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Page 8

by Gillian Archer

  “Only if you answer my question.”

  She sighed heavily. “That’s blackmail.”

  Sara really didn’t want to talk about her new relationship with Laura Kennedy of all people. She was the biggest gossip in three counties. If something happened even within spitting distance of Helios, Laura would know and relish the opportunity to tell everyone. Hot gossip was a commodity in a small town.

  “Oh, come on,” Laura purred. “It’s just girl talk. No reason to get all huffy. Whatever you say will stay just between the two of us.”

  As if she would fall for that.

  “No thanks. I think I’ll handle Bethany’s cleaning this morning after all.”

  “You did meet someone. I knew it. You have satisfied woman written all over you. I could see it from a mile away. So who’s the new guy?”

  Sara closed her eyes in mortification. Avoidance clearly didn’t work. Denial was her only other option. “I got a new vibrator, okay?”

  Stunned silence met Sara’s announcement.

  She finally looked over at Laura and found her staring back in rapt fascination. “Girl, if you have a vibrator that makes you look like that the day after, you have to tell me the brand name.”

  “After hours, ladies. We’re unlocking the doors in five minutes and I don’t want my patients to catch wind of that kind of talk.”

  Sara’s cheeks burned as Dr. Conner interrupted them. Embarrassed but thankful for the excuse, Sara nodded and made for the tiny kitchenette. She inclined her head at Laura’s mouthed, “We’ll talk later.”

  This was shaping up to be a hell of a day. And she still had Bethany’s cleaning to look forward to later.


  Sara hesitated outside exam room 3. She really did not want to go inside. Smug little smirks and those I’m-better-than-you looks waited for her on the other side of the door.

  What was it about that woman that transported her back to high school? Any time she was around her, she became a stuttering, greasy-faced teenager who had accidentally worn the same sweater as Her Highness on the first day of school. That day was burned forever in her brain.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Laura marching down the hall toward her. Oh crap. She quickly ducked into the exam room to avoid that confrontation. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


  And there it was. That sparkling personality that had mesmerized every tenth-grade boy she had ever met. And simultaneously intimidated every girl.

  “I’ve been waiting for eons.”

  Safely positioned behind Bethany, Sara rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, we have plenty of patients here today. Thank you for waiting. I see you are here for a…dental impression.”

  The day turned the corner. Making a dental impression for Bethany would make her month. Hell, it would make her year.

  Would it be unprofessional to take pictures? Ah, a girl could dream.

  Sara quickly went to work setting up the tray and mixing the plaster.

  “I saw you at Cat & Mouse Friday night.”

  Sara froze. Where was Bethany going with that comment? Had she seen the episode in the parking lot? Or that little scene on the dance floor when Rob cut in on her dance with Marc?

  “Your outfit was…interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone quite so…voluptuous wear anything so…well, small. You know, if you need some help in the clothing department, my friends and I would be happy help you over lunch one day.” Bethany gave her a saccharine smile and finished under her breath, “Or a year’s worth of lunches.”

  Sara turned back to the tray and continued stirring the compound. Why did Bethany always get under her skin? She was a grown woman for crying out loud.

  “And really, Sara. That is not the way to catch a man. At least not the right kind of man. What were you hoping? To trap someone by getting them so drunk they didn’t realize who they were taking home?”

  Sara saw red. She quickly loaded the horseshoe-shaped dental tray and turned to Bethany.

  “All ready. Now, if you’ll just open up.”

  “Wait. Isn’t that too much—”

  Sara firmly lodged the tray in Bethany’s open mouth. “Now just bite down.” She curled her lips into a resemblance of a smile. “And in just a couple of minutes, we’ll be finished.”

  Bethany glared at her with eyes that promised retribution.

  “So what’s new with you?”

  Bethany blinked.

  “Sorry. Forgot. Hey, want to know what’s new with me? Uh, let’s see. I did go to Cat & Mouse Friday night. And just kind of hung out this weekend. Nothing really special. Oh, hey. Wait. I fucked your ex this weekend. I take that back, it was pretty special.”

