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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 48

by Lora Ann

  “You made that sound so final,” she chimed in. “Did something happen?”

  “More like several somethings. You see, I had been introduced into the BDSM lifestyle by his mom.” I glanced up in time to see the ‘O’ form on her lips. I continued, “I was her submissive for about six months before the tables turned and she became mine.”

  “O-M-G,” she blurted out. “What happened to cause the switch?”

  I smiled ruefully. “I don’t take orders well.”

  She grinned. “Doesn’t surprise me.”

  “Watch it,” I warned.

  Her eyes lit up with a wickedness that instantly made me hard. I pulled her legs around my waist. “Hang on tight,” I instructed.

  She locked her ankles in place as I rose out of the water and over to the bed. We were both soaking wet, yet I didn’t care. My total focus was on being inside her. I sat on the edge and lifted her ass, then brought her down on my engorged cock. I hissed, “Fucking perfect,” and then began to teach her the way to ride me to her benefit. It didn’t take her long to realize that in that position my dick was stroking her g-spot over and over again. Our gazes held as I slid my hand between our bodies and stroked her throbbing clit. She broke apart, and I had the honor of watching pure rapture tap dance across her face. It was that that brought forth my own climax. I leaned into her further and began to worship her mouth, moving my hand to her nape so I could pull her closer. I told her with my lips and tongue just how much I loved her. Because while I’d suspected I was falling for her, after the single most intimate moment of my life, I acknowledged I was irrevocably a taken man. She had bound me to her in ways I still had yet to understand, but was fully aware that I had a lifetime with her to figure it out. For it was then I totally comprehended, I had just made love to the only woman I would ever join my body with again. The notion of marrying her for her sake flew right out the window. Now I knew one-hundred percent that I would propose for me.

  For her.

  For us.

  The only option that existed was forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I paced like a caged animal. Finally, I knew where to find her. The slip had been made when Aimee did an interview for the Chronicle in regards to Strand Industries newest purchase in Jackson. Now I not only knew where she would be, but I could devise a plan to make sure she disappeared once she had made her public appearance. My plan was foolproof, and Joe was seeing to all the fine-tuned details to make it happen. What a stroke of luck Nik had been called to Chicago to handle a merger. His CCO Franco D’Arpino had fallen down his stairs and was recovering at home from his injuries. I couldn’t have set up a better opportunity if I had tried.

  To help pass the time, Viv had insisted I take one of her girls for the evening. Since Keeley was still out of commission—so to speak—I needed to take the edge off. There had been a couple of whores I worked over, but in the end, they just didn’t have the stamina. Plus, there was the whole issue of not putting my cock inside something so vile. Keeley and Marissa had been marvelous exceptions. The knock at the door pulled me from my reverie and let me know the girl was in position. I donned the mask and grabbed my weapon of choice, then sauntered down the hall to my ‘work-out area.’

  I entered the room with purpose and then stopped dead in my tracks. “What the hell is this?” I roared.

  Viv entered the room covered in blood. “Is there a problem,” she panted from running.

  “A girl? You brought me a fucking little girl!” I raged.

  She began to wring her hands as she explained, “She’s not much younger than your little ‘toy’ down the hall—which, by the way, you almost succeeded in killing her this time. You have to let her heal completely, or go ahead and finish her off. I can’t keep…”

  “Enough,” I spat out before she could complete her sentence. I was more than aware of what I’d done to Keeley and didn’t need any reminders. “Leave,” I barked out.

  The woman was smart to hightail it out of there before I lost my mind. Contrary to popular belief, I did care what happened to Keeley and was devastated at what I had done to her already broken body. She was only trying to please me when I thoughtlessly mounted her. Huge mistake! I ended up tearing her sutures, and she damned near bled out from my overzealous action. Disgusted with myself, I stood there brooding.

  Rachel sat in the lounge chair in my mind, shaking her head and silently reprimanding me. I wanted to smack her I-told-you-so look right off her face. Marissa was painting her toenails and giggling at my ire. Both of them needed to be whipped for their audacity.

