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Page 7

by Gillian Archer

  “While I lead the way,” Marc finished.

  She took a deep breath as a calm came over her. She was going to be okay. Her guys would make sure of it. But she still couldn’t stop the trembling.

  Both men sought to distract her. Rob breathed hotly into her ear, nibbling her earlobe in his special way as he plucked and teased her nipples into throbbing peaks. God, that man knew all her weaknesses.

  Meanwhile, Marc tickled the seam between her legs. Never advancing, just stroking her up and down until she could feel her arousal leaking out. But still, he didn’t go further, just continued stroking. It drove her crazy. Why was he just teasing her? Come on already! Finally she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “What are you doing? Do you need a road map?” she snapped.

  Rob chuckled in her ear. “Your pace—remember, babe?”

  Marc pulled back with a satisfied smirk. “Ready for more, I take it?”

  “Yes, goddamn it.” Sara couldn’t keep the bite out of her voice.

  She gasped as Marc lifted her legs up and out, spreading her wide. Rob reached around her and grabbed the backs of her thighs, holding her open for Marc. Her whole body tingled in anticipation of what she knew was coming next. God, she had waited for this moment for so long. She moaned as Marc went back to his teasing, smoothing his fingers up and down. After a few more agonizing seconds, she growled in frustration.

  Marc chuckled. “Okay, okay. I get it.”

  She held her breath as Marc advanced his neon-green, latex-covered cock toward her. Sara closed her eyes as he began to enter her.

  Marc stopped. “Uh-uh. Look at me.”

  Her face heated as she obeyed his command. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hide. Looking into his face, she saw a gentle understanding combined with a straining hunger. Sara immediately relaxed. This was Marc, her best friend since forever. He would take care of her.

  As he advanced again, Sara couldn’t believe the stretching, almost burning sensation. She’d only played with a dildo once or twice since she much preferred clitoral stimulation. When Marc became fully seated inside her, she couldn’t help but clench down on him in response.

  “Fuck, don’t do that, princess.”

  Rob chuckled behind her as he played with her nipples. “Sensory overload?”

  “I can’t help it. Especially when you do that.” Sara groaned when Rob nibbled her earlobe while he plucked her nipples. The combination had her clenching around Marc again.

  “Holy shit. I can’t take much more of this,” Marc grumbled.

  “Me neither! Move already,” Sara gasped.

  Marc closed his eyes. “Honey, you need a sec to get used to the—”

  Sara clenched again.

  “Fuck it.” Marc slowly withdrew, agonizing her with his tempo, but at least he was finally moving.

  As Marc began a rhythm of careful advance and retreat, Sara finally understood the draw of penetration. What she had never gotten with a dildo was the rasp of friction on her clit along with an overwhelming fullness. She panted at the devastating combination of Marc’s invasion and Rob’s tantalizing touch. God, it wouldn’t take much more to make her come.

  Although Rob continued to nibble on her neck and tease her nipples, she needed the connection she could only get from a kiss. Sara turned her head and covered Rob’s lips with her own. She put all the feeling, all the need coursing through her, into their kiss. She wanted Rob to have a bit of the connection she shared with Marc.

  Feeling lightheaded, she broke away to catch her breath. Sara stared into Rob’s eyes while the beginnings of her climax rippled through her pussy. Her lids slammed shut as she rode the convulsions. Her pussy clamped down on Marc’s cock, gripping him with a strength she didn’t know she was capable of. Fireworks showered her vision from beneath her eyelids. From a distance, she heard a hoarse grunt but was too far gone to know from which man it came.

  Sara’s entire body tingled as she lay sprawled across Rob’s chest. She looked down and saw Marc sitting back on his heels, his cock still buried inside her. Her heart melted at the tender expression on his face. He looked at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world. And at this moment, she felt it. He gently brushed a stray hair off her cheek. God, she loved these men more than she ever thought possible.

  Her pussy trembled around his still-firm cock.

  “Are you… Did you—” She gestured to their linked bodies.

