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Forever in Ink

Page 14

by Jude Ouvrard

  I hated that she was right. Letting him in was something I had been working on daily. I told him I loved him and tried to show him every chance I could, but letting him all the way inside, with my past and my family, felt huge. It didn’t mean I loved him any less, though. Kyle was everything to me.

  Once we’d paid for the food, we took to the pavement again and continued our pleasant walk.

  Sighing, I looked at her as she gave me a compassionate smile. “I know, it’s ridiculous. I really want him to come with me. My fear is… I don’t know. It just scares me.”

  “Hey, girls!” Val was covering the front of the shop when we got there. We waved and hurried to her side.

  “Happy to see you. I don’t see you enough.” Kissing her cheek, I felt big, strong arms wrap around me from behind. “Kyle, babe,” I squealed; my feet were no longer touching the ground. He was twirling me in the air so that I faced him.

  “Hey, beautiful. Missing me?” He kissed my lips before setting me down on my feet.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be working? Where’s your client?”

  “I am, but even big guys need a break. He’s taking ten for a smoke and drink.” His fingers slid against mine, entwining with them. “Did you get your packing done?”

  “Almost.” I shied away.

  “It’s just a trip home, Tiff, you don’t need to be this stressed out.”

  I knew that, which is why I was starting to believe I had issues. Serious issues.

  “Hello, ladies,” Levi joined us then, distracting us. “Nix, do you have food? I’m wasting away over here.”

  We all laughed. Levi could be such a drama queen when it came to his food. Nix handed him his bag and I gave mine to Kyle.

  “I have to keep you fed, too. Nix said so.”

  “Man, perfect timing! You’re the best, Tiff, really.” He tore into the bag and started eating.

  For the next several minutes there was nothing but the sound of chewing. I managed to get a few bites off his sandwich and some of his brownie, enough to quell my hunger, before the food vanished.

  “Thank you, beautiful. Just wait, I’ll marry you someday.”

  “Someday? Why not now?” I teased, but then he looked at me all serious and I felt my heart catch in my throat.

  “I would in a heartbeat. Should we fly to Vegas before London?”

  “Whoa, wow... Hold on a sec, lovebirds,” Levi got our attention. “I better be the best man.”

  “You interrupted our moment for that? Of course, you will be, whipped boy.”

  Caught up in the moment, my mind was running wild. Yes, I want to marry him. Levi was talking about vultures in the background and Kyle was telling him to shut up. The girls laughed at their exchange. The words marry you someday kept flashing in my mind like a strobe light. I was brought back to reality by a pair of hands cupping my cheeks.

  “I’m right here, beautiful.” Kyle tried to comfort me, confusing my emotions for something unwanted.

  “I want to, Kyle.”

  His eyes dropped to his feet. “You don’t have to say it, Tiff. It’s okay.”

  “No, I really want to. I would say yes. If you asked.”

  His body loosened and I could swear there was a smile on his face, but it disappeared after a nanosecond. “I trust you, beautiful. I love you,” he murmured then stared into my eyes for the longest time. “When the time is right, okay?”

  I nodded, not sure what he meant. It took me a second to figure out the reason he kept looking at me and gauging me for a reaction. Of course, right. Wake up, Tiffany. It might’ve felt like a long time had passed, but in the grand scheme of things, we’d just gotten together.

  “I… I should get back and finish packing. You need to finish eating, and get back to work, because we’re leaving soon.” Of all the emotions I could’ve been enjoying right then, why did it have to be panic? “I’ll see you later, yeah?” Standing on tiptoe to meet his lips, I kissed him, waved at the others watching us, and then disappeared.

  Grateful for the cool air, I sucked in a lungful and waited for my head to clear. For a moment, I would have married him right then and there. I wanted to, too, deep in my heart and bones. Am I rushing him? Does he want me to step back? I wondered as I began walking and considering his words. “When the time is right, okay?”

  When I reached Kyle’s apartment, I broke down in tears as I yelled at the door, “What a fucking day!”