  A tiny moan pulled me back to the present. I slowly traipsed across the room and stood beside the rack, taking in the child before me. She was a work of art. It was apparent she would grow into her womanly form and flourish. She was tall and still had a girlish figure. Her breasts were average, but could easily still fill out, just like her lean hips. Fairly good at judging a female’s body, I was able to ascertain that she would be quite shapely in another year or so. None of that was what drew me closer to her. No, what had me spellbound was her exquisite face. Simply put, she was beyond beautiful. An actual angel fallen to earth, or better yet, hell. I began to track the room. Something about this girl was familiar, but I couldn’t quite place why. Her golden locks were curly and hung to just above her nipples. When her eyes found mine, I drew back to her side and drowned in the depths of cool, ocean blue irises. She blinked, causing her long lashes to flutter along her cheekbones.

  “Where am I?” she croaked out. I could hear the melodic tone behind her parched throat.

  As I brought over a glass of water, I replied, “What is your name, angel?”

  I saw her eyes widened. All of a sudden, I felt her ripple of fear as she took in the mask I was wearing and comprehended she was in iron manacles on a wooden rack. I yanked off the mask and knelt down to assist her with the water. She took several long pulls from the straw I placed between her lips. Once she’d had her fill, I set the glass down and inquired, “Do you know where you are?”

  “Yes,” she replied, “Master.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “To please you.”

  “Have you satisfied another?”

  She licked her lips, and I was drawn to the glistening moisture around her mouth. “I have performed many acts of pleasure, but have yet to be claimed.”

  “Tell me your name,” I demanded with more heat than I intended.

  She flinched in response. “Arianna,” she answered, “But most call me Ari.”

  I couldn’t resist touching her a moment longer, running my fingers along her jaw. “Beautiful name for a gorgeous girl,” I crooned.

  Her lips pursed at the word “girl,” and I couldn’t hold back the chuckle that erupted, shocking myself at the jovial sound. I hadn’t actually felt mirth since Rachel and I had been children.

  Speaking of which, in the back of my mind Rachel sat up straight and was staring hard at this child before me. She saw something there as well, but couldn’t figure out what it was.

  Marissa huffed out, “You better not fuck her.”

  Ah, I loved it when she was possessive. She always hid away when I was with Keeley. Jealous little bitch. I really did miss her corporal form.

  Arianna brought me back to reality with, “I’m not a child.”

  I stood and began to release her wrists. “Yes, my dear, you are.” As she sat up, I moved to her ankles and began to unlock them. “How old are you?”

  “Sixteen,” she replied petulantly.

  “Far too young for me.”

  After I had released her, she got up on her hands and knees and crawled toward me in a seductive manner that made my cock twitch. Her sultry gaze met mine as she came up on her knees and began to finger herself. I watched in fascination. “Do little girls touch themselves like this?”

  I lashed out and grabbed her hands tightly. “Watch it,” I growled. “You’re taunting the devil hims

  Her eyes cast down as she uttered, “I’ve displeased you, Master. Please punish me.”

  My grip cinched down tighter until she whimpered from the pressure. “Who taught you?” I ground out between clenched teeth.

  “Sir and Lady,” she replied.

  Damn them! I was completely aware that Joe and Viviane were selling these girls as slaves, but until now, I hadn’t felt that it was wrong. “Where were you when they took you?”

  She sat back on her haunches and stared at the floor. Her lip began to tremble as she answered, “I was on the streets.”

  “And why was that?” I had let her wrists go and sat next to her on the rack.

  “I ran away,” she stated as her chin came up in defiance.

  “This is your one and only forewarning,” I cautioned. “Do that again and I will spank your ass until it bleeds.”

  She scraped her teeth along her full, pouty bottom lip, and I could’ve sworn the smell of arousal was in the air. To verify, I slid my hand between her thighs and, sure enough, the evidence was there when I pulled it out to inspect. I stood and strode violently away from her, wiping her juices off on my thigh. “I will not claim you,” I said as I went to the door.

