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Dragon's Melody

Page 9

by Bell, Ophelia

  Melody’s cheeks warmed and she darted a glance to Garen, who smiled and nodded.

  “Um, I imagine so. I’m eager to complete the interview with you, sir. I hope you’ll be pleased by my performance.” She cringed inwardly at her choice of words, but it seemed appropriate to remain as formal in her speech as they did.

  Skye’s eyes remained on hers with an intensity that made her feel like he was gazing into her soul. He squeezed her hand gently. “Please call me Skye. After today the formalities will seem ridiculous.”

  He turned to Kol, lowering his head in an oddly deferential nod. “May we have the room?”

  She tore her eyes away from Skye’s face only to see Kol staring at her oddly. “Yes, of course. Melody, after your interview is complete, please come to my office for a debrief, all right?”

  She didn’t even have the chance to answer before he left the room. Only then did she realize that Skye still gripped her hand. The curious look in his eyes made her feel strangely like he considered her some kind of exotic animal that he wasn’t quite sure how to approach. Yet he seemed disinclined to release her.

  His thumb grazed the back of her hand and he turned it over in his, eyeing it with interest. He lifted it to his mouth and grazed his lips across her knuckles, a light, breath gusting out against her skin. The warmth of the air caused a delicious tingling sensation that flowed up her arm. Her nipples pricked against the fabric of her dress, reminding her that she was incredibly exposed beneath, both on top and bottom.

  “Oh!” she gasped, surprised at the involuntary reaction of her body to such a slight touch. The sound caught Skye’s attention and his gaze rose to her face again.

  “Do you like that?” he asked. “Garen did say you were unusually responsive. What about this?” He turned her hand palm up in his and kissed the inside of her wrist, letting his lips linger this time. They were as smooth and soft as Garen’s had been and Skye seemed to savor the moment, letting his tongue sweep across her skin in a delicious warm swirl that promised so much more. Melody was so mesmerized by his contact, the entire scene seemed to transpire in slow motion. The warm heat flooded through her from that tiny bit of contact, leaving her feeling out of sorts and a little dizzy. All she knew was that she wanted more.

  “I like your mouth,” she said, in her drugged state. “I want … it on me.” She clenched her eyes shut, cursing herself for spouting gibberish.

  “Your wish is my command, Melody.”

  She heard the words through a haze just before his mouth descended to hers in a slow, deep kiss. She raised her hands to hold him closer, fingers slipping through hair as smooth and fine as silk.

  “Job interview” might’ve casually passed through her mind once, but only in the context of permission to let go. Before she could decide what that meant, Skye’s palms slipped from her cheeks down to her shoulders, pushing the straps of her dress down. The light tugs of his fingers at her bodice were evidence of his intention to completely undress her, and he very deliberately unbuttoned the row of buttons at the front, each one springing open across the rising swell of her breasts.

  The kiss went on, with each second growing more heated, his tongue dipping deeper into her mouth. He pressed closer, moving one hand to the back of her head and leaning into her. God, she wanted to undress him, too, but when she pressed a hand to the hard swell of his erection, he pulled away from her.

  She opened her eyes and stared back up into his impossibly blue ones, gasping for breath.

  “Tell me what you want,” she whispered.

  “What I want is to taste you when you come for me.” Skye raised his hand again, and brushed a bent knuckle down the center of her chest, using it to push aside the fabric that was already falling open, revealing her full, round breasts. He bent his head and pressed his lips to her collarbone, then slowly kissed his way downward, nuzzling against her other breast as his free hand slipped underneath to cup her and tease at her nipple.

  She tilted her head back and moaned under his touch, believing she might come just from that contact alone. She cracked her eyelids and was startled to see Garen still standing in the same spot, watching raptly. Something about having his gaze on her made her even hotter. Their eyes locked and he gave her a slow, sensual smile, his irises flashing with that strange inner light.

