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Page 22

by Heltsley, Andrea

  “Are you sure you want to hear this? It was pretty awful.”

  “I am positive. It couldn’t be that bad,” Sam replied.

  “Don’t be so sure,” I warned. Against my better judgment I continued.

  “I had a dream that I murdered Autumn. Then I was chased by a horde of angry little Ferrell goblins. Augustine was there and he blamed me for her death. It was truly awful.”

  “That is really scary. I can’t believe you had that nightmare. It would freak me out too. Thank goodness it wasn’t real and Autumn is okay.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I commented.

  When it had finally been a respectable amount of time, Sam spoke up.

  “Seventeen hours left, let’s convene in Autumn’s room for a while. We have at least seven hours to kill. Later we could probably sleep and meet up just before the transfer. It will take a large amount of energy and we will need the rest. I doubt they will bother us if we are sleeping, at least I hope.”

  We stood up and filed into a line through Elysium toward the black wrought iron gate we entered through. Not wanting to cross Persephone again, we hurried through the dinner room and slung the door to the room of doors open.

  “Remember, no looking at the Lampades. Just walk straight to the door across from us,” I warned.

  I felt Jared and Boone watching me intently and I squirmed under their gazes. They were silently pleading for me to make my choice and I just couldn’t seem to make it. Boone brought up the rear and I was quiet. There was so much tension, it crackled between them. Boone brings up the rear and he and Jared follow us silently. There is so much tension, it crackles between them. I am silent the whole way back to our rooms.

  I knew we really needed to reconvene in Autumn’s room to fix Wren’s stupid abilities, but I dreaded it none the less.

  Jared and Boone were noticeably far from happy at this point. I was pretty sure it was obvious to all of us and I was ashamed that I caused such a rift in their friendship.

  I was still on high alert until we all made it safely into Autumn’s room. Everyone seemed to slightly un-tense as well and we looked to Autumn.

  “What can we do,” I asked her.

  “Not much, but you can watch if you want. It will be a little harder without earth magic to complete. The good news is that restoring is easier than stripping powers,” she replied.

  We all crossed the room and made ourselves comfortable on the bed. Unfortunately I ended up smack in the middle of Jared and Boone. Things were becoming more uncomfortable with every passing minute.

  All of the supplies were sitting atop of her dresser and she pulled them down to the floor to begin her spell. She picked up the doll and intertwined it with ivy and a piece of Wren’s hair. The hair is needed to restore the powers and it was unfortunate that Persephone didn’t forget anything for the spell.

  Autumn lit her candle and then poked her finger and brought blood to the surface before dripping it on the doll. She spoke words to unweave the spell and then poured some candle wax on the doll.

  The flame flickered out and Autumn placed them back on the dresser. “Damn, I really didn’t want to do that. I have no doubt she will be swift with her payback. Boone, you know her best. Do you have any ideas of what she will do?”

  “She has great capabilities and her options are endless. I agree. She won’t waste any time though. I would expect retribution anytime.”

  As if Wren sensed us in conversation about her, she struck. Water began to fill the room and we struggled to stay above the water. I felt something bump against my leg and looked down to see a shark in the water. I let out a shriek and the guys were at my side instantly.

  The water levels continued to increase and I was treading water to keep afloat and away from the shark. Boone reached me and put his hands on my shoulders.

  “This is just an illusion, nothing can really harm you. Focus on seeing past the shark and the water. Once you see the true form of the room, it will break the spell and you will no longer be afraid.”

  “Thanks, but this is harder done than said. I am trying,” I replied.

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I understood. I focused on my surroundings and closed my eyes. I pictured Autumns’ soft bed and remembered that I was stationed on it. The visuals began to melt away and reality came back.

  Once everyone was back and out of Wren’s nightmare, I addressed Autumn. “Are you okay? I didn’t expect her to strike so soon.”

  “I would feel better if everyone would just go into Noel’s room for a few hours,” she replied addressing all of us.

  Sam looked like she was ready to protest, but it was clear Autumn wouldn’t back down. Sam sighed and gave her a slight nod before herding us all out the door and into the hallway.

  It was quiet as we walked down the hall towards my room. When we reached it, I slid it open and we all stepped inside. Instantly my cheeks colored. Sitting in a pile on the floor was the racy corset and panties I previously had on.

  I hurried and kicked them under the bed before the guys were reminded of Boone and me together. I looked up and it was clear that Boone remembered every second of it. A look of anger crossed Jared’s features and he looked away.

  I was grateful when Sam broke the silence. Then I heard what she has to say and I winced. “Okay, I can’t stand the hate looks you two are putting out at each other. We are going to address this right now.”

