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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 24

by Maggie Ryan

  "After I've washed out your mouth, I'm going to take you over my knees and give you a long hand-spanking. Then I'm going to pull down your panties and give you fifty strokes on your little cheeks with either your hairbrush or your paddle—I'll let you choose which you want to bring to me." He paused, and she nodded again. "No, honey, you need to properly answer your daddy, so I'm sure you will submit."

  "Yes, Daddy, I'll pick my hairbrush or paddle, bring it to you, and then you are going to give me fi … fifty spanks on my bare bottom," she said.

  "That's fifty on each cheek, sweetie," he said, wanting to be sure she understood what she could expect. Barbara's eyes widened in surprise, but she managed to nod slowly. "Good girl," he said and then cupped her chin to keep her eyes on his. "After I've given you your paddling, I'm going to bend you over your bed and Daddy is going to take off his belt and give you twenty strokes." He saw her eyes go wide and her lip tremble. "Do you know why Daddy has to give you your first whipping, Bunny?"

  She didn't want to nod, but she did. "Be … because lying is a really, really naughty thing to do. You can't trust me when I lie, and it hurts our relationship," she said. Tears appeared in her eyes as she remembered that, during their first conversation about the increasing steps for punishment, instead of the belt, her daddy could have told her she was going to bend over for the cane. She was incredibly grateful for his leniency.

  "That's right, and Bunny, you didn't just lie once, you've kept that lie going for two weeks or more. Such continued deliberate disobedience will earn you a whipping every single time. Do you understand and accept your punishment so far?" At the 'so far', she almost shouted that she didn't accept, that she could not possibly submit. However, the look in his eyes and the gentle hold he had on her chin told her that, though it would most likely be truly awful, she could trust him completely.

  "Ye … yes, Dad … Daddy," she said. Craig smiled gently and bent forward to kiss the tip of her nose in a way that he knew made her feel cherished. It was a silly kiss, but he knew that to her it was a special way for him to tell her he loved his little girl. "Is … is it going to hurt … a … a lot?" she whispered.

  He would never lie to her. "Yes, Bunny, I'm afraid it is. A whipping is never an easy punishment to take, especially when you already have a hot, aching bottom, but I promise you that you can take it and that when it is all over, you will know that it is not a good thing to lie to anyone, especially not to your daddy who loves you so much." She nodded, her body relaxing, her eyes showing her acceptance.

  Craig knew it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. He had no intention of ever taking her beyond what she could take physically. As frightening as the word 'whipping' was, she seemed to have forgotten that she had received spankings from her own father's belt as a child without true fear or resentment. While he didn't ever want her to fear him, he believed that having just a bit of fear about getting a whipping would help make the lesson one she'd remember far longer.

  "After your whipping, Daddy is going to give you something to help you remember your lesson. I'm going to put a naughty-girl plug deep into your bottom-hole to teach you how serious it is to lie. You'll wear your plug all night, and if you are a good girl and don't fuss and complain, when we get back here, Daddy will take it out and make love to his Bunny and stay with her all night in her bed." Her eyes had gone wide again, but some part of her was both excited and a bit scared by what he had said. She had never had anything in her bottom before but knew from her research that it was something daddies used quite often to remind their little girls who was in control. Hearing that he was going to make love to her for the very first time, she knew that, even if he hadn't told her of his plans, she would have still accepted his decision to punish her.

  "Yes, Daddy," she said. He held her for another minute before helping her off his lap. As her feet touched the floor, she knew she would submit to his discipline, submit to his control, submit, and accept everything he had promised.

  Chapter 16

  Now, sitting on a well-roasted bottom, sitting on a hard rubber plug that made her feel full and uncomfortable, knowing that plug wasn't coming out for a good long while, she wondered if she would make it through the rest of the evening. She hadn't enjoyed the mouth washing but was grateful for the special soap, as it didn't upset her stomach. When her daddy told her that if she lied again, she'd not only get her mouth soaped, she'd also receive a very unpleasant, large hot soapy enema, her eyes had been huge. He made sure that she understood he was serious by opening her bathroom cabinet and showing her the bright red enema apparatus he had placed inside. Her new pajama bottoms had come down and she taken her hand spanking over her bunny panties. He spanked her until she was sobbing, even though he hadn't bared her bottom yet.

  When she was sent to bring her choice of brush or paddle, she had brought him the brush, even though she knew it hurt more than the paddle; it was heavier and her Daddy thwacked it onto her bottom with force. Her panties came down and the hundred strokes divided between her quickly-reddening globes felt like a thousand, her bottom churning, her feet kicking under his leg, her hands captured at the small of her back after the first twenty strokes. Her bottom was on fire by the time he sat her up and told her to go bend over her bed. She thought about dropping to the floor and begging him to not whip her, beg him to forgive her, and even thought about suggesting she take another fifty strokes with her paddle. However, when he stood and unbuckled and removed his belt, doubling the leather into a loop and making sure the buckle was secure in his fist, she went to the side of her bed, knelt down and placed her torso on the mattress. Daddy had placed her stuffed rabbit in her arms and put a pillow under her head.