  Skye tugged at her dress, and she released hold of him long enough for him to peel the light fabric down until it slid over her hips and pooled on the floor at her feet. He pulled back just far enough to take her in completely, and his eyes flashed with a similar light to Garen’s. His face was transformed by desire, his lips still parted slightly and glistening from their kiss. He stepped further back and slipped out of his jacket, his gaze flickering and constantly roaming over her from head to toe and back. He folded the jacket neatly and draped it over the back of a chair.

  “I’d like you to climb up and sit on the table,” he said, his tone soft and polite compared to Garen’s more commanding tone, but somehow Skye’s words aroused her as much through that contradiction. It was as though he knew his order would be followed, so he didn’t need to be any more forceful. Simply speaking the words was enough.

  And it was enough for Melody. She placed her palms at the smooth, rounded edge of the polished wood surface behind her and scooted backward onto the table. It was cool against her ass, and even cooler when it came into contact with her hot, wet pussy.

  “Spread your legs and let me see you,” he said.

  In a sense it was like teasing boys she knew when she was younger, playing truth or dare and always going for the dare, encouraging them to request naughty things. She had loved those games but had never come across a man who had any interest in anything of the sort during her adult life. Until Kol, they’d all simply been average experiences, a few dates, a kiss, then mediocre sex in a bed.

  Now her entire body was alive with excitement, her legs twitching at the very suggestion, ready to comply before she could even process the request. She lifted her bare feet and placed them on the seats of the two chairs that flanked her, spreading her thighs until the cool air hit her wet, aching folds.

  Skye’s pink tongue darted out and swept across his lower lip. “Spread yourself open with your fingers, please,” he said. Even in his slight monotone, the words seemed charged. Perhaps it was the occasional flash she saw in his eyes and the subtle, pleased twitch of his mouth. He’d said he wanted to taste her, but clearly he wanted a little bit of a show, first.

  She slipped both hands along the insides of her thighs. Without letting her eyes leave Skye’s face she shifted her index fingers just inside her slick outer lips and spread herself wide open. Cool air reached her aching clit, but did nothing to cool her need.

  Skye only looked, his gaze lingering on her exposed, glistening flesh while he unfastened the cuffs of his shirt and began rolling up his sleeves. He had thick, tanned forearms, and long, agile fingers. The little bit of his exposed skin made Melody long to see even more of him, but she was the one under scrutiny today. He swept the fingers of one hand through his short hair, the smooth blond spikes of it bristling up a second before they lay flat again as though they hadn’t even been disturbed. The gesture itself was oddly endearing to her, however. Even more so was the way he rubbed his palms together and gave her an eager smile, like he was about to sit down to a meal and she was the entree.

  And that’s precisely what he did. She gasped when he swiveled one of the chairs she was resting a foot on, almost losing her balance before he deftly snagged her ankle with one strong hand and held it while he moved the chair around in front of her and sat. He positioned the chair squarely between her thighs and scooted closer, lifting the foot he still held and draping her leg over his shoulder.

  He pressed his lips to her inner thigh and said, “You do look good enough to eat,” then bent and slid his tongue out, sweeping it in a slow trail along the entire leng
th of her slit. The pointed tip of his tongue pressed harder beneath the hood of her clit and curled up in a pink hook, then swirled in a tiny circle that nearly made her lose her grip on herself.

  As though sensing her loss of motor function, he grabbed her wrists and urged her to lie back, though his mouth remained in close contact with her pussy the entire time.

  Melody closed her eyes and moaned when his hands slid up her thighs and spread her lips apart again.

  “If you have a tongue like Kol’s, please fuck me with it.” The words flew out before she could censor herself.

  Skye froze and sat back, looking up at her. She opened her eyes and gave him a hesitant glance down the length of her torso. His blue eyes were wide with surprise and he turned to look at Garen, then back at her.

  “How much do you know, Melody?”

  She closed her eyes again and covered her face with her hands. Why did she have to open her big mouth? She’d probably ruined things by saying anything.