  Marc smiled. “Yeah. I’m done.”

  “Real classy, slick,” Rob rumbled behind her.

  Marc rolled his eyes. “Are you okay, princess?”

  Sara bit her lip and nodded mutely.

  “I love you.” Marc leaned down and gave her a sweet, tender kiss.

  Tears welled in Sara’s eyes as she kissed him back. After a moment she pulled away. “I love you too,” she whispered.

  Her entire body jolted as Rob’s chest rose in a wheezing breath. Oh, crap. How had she forgotten about him?

  Marc waggled his eyebrows. “I’ll just… Yeah…” He reached down and pulled out from her in one quick movement before walking to the adjoining bathroom. “Be right back, gorgeous.”

  Sara rolled off Rob’s chest and winced at the resulting ache of tenderness. “I’m sorry, Rob. I-I don’t know what to say…”

  “You don’t have to say anything, baby. That was an amazing, special moment and I’m so honored you shared it with me.”

  “I wish there was a way we all could have shared it—together—at the same time.”

  “There is. But I think you’re a little too new and probably too tender to try it out just yet.”

  Sara raised an eyebrow. “You’re not talking about…” She couldn’t bring herself to even say it.

  Rob grinned wickedly. “Oh yeah. We’ll explore some variations later. But for now I think you should rest.”

  “But what about—” She waved at his very obvious erection.

  “He’ll have to wait.”


  “Contrary to what you’ve heard, blue balls aren’t fatal.”

  “Yeah, but I want to take care of you, Rob.”

  “You’ll have plenty of time for that this weekend. I’m not going anywhere and I’m pretty sure you’re not either.”


  “Hey, my body, my right.” He smiled. “Take a nap, we’ll play later, babe.”

  Sara watched in baffled silence while Rob disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

  Chapter Nine

  “What the fuck was that?”

  Rob flinched. In all the drama, he’d forgotten Marc had gone into the bathroom before him. Shit, he really didn’t need this now.


  “That.” Marc gestured to the closed door.

  “Uh, sorry, man, I forgot you were in here.” Rob turned to go.

  “I’m not talking about you walking in on me. But I would appreciate it in the future if you didn’t follow me into the john. We’re not chicks, dude. No, what I want to know is why did you blow Sara off?”

  “I didn’t blow her off. She’s sore and she’s tired. We’ll play later.”

  “No, you blew her off. She’s a smart cookie. She knows there’s more to sex than insert cock and wiggle. Hell, she was a virgin, not a moron.”

  “Don’t you fucking talk about her that way.” Rob stepped into Marc’s space, wishing he’d make a move—something to give Rob an excuse to deck him.

  “You’re jealous.” Marc smirked.

  Rob flinched. “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re jealous.”

  Rob scowled. “Shut up.”

  “Come on, Rob, just admit it. You were a tiny bit jealous.”

  “Fuck off. I’ll be damned if I’ll stand here in my own bathroom and listen to this shit.”

  Marc lifted his eyebrows in response.

  “Screw you.” Rob turned to leave.

  “Funny. I don’t remember you being the typ
e to run away from a fight.”

  “Funny. I don’t remember you being such an ass.” Rob turned back around to stare at Marc. “You’ve got a problem I can help you with?”

  Marc took a step toward Rob.

  “Uh, guys?”

  They stopped at the sound of Sara’s voice from the other room.

  Rob opened the door. “You okay, baby?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she snapped. “You guys do realize that you’re just in the bathroom and not the Cone of Silence?”

  Marc ducked around Rob to stand in the doorway. “Actually everyone outside the cone could hear the conversation. It was the people inside who—”

  Rob elbowed Marc in the stomach. “That’s her point, Agent Smart. She could hear everything we were saying.”

  “Oh…sorry, honey.”

  “Sorry,” Rob muttered. He looked down at his feet. He didn’t want to see the hurt and questions he knew would be in her eyes. Christ, he was such a pansy.

  “This isn’t going to work, is it?”

