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Dragon's Melody

Page 10

by Bell, Ophelia

  “Just not around you,” she said, but without malice. She liked both Skye and Garen, and not just because of what they were offering her.

  Kol shook his head. “Not around me.” He stood again and moved to the small, round conference table near the windows in his office on which rested a sheaf of papers with a spiral binding. “The contract for your employment with Skye is here. You might want to spend some time reading it. And one other thing …” He held up a narrow box covered in blue velvet.

  Melody followed and reached for the box and opened it. Inside rested a medallion attached to a chain of delicate gold. The emblem in the center was similar to the one she wore—a tiny serpentine figure of a dragon. Only this tiny dragon was made of the most luminous blue stone she’d ever seen, rather than the inky black of the one she wore.

  Without speaking, Kol extracted the necklace and moved around behind her. His hands were warm and gentle as they shifted her long hair out of the way. He unclasped the one she wore and captured it in his palm, then draped the new one at her throat. Her skin tingled when it came into contact with her breastbone. Once he’d done the clasp it rested warm between her breasts as though it had always been there.

  “This is only the first stage for you, Melody. I want more for you, but you must be willing to see this through to have it all. Trust me, your questions will be answered if you are patient.” The warm pressure of his lips met her neck and her entire body tensed and tingled from the contact, but he was gone before she could react.

  “I’ll let you read and sign at your leisure. Garen will be waiting when you’re ready to go.”

  She didn’t turn, but just stood staring down at the sheaf of paper in front of her, her fingers fondling the new pendant that dangled between her breasts.

  Steeling herself for more revelations, she finally sat down to read.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Melody finally emerged from Kol’s office nearly an hour after entering. Her face had a slightly shell-shocked expression. Her eyes darted around the otherwise empty reception area until Garen stood, catching her attention.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Not really,” she said, her voice wavering uncertainly. “I admit I’m a little overwhelmed by all this.”

  Garen strode over to her and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. She was pleasantly warm to the touch and her cheeks flushed pink at his contact. Her aura surged slightly, too, briefly enveloping him in its tingling glow.

  “We have about a two-hour flight ahead of us. You can ask me anything you’d like on the way. Hopefully I can demystify your new position somewhat.”

  He let his hands slide down her arms, suddenly loath to cease contact with her. She was so soft and warm, and her arousal was already filling his nostrils again, in spite of the anxiety clear on her face. He clutched her hand in his and led her to the elevator.

  “Are you sure I can’t stop and pick up some things?” she asked.

  “The job transfer is immediate. We’ll have someone go to your apartment and pack everything up. It’ll be stored until the term of the contract expires, or until you’re promoted. Whichever comes first. You’ll be provided with everything you need.”

  He hesitated for a split second before following her into the elevator. It was bad enough being trapped in a moving box at a height that was usually reserved for winged creatures like his native form. Add to that the alluring glimmer of energy that surrounded her. Sweet Mother the combination made him want to misbehave. No woman had ever provoked that kind of reaction in him. All of those things made him want to shift and fly. Steal her away someplace remote. Challenge Skye to a duel to keep her as his own mate.

  If she were any other woman, he’d have tested her for himself. Skye believed there had to be an ideal human mate out there for him somewhere, but Garen had yet to meet her, wherever she was. Unbidden, the wish that Skye would reject Melody passed through his mind and he squashed it. He should count himself fortunate enough that he was tasked as her keeper now. For the next month, he would spend every waking moment with her, unless Skye was present. That he couldn’t attempt to bed her shouldn’t have bothered him so much.

  He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  As if mimicking him, Melody did the same. She followed it up with a nervous laugh. “Don’t tell me you’re anxious about this, too. All of you … men … or whatever you are … seem so … so together. Tough, powerful, unflappable. Except for that moment in there …” She trailed off and glanced up at him curiously.