  If I didn’t get my shit together, I was going to ruin this trip and my relationship with Kyle. My thoughts were still up and down, and I was emotionally drained. I did love Kyle, at least I was a hundred percent sure of that.

  Tackling my luggage again, I removed the little black dress and red heels I’d packed. I’d never worn anything like that before in London, so, why would I now? Next, all the fancy clothes came out of the suitcase in exchange for items I’d actually need. Our trip to London was for me to reconcile with my family, to show them how happy I was—not partying, clubbing, or showing off. That wasn’t me, and Kyle wanted me for who I was. He loved the real me, so I had no reason to try and be someone I wasn’t. Showing my family a false cover would be wrong, too, they also needed to see I was still the same.

  It was time to stop playing games and be myself. Everything would be fine that way. Nobody’s life is perfect and I had nothing to prove to anyone. Kyle loved me, that wouldn’t change after a visit to my parent’s house.

  Inviting your boyfriend over to meet your parents is normal, I repeated to myself for the last time today. Calm the bloody hell down. It’s just family. What could go wrong?

  Done with packing—at last—I turned everything off and unplugged the minor appliances, and then cleaned every surface as best I could. Kyle would be on his way since our flight was scheduled to leave in a little over three hours. Hearing footsteps outside the door, I sighed in relief and then smiled at the sight of him when he entered.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Come here.” He dropped his backpack and keys on the floor, the look on his face speaking a thousand words. “Come here,” he repeated.

  I met him at the door and before anything could be said, his arms had enveloped me and he was kissing me everywhere—my neck, cheeks, nose, and lastly, my lips. For a very long time. Each second easing the roller coaster of emotions I’d suffered today.

  “I meant what I said today, and I promise you it will happen. Someday.”

  “You don’t have to promise me anything. I know how you feel about me. I feel the same. That’s enough for now.”

  He nudged my nose with his. “For now.” Spotting our luggage by the door and smiling, he said, “I have something for you before we go.”

  A gift, for me?

  Kyle took a small item from his pocket—it fit inside his folded palm—then sucked in a breath. “I hope you agree to this. Val and Nix thought you would, so, here goes.” He reached for my right hand.

  It’s not the left, I noticed.

  Guiding my hand, he flattened it against his heart. “This is a way for me to show you that my intentions are honorable. I’m not fooling around, I’m with you because I love you and care for you. I’ve noticed how much me going home with you means to you, but I can see it worries you too. So, this is my promise that no matter what happens in London, I won’t change my mind about us or my feelings for you.”

  While my pulse pounded a hole in my head, my hands started shaking.

  “Please take this ring, a gift for you in the name of my love,” he said, then slid a band onto my finger without ever blinking, looking away, or breaking the trance between us. “I love you, Tiffany. We might as well be married at this point, it wouldn’t make a difference. My feelings for you can only grow stronger.”

  Glancing down at the simple circle of rose gold on my finger, I asked myself what I’d done to deserve him, and then decided I had suffered enough in my life. It was time to jump right into living with no regrets.

  I looked up, and smiled.

/>   Kyle

  The flight had been long, and it felt like I’d lost half my mind in the air. Fatigue had kicked my ass and fried my brain like a chicken nugget. Seriously.

  There was no fanfare when we got to her house. In fact, her parents were nowhere to be found. I tried convincing Tiff we should take a nap, but she declined. Instead, she made me a black tea and we were out the door soon after. Having decided to take advantage of the nice weather, we headed outside to enjoy the rest of our day as soon as we’d unloaded our luggage.

  London kicked some major ass.

  Tiff showed me her favorite spots in the city, and I fell in love with everything about this place. The pubs, the architecture, and the Tower Bridge were amazing to behold. We even rode the London Eye. She made the day incredible with no effort. Her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, everything about her shone like diamonds. All her worries seemed to have vanished, which I thanked God, or whoever was watching over us, for.