  We all looked at her in astonishment, too shocked to reply.

  “This is what I propose. Each one of you gets one hour with her, and then I do. After time is up, Noel will let us know what she decides.”

  “I can’t decide eternity that fast sis,” I tried to reason with her.

  “Bullshit Noel. We have these fifteen hours of time to wait, let’s use them wisely.”

  It was obvious to the three of us that there was no arguing with her. Resigned, Jared spoke up first. “Fine, but I want to go first.”

  “Fine, Boone and I can talk in my room. Then I will intercept when your hour is up. Let’s go Boone,” Samara said sternly. She shoved him forward and slammed the door behind her, leaving a deafening silence.

  Chapter 21: The Choice

  Jared had one hour to plead his case to me. Before I had a chance to say anything, Jared’s hands wrap themselves around the back of my neck. His lips parted and searched mine for all that passion we so often sparked in our dreams.

  Once the apprehension settled, I moved into the kiss. Being only the second time in real life, it was scorching hot. By the time he pulled away, I was having trouble focusing straight.

  Looking up into his eyes, I could see the hurt and desire there. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before facing him again.

  “You are literally the man of my dreams. I never meant for whatever this whole thing is to happen. I wish I knew you better. I just get pieces of you in between dreams.”

  Instead of responding, he picked me up, holding me in his arms. Then he sat me on the bed. I was wondering where this was going, but he just slid my shoes off.

  Then he took his own off and came around to the other side of the bed. He lay upside down from the pillows and placed his feet up on the wall.

  He turned his head and smiled. “Your turn, but scoot a little closer to me.

  Confused, I did as he asked. I could feel his flesh brushing against mine and it made the hair on my arms stand up. Trying to tamp down the naughty thoughts, I turned my own head. When I did, his face was only inches from mine, but he didn’t kiss me.

  Jared just gazed into my eyes as if searching for something. I couldn’t take it anymore and I spoke, breaking the spell.

  “What exactly are we doing?”

  “We are talking now. What do you want to know about me Noel?”

  I smiled. “Where are you from? Do you have any siblings? How did you get involved in all of this?”

  “Well, let’s see. I am from here and there, just not hell,” he joked. “I have no s
iblings and my parents were part of PLI. They were killed for wanting out.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know. I am so sorry,” I replied in a somber tone.

  “Okay, here is my question for you. What is your favorite color? What is your favorite movie?”

  I laughed and answered his easy questions. “My favorite color is red. The movie I love the most is “Just Married”. It is hilarious.”

  “What is your favorite color?” I prodded.

  “Grey is my favorite. It is a symbol for all the grey areas in life. It is a neutral color; it is also good and bad as well as light and dark.”

  “Very insightful and deep, but I have one more question for you that I need to know. Why do you want me?” I asked.

  He took a deep breath and then answered carefully. “I want you because you call out to my soul. We can both enter dreams. Both of us are made for each other. It doesn’t hurt that you are very sexy and incredibly beautiful either.”

  It took me a second to digest his answer. He wanted me for our similarities in life. He was attracted to me as well. Okay, I would file that away for my decision later.

  Assuming I was done with the questions, he pulled me on top of him and reached up for a kiss. I settled into it, searching for our spark. I found it dimly lit inside and it gave me pause. It was so much stronger at one point.

  I tried to kill all thoughts of Boone and focus. Content with me spread on top of him, he slid his hands down my back. They run down my spine and don’t stop until they are settled at the base of my short shorts.

  Making sure he got every second of his hours’ worth with me, I sank into him further and let out a small sound of pleasure as he left my lips. He started nibbling at the lobe of my ear and then moved down my neck and over my collarbone.

  He skimmed his hands under my sequined tank top and slips his hands under the lacy fabric of my bra. I gasped in surprise as he joined his lips to where his hands lay. I was sensitive and my breathing increased.

  Then reality pressed in and I had to stop him. I promised to give them both a fair shot and this was slutty. Jared respectively slid his hands back down my sides and I slid off of him.

  “I am sorry, but it just isn’t fair. You get time that Boone doesn’t get when you enter my dreams and Boone doesn’t. You have to let him have a fair shot as well if you want me to make an honest decision.”

  I saw the anger slip through his features, but then he calmed and nodded. He got up from the bed and came around to my side. Picking me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Suddenly I was face to face with Jared, our noses touching.

  “Make no mistake, you should be with me. I hope I have shown you what we can be like together. We have an eternity to be each other’s everything. Just think about that when making your decision.”

  I didn’t get a chance to respond because there was a loud rapping on the door. Jared released me and I stood and straightened. Good thing I didn’t have lipstick on. It would be everywhere and too telling of what went on this hour.