  “Just … that Garen said you guys weren’t exactly human. When he did, that’s when it made sense why Kol’s tongue felt so amazing when we … Oh God, that’s all I know, really. I’m sorry I said anything.”

  “Don’t be,” Skye said, sliding the pad of his thumb along the sensitive underside of her clit just enough to make her gasp from the sudden jolt of pleasure. “You can’t know much more than that, but the fact that you know a little does make my job easier. And more enjoyable for us both. Please, keep your eyes closed, all right?”

  His deliciously warm lips pressed gently against her throbbing clit again, his tongue darting out for another lick. His mouth slipped lower and in a motion Melody couldn’t quite track, his tongue filled her aching channel and his thumb went back to her clit and rubbed.

  “Oh God. Yes!”

  The warm velvet of his tongue sank ever deeper, then pulled out again, leaving her wanting more.

  “Was Kol’s tongue like that?” he asked in a low whisper. “Or is this better?” With that, he plunged his tongue back into her, the thick flesh impossibly long and agile. It seemed to curl and twist inside her, seeking out and prodding at every sensitive inch of her insides until her hips bucked and she cried out again. She clutched at her head with one hand, fingers tangled in her hair, and grabbed at Skye’s head with the other, urging him deeper.

  “Better. Oh, that’s so much better. Don’t stop.”

  The pleasure built up quicker than she could process, coiling in her belly as though his tongue had taken hold of her completely, relentlessly fucking her into oblivion. She arched her back and writhed her hips up into his mouth, riding out the waves as they continued crashing through. Halfway through the spasms she opened her eyes and looked across the room.

  Garen still stood by the door, but his expression was rapt and he had one knuckle clamped between his teeth while he stroked himself with the other hand, right through the fabric of his trousers. She watched, mesmerized by the sight of his pleasure-addled expression and the way he desperately clutched himself while watching her come undone. He stopped abruptly when he caught her eyes on him and dropped both hands to his sides, giving her a sheepish smile.

  She didn’t have the focus to wonder at his odd behavior. Skye’s tongue plunged deep again, pushing her past the crest and beyond to another. Her entire body wasn’t her own in that moment. He commanded every molecule of her with the simplest touch. Even after Skye finally withdrew his tongue from her, her entire body still buzzed from the aftershocks of the series of orgasms he’d given her. Her awareness didn’t entirely resume until she heard Skye’s voice somewhere near the door a moment later.

  “Move her to my penthouse in San Francisco. I’ll be home for dinner tomorrow evening. Make sure she’s ready for me.” His voice sounded thick with some kind of deep emotion she couldn’t quite discern.

  She raised up on her elbows to look at him. “That’s it? You’re done with me?” She only just managed to hold back the words she really had the urge to say. “Don’t you want to fuck me now?” She knew they would come out sounding like she was begging, even though he had to be aching from horniness.

  Skye turned back to her, his lips quirked in a suggestive smirk. “Only for today, love. Garen will take care of your transfer.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Does that mean I’m hired?” Melody asked Garen when the door finally clicked shut behind Skye. She accepted the box of tissues Garen offered her, not the least bit shy about cleaning up in front of him and dressing.

  “Indeed,” Garen replied. “You were … quite spectacular. Skye was very satisfied with your performance.”

  Melody sighed down at the buttons of her dress. Their formal speech baffled her. He was talking about her having mind-blowing orgasms like she’d been in here giving a presentation on the company’s revenue outlook.

  “Can you stop talking about it like it’s a job? I know technically it is, but I’d rather not think of it that way.”

  “All right. Your absolute abandon when you come is beautiful. I enjoyed watching you almost as much as Skye enjoyed making it happen. It proved to the both of us that you are ideal for what we need. What Skye needs, I mean.”

  Melody glanced past the sweep of her hair that had fallen while she bent her head to do up her buttons. Had he just shared something he didn’t intend to with that “we” remark?

