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Dragon's Melody

Page 8

by Bell, Ophelia

  Melody’s face heated, but not nearly as much as her pussy did at the memory of what Garen had already done to please her—or the things he’d avoided doing. “I can come just fine with a cock. If you’d tested that theory you would know already. Shouldn’t that factor into your report? Or was that detail not important enough for you to investigate?”

  He grinned at her. “My cock can wait. Can you?”

  “Are you making me a promise?” She had no idea why her voice shook when she asked the question. After his kiss, all she wanted was to be alone in a bed with him. To see those beautiful pale eyes gazing down at her with the rapture she’d seen in the split second before he’d bent and kissed her.

  “I can’t promise myself to you. But trust me, Skye will be more than enough.” He reached out to squeeze her bare thigh gently, letting his fingertips linger in a light caress. His eyes flashed again with that odd inner light and he seemed reluctant to pull away, but did so anyway, leaving her skin feeling almost too cool in the absence of his touch.

  He’d already said he wasn’t precisely human, but those little flashes could still be explained by a trick of sunlight. The more details she witnessed, the more intrigued she became, and the more determined she was to go through with this interview just to find out his secrets. To find out why he suddenly reminded her so much of her dad.

  The complicated tangle of her libido was secondary.

  “Why am I meeting him here?” she asked as they walked through the lobby of Magnus headquarters.

  “Mr. Magnus wanted the chance to introduce you personally. He and Skye had related business to discuss as well. Actually, I’ll be completely honest—another employee of ours transferred to the San Diego offices without Skye’s approval. Skye wasn’t too happy about the transfer happening without his input. You are more or less a peace offering.”

  “So this is an exchange?”

  “Trust me, you will prove far more valuable than the man we lost. Skye was only really upset because his mother valued the man’s skills before she died and Skye took over running the Northern offices. I don’t think Skye shared his mother’s opinion, however.”

  “What about you? Did you know this guy?”

  “In passing. What he was to Skye’s mother is what you will be to Skye. I doubt he was ever promoted any higher than his initial position, though.”

  “And to you?” she asked, trying to fish for more details to help her understand precisely what her role would be aside from simply “following orders”.

  They stepped into an empty elevator and Garen pushed the button for the top floor.

  “As far as our ranks are concerned, you and I are equals. I’m only a security supervisor. Both of us still answer to Skye and any additional job duties will be at Skye’s discretion.”

  “You make it sound so formal,” she said. “Like I won’t actually be your sex slave.”

  The elevator sped past floors without stopping, but it was still a long ride to the top. Garen shifted around to face her, his expression serious when he looked into her eyes.

  “You will be no one’s slave, Melody. This opportunity is being offered to you as a favor, not just to Skye, but to you, too. It’s perfectly within your rights and power to decline it.” He lifted a hand and tucked her hair behind her ear again like he had earlier. The light contact sent a pleasant zing through her skin that made her entire body glow with warmth. “But you are perfectly suited for this, so it would be a shame if you said no.”

  In a breathless voice, she asked, “What makes me so special?”

  Garen’s fingers brushed along the edge of her jaw, coming to rest at the point of her chin. He gripped her chin lightly between thumb and forefinger and tilted her head back. Her heart sped up enough to make her a little lightheaded, but it seemed all her blood rushed lower, the heat of it blooming between her thighs in a undeniable pulse of desire.

  “Your responsiveness when I touch you.” His eyes flickered again with an inner glow that couldn’t be a trick of light within the confines of the elevator, and then it was gone. In that split second Melody got the distinct impression that he saw something entirely new when he looked at her.

  She tilted her head a little farther back, wishing he would kiss her again. Garen only brushed his thumb along her lower lip and moved away, resuming his earlier position by her side.

  Melody let out an irritated sigh. “I think I’m getting the hang of this. You get me worked up and then deny me any release. So, is part of my job to be tortured then?”

  She shot him a sidelong glance and was surprised to see him frown.

  “It might feel like torture at the moment. Just be patient. After today, you’ll have a better understanding of what is expected of you.”

  The elevator door finally opened into the reception area outside Kol Magnus’s office. Instead of leading her to her boss’s office, Garen turned the other direction and ushered her into the conference room on the opposite side of the elevators.

  “Wait here,” he said and left the room.

  Melody stared at the closed door, questioning her own sanity.

  Chapter Ten

  Skye never felt comfortable in Kol’s office. His agitation was even worse this afternoon while he waited for Garen to retrieve Melody for her interview. He had to control himself from bombarding Kol with questions about the girl. For the last week, since Garen had given his opinion of Melody’s details, Skye had thought of nothing else.

  “What’s wrong with her?” he asked, staring out the window of the top floor of Magnus Tower.

  Kol was silent for a moment, his emotional impression only a dark void. The Shadow had given him some details, but the utter lack of emotional display made Skye certain he was holding something back.

  “Nothing,” Kol said, moving to stand beside him. “Melody is very special. She’d make a perfect mate for any dragon.”

  “But not you.”

  “She’d make an ideal mate for me, but Fate has already granted me the only mate I was ever meant to have. And if you’ll recall, you are owed recompense for Trevor.”