  “Come in,” I said.

  Sam entered the room and put a finger up outside in the hall. “It is time for Jared to go. Listen very carefully. When you exit the room, you are going to go to the right and wait for me. Boone will enter the room and I will shut the door before we leave.”

  Jared nodded and gave me a strained smile before making his way out of the room and into the hall. Moments later, Sam was stepping out and Boone was coming in. He shut the door behind him before addressing me.

  “Noel, you look amazing in that tank top. The shorts aren’t too bad to look at either. They are rather skimpy,” he said and smiled.

  I blushed at the complement and stood there, not sure what to say after the last hour. I shouldn’t have worried, because he ran to me and lifted me in the air. I squealed and spun before he sat me down.

  He pulled me in and kissed me. It started out innocent, but soon turned into more as molten lava slid through my veins and erupted inside me. Before I could even think straight, he had picked me back up and carried me to the bed.

  Underneath him, I felt the weight of him against me. My breathing grew ragged and he pulled away, a wicked smile on his lips. I unconsciously licked my lips before I looked into his eyes.

  The look he gave me was anything but playful. It was intense and filled with pure desire. Just the intensity alone made me shiver. Then he broke his gaze from mine and the spell was broken.

  “I have wanted to kiss you like that since the day we got caught. Hell, I wanted to do that when I was lying in bed with you at the hotel. It has been really hard to keep any sort of distance from you and a ton of restraint on my part.”

  “I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it especially since our racy escapade in your bedroom earlier.”

  His eyes lit up and his breath was the one to catch. “You are going to be the death of me Noel. If you keep running around here and in my dreams looking like that, I can’t guarantee I will keep my hands off you.”

  My cheeks turned rosy and I smiled at the thought of his dream at the burlesque. Then the incident in his room was just as hot. I almost let him devour me right then and there.

  “I have to move away from you, or else we are going to finish what we started in my bedroom,” Boone said, putting some distance between us.

  I laughed and sat up on the bed. For a couple of minutes, we just watched each other in silence. The room grew taut with sexual tension and my heart started to race.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, you can ask me anything Noel.”

  “What happened to make you a vampire servant? Did you ever get bit?”

  Boone went pale and then sat next to me. “That sure is a question I didn’t expect. You have a very good memory.”

  “Okay, so spill,” I replied.

  “I was put on the streets after my last foster parents became uncomfortable with my feeling so much. PLI found me and gave me a place to live and belong. I served them in return for a life free of judgement.”

  “Okay, elaborate. Vampires, did you ever get bit?”

  “You are making this difficult Noel. I was a vampire servant but I was only ever bit two times. A vamp lost control and nearly bled me to death. That is when I got out and went rogue.”

  “What about the other time?” I prodded.

  “It was Madison. She wanted to make sure I was telling the truth and not under PLI’s thumb anymore. She bit you too so you know what it was like.”

  Satisfied, the room bled into silence. Trying to dispel the tension, I decided to ask him the same question I posed to Jared. “Why do you want me?”

  There was no pause and no trepidation when he responded. “I want you because you are amazing. You are attractive inside and out. You make me feel like I am the only person in the world. I want to spend every waking second of every day for eternity giving you everything I can to make you as happy as you make me.”

  Tears began to form at his response. I hadn’t expected an answer like that. Boone moved forward and wiped my tears away. Then he folded me into his arms.

  I basked in the feel of us so close together but being far from a sexual moment. It was just what I needed just then. He brushed back a strand of my hair before speaking again.

  “If you haven’t noticed, I am totally and completely in love with you Noel Kennedy Maristolla.”

  I was floored by his confession. I was torn between them, but his confession made my soul sing in approval. I wanted so badly to say it back to him, but I had to make a choice before that could ever happen.

  Trying to let the seriousness drift away, I changed the subject. “What do you want to do now Boone?”

  He grinned at me before replying. “I want to toss you on to that bed and make out like a couple of teenagers.”

  That made me giggle and I placed his hand in mine. I made a show of dragging him to the bed before I jumped up there, my green eyes full of fire.

  He laughed as he follo
wed me onto the bed and pulled my face forward with both hands to kiss me. I melted like butter at the taste of him on me once again.

  His lips were soft and passionate until a small sound of pleasure escaped from me. Then his kiss grew more feverish and his tongue slid its way into my mouth. It caressed mine in a way that seared through me.

  I wrapped my hands in his messy brown hair and pulled him closer to me. He turned me on my back and moved on top of me, careful not to sink all his weight on me.

  At the feel of him against me, I let out a strangled sound of surprise. Want coursed through me and my breathing grew ragged.


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