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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 23

by Maggie Ryan

  "Craig told them that we'd see them tonight and asked them to come out to Mom and Dad's an hour earlier than we all planned. The guys agreed, and Logan said he'd tell Jason and Dad. Then, well, he called me and told me that he was very disappointed in me, that he wouldn't be over last night and … and that I'd better be ready to have a very serious, very important talk and lesson when he comes over about three." She looked down at her watch. "That's … that's about two hours away. I … I instantly felt guilty and know I hurt him. I know he was probably too angry to come over last night even … even though he did call to tuck me in. I guess he's probably going to spank me …."

  "Oh, I don't think you have to 'guess', Barbara Grace, I'm willing to bet my own ass that you are not only going to get a spanking, your daddy is going to blister your bottom," Nancy said, without a shred of doubt. "Girlfriend, you not only 'sort of lied', you've been lying for weeks, and honey, that is never, ever, a good idea. Frankly, I'd be surprised if you will sit easily tonight and I'm a little surprised your entire award dinner wasn't simply called off or at least postponed!" Though they all knew it was difficult for Barbara to hear what Nancy was saying, they all knew she needed to hear every word. Sure, they were all members of the same club, but with membership and true friendship came complete honesty, regardless of how harsh it might seem. They'd rally around each other and give each other support, but if they were to benefit from their unique club, they also needed to be open and brutally honest.

  Elizabeth reached across the table and patted Barbara's hand. "She's right, and you know it, honey. I'm a bit surprised the dinner is still on, but I am also very, very glad. It means that, though you are in big trouble and probably going to have a sore rear, Craig cares enough to not only take you in hand but to then forgive you, wipe the slate clean and start fresh. Can you see that? If you can't then, Barbara, you might need to step back and truly consider the relationship. Though you've told us that your daddy spanks you and that you actually enjoy it, I'm warning you, if he punishes you anywhere near what Logan would do if he discovered I'd been lying to him for weeks and weeks, it will not be enjoyable at all. And remember, that's coming from a woman that actually loves having her bottom a bit tender all the time." Barbara swallowed hard, and her bottom clenched on her chair.

  She nodded and again met their eyes. "I … I know and … and I'm willing to accept whatever discipline he decides I need. It wouldn't be right or fair to cancel tonight. I mean, none of you did anything wrong and this is supposed to be a special night." She paused and looked at her sister, a soft smile on her lips. "I'm even willing to be honest tonight because it is the right thing to do. It isn't fair to you to ask you to keep so quiet about a relationship when everyone is so open and honest about your own. It's not that I'm ashamed of our relationship, I guess I was just a little scared of what the guys and Mom and Dad might think. I mean … I was always so controlled and had sort of a 'better than thou' attitude, looking down at domestic discipline and such. What are they going to think when I admit that I not only believe that domestic discipline is a great thing, but when I get spanked or paddled, it is only after my 'Daddy' pulls down my kiddie panties? I want to be honest, but I don't want them to think I need to be put into some sort of rehab facility!"

  Ariel shook her head. "Barbara, no one is going to think that! God, I mean we grew up with parents that lived an open lifestyle that would have shocked a great deal of our friends. I mean, we all knew he spanked her and they played some adult games, but honey, do you ever remember anyone they knew, or anyone that came over to the house, or any of Dad's business partners making fun of them?"

  Barbara thought and then shook her head.

  "That's because, while there is a need for openness and honesty, honey, no one besides you and Craig needs to know every single aspect of what your relationship entails. Mom and Dad won't care if you are running around in some leather cat-suit, a whip in one hand and a flogger in the other, ordering Craig to bend over and grab his ankles ...."

  She was interrupted when Nancy choked on her tea and had to be slapped on the back as she tried to control her laughing long enough to catch her breath. Even Barbara and Elizabeth started giggling at the picture Ariel had inadvertently put into their minds. Ariel rolled her eyes and then smiled. "Okay, that might have been a bit over the top…."

  "You think?" Nancy sputtered, wiping her eyes with her napkin. "God, Ariel, you ought to write a book about the things that pop out of your mouth!"

