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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 22

by Maggie Ryan

  Barbara blushed, but then joined the others in a soft giggle, each picturing the scene. "God, how do you keep from being embarrassed if other people see you? Aren't you scared they are going to think something is perhaps a little off?" Barbara asked, and Nancy just shrugged.

  Elizabeth spoke up. "Girls, HOPE Note: Our fellow member is something of an exhibitionist. I don't mean she walks around naked or anything, but I've learned she has no problem with—and actually finds it very exciting—doing things that do make people wonder what she might be up to," Elizabeth explained. She turned back to her best friend. "Okay, you can't leave us hanging. You are finished eating; your granny-panties are soaked; so what happens next?"

  "He stands up and takes my hand. I have to carry my little box out to the car and get in. He gets in and makes me lift up my skirt, and he … well, he discovers the condition of my panties. Naturally, they have to come off.

  "Naturally," all three of the women said.

  Nancy rolled her eyes but smiled. "They have to come off so I won't 'ruin the car seat'. I have to take them off, put them into my box, and sit on my bare bottom. Then I have to thank him for taking me to get my Happy Meal."

  She actually blushed and paused but then shook her head. "Anyway, he gets in the car and looks at me with an exaggerated look of surprise on his face and apologizes for not getting me a cone of my own. Then, well, you can pretty much guess what happens next. By the time we get home, I've enjoyed my own cone and Jason has had his own Happy Meal prize. When we get home, he lifts up my skirt and tells me that only naughty girls ruin their panties so badly they have to be removed. He gives me a spanking to 'remind me' that I'm his good little Submissive, and then we have wild monkey sex."

  Ariel waved her hand in front of her face. "Wow, I will never see those arches again without remembering this story," she confessed. Nancy laughed again, telling her that she hadn't even been able to drive past one of the thousands of fast-food restaurants without getting turned on thinking about not only the night she committed herself to her Dom, but what that Dom did with her every single time he reminded her of their ceremony. "Do you know there are even McDonald's in airports and in Hawaii?"

  The girls shared another good laugh before Ariel asked another question. "Wait a minute. Are you telling us that you are lying across the seat eating, um, your 'cone' while Jason is driving around the streets of Houston? My God, what if someone in a big truck sees you, or God forbid, he loses control of the car?" She paused and gave a naughty giggle. "I mean, I'm guessing you must be pretty good at giving him his treat with all that practice. I can't imagine Garrett being able to drive safely if I had his cock … um, well, you know." Elizabeth and Barbara thought that was a very good question, knowing how fiercely these alpha males insisted on safety and protection.

  "No, no," Nancy assured them. "God, Jason would never put us in any type of danger. He drives out to the Grand Parkway and then into one of those huge housing developments they are putting in. You know, all those 'country estate' places going up near Richmond?" They all nodded, very familiar with the area. "Anyway, he drives slowly, very slowly, up and down all those deserted streets until … well, until he pulls over so that I can … um, finish my … my treat. I promise, he has never and would never put us in danger." They all smiled; her explanation made them all remember back to when they first started dating, and the difficulties of finding a place to 'neck'. Nancy laughed, "God knows where he'll have to drive once all those houses are finished."

  Barbara seemed to remember why the story had even started. "Okay, now we are satisfied that your Dom is keeping you safe, and while that was a very hot story, that doesn't explain why you are here and not hoping that some security guard doesn't happen to knock on those steamed-up windows, asking what ya'll are doing out on some deserted street." Elizabeth thought that it was hilarious hearing Barbara use one of hers and Nancy's favorite phrases. They had to wait for her to stop laughing and explain her reaction before the story could be finished.

  "Well, after I changed, I went to McDonald's, wearing my uniform, went inside and ordered two Happy Meals. I even remembered to say please and thank you. I then drove to Jason's office and surprised him with lunch." Elizabeth could just imagine the reactions of Jason's employees, seeing the boss' wife sashaying down the hall dressed as a school girl, a Happy Meal box swinging in each hand, prancing into her husband's office.