  Garen felt himself smiling reflexively. Watching Skye work her into a frenzy was intense enough, but seeing that frenzy overtake her had been mesmerizing. It was all he could do not to dive in and make himself a part of the fun. So he’d just watched, and hadn’t even realized he’d been stroking his cock through his pants until her eyes fell on him.

  He spread his fingers and glanced down at his hands. One knuckle still had deep grooves from his teeth embedded in it. He bent the digit and held it up to her. “Like I said, you’re beautiful when you come. I had to see it because it might very well be the only time I ever have that honor. And yes, I admit I’m anxious. I don’t want to disappoint Skye, but I’d like even more to avoid disappointing you.”

  “No pressure,” Melody said, smiling up at him.

  “Nah, piece of cake, right?”

  They both laughed, the shared moment easing his worries somewhat. He questioned the sanity of trapping himself in a plane for two hours with her, however. He generally dealt with the trips better than most dragons, but in his current state of depleted energy and Melody’s primed arousal, it would be a very, very long two hours. For a moment he contemplated putting her on the plane alone and stretching his wings. He’d arrive too late to meet her, though. Even at his full size, he couldn’t compete with the airspeed of a jet. No … better to catch a ride and hopefully get to know this alluring young woman a bit better and try to alleviate some of her concerns along the way. Hopefully his instincts would leave him be for once and not urge him to shift on takeoff like they usually did. The need to stretch his wings whenever he was airborne was a difficult urge to suppress, even on a good day. The elevator had been tricky enough to become accustomed to and he wondered how Kol managed to deal with it every day. Unless Kol flew to work and entered via rooftop access. Garen smiled to himself. If he were the Shadow, that’s what he would do, unless he had to keep up appearances.

  Melody remained subdued, apparently lost in her own thoughts for the duration of their drive to the airport. When they exited the limo on the tarmac and started toward the jet, she stopped short right in front of him.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Oh God. It’s the same one isn’t it? I know this jet like the back of my hand.”

  “Is that a problem?” Garen asked, suddenly concerned. He knew she had been a flight attendant for Kol, but he’d only heard hints of why Kol insisted on her transfer. “You’re a passenger now, Melody. You can just sit and relax today.”

  He rested his hand at the small of her back, hoping to comfort as well as urge her along. She went reluctantly, her aura fluctuating wildly between fear and pure lust with every step. Finally he got her into the cabin and seated in a seat at the very front of the plane. She refused to go further back.

  He strapped in beside her and looked at her, concerned. Was she going to be a bigger basket case than him on this flight? The thought both amused and worried him.

  “Will you talk to me? Tell me what’s wrong?” he said softly. “Part of my job is to ensure your happiness when Skye isn’t around.”

  Melody clenched her eyes shut and Garen took the opportunity to exhale a magic-infused breath. Melody was taking slow, even breaths, as though trying to calm herself, which made it easy for his magic to be inhaled. Soon her heart rate steadied and she nodded. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, smiling

  “I sort of had a threeway with Kol and his wife back there,” she said, stabbing her thumb over her shoulder at the cabin behind them. “I’m pretty sure that’s why he’s pawning me off on you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Melody couldn’t suppress the feeling of smug satisfaction at seeing Garen shocked by her words. He craned his head around to survey the rest of the cabin, no doubt picturing her in the throes of passion with Kol. For all she knew he could see the actual event with those strange eyes of his.

  “What do you see?” she asked.

  “Just an empty cabin,” he said, turning back to her with his brows drawn together. “Was that what you meant when you mentioned Kol’s tongue earlier? You’ve actually experienced it, haven’t you?”

  “Once. And I thought I was ruined for men after that. But then here you are … and Skye. The sex is only half of why I agreed to this contract. I’m curious about you. About what you really are, because there’s no way a man with a tongue that talented can be even remotely human.”

  “Let’s get airborne and then I will tell you what I can. Mostly I’d like to know more about you, though.”

  “Quid pro quo,” she said.