  "Very funny. Can I please finish?" Ariel said, with an exaggerated pout. At Nancy's nod, Ariel continued, "What I mean to say is that we all love you; Mom and Dad love you. All they need to know is that you are happy, what you plan to do now that you aren't being a stuck-up lawyer, and that you feel safe and protected with Craig. That's it, enough said. They don't have to know anything about your cute panties, your love of being tucked in or anything else. I promise, knowing you are happy and safe is all they are concerned about."

  Barbara felt her eyes flood as Ariel stood up and came around to hug her. "Thank you," she said sincerely. Ariel nodded, and Barbara knew that she would be fine, if she could get through this afternoon. "I can't tell you how much you all mean to me. I have never had any group of friends that made me feel so safe and who force me to be so honest. I promise, I won't lie again, and if I have any fears that I can't deal with, I'll call on you. Hopefully, I won't always be the one in the group that needs advice."

  "It wouldn't matter if you were," Elizabeth assured her. "But, knowing us, I believe it is pretty much a given that all of us will need advice and support at many different points in the future. Remember we all had to calm Ariel down when Garrett said that they would need to wait before she moved in with him. We are all going to need each other, I promise. Meanwhile, are you sure you are going to be okay? I mean…"

  "Yes, I'll be fine," Barbara said, with a soft smile. "I was naughty, okay? Very, very naughty. I will apologize profusely to Craig, take my punishment and be grateful for it." She ignored Nancy's soft chuckle but smiled. "By the time we see each other again, I'll know that I am forgiven and loved; I'll tell the folks and the guys, and then, ladies, be prepared to have your socks blown off with dinner."

  As everyone stood to say their goodbyes, they had a group hug. Just before they separated, Nancy whispered, "By the way, you can ignore what Ariel said about no one needed to know all the juicy details. I'm sure you realize that she didn't mean your fellow HOPEFULs. Remember, she's the one that wanted to look at your panties!" Everyone laughed, but also knew that they were very lucky to have each other and a place that—no matter what they were feeling or experiencing—they did have a group of friends that completely understood.

  By the time Craig let himself into her house with the key she had given him, Barbara was ready to face the music. He went into the bedroom and was pleased to see she had obeyed him. She was standing in the corner, nose pressed to the wall, hands on top of her head and dressed in the new set of pajamas he had bought for her during their shopping trip. They were a light yellow with small bunnies hopping about, playing childish games such as jump-rope and hop-scotch. She had loved them the moment he had brought them into the dressing room at Miss Betty's shop. He knew that underneath those pajama bottoms, she was wearing a matching pair of bunny panties. When he had called her this morning, as he always did, he had told her what he wanted her to wear as she stood in the corner doing her thinking-time before his arrival. She was to think about the fact that his precious, sweet little Bunny-girl had repeatedly lied to her daddy. Being covered in images of cute little bunnies would help keep her mind focused on what a naughty girl his own Bunny had been.

  Craig didn't speak as he walked past her into the bathroom, carrying his purchases in a brown bag. Barbara remained absolutely still and silent as she waited for her daddy to call her out of the corner. Once he had put away his items, Craig set out a small bar of special soap and a washcloth by the sink. Though it certainly wouldn't taste pleas
ant, the soap was formulated for washing out a naughty girl's mouth without any harmful effects if some should be swallowed.

  He washed his hands and walked back into the bedroom, taking a seat on the chair. "Come here, Bunny," he said softly. Barbara turned, wanting nothing more than to beg his forgiveness and tell him she would never, ever, lie to him again. Instead, she walked to him and allowed him to pull her down onto his lap. Craig held her for several minutes, not speaking, just reconnecting with the woman he had fallen in love with. This afternoon would not only be hard on her, it would also be hard on her daddy. Regardless, he had every intention that, by the time she was done, his little girl would know exactly how a truly-punished little girl felt.

  "Did you think about what we discussed in your naughty corner?" he asked.

  She nodded and then lifted her head. "Yes, Sir, Daddy. I thought about how it is wrong to lie, not only to flat-out tell a lie, but that trying to evade your questions is lying by omission and that is just as bad. I'm really, really sorry. I promise…"

  "Shhh, we will talk about promises later. Right now, we need to talk about why you felt it was necessary to repeatedly lie to me for so long. I trusted you to be truthful. I need to know if you are sorry that you and I started this relationship, or Bunny, if you are ashamed at how our relationship is developing." Craig knew that he must be positive that this type of dynamic was what she really wanted. "Barbara, if you don't want this to continue…," he felt her stiffen and heard her whimper and was quick to clarify what he meant, "No, honey, I'm not talking about us not continuing; I meant if you don't feel secure or safe enough to be open about our age-play dynamic, then I'm willing to either stop, wait until you are, or, honey, we can just be grown-ups."