  "You may scream and cry, Bunny, but you must keep your hands away from your bottom. I do not want to whip them accidentally. Clutch your pillow or your bunny but do not reach back. If you feel that you absolutely cannot take your twenty strokes, you may tell me after ten. That doesn't mean I won't finish your whipping. It means that when we get back, before I tuck you in, you'll be back in position and I will give you the rest. Do you understand?"

  She understood the love he was showing in allowing her such a choice. "Ye … yes … Dad … Daddy," she said, her voice broken from her tears.

  "That's my good girl," he said, and then placed one hand at the small of her back to steady her.

  He lifted his belt. Though she had been whipped before when she had done something especially bad in her childhood, either she had blocked out how it felt, or her Daddy was far, far stronger than her father. She wailed from the first stroke, her bottom jerking and twisting from side to side and up and down as he whipped her. Stroke after stroke slapped into her bottom, the crack of the leather as it landed sounding like gunshots in the room. Craig knew that the sound was a huge part of the fear if done correctly. The actual stroke hurt to be sure, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

  "Daddy! No … no … please … please, Daddy … no more," she begged, her bunny clenched in the crook of her arm, her hands practically ripping her pillow in two. Craig ignored her cries as he lifted the belt and landed a stroke across the centers of both cheeks.

  "I'm sorry, please … please stop. I'll never lie … owwww, I'll never lie again! I swear! Ohhh, Daddy!" Another three lines of fire landed on her bottom before the belt stopped falling.

  "That's ten, Bunny," Craig said softly, and then repeated it a bit louder when she didn't appear to hear him. "You have ten more strokes to go. Do you think you can let Daddy finish or do you want to take the rest of your whipping before bed?"

  Barbara wanted to tell him she never ever wanted to take the rest of her whipping, never feel his belt across her bottom again. However, she didn't hear him offer her that choice. Sobbing, her voice muffled where her face was buried in the pillow, she answered, "Fin … finish no … now, Dad … Daddy."

  Craig was pleased because he truly didn't want to have to repeat this anytime soon. "Are you sure, baby girl?"

Ye … yes, Sir … I … I want you to fin … finish my whip … whipping now … plea … please, Dad … Daddy," she sobbed, but also lifted and pushed out her bottom to indicate her choice.

  Craig didn't question her again. He gave her the last ten strokes of her whipping as hard as he'd given the first. Her bottom was striped from the beginning of her cleft down to the plumpness of her lower cheeks. He had placed the two final strokes across her sensitive sit-spot, causing her to screech and attempt to rise at each one. When it was done, he stood and threaded his belt back around his waist, letting her cry in her bent-over position. He bent down, pulled back some strands of hair where they had stuck to her wet cheek, and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  "You did very well, Bunny," he said softly. "That was a hard whipping to take, but Daddy knows you understand why he had to whip you. Stay right here and cry. I'm going to get your plug and be back in just a minute." She managed to give a slight nod, though all her attention was on the fire in her bottom. God, it felt like he had sat her on a lit stove, her bottom pulsing with every heartbeat.

  When he returned, he sat on the edge of the bed. He had brought the small plug and a tube of lubricant and helped her up off her knees and across his lap. She kept her bunny in her arms, her cheek on the pillow that was now quite soaked with her tears. She heard the click of the tube opening and clenched both her eyes and her bottom cheeks tightly closed. Craig almost chuckled, knowing that most little girls never wanted their daddies to play with or punish that part of their bottom.

  "Honey, you need to relax. Reach back and open your cheeks for Daddy," Craig instructed as he applied a coating of lube to the anal plug. Barbara couldn't believe what she was hearing. He was not only going to put something into her bottom; he wanted her to help him! When she didn't make a move to obey, but had stiffened enough that he knew she had heard him, he reached down and patted the hot surface of her bottom. "Little girls that continue to be naughty after getting a whipping, only show their daddies that perhaps they need another dose to remember who's the boss." He smiled at how quickly her hands came back and grasped her cheeks, pulling them apart. "That's much better. Thank you, Bunny," Craig said, and she had to force herself not to snarl at him. She was only doing what he said because she knew she didn't want his belt to come off again.

  Craig spread some lubricant over her bottom-hole, making sure he pushed some up inside, though that made her clench and wiggle and attempt to crawl off his lap. "Be still, Bunny," Craig said a bit more firmly. "I don't want to hurt you, but your naughty plug is going to go into your bottom. The question is, does my little girl want her daddy to start with this small plug or would she rather keep wiggling and squirming so that her daddy goes and gets the much bigger plug he bought today?" Her eyes flew open, and she looked back. He was holding up the plug he had purchased from Miss Betty the day they went shopping. She had been shocked at the huge variety of plugs the woman had in her store, tucked away in a room Bunny hadn't noticed before. There had been all sorts of embarrassing items in that room, but Miss Betty told her that every one of them helped mommies and daddies teach their Littles that it wasn't a good idea to be naughty.