  Rob looked up as Marc tore past him and onto the bed. “No, honey, it will. You just have to give us a little time. We’ll make it work.” He glared at Rob. “Won’t we?”

  “Yeah, we will,” he answered softly.

  Sara didn’t look as though she believed him.

  Marc’s expression promised retribution later if he fucked this up for them.

  Rob crossed the room to stand next to the entwined couple. “We’ll make this work. I promise,” he swore.

  “But it’s already causing friction with you guys. I don’t want this to come between you.” She bit her lip and looked away. “I was being selfish. I get everything I want and you guys have to fight over scraps. I’m just as bad as those polygamists in Utah.”

  “Hey, I think we have enough martyrs here.” Marc threw a significant look Rob’s way.

  Rob crossed his arms. “I’m not playing martyr.”

  “Oh yeah? Then what was all that crap earlier? Just remember, any lies you tell her screw me too.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Blue balls aren’t fatal? Stop lying to her.”

  Rob caught on. “Oh…sorry about that… Yeah, Sara, I didn’t mean to lie to you. It’s a really bad, nasty thing guys don’t want to own up to but there have been many cases of death by blue balls. I investigated one last week.”

  “Dude, you have to be more convincing.”

  Rob narrowed his eyes at Marc.


  He looked up at Sara’s questioning tone. Uncertainty loomed on her face.

  “I-I want this to work. I love you,” he whispered. “But I can’t lie to you. Blue balls aren’t deadly.”

  “You fucker. Why’d you do that?”

  “Oh come on, Marc.” Sara groaned. “I knew that already. Even before Rob’s poor attempt at lying.”

  Rob smiled. “It was pretty bad, wasn’t it?”

  “That’s okay. I still love you.”

  Rob’s breath froze in his chest at her easy declaration. She loved him. He closed his eyes in relief. Until this moment, he had felt like an interloper—on the fringes of Marc and Sara’s love.

  “Really?” He could have kicked himself at the uncertain, vulnerable tone. Macho man, he wasn’t.

  “You know I do.” Sara grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed. “I wouldn’t be here, in your bed, if I wasn’t.” She gave him the sweetest, most tender kiss they had ever shared.

  He couldn’t resist letting the sharp edge of his hunger leak in as he became the aggressor in their embrace. His lips devoured her, making her give everything while they kissed. He couldn’t stop his hands from roving over her body, searching out all her hidden weak spots.

  Ah, like that one. He smiled against her lips at the resulting shudder after he pinched her nipple just a little roughly.

  Sara pulled back. “Ready for round two?”

  “I never finished round one, baby. But I think you might be a little too new for a replay.”

  “There’s more than one way to milk a bull.”

  Rob’s heart stuttered at her statement. She wouldn’t…would she? The mischievous twinkle in her eye had him eager to see what she would come up with next.

  “Yeah, Rob. You spent how many years as a ranch hand? You should know better.”

  Rob fought to not react to Marc’s wry comment. There for just a moment, he had been alone with Sara. Until he had to chime in.

  “Uh-huh…” Rob caught his breath as Sara reached toward him. He realized suddenly he was naked. He’d been naked this entire time—during the bathroom argument with Marc and his walk to her bedside.

  He barely had time to process his embarrassment before every thought emptied out of his head when Sara pushed him flat on his back and knelt next to him.

  He arched into her wicked tongue as the exquisite torture began. Sara’s hair tickled his skin as she nibbled and licked all around his thighs. She never got too close to his aching erection but occasionally her hair would brush against it.

  “Oh God,” he moaned.

  “I think it’s time you let someone else have control for a change,” she whispered.

  Rob could only moan in agreement while she finally took his swollen erection into her hand. He watched in fascination as she stroked him, squeezing him from base to tip. Then she leaned down and quickly swiped her tongue across the head, licking up the small amount of liquid seeping out. He held his breath as he tried to hold himself in check. He couldn’t come yet. He didn’t want to look like a damn teenager unable to control himself.