  She shook her head, her heart pounding. She hadn't once considered that he would want to discontinue being her daddy. "No … please, Daddy. I … I want you as my daddy. I want to be your Bunny-girl. I … I'm not ashamed. I don't care who knows that when we are together that I am your little girl. Please … please, I mean … if you … if you don't want to …

  "I want nothing more, Bunny," he assured her. "I love being your daddy, even when I have to spank or punish you. I just don't want you to feel that you can't be honest with your family because you are embarrassed. You weren't embarrassed when we went to have dinner at Miss Betty's and Mr. John's house. Do you remember how you felt meeting Angelica?"

  * * *

  Barbara nodded, a pink flush coloring her face as she remembered that night. Miss Betty had been delighted when the couple returned to her shop. The three had spent a pleasurable afternoon selecting new clothing for Barbara to wear when she was Bunny. They had purchased cute shorts sets, sundresses, skirts and tops that were decorated with everything from sequins to appliqués of butterflies and daisies. They bought Capri pants and overalls, frilly panties and lacy socks. Even some more adult purchases were made as Barbara squirmed and blushed upon hearing her daddy and Miss Betty discuss the benefits of each one when used on a naughty little girl. After their purchases had been bagged, Miss Betty asked if they would like to join her own family for dinner the following weekend. Craig had asked Barbara if she would like to meet another little girl for dinner and a play date. While part of her was terrified, the biggest part of her had been very intrigued. She told her daddy that she would like to attend, and Craig accepted the invitation.

  Though she had initially been very shy and bashful, surprising even herself with how she seemed to have lost any semblance of the confident attorney she had been. After a few minutes, she had relaxed and enjoyed herself. It had been the first time she had worn one of her new outfits out in public. Craig had dressed her in a pair of short denim overalls with a bright purple T-shirt. Underneath, she wore a purple sports bra that made her breasts look far more like a teen's than her own full and large ones. She also wore a pair of purple panties that had rows of ruffles across the seat. On her feet was a pair of socks that had lacy cuffs and a pair of sneakers that actually lit up when she walked. Her wavy hair was pulled into two high pigtails, purple ribbons tied into bows at each side of her head. As her daddy turned her towards the full-length mirror, she had stared, her mouth open, before she started giggling. Craig was thrilled when she told him she loved everything.

  Angelica was wearing similar childish clothing, her own blonde hair in braids. After meeting her daddy, Mr. John, the girls were sent to play in Angelica's room. Barbara was a bit shocked when she was led to a room that not only contained a bed against one wall: there was a very large, actual baby crib against the opposite wall.

  "Sometimes when I feel very, very little, mommy or daddy put me in my crib," Angelica had explained. Barbara had simply nodded, not knowing what else to say. The room was full of toys, coloring books, drawing supplies, and enough stuffed animals and dolls to open a toy store. Even her closet was a marvel. One side held nothing but hangars holding all sorts of clothing for a Little; the other side displayed clothing that Barbara knew was worn when 'Angel' became the big-girl, Angelica. Relaxing as they sat on the floor and playing with some of the many Barbies Angel owned, Barbara discovered that there were so many different levels of age-play. Elizabeth had been correct; what was freeing was knowing that each dynamic was unique to the individuals sharing in it.

  Dinner had been fun but also an education. When Angel threw a tantrum because she wanted a steak—and not the hotdogs that her daddy had grilled—Barbara's mouth again dropped open when he simply lifted Angel out of her chair, took her place on the seat, turned her over his lap, and pulled down her shorts and panties. Barbara found she couldn't look away as Mr. John used his hand to give his daughter a very hard spanking. Barbara had blushed, realizing that this was probably exactly how she looked when Craig put her across his own knees: feet kicking, hands fluttering, bare bottom bouncing and squirming as it turned from pale to pink and then to a darker red. By the time Angel had been allowed up, her clothing restored, and plopped back down onto her chair, she had given a sniffling apology to everyone at the table. Barbara noticed that, despite Angel's occasional wiggling on her chair in an attempt to find a comfortable way to sit, she seemed to really enjoy not only one hotdog but two. The couples had agreed to meet again, after Craig had spoken to Barbara to make sure she wasn't ready to run for the hills.