  Skye grimaced. He would be happy to have that incident behind him, but at what cost?

  Kol gripped his shoulder and squeezed. “You’ll love her, I promise you.”

  “I’m afraid how I feel may be irrelevant to what Mother wanted for me. I’ve been with enough human women since ascending, I have a feeling very few are suitable mates for a dragon. Why should this woman be different?”

  “You’re forgetting I’ve already vetted her. Melody’s been bonded to me for less than a year, but there is one thing you should know about her, which is the reason I need you to take her.”

  Skye turned to look at his boss. So there was something he was holding back. Was the Shadow about to pull Skye into some illicit secret? He raised an eyebrow in query.

  Kol pursed his lips and then sighed. “She is hard to give up, trust me. Melody is Blessed. And I realized it too late. Hallie and I included her once when we made love, and she bonded to me almost instantly. But I can’t keep her.”

  The confession made everything clear. Blessed humans were rare, special individuals, drawn to dragons through an infusion of magic granted in the womb. Her mother likely hadn’t even known how close she was to a dragon when the blessing was granted. It meant Melody was destined to mate a dragon, but it complicated Skye’s situation considerably.

  “You need me to break that bond, but if I go too far, it will tie her unequivocally to me, instead.”

  “You’re the only unmated Blue powerful enough to influence her. The Contract will be the test—she’ll sign it because she believes I want her to. The terms will be tricky for her to fulfill, however. Nearly impossible, if your servant does his job well. Every urge to break it will weaken her bond to me.”

  “Do you know which dragon Blessed her?” He grew thoug
htful, considering the possibilities. “It had to be an elder,” he said almost to himself. “Which means he’s gone through the Renunciation, and she’s entitled to an inheritance—and she likely has no idea. But depending on how powerful he was—how powerful her blessing is—it may affect her susceptibility to a bond with me.”

  Kol shook his head. “He wasn’t more powerful than me, so likely not a Court dragon. Usually it’s a bachelor who chooses a human child to grant a blessing to, but I’m tracking down his identity. Don’t worry about that for now—the most crucial thing is to unbind her from me. I don’t know how long that will take, but when the bond is broken, she’ll be able to make a true choice. I want you to give that to her. Let the magic guide you on how best to proceed. The magic will know.”

  The infernal magic. Sometimes he wished he wasn’t so reliant on it for his power. He dreamed frequently of releasing himself from his human form and hiding in a cave somewhere like his ancestors used to do. Away from the buzz of humanity that even now added an irritating layer to his already uncertain mood. But without a regular influx of magic, he would slowly go insane and would ultimately have to be exterminated by his own kind, if the Ultiori—the ancient order of dragon hunters—didn’t find him first.

  As if sensing his descending mood, Kol expelled a deep breath. The exhalation of magic draped itself across Skye’s shoulders, covering him in an almost imperceptible hooded cloak that muffled the bombarding emotions of the humans that lived and worked within the immediate vicinity. He could still sense the dragons in the building, but their auras were familiar to him, and not an irritation.

  “Thank you,” he said begrudgingly. “Garen’s the only other dragon who can calm me as well as you can.”

  “The two of you have always been close. I know the contract is only between you and Melody. Will he remain with you after the contract terms have been met? I’m happy to find a position for him here …”

  “He’ll stay with me,” Skye snapped.

  Kol raised his eyebrows and Skye sighed, regretting the outburst.

  Regaining his composure Skye said, “Having him around will help test her bond with you. I have a plan for her. It’s all within the terms of the contract, of course. For the first month I plan to test her to see if she really is as perfect as you say, aside from being Blessed. Test her potency and her loyalty. And most of all to purge her of her bond to you. After that, I may need him to further ensure her happiness. That is, if I mate her.”

  “If you do plan to mate her at the end of this, sharing her with Garen will only dilute your energy.”

  “I don’t intend to share before we’re mated, if that’s meant to be. Garen’s very adept at priming a woman without giving in. I need to see what levels of magic she’s capable of containing. Most human women have low limits.”

  “Be careful,” Kol cautioned. “It’s still against our laws for a single human to mate with two dragons. Sharing her from time to time is not an issue, but I’m fully aware of the risks we take with our impulses when we become emotionally attached to a human. Melody’s a perfect example. Don’t test Garen too much or both of you may regret it.”

  “Don’t worry,” Skye said. “If everything goes well with Melody, I’m making it my sole task to find Garen a suitable mate afterward.” He avoided mentioning that he would still see to Garen’s needs himself if he had to in the meantime, but in light of Garen’s issues, Skye’s friend was the ideal candidate to help him test Melody. Of course Skye would have to overcome his own reluctance to share his Nirvana with a human, but that had never been his biggest concern. Whether or not Melody would be the one his mother’s magic chose was a far greater worry.

  A glimmer of a more familiar dragon aura approaching bled through the shield of Kol’s cloak. Skye shed the shadowy cover so he could sense the presences around him more clearly.

  “They’re here,” he said, turning toward the door.

