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Page 21

by Heltsley, Andrea

  Even through the dim light I could see Boone’s tortured expression. He was absorbing all the pain emanating from the pits of hell. I was overwhelmed with sympathy for him and horror at the situation. This was the last place I ever wanted to end up in my whole life. It was disturbing and had the feel of a really realistic horror movie.

  I felt as if all the breath had been sucked out of me and the air became stale and sour. I rushed past everyone and flung the door back open. I almost forgot to avert my eyes from the Lampades torches and caught myself at the last minute. Boone wasted no time following me and was at my side in an instant.

  “Are you ok?” he asked.

  “I should be asking you that. That was horrible. I would say that I am scared now to see what is behind door number two,” I added.

  “Nothing can be worse than that,” Jared said as he shut the door to the little house of horrors behind him with an audible click.

  I let out a sigh of relief before responding. “I agree. That was awful.”

  “If we ever get out of this, I am going to spend eternity doing good deeds and random acts of kindness. I never ever want to end up in a place like that,” Autumn said. She was visibly shivering in disgust.

  Sam finally spoke up, placing a hand on Autumns goose pimpled arm in comfort. “Let’s try the rectangle door next. Nothing can be worse than that. It looks ordinary enough.”

  I made my way over to the moss covered door and twisted the ordinary nob, pulling the door open.

  I was surprised at what we found. It was a vast open room with more ornate crystal chandeliers looming above us. The floor looks as if it was made of Italian marble and everything was lavishly decorated.

  Rich crimson reds, fiery oranges and luminous pinks surrounded us. A large rectangle table filled the center of the room, set for a feast. I gasped again at the luxury we were enveloped in.

  Then I laid my eyes on her. Persephone was seated amidst a pile of plush pillows. She was surrounded by maidens serving her every need. Once again, her beauty was entrancing. I found myself bowing as does everyone else. I tried to tear my eyes away and just couldn’t. Persephone was enticing, her beauty flawless. We all resumed our positions and she smiled.

  “Hello, it’s a pleasure to see you made it to my humble abode. I trust your accommodations were acceptable. That is just the first of the many luxuries you will have in the times to come. Please, have a seat. You are just in time for the celebratory feast.”

  Her maidens all scattered to pull out chairs for us, clearly indicating where she expected us to sit. Once we were seated, I notice there were only two empty seats left at the table.

  When Persephone was seated at the head of the table, a chill washed over me. Madison and Wren both came down here with us. Why only one seat? I was about to ask, but she answered first as if reading my mind.

  “Madison has already been placed in her clan. We are just waiting for my handmaidens to fetch Wren for me. I understand she is not your favorite person right now under the circumstances. Please try to be civil here, in my house. That is all I ask of you.”

  “Oh and Autumn, you must restore Wren’s powers. She has to be able to play with a full deck. You will find everything you need back in your room. This is not negotiable,” Persephone added.

  I could tell the fire in Autumn’s eyes disagreed with her request, but I gave her a cutting look and she simmered down. We all nodded in respect, not wanting to do anything to get in Persephone’s bad graces.

  As if on cue, Wren was escorted into the room and to her seat next to Persephone. She appeared humbled for once and I tamped down the urge to smirk at her vulnerability. Persephone said to be civil here; she didn’t say anything about thoughts. Wren was a bitch and I hoped she burned in hell. Oh wait, that could very well happen, I thought in smug satisfaction.

  Then I was sobered realizing that could be the same fate for us. The blood drained from my face at the thought of the pits of hell we witnessed and I was suddenly becoming increasingly conscious of my actions. We hadS to play nice if only to save our lives.

  My thoughts were cut short by the tapping on an empty wine glass. Persephone in all her glory was standing there, demanding our full attention.

  “Welcome new initiates. It is a pleasure to have you hear with me this season. I expect you have many questions, but all will be answered in good time. You six were specially chosen and it is quite an honor. Immortality is a gift and is given sparingly. Your gifts as immortals will take you far. I am incredibly pleased with the newest additions to my family.”

  The word ‘immortality’ sent a shiver up my spine. At least, I thought I heard her right. That was not good news. It seemed our lives were forever intertwined together for better or worse.

  That truth made me think of Jared and Boone. Eternity was a long time to string them along. I had to make my decision before anyone else got hurt. If I only knew who was the right one. My soul screamed Jared, but my heart and mind said Boone.

  I shifted my attention back to the table as the maidens began to pour us all a glass of wine. Everyone was silent, solemn looks on their faces in light of their new status. Immortal, the word seemed so thick and heavy. I couldn’t help feeling despair for the life I could never have again.

  “Oh cheer up my children, there is so much to look forward too. Just think an empath, three clairvoyants, a witch and a nightmare. There are so many possibilities. I would like to toast to my new favorite initiates. Let the future bring us a great number of unforgettable journeys together. Here is to leaving an indelible mark on this world all as one,” Persephone toasted again.