  She kept glancing at her ring and grinning. If I had known a bauble would’ve exacted such a change, I would have gotten her a diamond. I hadn’t for fear of it being too much too soon; I wanted to keep things simple for now.

  We ended up meeting her mom out in town while she ran last minute errands. Now I could see where Tiffany’s good looks came from. Her mom was an older version of Tiff, and they were both beautiful. Even though I knew she was American, hearing her speak without an accent kind of surprised me. We hit it off right away; Clary made the coolest mom list in my book. Especially when she asked me to tattoo her. It was a bit awkward, but from the emotions on her face when she saw her daughter, how strong she held Tiff in her arms, I knew right off that Mrs. Evans was a good mother. Tiff could be worried about the past, but I doubted her mother would ever hold anything against her. Besides, although Tiff had been through a lot and wasn’t in a good place with her thoughts and heart when she left her hometown, she hadn’t had issues with her mother.

  Continuing our stroll around town, we held hands and stole kisses here and there. We were relaxed, and everything felt natural between us while we shopped and enjoyed snacks at some of her favorite spots.

  It was late afternoon when we got back to her parents’ house. Her mother had been busy cooking a lamb roast dinner, and the smell made my mouth water. The three of us were talking about our day when Mr. Evans appeared out of nowhere in the kitchen. He welcomed his daughter, and then asked to speak in private with me before tea was served.

  My appetite vanished while my brain screamed, Shit!

  While Clary and I had clicked right away, with Tiffany’s father, it was going to be harder. There would be many questions to answer before having any hope of his approval. Not that I sought one, but having it would make everything easier. Sure enough, Tiffany’s father questioned me for a relentless half an hour. Everything from my job and family to my plans for the future and even Cassidy seemed fair game to him.

  Having had enough, I rose from the office chair ready to make a point. I wasn’t some teenager in the peak of puberty whose intention was to use and toy with his daughter. I was almost thirty years old; the time for frivolous play had long gone.

  “Look, sir, I understand your concerns about Tiffany. She’s been unlucky with her past relationships, but I’m nothing like the ignorant cold-hearted bastards she was with before. I know the tattoos can be intimidating, but I’m a business owner, and I’m not playing any games. I take care of Tiff and put a roof over her head, making sure she has a comfortable and safe place to stay. We have a good circle of friends, strong and protective, and, well, I love her. We all do. She’s well-cared for her back in Seattle is all I’m trying to say. Your daughter is happy. You can trust me, or not, that is your choice, but know that I love Tiffany and I’m not going anywhere.” The decision was his. I couldn’t be any more honest with him. My life had been numb and meaningless long enough, Tiff gave me hope for a better future. There was no way I was going to let him stop me from loving her, approval or not.

  Mr. Evans wouldn’t look me in the eye, instead, his gaze burned holes in my chest. I waited to give him a chance to say something but he appeared to be speechless. Shit.

  Turning around, I left to find Tiff so I could hold or touch her. To calm down.

  “Hey, babe. Everything okay?” She murmured in my ear when I wrapped her in my arms a few minutes later.

  “He was a challenge.”

  “Did my husband give you a hard time, Kyle?” Mrs. Evans asked, a worried hand touching my forearm.

  “What do you think, Mum?” Tiff groaned, none too happy.

  “Give him some time. You know he just wants what’s best for you, and besides, it went well.”

  Her eyes widened as she challenged her mother, “How can you say that?”

  “The proof is that Kyle is standing in front of us, alive,” she said with a cunning smile.

  “It’s okay, beautiful. Don’t worry about it. You’ll be okay. Time is the key.” What I’d said to him should make him understand I was serious. I hadn’t stood there looking defeated, I’d confronted him and made a statement. I loved Tiff and wouldn’t let him, or anyone else, put a wall between us.

  Her father didn’t return until dinner was served about an hour later.

  “That’s not very polite, Klint. We have guests.”

  “I had to make a call for work. I’m sorry, dear.”

