kaden: Our plane will be delayed until tomorrow morning. We booked hotel rooms. We will be there in the late evening. Tell Emilio, I miss him.

  Rafe: Damn! That’s sucks. Then I’ll pick you guys up. Send me a text when you have the time and flight.

  “Who was that?” Emilio asked.

  “Kaden. He said their plane was delayed until tomorrow, so they won’t be here until tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, no. What if they don’t ever get here?”

  “They will.”

  “What’s going on?” James asked.

  “Their plane was delayed until the morning. So they won’t arrive until tomorrow night.”

  “Oh, fuck!” James pulled out his phone and sent a text.

  “Let’s get our luggage and leave for the huts. Keep Liam with you for the night.”

  When they finally arrived, it was dark, but they could see the ocean and sand.

  “It’s beautiful here.”

  “Yes, it is,” Rafe said as he unlocked the door of the hut.

  They put their suitcases down in the living room that only had a couch and TV. The kitchen was small but had all the appliances, as well as a table and two chairs. Emilio followed Rafe to check out the bedroom where one dresser with a TV stood next to a queen-size bed. The bathroom had a shower, but no tub. It was sparkling clean, and everything seemed new.

  “Well, it’s small. But it doesn’t matter. People will spend more time outside than in, I guess,” Rafe said.

  “I think it’s nice here, and we can see the ocean from the window. The beach is just a few steps away.”

  “We can hang out at the beach,” Rafe said.

  “Which hut is Kaden’s and mine?”

  “Next door to me,” Rafe said.

  “Are we safe here?”


  “So, I could take a walk to the beach by myself?”

  “Not under my watch. I don’t want to hear Kaden yelling I didn’t take care of you. If you want to go see the beach, we’ll go now.”

  Pounding on the door jolted them both. Rafe answered the door. James and Liam stood there.

  “Come in.”

  “We have a problem,” James said.

  “What problem?” Rafe asked.

  “Anouska called me on Kaden’s phone. She said the police arrested Dante, Kaden, Valerik, and Mateo at the hotel. I told Alek and Anouska to stay in Kaden’s room until we figure out what to do next,” James said.

  “What the fuck! I have to call Kaden’s father and see what he can do. Dante was shot and didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll send my lawyer down there for them too,” Rafe said

  Emilio couldn’t stop his tears, and Liam joined him. They sat on the couch, not talking.

  Rafe looked over at them. “Don’t worry. My lawyer will take care of it. They’ll be out soon.”

  “Let’s walk to the bar. I need a damn drink,” James said.

  “Take Emilio and Liam while I make some phone calls. They’re too young to drink so obey the laws. We don’t need any more problems,” Rafe said.

  “Are you going to join us when you’re done?” James asked.

  “Yes. I need a damn drink too,” Rafe said.

  Emilio and Liam walked with James to the bar. He didn’t say much, but it was obvious he was upset as much as they were. He worried about Dante. James ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. The boys got Cokes and followed James to the booth.

  “You two are worried about your protectors, and I’m worried about Dante. The only good thing for Dante is that he’s locked up in New Jersey, away from his gang in California.”

  “Valerik isn’t a citizen. What if they deport him to Ukraine?” Liam asked.

  “Rafe’s lawyer is good and so is Kaden’s.”

  “I can’t believe Kaden is locked up. We shouldn’t have separated.” Emilio said.

  “Rafe separated us for a reason, so we wouldn’t be easily found.”

  “Why were they arrested, and why are we running?” Emilio asked.

  “Rafe got word that they were looking for the men who shot the gang members in California. He figured whoever reported them had known who was paired with whom.”

  “Alek and Rafe are cleared since they were on a boat,” Emilio said.

  “Right. I think once Dante explains he was shot, they will release him,” James said.

  “I’m still scared. We were all there. How come they didn’t come after us?” Liam asked.

  “They want the protectors, but they took Dante since he used to be in that gang.” James asked the server for another round.

  “He has the scar to prove they shot him, so I hope they let him out soon,” Emilio said.

  “Don’t worry. Kaden’s father is very powerful. He’ll get him out. The one I worry about is Valerik. These are crazy times. They might send him back to Ukraine,” James said.