  I followed everyone’s lead and sipped the glass of wine. It was tart, tangy and tasted of pomegranate just like the ritual wine. We had to play the part at least until we could get ourselves out of here. We ate in silence afraid to broach the new subject of immortality. Even Wren remained in silence until Persephone spoke once again.

  “Well wasn’t that a fabulous meal. The first of many I am sure. I must join my husband this evening since it is my first day back and all. Please feel free to explore Elysium just through those doors in your free time. They are always beautiful,” she said pointing at the large oval door across the room.

  “Just steer clear of Hades pit of damned souls if possible. They are really no place for new initiates,” she added pointing at the door to the right before dismissing herself.

  I met everyone’s eyes and could tell we were all still rattled by the experience in the pit of damned souls. Then I turned back to the table.

  The maidens began to clear the table and we found ourselves suddenly alone with Wren. She was the one who put us in this position in the first place. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but refrained at the guilty look she displayed.

  After all, we did manage to strip her powers and rendered her a useless immortal at least, for now. Disgusted, I turned and headed for the door to Elysium. The longer we could leave her stripped the better. Persephone didn’t say when we had to restore her powers just that we had to do it. We had to love the grey areas.

  Chapter 20: Elysium

  I opened the door and prepared to storm out, but I was stunned at what I saw. It was sunny and warm, unlike what I had read about the rest of the Underworld.

  I took a few steps, allowing everyone else to follow us out onto the cobblestone path. A tall black wrought iron gate sat in front of us just before Elysium. Jared took lead along the path and opened the gate in a gentlemanly gesture for the rest of us to follow. I couldn’t help but notice his eyes on me as I passed him.

  White poplar groves surrounded us like tall pencils. The fields swayed with wheat gently blowing in the breeze. The sun melted my distress and I basked in the warmth of the light. Everywhere I looked was so beautiful. I followed the path to a clearing and spread out on the ground.

  It was clear that I was taking the lead now because everyone else followed and sat down. “Wow,” I said in amazement.

  “It is
amazing,” Autumn agreed.

  “Don’t get caught off guard,” Sam lectured.

  “We can’t lose sight of our mission. Things are really bad. This is just a distraction to get us through the next twenty one hours,” she continued.

  “I agree with Sam. This is worse than bad. We are immortal according to Persephone. We have no idea what implications that can have on us. We all have powers and we are dangerous weapons in the wrong hands,” Boone explained.

  “That’s why we have to follow our plan. It is our only chance of freedom. Persephone is one of the original immortals and she isn’t likely to give up on her pet project. We are in serious danger here. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t ever want to be a slave for eternity,” Sam replied.

  “I have already been a slave to this and it is worse than you could ever imagine. That’s why we went rogue. We wanted to save people from that life and protect them at all costs,” Boone said solemnly.

  “So what exactly does it mean to be an immortal,” I asked.

  It was Jared who continued the conversation. “We are tied to this world forever. Our souls are damned. We will live forever. We will never have a true home ever again. We will be on the run endlessly. Our looks will never age; we will be this for as long as we exist.”

  “Did anyone notice our looks have pretty much turned flawless and we girls have thinned out a bit?” Autumn asked.

  “Yes,” Sam and I replied in unison. “At least my looks are safe,” I said trying to get a response out of the depressing group. No one took the bait.

  I laid down in the field of wheat, my knees up just trying to absorb all of this information. I never ever wanted anything like this to happen. I didn’t even remember that I had powers until a day or two ago. Now I was trapped in a life of immortality. Most people would envy us, but the truth was that it was really a prison sentence.

  Jared lay next to me and grasped my hand. I was suddenly reminded of the dream of us making love in the field of silver tinted tulips and my cheeks colored. I gave him a gentle smile and close my eyes for a minute, savoring the fleeting moment.

  That’s when my eyes snapped open in panic. My sight was narrowing and I was being pulled into another vision. I tried to shout out, but it was too late and I faded away.

  There was no color when my vision returned, only black and white. Men and women were bustling about in skimpy dresses and sharp suits. They were in a parlor of some sort; Victorian style furniture faced a marble fireplace.

  People were pouring thick red liquid into wine glasses and passing them around. I found it odd that the only color in this vision was red. It was so vivid against the black and white background.

  A scantily clad woman in a corset and short leather skirt passed me a glass and I thanked her. I swirled the thick red liquid in the glass and then took a sip. It tasted sweet, metallic and warm. I drank fervently and wiped the remaining blood from my plump lips before setting down the glass.

  Then the sweet high of blood lust took over. I dropped down to a chair, my eyes glassy. My mind spun as I savored the high. The blood saturated every inch of me and I let out a sound of pleasure.