  Craig saw her looking and gave her a soft smile. "I'm waiting. Do you want to lie still and take your little plug into your bottom, or do you want me to go get the new one?"

  She had absolutely no desire to ever see the 'big' one, remembering exactly how huge some of the plugs for sale had been. "The … little one, please," she managed.

  Craig nodded and patted her bottom. "Okay, the little one it is, if you stay still and relax. If Daddy has to tell you again, it will be the big one in your bottom, but only after you get a spanking on your bottom-hole with the new special spanker that Daddy put in your drawer with your paddle, understand?"

  "Yes, Daddy," she whispered, praying that her daddy hadn't purchased any other items from Miss Betty. He put the tip of the plug at her opening and told her to bear down.

  "Push back, Bunny. It helps your bottom-hole open and your plug go in easier." Her face flooded with embarrassment at both his instruction, as well as the fact that part of her, a deep, secret part, felt arousal at that same instruction. She did as he instructed. Though it was extremely hard to lie still and submit to something so shameful, the plug was soon seated with the minimum of squeals from his little girl. Once the plug was completely in, Craig patted her bottom and helped her off the bed. She instantly felt the presence of the plug, feeling as if she had impaled herself on a telephone pole. Craig had to consciously control his amusement at the look of shock on her face. The plug in her bottom was no thicker than his middle finger and not even as long. If she ever earned the next size plug, and he was positive she would one day, she'd think this was no bigger than her own pinkie finger.

  "Corner," he instructed, giving her a final pat on her bottom. She yelped as if he'd given her another stroke of the belt but managed to run to the corner. Her panties and pajamas pants had long been kicked off, so she stood only in her pajama top, hands linked properly on the top of her head, her adorable—but very red—rear pushed out into the room, the flange of the pretty purple butt plug visible between her cheeks. She had done an excellent job, and he was extremely proud of her. Thirty minutes later, she was on his lap, cradled in his arms and thanking him for her punishment.

  "Thank you for not using the cane, Daddy," she said, letting him know she understood he had been far gentler than he could have been.

  "You are welcome, Bunny. If you put our relationship in danger again, little girl, it will be the cane."

  "Yes, Sir." They spent a few minutes in the chair, and then he lifted and carried her to the bed where he had already pulled back the covers. He stood her on her feet and slowly unbuttoned her top, removing it and then bending to kiss her pebbled nipples. She moaned as he suckled, her legs starting to tremble. He helped her into the bed, where she immediately turned onto her stomach, the plug in her bottom sharply reminding her of its presence when on her back. She began to smile when she watched him unbuckle his belt, this time to remove his own clothes and not to whip her bottom. Once naked, he climbed in beside her, pulling her to lie on top of his chest. She wiggled against him, feeling his hard cock beneath her tummy.

  "Settle down," he said softly. "I want you to rest. I know you didn't sleep well last night, and we will be up late tonight. There's time for a little nap before we have to go."

  She lifted her head from his chest. "Daddy, I can't sleep," she said, and he chuckled.

  "Bunny, you haven't even tried."

  She sighed loudly, putting her head back down. It wasn't another minute before it popped up again. He loved the sound of her giggle, especially after the sounds of her cries from her spanking and whipping. "Daddy, I still can't sleep, and I tried." They both knew that was a lie, but it was the innocent kind.

  He smiled down at her. "What do you think you need to help you sleep?" he asked. "Do you want me to tell you a story?" While she suddenly found that idea a bit intriguing, she shook her head. "Then, what does my Bunny need from her daddy?"

  "I need you to make me come, Daddy," she said, her voice soft and barely audible. It was a big step for her. It had taken constant encouragement from him to teach her that she should always tell him what she needed, that daddies couldn't always read their little girls' minds. He gave her another smile and then nodded. Her smile was much larger as he helped her off his chest and onto her back. When her smile faltered and she yelped, he moved her again. This time, he hauled her onto his chest faced the other way, her little bottom and her sweet pussy over his face. She blushed but spread her knees wide and allowed him to draw her down to his mouth.

  Just before his tongue began to play, she whispered her next need. "Daddy, please may I suck your cock?" His cock twitched in agreement and she giggled.

  "You didn't put any of that horrible lip-gloss on did you?" he teased. He had absolutely loved the time she made her apology with a mouth shiny and smeared with the coconut-scen
ted gloss. She laughed this time, shaking her head as she remembered that night as well. She had told him about why she had an ice-cream cone filled with the gloss, stating that the club had decided to give their men a special treat. He hadn't needed the entire story; what man would, when the woman they loved was going to be pleasuring them with their mouth?

  'No, Daddy, it's in my drawer though." she teased back. "Do you want to get it for me?"

  It was a bit disconcerting having a conversation with her beautiful, bare pussy above his mouth, not tasting her but simply talking as if this was a perfectly normal position to converse.


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