  "I like Angel," his Bunny confessed, and added with a giggle, "even when she is naughty!" Craig laughed and then told her that, if she had been the naughty one, it would have been her own bottom bared and spanked right at the table. Swallowing hard, Barbara had managed to nod, not wanting to confess that the very thought made her tummy flutter and her cute purple panties wet.

  * * *

  Remembering the evening and her daddy's question, Barbara gave her answer: "Yes, Daddy, I remember. I … I had fun."

  "I know you did; I did as well. You were a little embarrassed and shy at first, but by the time we left, you and Angel had already asked for another play date," Craig said, giving her a smile. "Bunny, you know that there are millions of couples out there who live the entirety of their secret age-play life behind closed doors. I have worked with some of those types of couples who are too afraid of what their families might think to be able to share that part of themselves. I wouldn't ask you to tell your folks and family if I didn't know what sort of family you grew up with. You are a very lucky little girl in that all your family loves you no matter what lifestyle you choose. Tonight isn't all about being open about us, Bunny; it is about your telling your folks that you've made some huge changes. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? Do you understand why I feel this is so important?"

  Barbara took her time answering. This time, before any spanking was done, was the time they took to make sure everything was clear. It was her time to voice any of her fears or concerns about what had brought her to this point, any concerns she had about the punishment he would decree, and more importantly, a time to feel loved and safe before she was punished.

  "I didn't understand
before," she admitted. "All I kept thinking about was telling my Mom and Dad that I wear cute panties, and I call you Daddy." She remained quiet for a moment. "I'm okay, Daddy. I love my panties, my pajamas, and my Little clothes. I love calling you Daddy and having you take care of me. The girls helped me a lot. They told me that it didn't matter what we choose to do or how we play. It only matters that we are happy and that we agree with what goes on with each other. They told me that no one that loves me would judge me. They told me that all my family will care about is that I'm safe and happy." She put her hand on his cheek. "And I am. I've never felt safer, more loved or happier than since I fell in love with you."

  Craig pulled her close to his chest, his heart full of love for this childlike woman. After several minutes more, he set her up again. "Thank you. I love you very much and am so happy that you feel that way. But, Bunny, I'm still going to punish you, and sweetie, it's going to be much more than just a spanking with my hand, your brush, or your paddle. I don't want to have to punish you so harshly, but you did a very naughty thing in lying to Daddy. I don't want you to ever lie to me again, as it hurts the trust we have in each other. We can't have a relationship without that trust. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir. I know, Daddy. I … I know it's going to hurt my bottom, but I know you love me, and it will be all over and you'll forgive me," she assured him.

  Craig nodded and bent to kiss her. "I'm going to take you into the potty and wash your mouth out for telling so many lies," he began, and she slowly nodded her acceptance of his decision. If, for any reason, she felt she didn't deserve or wouldn't be able to submit to what he detailed was going to happen, this was the only time she was allowed to voice her concern or attempt to change his mind. Once he put her on her feet, she had no more chances to object, no matter how hot her bottom became, no matter how much she pleaded for him to stop. This was the form of safe-word they had decided upon during their age-play. He had explained all about the use of safe-words that Submissives could say to instantly stop all activity if they felt they were being pushed beyond what they could handle. He assured her that when they played as adults, she would be free to use her safe-word at any point. However, he had stressed that safe-words were not to be used during punishment. From the moment her feet touched the floor after she climbed down from his lap, he expected her to trust him to take her only as far as he knew she could go. He promised that, though she believed she couldn't take any more spanks, he would never truly harm her. But if she didn't trust him to ensure that she felt fully punished when she was having a discipline session or a lesson in obedience, and not just a playful spanking, then the entire concept of her being his submissive little girl just wouldn't work. They had talked about it on several different occasions, and she had not only researched it online and in books; she had actually talked to Angel and a few other adult little-girls that Craig had introduced her to in an online chat group.


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