  “I want Valerik to come home to me,” Liam said, wiping a stray tear.

  “If anyone can help Valerik, Kaden’s dad can,” James said.

  About an hour later, Rafe showed up, looking tired and upset. The news had to be bad, and that scared Emilio. What if he never sees Kaden again?



  Officer Watson informed them why they had been arrested; one of the other officers handcuffed Kaden and threw him in the back of a police van with Valerik, Mateo, and Dante. The idea of splitting the couples up hadn’t worked the way Rafe had thought. At the time, Kaden had believed it made sense. If their flight had left on time, they would have been safe. He’d call his father to help them out of this mess as soon as they allowed him. This wasn’t Kaden’s first time arrested. His father had always managed to erase his mistakes with the law, but that was in California. Hopefully, his clout reached to New Jersey. His stomach tightened because he felt trapped. Dante’s face turned white from fear. He moved closer to him.

  “Don’t worry. Everything will work out. We did nothing wrong,” Kaden said.

  “What the hell are we going to do?” Valerik asked.

  “We’ll get out of here soon enough. I just need to call my father,” Kaden replied.

  “Who is going to help me?” Dante managed to ask in a trembling voice.

  “My father or Rafe’s lawyer. You shouldn’t even be here since those guys shot you,” Kaden told him.

  “Anouska called James, and he’d tell Rafe. I’m sure they’re working on it now,” Mateo said.

  “I don’t know if anyone can help me,” Valerik said. “Liam is going to be upset if they deport me to Ukraine.”

  “Why didn’t you apply for your citizenship?” Dante asked.

  “I’ll tell you another time,” Valerik said, lowering his head.

  The police van parked in the front of the Newark Police Station, and Officer Watson opened the back door, pulling Kaden out of the car first. He put his hand on Kaden’s shoulder and guided him into the station. Another officer flanked Kaden as they took him to a small room with a table. He had no idea what happened to the others. The two officers told Kaden to sit down, but they remained standing. Officer Watson removed Kaden’s handcuffs.

  “Driver’s license,” Officer Watson ordered.

  Kaden pulled it out and handed it to
the officer. He took information from his California license.

  “Do you live in California or New Jersey?”


  “Is everything updated on here?”

  “Yes.” He was such an idiot. What was he going to do now? Maybe they should have traveled by car instead of by plane. They hadn’t done anything wrong when they defended Dante and themselves. The gang members shot Dante and then attempted to shoot the rest of them. It was self-defense, or they would have all been dead.

  “You do understand why we arrested you?”

  Kaden didn’t answer the question and stared blankly at Officer Watson. His father had told him never to answer any questions about anything until his lawyer was present.

  “Do you want to call someone?”

  “Yes.” When it came down to it, his father and Rafe were the go-to people who helped him out of any messes he had gotten into. But murder? He didn’t know about that one. Would anyone be able to help him out of here? The charges he had before were not this grave. One time the police had arrested him for disorderly conduct in a public place, and he had a number of bar fights landing him in jail, but his father cleaned up everything so he didn’t have a record.

  Kaden called his father on his private line for emergencies.

  “Kaden, what’s wrong?” his father asked.

  “I’ve been arrested along with some others in my group. I need you to pay the bail for me and my friends and get a lawyer for us.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Newark Police Station in New Jersey. It’s on Clinton Avenue.”

  “I’ll call my lawyer. He’ll wire the money for your bail and the others. Do you need me over there?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m not sure what’s going on.”

  “What are the charges?”

  “Right now, they are asking questions about the murders of some gang members.”

  “Damn it, Kaden. Sometimes, I think you were safer in the military. I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”

  After Kaden told his father the names of the ones in the group, he hung up. What would he have done if it weren’t for his father always bailing him out? He was lucky to have the parents he had. It made a difference when parents supported their children. He had seen how Rafe had to battle for everything on his own. Then there was poor Liam whose parents blamed him for what they had done. Emilio was an Escobar, and he wasn’t much better off either. Damn, he missed him by his side day and night. He figured Rafe would comfort him. Emilio should be okay until they got back.


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