  Something was strange about Garen’s energy as he approached from several floors below them. He seemed subdued—almost worried, if Skye had to put a name to it. That didn’t bode well. By contrast, the bright aura that accompanied Garen pulsed with excitement and apprehension. He could picture them in his mind’s eye—Garen’s soft white glow, threaded through with the lingering blue from the last time they’d shared their energy a week earlier. It wasn’t unusual for Garen to go a week or more between visiting Skye to replenish. Skye rarely went so long, but he had this week, for once, simply to ensure he had an undiluted taste of this young woman.

  The closer she got, the more his own excitement grew, along with his need. He knew it was merely the prospect of having a fresh infusion of energy. Until she was in front of him, he would have no idea whether she would even interest him. Garen’s energy was so conflicted he couldn’t judge how the interview would go based on that.

  Melody’s mood became more apparent as the elevator they were in rose higher. She was highly aroused, as was Garen, in spite of his conflict. Their two auras bled together where they overlapped in a way that intrigued Skye.

  Skye forced himself to wait. He’d requested Garen meet him here to brief him before the interview. It was all he could do not to pace in impatience.

  Kol chuckled. “I felt the same way waiting for Hallie to awaken me, friend. I have a good feeling about this.”

  “Oh?” Skye said, shooting Kol an irritating glance. “Well I hate waiting. Five hundred years was long enough. Add to that my mother’s ridiculous little puzzles. If this woman isn’t the one, I think I may just abandon the idea of a mate altogether. Mother’s wishes be damned, but this is too much waiting for one day.”

  His senses followed Garen out the elevator, into the conference room across the small reception area, then back.

  Garen knocked swiftly then opened the office door without waiting. Skye caught himself leaning forward expectantly and adjusted his posture, forcing himself to lower his shoulders and at least appear relaxed. Both Garen and Kol would know better, but appearances were important nonetheless. If nothing else, he needed to prepare himself to meet her.

  Garen stepped through and closed the door behind him. He was breathless and flushed, his eyes bright and excited, but Skye still sensed some niggling reservation deep within his friend.

  He strode quickly over to Garen. “Well?”

  Garen grinned. “She is delicious. Here, these are for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny folded scrap of blue silk, holding it out excitedly.

  Skye blinked down at the soft item in his hand, confused for a moment until he took the pair of panties and unfolded them. He didn’t need to bury his nose in them to catch the sweet aroma of her on them. The soft fabric and its infusion of Melody’s scent made his cock harden.

  “She gave these willingly?” he asked.

  Garen looked a little insulted. “Oh, she was surprisingly responsive. And more willing than any other woman I’ve met before.” He glanced at Kol. “Was this your doing?”

  Kol shook his head. “I knew she had potential when I hired her. My own experience with her took very little influence on my part. I admit, Hallie was the one who gave her the first push, but she never once faltered after that.”

  Skye stashed the panties in his jacket pocket. He was grateful for Kol keeping Melody’s Blessed status mum for the time being. He preferred to keep Garen in the dark for now—at least until he had a better idea how Melody would respond to his energy.

  “Is she ready now?”

  “As ready as she’ll ever be, I expect. I did my best to prime her for you.” Garen seemed to hesitate for a second, then said. “I would like to observe the interview, if you don’t mind.”

  Skye nodded, suddenly very eager to proceed. “Of course. I need you to learn everything you can about her.” He turned to the Shadow. “Kol, will you be observing as well?”

  Kol shook his head. “I’ll co
me in for a moment, but it’s better for you if I’m not there observing. If she’s still willing after you’ve tested her, then I’ll be comfortable with the transfer. Of course it’s imperative you share none of your own energy with her yet. I don’t want her unduly influenced. She has to make the decision based on her own desires, is that understood? Not the beginnings of a bond to you.”

  Skye merely nodded, amused at Kol’s tiny lie for Garen’s benefit. He turned and matched Garen’s swift stride out the door.

  Chapter Eleven

  Melody stood there for a moment, uncertain, her stomach clenched with nerves and her skin still alight from Garen’s simple touch. She contemplated sitting down but quickly abandoned that idea. He’d taken her panties and she was still so wet between her legs that any movement made it acutely apparent. If she sat, she’d just mess up her dress even worse. There was a box of tissues on a bureau along the back wall, but she didn’t want to end up caught in the process of trying to tidy up—and there was no bathroom attached to the conference room for her to sneak into.

  It didn’t matter anyway. A second later, the door opened again and Garen came through followed by Kol and another man every bit as imposing and attractive as Kol, only this man had sun-kissed dark-gold hair and eyes so blue she was sure he must be wearing artificial lenses.

  Garen didn’t speak, but only stepped aside after giving her a quick smile and a reassuring lift of his eyebrows. He remained by the doorway, facing her, while the other two men approached.

  Kol smiled warmly. “Melody. Please let me introduce you to Skye. Skye is one of the members of our board and also runs an independent arm of the company in San Francisco.”

  Skye’s expression remained a mask, his eyes cold and assessing. “You were right. She is lovely, and potent.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, sir,” Melody said, sticking her hand out.

  Skye stared at her hand for a little longer than was strictly comfortable. Melody almost dropped it when he finally smiled and gripped it in his. “Of course. Your presence clearly means you’ve passed Garen’s initial interview.”


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