  Bethany stared back through narrowed lids. “Mmmph mmmph mnmmnph.”

  “Uh-uh. No talking. We have to let the plaster do its magic.” Sara chortled.

  Having Bethany practically tied down and at her mercy was every bit as fantastic as she had always imagined. Bethany was legendary with her no-touching-my-exes policy. Like Sara gave a shit. The woman wasn’t someone she was going to lose sleep over ever again.

  “You know that thing he does with his lips…” She sighed. “That man could make a fortune if he could market that skill.”

  She watched in catty pleasure as Bethany wiggled and clenched her fingers against the armrest. Sara finally understood the whole mean-girls thing. Sure, she might have come down to Bethany’s level but sometimes she had to get her hands dirty.

  The intercom beeped. Sara rolled her chair across the room to press the talk button. “Yes?”

  “Sara, I need you to see to Mr. Peterson’s cleaning. Laura had to go home early today.”

  “Okay, I just need a few minutes to finish up with Ms. Larson.”

  “Melissa is coming in to take care of that.”

  On cue, the door opened and Melissa stepped into the room with an apologetic smile.

  Man, this was shaping up to be the best day ever. Laura had gone home and she didn’t have to be around for Bethany’s dental tray to come out.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Sara stood and walked over to Bethany. “You’re in great hands, Bethany.” Bending down, she whispered in her ear, “I’ll just leave you to stew and wonder which of your exes I defiled with my plus-sized body.” She left Bethany’s side and walked to the doorway. “I’ll see you next week when we fit you for your…mouthguard, isn’t it?” She tsked. “Maybe this one will finally take care of that little snoring issue. Ta ta.”

  Sara swept from the room with a little added wiggle to her hips. Sometimes life just offered an opportunity too perfect to pass up. Fuck the consequences. That had felt good.

  Sara swaggered into her small house with a smile on her face. What had started out as an embarrassing morning had ended with a satisfying conclusion. Even if she had to pay for that scene with Bethany later—and she was sure she would—it had been worth it. The look on that woman’s face when Sara made the snoring comment was priceless.

  As she tossed her bag on the couch, Sara noticed the blinking red light on her answering machine. Strange. No one called her house phone. Her cell phone was almost an appendage. Everyone knew that. Probably a telemarketer.

  Sara pawed through her purse for her cell. Rob and Marc should still be at work but she could always tease them with a naughty little text message. Just as she started scrolling through the menu, the phone started vibrating and the chorus of Single Ladies belted out. Okay, it was a little tacky but she had been really hurt after the breakup with Greg the Dick.

  Looking at the display, her shoulders sagged when she saw “Mom” in big black letters.

  There went her happy little buzz. No point in putting off the inevitable though.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Sara? How did you know it’s me? You always scare me with that voodoo.”

  “It’s not voodoo, Mom. It’s called caller ID.”

s, well, it’s still a strange way to answer the phone.”

  Sara made a face. “How are you, Mother?”

  “Fine until I heard about your little weekend escapade. How could you, Sara? Did you ever once stop to think about your family? How your behavior affects us as well?”

  Sara opened and closed her mouth as she tried to figure out what to say. Which escapade was her mother talking about? There was no way in hell she knew what really happened. Rob and Marc would never gossip about a girlfriend. Let alone her.

  “What have you to say for yourself, young lady?”

  Sara cast around for something to say, a slight infraction to confess to. Coming up empty, she finally gave in. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She held the phone away from her as an outraged gasp filled her ear.

  “Just what else did you do this weekend if you can’t remember going home with two men?”

  Sara slumped in relief. “Come on, Mom. It was Rob and Marc. No big scandal there.” She laughed weakly.

  “That’s not the way I heard it. You left the bar with those two boys, rubbing up against them like a cat in heat. I thought we raised you better than that. And to think all those years we prayed for you. Tried to keep you out of trouble in high school. And for what? You become the slut of Helios the minute our backs were turned! Two? Two men, Sara? Have you become that big of a slut that just one won’t satisfy you?”