  A man approached, tall dark and handsome. I pulled him down to me and brushed my lips against his. I could feel the pounding in his chest and became aroused.

  I wanted to taste him. He smelled of soap and fresh aftershave. I traced my finger along his jugular and licked my lips in anticipation. I unbuttoned his shirt, sliding my hands behind his neck. I licked the soft skin just over his jugular in a seductive movement. The man let a moan escape at the gesture.

  It took only a split second to pierce his skin with my fangs. I felt my fangs grasp hold of his neck and I began to drink. He gasped, and then melted away as my toxins sent endorphins rushing through his body. He tasted like wild game, slightly tangy and coppery.

  I reveled in the taste of fresh human blood and moaned in pleasure. He parted his lips and impulsively whispered “Madison” as I drained him and he faded away. That was when I retracted my fangs and dropped him to the floor at my feet. I licked my lips and faded back into my high.

  Then as with the other visions, red flecks swirled and exploded into blackness before I was snapped back to reality. When I came to, it was Boone’s arms I was cradled in and not Jared’s. He was rocking me, telling my softly that it would be ok. Exhausted, I sank into his embrace and tried to shake the disturbing vision.

  Once I finally came to my senses, I turned to face my friends. I caught Jared, a hurt look displayed on his face. I winced at the pain I knew I was the cause of.

  It was clear that both of them were prepared for a fight over me and I knew that I couldn’t be the person to tear this friendship to shreds. For a moment, I realized that I should never be together with either of them. An eternity was a long time for hatred between two close friends. I tried to tamp down the sorrow and gathered my composure.

  “I had another vision. It was a particularly awful one of Madison,” I said shivering at the taste I will never again forget.

  “Is she getting what she deserves?” Sam asked disgusted.

  “No, she is draining humans like soda cans. I had to smell and taste it all. It was disgusting,” I said with a shiver.

  “We so need to get the hell out of here,” Autumn chimed up.

  “About twenty hours and counting,” Sam said looking at her watch.

  “That seems like forever! What do we do in the meantime?” I asked.

  “Try not to draw suspicion and maybe explore Elysium. It is so beautiful,” Boone said with a quirk of a smile.

  Elysium turned out to be the most beautiful place I had ever seen in real life. It smelled of fresh foliage and spring. Flowers were blossoming and the shady groves were a respite from the sun above. We spun in fields of wheat and laughed in contentment even if just momentarily.

  I sat for a rest and sighed. Autumn sat next to me and leaned in. “Are you ok Nells? I know that this has been information overload for you and I worry.”

  “I am starting to remember things I was taught and learned when I was younger. Even with the knowledge, it still makes it hard to swallow the situation.”

  “Sam and I are here for you unconditionally. We love you so much. I never dreamed this would ever happen, but the five of us have each other. That is a blessing at least,” Autumn said sincerely.

  I just smiled and gave her a hug in appreciation. I never imagined I would be this person. Every scenario I ever thought up didn’t include anything near this. She was right that I should be thankful we are all in this together. I was about to say so when she leaned in and whispered to me.

  “What is the situation with Boone and Jared? You look all squirmy when you three are together. Things seem like they are getting more complicated.”

  I frowned, wishing it wasn’t so obvious. “I don’t know how I got myself into this. I can’t choose. I need them both.”

  “Well, it seems like you have an eternity to figure it out now. That’s a lot of time.”

  “That’s exactly why I can’t choose. Maybe the best thing would be to leave it alone and steer clear of them both. I don’t want to ruin their friendship, especially for an eternity. We need them both now that the tables have turned,” I said grimly.

  Autumn just wrapped her arms around me in comfort and I sank into her embrace, comforted. “Honey, neither of them will let you go like that. This is a fight for you that will finish in a win. You would do good to remember that when making your decision.”

  Me, Autumn and Sam all sat in a circle now as the guys took a walk. I was nervous to think about what they could possibly be talking about but returned my attention to the conversation at hand.

  “Okay Noel, I want to hear about these sexy dreams I have been hearing about,” Sam said.

  “There are several, what do you want to know?”

  “Which one was the sexiest?”

  “That would be the dream where Jared and I made love under the nig
ht sky next to red and silver tulips. I still don’t know if it was real or a dream. He was real that night and we left the bar together. It was all very fuzzy after that.”

  I thought back to my dreams and another one cropped up. “There was also this dream where we were in a cottage. Candles were lit everywhere and there were petals in the bathtub. I had on a sexy silk dress that I let slip to the floor. Jared was on me in an instant, but then the dream faded once more.”

  Sam was completely intrigued. “Which dream did you have that was absolutely the worst one?”

  Autumn and I met each other’s eyes with sadness. She nodded the go ahead to tell Sam so I mentally prepared myself. I grasped both of Sam’s hands and looked her in the eyes.


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