  “What is it that Skye needs, precisely?”

  Garen seemed to contemplate that for a moment before answering. “When you come, it’s like a gift. A very powerful gift to him.”

  Melody blinked down at the buckle on her sandal. “What about you?” she asked slowly. “Am I allowed to give you that gift?”

  “I can find it elsewhere. You’re Skye’s now. I’m only your guardian. I follow his orders as much as you do.”

  The snipped cadence of his words made her look up at him. The open, friendly admiration he’d had earlier had disappeared. His placid mask seemed forced and Melody wondered what it was that she’d said to upset him.

  “Can I have my panties back?” She held out her hand.


  “No?” She raised an eyebrow. “I thought we were done for the day. Am I not allowed to wear panties in between?”

  “No,” he said. His face relaxed again into a playful expression. “Skye has your panties.”

  “Fine,” she said in exasperation. “I’ll just get fresh ones when I go home.”

  “Actually, after we leave here, we’re heading straight to the airport. I’ll send someone to collect your things tomorrow. Kol is waiting for you for his debrief. You should go. I’ll be waiting right outside in reception.”

  Melody huffed and left the room, wishing she could slam the door behind her, but it was on a hydraulic hinge. Ignoring Kol’s receptionist, she simply walked into his office.

  “Melody,” he said with a smile. “How was the interview?”

  “Did you know what my new job description was going to be when you offered me to them?”

  Kol frowned. “You wanted something I couldn’t offer if you continued to work for me. Skye can.” He stood and leaned over his desk, resting on his fists. “Melody, if Skye wouldn’t please you as an employer, you can tell me. There are other alternatives, but I believe strongly he’s the best. I trust him.”

  “Please me? Is that all this is about? What about my self-respect?”

  “Yes. Please you. That’s your job if you take this offer. Let him please you. Your self-respect is only in jeopardy if you let it be. Just understand your own limits. I won’t command you to accept this offer, but I am sure you won’t regret it if you do. The offer also comes with a substantial increase in salary, but I’d prefer it if you genuinely wanted the job.”

  That revelation caused her to pause. She wondered exactly how substantial. Would it be enough to finalize her travel plans with her moth
er? Yet, for some reason the prospect of achieving that goal suddenly paled in comparison to her craving to learn more about these men.

  She sat in the chair opposite his desk and buried her head in her hands. “Oh God. This makes no sense. I want to know more!” She raised her head and stared him down. “What are you, anyway? Can’t you tell me? I know this … this job has something to do with it. And oh, the things he did in there. Just with his tongue. Like you did, only better.” She enjoyed the quirk of his eyebrow at that little jab.

  “Patience is its own reward,” Kol said, sitting down again. “Do you want the position or not?”

  Melody scowled. In the past she would have turned it down. She had the impression she was being manipulated without knowing all the details. But after encountering more men like Kol who all had similar confounding effects on her, she was overwhelmed by the need to find out what made them tick. Her heart suddenly ached with the memory of Alec. If he were here, she had no doubt he’d have told her the truth.

  “I suppose it’s the only way I’ll know the truth isn’t it?”

  “It’s one way, yes. The easiest.” In a softer tone, he said, “Just tell me you are doing this willingly.”

  She laughed. “My choices at the moment are to stay here and deal with the daily torture of your beautiful presence, or leave today to work for Skye, who is promising weekly orgasms. I’d say there’s no contest, except that I really wish I knew why those were my only choices.”

  “I imagine they’ll be more often than that.”

  Melody stared at him blankly.

  “The orgasms,” Kol said. “He’s had a taste of you, so I’d wager he won’t stay away longer than a day if he can help it. Did you know you taste just like wildflower honey when you’re intensely aroused? It’s a unique flavor and men like us remember a flavor like that. He’ll want more of you. But if you ever change your mind, you only need to call. I’m happy to find a different position somewhere else for you.”


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