  Sara shrank farther and farther into the couch with each accusation. What could she say to her mother? Deny it? The truth would come out eventually. Especially if they ever hoped to have a life in their little town. Sara bit her lip as tears filled her eyes.

  “What have you to say for yourself, young lady?”

  “I-I…” She sighed. “It’s true, Mother. I spent the weekend with Rob and Marc. And we’re in a…relationship. All three of us.” She flinched as another shriek erupted from the other end of the line.

  “Well, you’re no daughter of mine.”

  “Mom, wait—”

  “No. If you want to live that kind of lifestyle, I want nothing to do with it or you.”

  A dial tone sounded in her ear.

  Her mother had hung up on her. She’d disowned her and then hung up.

  Sara sat silently and stared dry-eyed at the darkened screen of her cell phone. Who would have told her? What was she going to do? She knew their relationship would be tough for her mother to handle but to disown her—without any discussion?

  She would never see her father or her brother or her little niece, Emma. Her mother ruled their family with her iron will. No one would ever dare cross her.

  So that was it. She was out of the family. Given her mother’s fanatical beliefs, she’d always known this was a possibility. It had hung over her head her entire life like the sword of Damocles. One wrong step and it all came crashing down.

  That was it. Her mother wouldn’t back down and there was no way in hell Sara would give up her guys. With a heavy heart, she hit her answering machine button on her way to the kitchen. The first message was a telemarketer trying to sell her something. Sara listened with half an ear as she searched the freezer for some comfort food. After a day like this one, a girl needed some ice cream.

  “Well, well, bitch. I hope you enjoyed your morning.”

  Sara gasped as Bethany’s voice filled the room.

  “I made sure your afternoon would be something to remember. How’s your mother, by the way?” Her gleeful cackle raised the hair on the back of Sara’s neck. “Next time, remember who you’re messing with. Checkmate. Buh-bye, Hogzilla.”

  Sara seethed while she stared at her phone.

  “End of messages.”

  With a cry, she threw the receiver then stomped over and ripped the answering machine from the wall. “Stupid bitch!”

  She blindly threw the machine. It crashed against the cabinet and broke into three large pieces. That wasn’t good enough. Sara raced across the room and grabbed the nearest, largest piece. Lifting it above her head, she hurled it as hard as she could. It hit the wall with a satisfying smash. She picked up the next piece and flung it. Over and over she threw any piece she could reach until she was surrounded by an unrecognizable pile of rubble.

  Finally, she lay down and wept.

  Chapter Eleven

  Marc grinned when Sara’s name lit up his cell phone screen. He answered without hesitation.

  “Hey, princess. What naughty thing do you want to get up to tonight?” He couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease his girl a bit.

  “I want to go out.”

  He knew immediately something wasn’t right.

  “What, tonight?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rob enter the house and Marc motioned him to keep quiet.

  “Yes. Tonight. I want to go dancing. All three of us.”

  “Uh, well, sure. We can go dancing.” He exchanged a puzzled look with Rob. “What time should we pick you up?”

  “I’ll pick you guys up. Be ready at seven.”

  Marc stared in bafflement as his phone beeped, signaling the end of the call. She had hung up without even a “love you” or a simple goodbye.

  “Sara wants to go dancing?”

  “Yeah,” Marc answered softly while he tucked his cell into his pocket. “With both of us.”

  “‘Kay. Sounds like fun. I’m going to go get ready.”

  “She’ll be here to pick us up at seven,” Marc called down the hall to Rob’s back. Rob inclined his head in reply.

  Something was going on. Sara sounded strange—almost as if she was strangling to get the words out. Something was bugging her. Marc was hesitant to share his suspicions with Rob. He didn’t want to bring him into the mix until he could feel Sara out a little. If he let the detective know what was on his mind, they would be in for a long night and end up going home horny and alone. Subtlety wasn’t Rob’s forte.

