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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 49

by Lora Ann

  He moved his fingers and I had to admit, “I see your point. Still, that’s no excuse for a woman her age—a mother no less—to use a boy as her sex toy.” This I said with vehemence.

  “I see your perspective, but I don’t agree.” Before I could offer a rebuttal, he concluded, “On this subject we should agree to disagree.”

  Fair enough. There was no reason to argue over something in the past, so I nodded my acquiescence. “That’s my girl,” he appraised. “If it’ll make you feel any better, Ms. Sue was a mother by age fifteen, divorced at nineteen, and remarried a man twenty-five years her senior in order to provide for her son.”

  My eyes widened at the information he’d just provided. Yet I still couldn’t get over the fact that she took advantage of a kid trying to figure out where his place was in circumstances beyond his control. A vision of my parents standing there acknowledging that my judgment was correct caused the sudden and sharp intake of breath. E stared intently into my eyes, searching. I reached forward and held his hand in mine.

  He must’ve found what he was looking for. “That night Ms. Sue was punishing me for speaking my mind. She was using a whip on my bare ass while my body lay over a whipping bench, and my wrists were cuffed together, hanging over my head.” I sat up straight releasing his hand and covering my mouth to hold in the gasp. “You’re wondering right now if I would ever do that to you, aren’t you?” I looked down at the floor, because, yes, I was curious, and not a little frightened by the image of being so vulnerable. Add that to the fact I had no desire for anyone to hurt me. He sauntered around the breakfast bar and placed his hands on either side of my jaw, lifting so I had to look at him. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “But you said you did punish.”

  “I did, and I do. Though there are a number of ways to go about it.”

  “I’m sorry, Even, but that’s a hard limit for me.”

  “Ah, sweetness, never apologize for your boundaries.”

  I swallowed back the ‘I love you’ that threatened to escape my mouth. Slowly I was beginning to comprehend that there was more to a Dom/sub relationship than I had once thought. It didn’t matter that E hadn’t fallen in love with the ones before me. The obvious was there in his eyes—he cared deeply for each and every one of them. Could he really be faithful to only me? I just didn’t see how that was possible. Instead of bringing peace to the knowledge I had to leave him soon, it brought heartache. We were not compatible. One of us had to be adult enough to say so.

  “Before you tell me this can’t work, let me explain how I got here.”

  Holy crap! He was a mind reader. “Okay,” I breathed, unable to trust myself to say more.

  He backed away from me and began to pace. “I enjoyed a good spanking when I deserved it, but her reasoning behind this particular time pissed me off. After the sixteenth lash, I snapped. Raising myself up off the bench and spinning to lock my arms over her head, I yanked her against me hard. Her breathing was already ragged from earlier, but at that moment, I could see her pulse quicken. So I decided to test my newfound power. When she responded excitedly, I knew I had full control.” He pivoted and strode towards me. “What happened next doesn’t matter, but I will tell you this…I’ve been dominant in every relationship since that night.”

  “Would you ever submit to me?” I asked a little unsteadily. He had chosen not to give me all the details of that time so long ago. Yet I couldn’t deny I was incredibly turned on by the image dancing in my head.

  He stood in front of me, running his fingers through my hair, before he yanked my head back and kissed me with a determination that made me melt into him. He was fierce. Powerful. Dominant. And I couldn’t deny that I would submit to his every whim.



  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The phone rang breaking our moment. Whoever the hell it was better hope the interruption was worth it. I grabbed the incessant noise maker and growled, “What?”

  Alex’s strained voice answered, “E?”

  Immediately the sexual haze lifted from my eyes as I replied, “Yes, it’s me. What’s wrong?”

  He continued, “We may have a lead.”

  “You’re kidding. Where are you?”


  “Stay put. We’ll be right there.” I hung up before he could say anymore. I looked into Lacey’s beautiful eyes that were clouded with concern. Gently, I stroked her cheek. “We need to go.”

  She grabbed my hand and stood. Her trust in me nearly brought me to my knees. Without a word from me, she acknowledged, “They found something on Keeley.”