  "He wasn't upset?" Ariel asked.

  "No, Jason is a great guy. Remember, if I'm something of an exhibitionist, well, who do you think started that entire kink? He was definitely surprised, though. I told him that I was too hungry to wait and handed him his box. Of course, I didn't actually bring him a Happy Meal; after all, he needs more than that for lunch. But, he did get a roast-beef sandwich, a bag of chips, and an apple from the deli, as well as a pair of white granny-panties to use as a napkin. I also wrote a note on the panties that I would owe him an extra Happy Meal prize since I didn't think I could keep an ice-cream cone from melting. We ate, I played with the toy and well, since the cone I always get for dessert isn't the melting variety, we discovered that I fit quite nicely under his desk. I didn't even know if he had really locked the door like he said but figured if someone walked in, well, my Dom could explain that one. It was really pretty incredible. There was my husband, my Dom, dressed in his business suit sitting at his desk as if he were Mr. Serious Businessman. Meanwhile, his wife, his creative little Submissive, was on her knees, in her uniform, sans-panties, giving him his 'prize'.

  Of course, afterwards he knew something was up, and I just asked if I could come here tonight. He said he would still give me a spanking when I get home. He also said to tell you all hello and that he wanted me to give you all something." With that, she stood and went to the hallway where she had left her purse. She came back and told them all to close their eyes and hold out their hands. A little leery, they all did and found something being dropped into their cupped hands. "Okay, you can open your eyes." Each woman laughed. Each was holding a novelty plastic ice-cream cone shaped lip-gloss. "Since he was being generous in allowing me to attend tonight, in gratitude all of you are, and I quote, 'to apply the lip-gloss to your lips and then to your Dom's 'cone'.' Now, I can't swear he will do it but he said he'd be asking each of the guys if they'd received a surprise 'treat' and, ladies, if they have no idea of what he is talking about, my butt is going to be really sore. So, as fellow members of the HOPEFULs, remember we all swore we'd support and help each other. I'm counting on each of you to do your part."

  Elizabeth laughed and used the lip-gloss. "Yum, strawberry. You can count on me, sister," she said, knowing Logan would be surprised and thrilled when she came home, took the can of whipped cream from the fridge, and gave him his treat. Ariel tried hers, finding it tasted something like a banana, and giggled, but promised as well. They all looked at Barbara.

  "Oh, God, I guess I wasn't thinking and obviously, neither was Jason, Barbara," Nancy said. "We didn't even think about the fact that you are Craig have only started dating. I'm sure he will accept just a kiss from you … I mean, you kiss Craig, um, wherever you want wearing the lip-gloss."

  Barbara opened her cone and smeared some of the cheap lip-gloss across her lips. "I'm tasting coconut," she said, and then smiled, remembering how Craig loved coconut cream pie. "Don't worry, I'm in as well. Daddy might not let me have him inside my pussy yet, but he does like me to practice making my apologies with my mouth." Ariel squealed and clapped her hands over her ears. Barbara instantly pulled her hands down. "None of that, baby sister. I'm older, wiser, and God knows, need years of great sex to catch up with you!"

  Nancy thanked them all, opening her own cone and applying lime gloss to her lips, smacking them loudly, stating that maybe if she surprised Jason, he might forget her promised spanking.

  "Good luck with that," Elizabeth said. They all laughed and reached out and tapped the plastic cones together in a toast to seal the deal.

  Elizabeth thoug
ht about letting the meeting end on that note but Nancy reminded her that she hadn't contributed anything. Smiling, she nodded to Barbara, who stood up, went into her home office, and returned to hand envelopes to Elizabeth. When Elizabeth handed them out, including giving Barbara her own, and the girls opened them, there was a minute of stunned silence as the girls read the letter written to each of them and signed by Elizabeth and Logan. Then, there were several minutes of screaming, laughter and tears as they all attacked Elizabeth, covering her in slick kisses from lip-gloss-covered lips and squeezed her with huge hugs.