  Besides, if something was wrong, they’d be able to tell the moment they saw her. Sara could never hide anything from them. He took off for his room with a grin. No matter what was bugging Sara, he had a feeling they would be able to charm her out of her mood. And hopefully into bed.

  An hour later, Marc nearly swallowed his tongue after he answered the door. Sara stood in front of him wearing a barely there black leather miniskirt and a cleavage-baring red silky top. Her legs stretched for miles, ending in a pair of black come-fuck-me stilettos. If he was in doubt earlier about her mood, she stood in front of him like a blinking neon sign saying “help me”.

  “Holy shit.” The wolf whistle behind him meant Rob had also gotten a look at their girl. “Humina, humina…”

  Sara giggled at the audible gulp that finished Rob’s stutter. “I take that to mean you approve?”

  “No fucking way.”

  Sara and Rob turned to him with incredulous looks.

  “There is no way in hell you’re going out like that.”

  “Okay, D-dad.”

  Marc heard the slight hitch in Sara’s attempt at a sarcastic retort.

  “Fuck off, wimp. If you can’t take being seen in town with this gorgeous woman on your arm then maybe you should just stay home.” Rob walked out the door and wrapped his arm around Sara.


  Sara tossed him a sultry look over her shoulder. “You coming or not?”

  “Yeah, I’m coming.” Marc ducked back to grab his keys before closing the door behind them. There was no way he was letting her out of his sight. Especially dressed like that.

  As they entered Cat & Mouse, Sara wrapped her arms around both men. She was making a statement. And the swiveling heads and open-mouthed stares told Marc the statement was delivered.

  In for a penny, in for a pound. Marc lowered his arm from Sara’s shoulder to openly grope her butt.

  “Marc!” Sara squealed, pulling back to give him a glare.

  “What? I thought we were marking our territory.” He looked from Sara’s glare to Rob’s amused face. “Isn’t that what all this i
s about?”

  Rob raised an eyebrow at Sara. “Is it?”

  “No! I just wanted a night out with my guys. Is that too much to ask?”

  Marc raised a brow at Rob.

  “I saw that. If this is too much too soon, we can go home. I just thought… There’s no reason to hide, right? We should be able to enjoy a night out like any other dating couple, er—group, whatever. You know what I mean.”

  “Baby, we have no problems with letting everyone know that you’re ours.” Rob pulled her close for a searing kiss.

  Sara’s breath hitched when she went under Rob’s spell. Her cheeks blushed bright red but she gave back as good as she got until her eyelids flickered and Rob pulled back at her muffled moan. They rested their foreheads against each other while they panted.

  Fuck, that was hot. Watching Rob kiss and tease their girl got him so turned-on. This was one thing Marc would definitely enjoy about their arrangement. He got off on watching Sara’s reaction to Rob’s dominance. That slight battle she waged with herself and him as she fought for control until she surrendered. The beauty of Sara’s submission took his breath away. He shifted on his feet as his erection pressed urgently against his jeans.

  Marc snagged Sara’s left arm and pulled her to him. He cupped her cheek in his right hand and bent down to claim what was his. His mouth slid over hers, his tongue flickering out to tease the seam of her lips. He teased her softly, slowly, for what felt like hours before diving in for a sensuous tongue-sliding kiss. Drawing the moment out as long as possible, he wanted Sara to know he wasn’t ashamed of her. Of their relationship. But he pulled back at the sound of Rob clearing his throat.

  Resting his forehead on hers, he looked into her smoky-brown eyes. “We’re not ashamed of you. If you want to have a little coming-out party, we’re more than happy to provide the party favors.”

  “Let’s get this party started.” Rob grabbed Sara’s other arm and the three of them walked to their usual table on the far side of the dance floor.

  They took their seats, Sara between them as they crowded close to her. Marc nuzzled the exposed skin on her shoulder. God, her skin was so silky-smooth. Suddenly he wished they hadn’t gone out. He still had so many naughty things he had yet to do to her gorgeous body. What he wouldn’t give for a moment alone.


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