  Before I could slam it shut and walk away, she screamed, “You son of a bitch! Why am I not good enough for you?”

  Something in me snapped. I turned with deadly purpose, grabbing something to beat her with on the way over to her.

  A little while later, Viv was lifting Arianna onto the operating table. “Mr. R,” she pled, “You must stop this.”

  I nodded at the well-deserved chastisement. “I know. I wasn’t going to harm her, or even take her for that matter. But then…”

  “Yes, I heard her. She deserved the beating, but not to this extent.”

  “Perhaps you’re right.”

  She smiled. “She only needs a few stitches, nothing life threatening. I can still get a good price for her.”

  “Do you have a buyer?”

  “You’re friend, Judge Hoffman is very interested.”

  My stance widened as my fists balled at my sides and my nostrils flared. “Absolutely not!”

  “But Sir, this is what we do. We take girls off the street and sell them. You know this. Who takes them is none of our concern.”

  “It is now. How much is she?”

  “What are you asking?”

  I towered over her and spoke with quiet menace. “You heard me…what is he offering for her.”

  She swallowed back her fear. Smart woman—I was close to beating her within an inch of her life. “Fifty thousand,” she replied.

  “I’ll give you double that,” I stated as I walked away.

  I had no desire to claim Arianna, but for whatever reason, I wasn’t letting Hoffman—or anyone else for that matter—take her either. I guess she had awakened a dormant trait in me. One I did not recognize—protector. I snorted out, “Who would’ve thought I even knew the meaning of the word.”

  Rachel smiled from the sofa she was reading on and said, “I always knew you had a good side.”

  Marissa snarled, “Until the chit screws up again.”

  Honestly, in this case, I believed Marissa was accurate, but I loved Rachel’s faith in me. Always had. Always would.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  How was it possible to want more intimacy? Even had just made love to me so ardently I could barely catch my breath. Yet, I wanted more. The connection we had was almost unbearable. Our souls were intertwined, and quite frankly, I never wanted to be apart from him. The thought terrified me. If I’d learned anything in my lifetime, it was that nothing was guaranteed. My forehead was resting against his as I took a fortifying breath and asked, “Did that woman go to jail for what she’d done with you?”

  He pulled back and held me by my shoulders. “What woman?”

  Now how did he not remember our conversation from earlier? Really? C’mon Lacey, you’ve just shared the single most passionate moment of your life with him, and you can’t figure out why he’s wondering what the hell you’re talking about? Well, okay…maybe my timing did kinda suck. There’s no maybe to it. Grrr! I hated it when the voice of reason made perfect sense. I eased off his lap, which disconnected us, and reached for the silk, red robe draped over one of the posts on the bed. What was it with him and this particular color? That question would have to wait until later. At that moment, we needed to dive into deeper waters. “You said that your ‘friend’s’ mom introduced you into the BDSM lifestyle,” I clarified.

  He blew out a heavy breath as he fell back onto the bed. There was no controlling my gaze as I took in every dip and ripple on his fantastic body. His eyebrow cocked as he stared right at me. Oops, busted. He rose up on to his elbows, but didn’t bother covering his amazing manhood. I couldn’t help myself as I licked my lips at the sight before me. “Like what you see?” his voice rumbled.

  Speechless, I could only nod.

  His eyes held an inquisitive look as he studied me. “Do we really have to talk about this?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted solemnly. “I think we should.”

  “Damn woman. Your timing is awful.”

  “I know. I am sorry ‘bout that. But I want to know everything about you.” Could he hear the desperation in my voice? I sure did. While I needed to pretend it wasn’t important, I knew it was. I would be lying to myself, and him, if I made light of it.