  They took a break for dessert and then spent the last hour of the meeting hearing about the progress of Haven's renovations. They agreed to go back to see what had changed at the end of the month, Elizabeth explaining that it would take at least that long for enough significant progress to be noticed.

  "Right now, they are still doing boring but necessary stuff like rewiring and rerunning pipes. The fun stuff comes later. Believe me, Logan and I won't let anything important happen without input from ya'll. Haven might have started out in my head, but it means nothing without all of you. As for your cabins, well, you can start building whenever you are ready. We won't build the ones at Haven's end for a while, but that's no reason why you can't start if you want." She was touched when they all said they'd wait until she and Logan could help plan the cabins; they were sure Ben and Helen wouldn't mind waiting.

  "Besides, we can always book a room in the hotel. I think it would be cool if all of us get together and plan the cabins. I mean, they can be different, but keeping the facades sort of similar will make the entire area seem, I don't know, just better?" Ariel said, and the others agreed.

  As they rose to say their goodbyes, Barbara turned to Nancy with a serious expression on her face. "Please remember to put your bedroom window facing away from mine," she said, and then giggled. "I mean, I don't want you giving my daddy any ideas if your Dom decides to embrace that whole naughty schoolgirl theme."

  Nancy laughed and threw her arms around Barbara. "God, I'm so happy your rat-bastard shithead of a husband was stupid enough to set you free. You are a great girl, Bunny Grace Dietrich!" Barbara was really touched, and there were a few tears as she watched them all climb into Elizabeth's car.

  Later that night, when Craig called to send her to bed and tell her goodnight, she talked to him about how much fun they had at their meeting. She told him that they could have leftover lasagna the next night if he wanted.

  "Sounds perfect, baby-girl. I'm sure I'll be ready for a treat after we go shopping." He wondered why she collapsed into giggles at his statement. She stopped giggling long enough to inform him that she might have to be a teensy bit naughty because she needed to make a special 'apology' the next evening. Hearing her giggle again, he simply smiled but was extremely pleased that she had found such good, supportive friends in the HOPE club they had started. He also thought it might be necessary to cut the planned shopping trip a little short; he felt his cock twitch at the prospect of the promised apology.

  Chapter 15

  Barbara looked over at Craig and then down at her lap. He still wasn't positive that he had impressed upon her the severity of his disappointment with her. Tonight was the night that the group was going to Jason's restaurant to have dinner at the Chef's Table. It was part of the award Barbara had earned by coming up with the name of the girls' club. Tomorrow the entire group was going out to Haven to see what progress had been made. It should have been an exciting evening—and would have been—if Craig hadn't discovered that his little Bunny had been lying to him for over two weeks.

  It had been three weeks since Elizabeth and the rest had their first HOPEFUL meeting, but they had an impromptu meeting this afternoon over lunch when Barbara had called and asked for help. Remembering the meeting, Barbara wiggled in her seat uncomfortably. When the girls had ordered their salads, wanting to eat lightly in order to be hungry for the coming dinner that evening, Barbara confessed her concern about what Craig had promised her was going to happen that afternoon.

  "I'm in trouble," she said, pushing her lettuce around her bowl with a fork. "I … I mean big trouble."

  The others looked at each other and then nodded. "We're here for you, Barbara," Elizabeth assured her.

  Barbara took a big breath and used her napkin to wipe at her eye, where a tear had appeared. The other three knew that this wasn't going to be some fun or hot story to share. Whatever was going on was obviously having a very emotional effect on their friend. Ariel and Nancy, sitting next to Barbara, each reached out and placed their hands on her arms.

  "You're safe with us," Nancy said softly. "No matter what it is, please don't be embarrassed or think we won't care or that we'll tell you that you are being silly. Believe me, honey, all of us have been wherever you are right now. Let us help you."