  He watched through lowered lids as she learned all the little spots to drive him crazy. When she tickled the seam under his head with her tongue, his breath left him in a shuddering, wheezing gasp. He fisted his hands in the blankets, determined not to twine his hands in her hair like he wanted. He was going to give her total control over him. He owed her. Besides, she was doing pretty damn fantastic all on her own.

  Finally, she took him into her mouth. She slowly advanced, moving her lips closer and closer to the base. When she held him in her mouth and swallowed, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer.

  “Baby, I’m gonna—I’m almost there,” he panted.

  Sara continued her torment, gliding up and down his shaft and swallowing when she had his entire length in her mouth.

  “I’m gonna…” He couldn’t finish as his body arched into the air. He convulsed as jet after jet erupted from him. Weak, he sank back into the bed, his entire body lax with satisfaction. He opened his eyes and found Sara on her hands and knees, still straddling his thighs. She looked at him deliberately, lifted her head and swallowed.

  He groaned. “Oh baby, you have no idea how sexy you are.”

  Sara moaned and thrust her hips back. Rob looked beyond her to where Marc knelt behind the bed, enjoying his own afternoon buffet. He smiled in satisfaction as Sara rode Marc to her climax. She didn’t care that he watched, wasn’t intimidated. Christ, she was hot. And sensual. So free.

  As she came in a shuddering gasp then collapsed on his legs, he couldn’t resist running his fingers through her hair just like he’d fantasized doing. It felt as silky-soft as he’d imagined. While he played with her hair, he thought about the complex relationship they had given very little thought to before jumping into bed together this morning. How had they convinced Sara to do it? Why had he done it? Was it really worth it to have a tiny slice of heaven if he had to share it?

  Sara looked up at him with a shaky smile.

  Without a doubt. For her, he’d slay a dragon.

  And at least this way, he had a partner along for the fight.

  Chapter Ten

  Driving into work on Monday, Sara couldn’t hold back the grin spreading across her face. Although it hadn’t been the way she had planned to spend the weekend, she couldn’t imagine a better time. She shuddered as she remembered the one-night stand idea she’d had Friday night.

  Losing he
r virginity to Rob and Marc had been so special, so magical, she couldn’t believe she’d ever thought her virginity was something she should just throw away because it was impeding her love life. Rob and Marc had made her feel wonderful and loved. She couldn’t wait to get home tonight and celebrate. After their initial lovemaking on Saturday, her men were adamant she wasn’t up for any more fun.

  They’d spent the remainder of the weekend cuddling and petting on the couch while watching movies. All tame, over-the-clothes making out. If it wasn’t for the sleeping arrangement, she would have believed she was back in high school again.

  But the nights. She sighed. Sleeping in Rob’s bed sandwiched between her two men while wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties was her idea of heaven.

  Close to, anyway.

  As she pulled up in front of her work, she realized she had driven the entire way on autopilot. Sighing heavily, she got out of her car. Heaven would have to wait. Time to get back to reality.

  She couldn’t repress the bounce in her step or the silly grin on her face though. Walking into the dental office, she avoided looking directly at her coworker, Laura. Sara was sure there was a big, blinking sign over her head declaring her a “Virgin No More!”

  “Someone’s pretty perky for a Monday.”

  Laura’s droll voice had Sara’s lips twitching. “What can I say? It’s a beautiful day.”

  “It’s a shitty Monday morning is what it is. The cat puked in the hallway, which I found this morning with my bare feet, Jerry mysteriously decided to go to work early, leaving me to sort out the kids and the babysitter. I’m going to kill the SOB when he gets home tonight. See what you have to look forward to with married life? Stay single as long as possible. Believe me.”

  Sara bit her lip and looked away. “So who’s coming in this morning?” She buried her head in the appointment book in front of Laura. She just couldn’t bring herself to look at her coworker.

  “What’s with you this morning?” Laura gasped. “Did you meet someone?”

  Sara avoided the question as she studied the list of patients. “Oh crap, would you take this one? I really don’t want to see her this morning.”


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