  He sat up and tugged a pair of sweats on. Then he stood and took my hand in his as he tugged me forward. “I can’t do this here.” He shot a look back at the bed longingly. “If we’re going to exorcise my demons, I prefer to do so in the kitchen.” His smile was crooked and boyish as he attempted levity at the serious subject.

  Once we were in the kitchen, he busied himself with making coffee. “To answer your question…no, she never was charged. I’d never told anyone about that part until you.”

  “Oh,” I gasped. “But you said her son walked in on you?”

  “He did. Just not while we were playing.”

  My brow furrowed as I tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together. He must’ve realized I wasn’t following him. “When I tied you up beside the Jacuzzi, I was doing a little playing,” he explained.

  “Like when you hand cuffed me?”

  “Yes,” he affirmed. “Though, I’ve never really done a scene with you.”

  “What does that mean, exactly?”

  “Well, to put it simply, I’ve never planned out our sexual encounters.”

  “Why is that?” I genuinely wanted to know. Part of me felt like I wasn’t important enough for him to invest time in planning our love making. Insecure much! Yet, I couldn’t help how it made me feel.

  “You’re upset about that,” he expressed dryly.

  He could read me so well. “I suppose I am,” I confessed.

  “You shouldn’t be,” he declared, “It’s a compliment.” Before I could ask how he expounded, “You’re my girlfriend, not my submissive.”

  There were butterflies frantically beating their wings inside my stomach when he said the word “girlfriend.” Yet, I still needed more from him. “What’s the difference?”

  He went wide-eyed at my question, causing me to explain. “What I mean is, weren’t the other women your girlfriends as well as your subs?”

  “No,” he stated plainly.

  “How come?”

  “Because I had never had a girlfriend before you.”

  I grinned at him. “So…what you’re saying is, I’m your first.”

  “Yeah,” he chuckled. “When it comes to the girlfriend department, I’m a virgin.”

  “You were.” I sauntered over to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. “Not anymore.”

  He turned in my arms and lightly kissed the top of my head. “Just like you.”

  “I like that I’m your first.”

  “Me, too,” he replied. He backed away, swatting my butt as he wen
t to the fridge to pull out some fruit and cheese.

  I sat down on the barstool and began to munch while he poured our coffee. After that, he proceeded to tell me more about his past.

  “When I said ‘he hadn’t caught us playing,’ what I should’ve said was, he didn’t walk in on that part.” He ran his hand through his chin-length hair, and the aroma of his shampoo mixed with sweat from our earlier love making wafted through the air. The pungent scent caused my core to clench. Luckily his back was to me, or he would’ve seen the desire in my eyes. I did my best to remove all yearning from my outward appearance as he pivoted to add some veggies to our platter. “He walked in on the actual sex, not what we had been doing just minutes before that. As you can imagine, it’d been shocking enough for him.”

  I nodded, trying my best not to interrupt him.

  A ghost of a smile played on his lips—which, I was fairly sure, meant he was glad I hadn’t interrupted. “Fast forward,” he continued, “To the night I took charge with her.” My eyes narrowed while I fought the urge to ask a question. He waved his hand towards me. “Go ahead. What is it you want to know?”

  Dang, he really was good at knowing my expressions and body language. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he could read my mind. “Does the pedophile have a name? Were you the only boy she seduced?” I blurted out furiously. Couldn’t he see that that was what she was? What kind of mother screws her son’s friend? It was just wrong!

  His head moved to one side as he considered my anger. “First off, I made it clear I wanted to fuck her. Second, she wasn’t that much older than me. Besides, I don’t see her that way, and to my knowledge, she had never done that with a teenager before. Like I said, I blatantly expressed my willingness.” His fingers landed on my lips before I could say anything to that. “Yes, you’re right that she was an adult and I an adolescent, so by law and moral code I should’ve been off limits until eighteen.” I nodded fiercely. “But can you not understand where I’m coming from? With all the shit I was getting into, the sex grounded me in ways nothing else could. Teaching me BDSM gave me control when my life was spiraling out of control. Not to mention I wanted to be taught. ”


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