  "You … you and Craig aren't … breaking up, are you?" Ariel asked softly, thinking how awful that would be. She hadn't seen her sister this happy since, well, since she could even remember. Her heart was pounding and her blood racing as she imagined Logan confronting Craig for hurting her sister. The quick but tight squeeze of her hand against Barbara's arm caused Barbara to look up and shake her head.

  "No … no, it's nothing like that," she assured them all. "I love Craig, and he's told me he loves me, too." Ariel released her breath and her hold. They were all relieved but still concerned. Barbara's lips turned up in a quick smile before she reached for her glass of tea. "Though, from what I understand I've got coming, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea."

  "No!" Ariel practically shouted, causing the others to shush her. She blushed but nodded. Elizabeth finally said it might be a good idea if Barbara just told them whatever it was that was eating her up inside.

  "Okay, well, you all know that I've made some changes in my life," Barbara started. They all nodded. "Craig and I talked about everything and agreed on what I wanted to try. I mean, not just the 'Daddy' thing. I decided that I wanted to take some cooking courses to hone my skills and that I wanted to take Craig up on his offer to work with him. I'm pretty good at organization and such and can be an asset to his catering business. I can also do any legal work needed for either that business or his restaurant." Again they all nodded; after all, she was an attorney. "To make a long story short," Barbara said, knowing most of this would be repeated later, "We agreed that if I really wanted to change my life and feel comfortable doing so, I needed to be honest with my family." She looked up and met the eyes of all three. "Not just us … my whole family. Seeing that we all enjoy being together and that we are all part of Haven, well, Craig believes that it is only fair that I be open and honest."

  "That's a good belief," Elizabeth said gently. She had found it a bit difficult not to let slip what she knew about Barbara and Craig's relationship when Logan asked her how they were doing. "It's hard to keep something that means so much to you a secret—especially from those that love you, Barbara."

  Barbara nodded in agreement and then set down her fork, any semblance of eating lunch forgotten. "I agree, and I meant to, but, well, I guess it still sort of frightens me. I know I should have just talked to him, told him I was scared but, well, I didn't. I sort of let him think I had already told everyone, figuring that I'd just count on telling Ariel and ya'll as having told my family."

  "So in other words, you lied to him," Nancy said never one to beat around the bush.

  "Wait, that's sort of harsh," Ariel protested, but Elizabeth shook her head.

  "No, honey, that's the truth. Not only isn't it a good idea to lie to anyone, every one of us knows it is an even more terrible thing to lie to our Dominants. Barbara, I'm not sure you even acknowledge Craig as a Dominant as well as your daddy, but honey, if you submit to him as you've told us, allow him to set rules of behavior and such, then he is a Dom and you are not only his little Bunny, you are his Submissive. Lying is one of the major no-no's in any type of relationship, but it is usually cause for a really big lesson i
n obedience and honesty—well, at least in my case."

  Barbara maintained eye contact with Liz and nodded. "Yes, I know. I mean, I realize my daddy is my Dom and I also realize that he is really pissed. He's asked me a few times if I'm having any difficulties with anyone about my relationship with him, and I kept telling him everyone was fine and wished us well. It … it sort of slipped out when Logan and Garrett took some clients to the restaurant for lunch yesterday." She looked at Elizabeth and then Ariel and though Ariel's eyes were huge, Barbara quickly reassured her. "None of this is your fault. I know that I didn't give ya'll permission to share what we've talked about, and now am positive wild elephants couldn't drag it from you. Logan thought nothing of it when he asked about tonight's dinner and said his folks had asked if he knew if Craig and I had seen each other since, well, since the first time we went up to Haven. Needless to say, Craig was floored. He thought they knew we haven't even been apart much since that weekend. Long story short, Logan told him that though he knew us girls got together a couple of times, Elizabeth had said nothing really about the relationship." Elizabeth sighed, thinking perhaps all this secret keeping had really backfired.


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