  “Maybe,” I cautioned. “We won’t know until we get there.”


  Our drive was mostly silent as Lacey tried to process that we may have finally found her sister, or, at least, a solid lead on her whereabouts. I offered support by holding her hand. She glanced over and inquired, “What if we find out it isn’t her?”

  I had called Alex on my cell phone as we drove. We had learned they had found a crime scene in some remote cabin not far from a ski resort. The forensics team should be done with collecting evidence by time we arrived. “We cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  She bobbed her head. “You’re right.”

  For a few minutes she remained quiet, and then a low, sorrowful sound emerged in the too silent SUV. Instantly I recognized the song she was humming and reached over to select it from my Blue Tooth. Evanescence’s “My Immortal” filled the interior as Lacey’s haunting voice sang along. Music was therapy I had learned, plus, I gained insight to her inner struggles—her shattered soul. After the third time it played, I inquired, “I take it this song isn’t about a break-up for you?”

  She turned with tears streaming down her cheeks. “It sort of is,” she choked out.

  “What do you mean, beautiful?” I asked soothingly, not wanting to break her train of thought.

  “I think of Keeley every time. We did kinda break-up when she left. Truthfully, E, I don’t think I have it in me to keep chasing after her.”

  Her confession broke my heart. What would I do if it were one of my brothers in such a predicament? While I’d like to think I would never give up, a part of me understood where she was coming from: The hope that rises with each lead and the devastation as reality reveals it was false. Dear God, how had she managed to do this all on her own? Damn her parents for letting her! I reached over and softly caressed her face. “You’re not by yourself any longer, Lacey,” I reassured.

  Her hand came up and held mine against her jaw. Tears ran over our fingers as she returned to wherever her mind had taken her. The rest of our trip was quiet. I wished I had something more to offer her, but I didn’t. If there was one thing I hated most it was the feeling of being out of control. Although these were circumstances I couldn’t rein in. By the time we arrived, I had settled myself and relied heavily on the fact that Lacey needed me to be strong for her. She needed a man, not a boy.

  Alex was leaning against silver Jeep Cherokee as we pulled up. Remote was an understatement. How the hell did they find this place? I got out of our black Range Rover and went to escort Lacey over to where he stood with a pretty, little red head. I watched my brother’s demeanor shift and instantly knew there was something going on between them. She held out her tiny hand and I caught sight of the gun holstered on her hip. “I’m detective Shannon McLeary.”

  “Hello. I’m Even Strand. This is Lacey Kincaid.”

  Once introductions had been made, we followed Alex and Shannon into the cabin. What we saw inside wasn’t shocking to me. Honestly, it wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen before in my own ‘dungeon.’ Lacey, on the other hand, had never been to the lower level of my club or any of the other restricted areas of my other establishments. Therefore, her scream shouldn’t have surprised me. Instantly I folded my arms around her and whispered into her ear. “Shh…we can leave right now if you want.”

She shook her head and calmed down as she began to thoroughly inspect the room. Detective McLeary explained what they had discovered. “Of course the blood is obvious. We’ve taken samples and will hopefully get some information on them soon.”

  Okay, my dungeon didn’t have dried blood—or fresh for that matter—all over the place. Suddenly recognition hit: this cabin had been used for torture. Chills ran up and down my spine as she continued to drone on about their discoveries. Lacey pulled out of my embrace and went over to the rack with its bloody shackles to investigate. My gut told me to let her be for the moment. I waited patiently for Shannon to finish. Then I asked Alex, “What do y’think?”

  He stroked his jaw thoughtfully. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  I knew my brother well. There was something they had not told us. I could only assume that had been for Lacey’s benefit. A knowing look passed between my brother and I. Yep, there was more. He and Shannon stepped outside, leaving Lacey and I alone. Approaching with caution, I queried, “Is there anything you want to ask the detective before she leaves?”

  “Not really.”


  Her eyes met mine. “This is what you do for ‘pleasure?’”