  “Fair enough … just not yet.” His voice sounded strained as the plane powered up and began taxiing. As it built up speed, he clenched his eyes shut and gripped the armrests.

  Christ, was he as terrified of flying as Kol had been? And the woman, Nancy, who had recruited her? What was it with these people?

  Melody peeled one of his large hands off the armrest and held it tightly. “I’m right here, Garen. Takeoff is the scariest part.”

  “Not scared …” he bit out harshly. His jaw muscles visibly clenched as the jet took off and the wheels left the ground. His chest rose and fell in heavy breaths.

  While Melody watched, Garen’s skin seemed to ripple oddly. He pressed his head back against the seat and groaned. She stared, wide-eyed, partly concerned and partly fascinated when the texture of his skin changed. Only his hands and face were visible, but they acquired a pale, glowing sheen and the odd texture she’d imagined in the sunlight earlier that afternoon reappeared.

  “Garen, are you all right?”

  His eyelids cracked slightly. “I don’t imagine you’d pretend you’re not seeing this, would you?”

  “What can I do?”

  “Nothing that wouldn’t break your contract.”

  Melody started to ask what he meant, when she remembered a line in the contract that precluded having intercourse, or “significant intimate contact for the purpose of either party’s orgasm” with anyone besides Skye. Suddenly Garen’s behavior all day made perfect sense. And watching him now, the incident with Kol and Hallie became clear to her, too. Whatever he was, flying was an issue for his kind, and sex was something that alleviated the stress.

  She narrowed her eyes. The most distracting thing about sex wasn’t getting off. Maybe …

  With a swift tug of the release, she unfastened her seatbelt and stood, tottering slightly in the aircraft as it canted skyward, but she was used to walking around in turbulence so she managed to gain her footing easily. She flipped the armrests up on either side of Garen and straddled his lap.

  “Melody, no! Not good.” Garen’s speech was clipped and his eyes a little wild with those bright flashes coming more frequently. In spite of his words, his fingers dug into her hips like his life depended on it.

  “Yes, Garen. You’re in distress and I think I know what will help. Don’t worry, I won’t let it go too far.”

  She threaded her fingers through his pale, silken hair, marveling for a moment at how soft it was. Sliding her hands down, she clutched the back of his neck and massaged the tense muscles, digging in hard with her fingertips. His shoulders weren’t the tightest muscles in his body, though. Between her thighs, his erection was painfully apparent against her bare pussy. Fucking him was against the rules, so she’d just have to do as much as she could without either of them getting off completely.

  Leaning in close, she whispered in his ear, “I’m here, Garen. Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a bed with me. You’re teasing me like you did before, working me up so Skye can have me. You’re doing your job, and I’m doing mine, letting you know what pleases me most. Seeing you turned on like this pleases me.” He groaned when she tilted her hips against his, rubbing her hot center tight against his erection through his trousers.

  She brushed her lips lightly across his cheekbone. His skin was soft, but not quite like skin should be. The surface of his cheek, and even lower where light stubble covered his jaw, felt like velvet beneath her lips. She continued pressing small kisses along his jaw until she reached his lips. Garen moaned and tilted his head toward her, lips parted. Melody pulled back slightly. A kiss wouldn’t be enough. She unfastened the buttons at the front of her dress and let the two sides fall open. Gripping his hands and pulling them away from her hips, she urged them up and placed them on the full, sensitive flesh of her breasts. She gasped when he immediately began rolling her nipples gently between thumbs and forefingers.

  “That’s right, tease me, Garen. Make me wet. Make me beg for it and then hold it back until Skye can give it to me. Because he will, won’t he? He didn’t fuck me today for some reason, but he will tomorrow, right?”

  “Yes,” Garen said. His breathing had evened and his eyes were locked in a solid, pale gleam fixed on her breasts. “He’ll fuck that pretty snatch of yours as well as he tongued you today. He’s good at that—fucking, I mean. You’ll love getting fucked by Skye as much as I do.”