  It took a few minutes, but the atmosphere between us all loosened up. My appetite crept back and I was able to indulge in the lamb roast dinner.

  “So, how long have you two been living together?” Klint asked looking straight at me.

  So, he had been listening to what I’d said, and latched onto the tidbit that his daughter already lived under my roof.

  “Honey, I don’t think that’s suitable talk for dinner.”

  “I don’t see what the problem is, Clary. We’re all adults here, having an adult conversation, right?”

  “A few weeks,” Tiff cut into their argument. “Kyle has a very nice place. I love it there. It’s much better than the studio I was in before.”

  “We have a nice place, Tiff. It’s not just mine now, remember. It’s yours too.”

  Klint started to laugh. “You kids act like newlyweds.”

  “We will be, someday,” Tiff said after shooting me a hesitant look and hiding her hand underneath the table.

  Klint stopped laughing at once while Clary looked between the two of us, awe written all over her face.

  “I hope you will, it’s a beautiful celebration,” Clary said trying to divert from her husband’s reaction.

  As the evening went on, Klint started to chill, and by the time we said our goodnights, I felt like I had him under control. For now, anyway, everything was fine. Considering I was making it to bed alive, I chalked it up as a good first day with the future in-laws.

  Jet lag and the time difference, plus pure physical exhaustion from the day of touring, it was all too easy to fall asleep. As my back touched the mattress, Tiff curled up against me, and then it all went dark.

  Soft music tickled inside my brain, drawing me from my dreams until I woke up, disoriented and grumpy.

  “Good afternoon, babe.” Tiffany’s voice indicated she was in the room somewhere.

  “What’s that smell?” I asked covering my face with my pillow. “And did you say afternoon?”

  “Nail polish. I just did my nails. And yes, it’s one o’clock. You should get up now if you don’t want to waste any more of our day.”

  I groaned like a caveman, not feeling rested enough. The mattress dipped next to me and I knew Tiff was coming to get me out of bed. She straddled me, right on my manhood, and I coughed.

  “Tiffany!” With a huff I tried to lift her off me, but she resisted, making it impossible.

  “What about now? I think you’re ready,” she teased.

  “Your father can barely look me in the eye as it is, we are not about to do this under his roof. Hell, no. Move, please, before
you break my dick in half.”

  “Kyle, be serious.” She eased upward, resting so I could feel her heat on my belly.

  “I am being dead serious, beautiful. Nothing will happen until we get home. Your dad is a great chastity belt.”

  Giggling, her fingers traced the lines of my tattoos. “I’m a bit disappointed,” she said with a pout.

  “So am I… so am I.” I sighed. “Look at how beautiful you are.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  I watched her watching my tattoos, her long eyelashes creating shadows on her cheeks, her dark hair falling on her face, I would never get tired of appreciating her beauty.

  “What’s the plan for today?”

  “If you want to play tourist again, we can. Or we can stay in...” Her fingertip brushed against my lip, she was still trying to tease me.

  “Tiffany, you are driving me crazy.”

  “That’s the plan. Crazy about me,” she said and leaned forward to catch my lower lip with both of hers.

  Giving in, we made out while kissing like hormonal teenagers until I knew I couldn’t keep it together anymore and jumped in the shower. I needed time alone or else I’d cross a barrier I couldn’t cross. Yet.


  The first four days of our trip were pure perfection. Tiff and I Skyped with the gang back home, and I couldn’t stop talking about all the things we’d done. We’d just gotten back from Scotland; words failed to explain how beautiful and different things were. I’d fallen in love with London and Scotland, but knew there were so many more places to see in the UK.

  “It’s only eight, do you want to go for a walk? We could stop somewhere to get a coffee or beer.”

  I yawned but nodded at the same time. “Absolutely.”

  Under the sunset, we enjoyed walking through the city and holding onto each other. Tiff and I had grown so much, in so little time. This trip was the best thing we could have done together. Nothing could take this away from us.

  “I don’t understand how you don’t miss this place back in Seattle. It’s so much more here.”


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