  Oh, shit! Where was she going with that? “Yes. Minus the blood, of course.”

  “All right,” she said without further explanation.

  We stepped outside to find only Alex waiting for us. The silver SUV was gone. “Mind if I hitch a ride with you?”


  Lacey opened the back door to the Range Rover as I approached her. “Hey. You can ride shot gun.”

  She recoiled from me. “I don’t want to.”

  I took a step closer while she moved backwards. “Lacey? What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t touch me,” she warned.

  I couldn’t help the feeling of defeat that washed over me at her words. Fuck! “It’s not what you think?”

  “Please. I can’t discuss this right now.”

  Alex walked over and clapped his hand firmly on my shoulder. In my ear he whispered, “Give her time, E.”

  While I knew he was right, I couldn’t stop the overwhelming feeling that I had just lost her. Words wouldn’t form as I nodded my head, all the while watching Lacey. She wouldn’t make eye contact with me as she let Alex help her into the backseat.


  The drive back was downright painful. Everyone lost in their own thoughts. We were just pulling into the driveway of my cabin when Alex and my cells went off simultaneously. We answered the conference call and Nik’s agitated voice came over the speakers loud enough that we both held our phones away from our ears. “What the fuck?” he roared. “All I ask of the two of you was to watch over Aimee and neither of you could do that!”

  Alex and I exchanged a look as I bravely countered, “She has your security team and her body guard with her.”

  “And they’ve fucking lost her!” I heard the anguish in his voice.

  At the same time Lacey squawked, “What if that was her blood?”

  I glanced over at Alex. “Who owns that cabin?” I mouthed so Nik wouldn’t hear my question, and hoping he hadn’t overheard Lacey.

  Alex shrugged in reply. But the seed had just been planted—what if that cabin belonged to Caleb. Worse: what if the blood there wasn’t Keeley’s but Aimee’s? Complete and utter clusterfuck.

  Alex was urgently speaking to Nik as I tried my best to talk to Lacey. “Let’s go inside. You can eat and rest as we try to decipher these clues.” She reached forward and grabbed my hand. “What if…?”

  “Hey now, stop that. You’ll worry yourself sick,” I stated as I entwined my fingers with hers.

  Alex ended the call with Nik as we all went inside.

  I was thankful Lacey let me help her. She had refused to eat, but I couldn’t blame her. She declined a shower as well. All she wanted was sleep, and I would let her rest. When I walked back into the great room, Alex was pacing with a glass of whiskey in one hand, and his cell in another. I went to help myself to a double shot of Grey Goose. I had just gulped it down when I heard him vilely cuss. “It just gets more fucked up by the minute.”

  “Don’t tell me Caleb owns that damn cabin we were just at.”

  “Not outright. It is owned by a family member on his father’s side,” he verified.

  “Holy shit, Alex. This is fucked up six ways to Sunday.”

  “That it is, my brother. That. It. Is.”

  We drank in silence both contemplating the events of the day. Alex finally offered up what he was allowed to share in regards to the crime scene.

  “They brought the cadaver dogs out there.”

  “You don’t say.”

  “Quit playing the macho game with me, little brother. You’re scared shitless just like the rest of us.”

  I hurled the glass across the room watching it shatter into hundreds of pieces. “Of course I am!” I roared. “But what good does it do to admit it?”

  “Shows you’re human,” he stated frankly.

  “The fuck, Alex? Why the hell does that matter? That woman in there—I pointed towards the bedroom emphatically—needs me to be strong, not a damn pussy.”

  “You don’t think I know that?” he howled. “Aimee needs us, too. Oh, and so does Nik! But dammit, we feel also. We’re not goddamned robots!”

  That last statement told me just how on edge Alex really was. None of us used that particular word out of respect. Whether I believed or not wasn’t the point, our mother did, (my brothers do) so I knew he was past his limit when the GD word came flying out of his mouth. I exhaled heavily. “Surely this isn’t as bad as it seems.”

  “I don’t know anymore, E,” he said in defeat.