  Before Melody could respond to the confession, one of his hands shot to the back of her neck and pulled her down to his mouth. He devoured her hungrily, the pull of his lips relentless and his tongue delving deep into her mouth. His hips tilted up against her once, the pressure of his erection hard and hot against her clit. She moaned, and pushed him back.

  “No. I’m not allowed to come, remember? And Christ, even if you dry hump me a little bit I think I will. We can kiss.”

  “For an hour and a half straight?” he asked.

  “This is what virgins do when they’re too chicken to do the deed. I have experience with that. Or I used to, anyway. Just try not to move your hips if you can.” She plucked at the top button of his shirt, tugging until it came undone, then moved to the next button.

  “If we’re just going to make out, why are you undressing me?” he asked with a smirk.

  She shrugged. “Curiosity. You’ve seen me naked. I want to see you naked.” The truth was she wanted a lot more than him naked, but she still intended to avoid breaking her contract on day one at all costs. “Besides, I think we’re at cruising altitude now. How do you feel?”

  “Better. Thank you. Now, if you really meant it, then you’ll need to let me stand up.”

  “Well, I suppose it is safe to move about the cabin.” She grinned and slipped off his lap. When she moved into the aisle he stood. The ceiling of the cabin was just high enough for him to stand erect with barely an inch to spare. She hadn’t seen Kol stand upright in the plane but guessed he’d had to stoop to walk.

  When he stood, he continued unbuttoning his shirt, but proceeded at a tortuously slow pace. Melody crossed her arms over her bare breasts and gave him an impatient look. He grinned back.

  “You can’t rush perfection,” he said. He tugged the tail of his shirt out of his trousers and she managed to catch a glimpse of a flat, tanned stomach. He kept unbuttoning and with each new inch of chiseled flesh he revealed, her temperature rose a notch.

  “I had no idea you would get so hot just watching a man undress,” he murmured, stepping close to her again. He loomed above her and bent to press his lips against hers again in a slow, lingering kiss. “I’ll have to remember this. For Skye, of course.”

  Melody groaned in frustration and pushed him aw
ay. “No distractions. Get on with it. I want to see what a not-human man looks like naked, and then I want you to tell me another of your secrets.”

  “I can tell you a secret now,” he said, shucking his shirt off and beginning on his trousers. “You’re probably wondering about my little fit on takeoff.”

  “You can admit if you have a fear of flying. It isn’t all that uncommon,” she said. “Just don’t lie to me.”

  “I love flying,” he said. “Just not in a giant metal tube.”

  “So … what, like hang gliding?”

  He’d unzipped his pants and her gaze drifted down his smooth chest, her mouth watering in anticipation.

  “A little like that,” he said.

  It took her a moment before she realized he’d just told her a new detail about what he really was.

  “Wait, back up … you can fly? Like Superman or something?”

  “Not as fast, but something like that. I think I’ve done enough undressing now,” he said.

  “What?” she said, alarmed. His pants still hung off his hips, a pair of boxers just visible beneath and a trail of pale blond hair leading from his navel down past the elastic waistband. “No you don’t. I earned a naked … Whatever you are …”

  “Garen?” he offered with a grin.

  “Damn you! Take it off!” She couldn’t help but laugh at him.

  “You first.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cruising altitude wasn’t what had calmed Garen, though his instinct to fly usually subsided once the plane leveled off. It had been Melody’s intense arousal that had distracted him so fully that a more powerful instinct took over. In the back of his mind, he was still aware he was playing with fire. He wasn’t quite as concerned for himself—even if he gave in and fucked her, he was unlikely to find his Nirvana and infuse her with any of his energy. But Melody was a different story.

  As turned on as she was, he had no doubt he could bring her off with very little effort, and Skye would be able to see her essence mixed with his if that happened. Garen’s task wasn’t to satisfy her sexually. Quite the opposite, he was required to tease her just as she said. To ready her for Skye’s attention and keep her on the edge until Skye needed her.


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