  “Nik is on his way. It’ll take time to get the results from the lab on samples they found at the cabin. What else can we do but wait?”

  “Nothing,” he admitted.

  There was a soft clearing of the throat as we both looked towards the hallway. Lacey stood there in one of my shirts. Due to her height, it barely covered her. Alex respectfully turned towards me. “I’m going for a drive.”

  “Are you sure you want to be alone?”

  “Yeah, I’m positive. Besides”—he waggled his eyebrows—“you have your hands full.”

  “Uh-huh…” I acknowledged while staring at Lacey. Damn, she was sexy as hell. Easy boy, my mind reminded me, she’s still scared from what she saw at that cabin. I hadn’t forgotten that. As Alex stood and made his exit, I motioned for her to join me on the sofa. She plopped down next to me, and I grasped her hand. “We should talk.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she confessed.

  “I’m sure you have lots of questions about what you saw today.”

  “None you could answer.”

  I leveled a look at her. “That’s not true.”

  She climbed on top of me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my mouth to hers. At first her kiss was tentative, but passion began to build. By the time I pulled back, we were both gasping for air. “I don’t understand,” I admitted.

  She took my bottom lip between her teeth and bit down, then soothed the sting with her tongue. Along the edges of my mouth she spoke, “Show me.”

  I didn’t need any more explanation. She was curious. Problem was, I didn’t have all I needed here in my private space. After giving it some thought, I stood with her legs wrapped around my waist. I held her firm, muscled ass in my hands as I traversed to the workout room. I set her down on the weight bench and queried, “Are you sure?”

  She began to unbutton my shirt. “Positive.”

  I hit play on the sound system as “Rock Your Body” by Justin Timberlake conveyed to her everything I planned to do. I grinned as I took the shirt from her before it hit the floor. Then commanded, “Grab the bar above your head.” She did as I told her, and I had the pleasure of watching her eyes dilate. While she was testing to see if she could handle my more kinky side, I knew not to push her
too far—yet. Definitely not after what she had seen back at that cabin. So I wrapped the sleeves of my shirt around her wrists before I anchored them to the bar. I grabbed her hips and brought her to the edge of the bench and then knelt down before her. I leaned in between her legs and inhaled deeply. “I love how you smell,” I declared as I glanced up into her eyes. Her face colored a beautiful shade of pink. Mmm, just like her pussy. Pink had just become my new favorite color. I blew across her crevice as she whimpered, “Please.”

  Lightly I tapped against her clit. “What do you want from me, Lacey?”

  “You,” she groaned out.

  “Ah, not before I’ve had dessert.”

  Her hips bucked as I slid my tongue along her folds. I clasped my hands behind her knees and brought them over my shoulders. Then I began to tongue the entrance to her core, causing her to pull sharply on the bar her wrists were attached to. I grinned wickedly as I moved my thumb to her pulsating clit. I continued to fuck her with my tongue while applying pleasure to her sensitive nub. She was writhing against my face. With my other hand, I drew her cream to her puckered hole. As I inserted my finger to the first knuckle, I plunged deeply with my tongue simultaneously flicking my thumb against her clit. She broke apart screaming my name.

  I gave her no reprieve as I worked to free my cock while mating our mouths together. I wanted her to taste just how sweet she was. Once I was slick with her juices, I plunged forward in one fluid thrust. She gasped from the invasion. I grabbed her hips and turned so I was on the bench, and she was on top of me. I began to massage her breasts underneath the t-shirt, moving to her hardened peaks and rolling them between my fingers as I instructed, “Ride me, Lacey.” She hesitated, so I pinched her nipples. She moaned as she wrapped her fingers around the bar and began to move. Her already drenched sex sliding up and down my cock brought a rumble from my chest. “You feel so good. That’s right; clench my dick with your sweet pussy. Drain me dry, søta,” I demanded as she continued to undulate on me. Though I wanted to top from the bottom, I was resolute that this was her turn. It didn’t take long to bring me to the edge. I growled out, “Come for me. Now.”


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