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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

Page 4

by Cassandra Bloom

  This is for the best right now.

  In so many ways, he couldn't believe that he was actually complaining about the drooling women surrounding him. That wasn't like him.

  He pushed the thought aside and strolled through the small city, admiring the old clay buildings that spoke of centuries of history. The woman thronged around him, making it difficult to admire the view entirely as they each begged for his attention. They made it past some markets and some delicious-smelling restaurants, but the eyes of the crowd stared at Adrian and the group of women around him.

  This wasn't exactly incognito.

  He stopped by one of the shops near the beach. And asked the ladies to go for a swim, knowing that they each would want to impress him with their wet bikinis. All of them scampered off into the ocean. Adrian took a breath pulling out his phone.

  How do I get to that one bar from here?

  Megan always knew his location—his phone kept updates on his location.

  She replied immediately with directions.

  He pushed his phone into his pocket and before the ladies could focus back on Adrian, he disappeared into the bustling crowds.

  The bar was great—no one bothered to look at him, and no one seemed to care either. Max stayed outside, leaning against the wall—keeping a close eye on him, without bringing awareness to the Prince's presence. He walked around the room, dodging swirling bodies. It was hot in here.

  He gazed at the woman dancing before him, some of them caught his eye—and they smiled back, a twinkle in their eyes.

  It was good to him—even without the princely title, he could wrap any woman into his arms. He was just about to reach for a sexy, dark skinned woman with curling black hair—when he noticed someone familiar.

  It was Veronica.

  She was standing in the middle of the crowd, staring at something.

  Adrian took in her body—she had on a bikini, lightly covered with shorts and a thin t-shirt. Her skin was all around tan, and her legs were long and sleep. Her bully showed under her shirt, and his eyes lingered on her smooth skin there.

  She's hot.

  He walked over to her, intrigued. The moment he realized what was happening, a sickening feeling washed over him. She was clearly burned—and she seemed like the type to punch this guy's lights out.

  But, there was something in her voice—the way she said she needed this fool. It sounded like she was trapped.

  Before he knew it, he had swept her into his arms—hoping the idiot at the bar would notice.

  She looked at him surprised—clearly she wasn't used to making a small scene. Adrian was a pro.

  He swept her across the room to the sway of the fast beats—it was easy to move her in his arms, he'd been trained since he was a kid. It was, surprisingly, one of the perks of growing up royalty—you're pushed through all types of training.

  He pulled her in closer, and realized that a blush of pink hit her face—as she stared at him, following his body. She didn't move as easily as his other partners, but he smiled, having fun as he pulled her along.

  They heard a cough, and not to Adrian's surprise—Brian stood there, his face flushed. Adrian could see the woman back at the bar—clearly a little miffed at getting dumped so quickly.

  "Your highness," Brian did a little bow, Adrian looked around nervously—as the crowd noticed.

  Bumbling idiot— Adrian couldn't get real time alone.

  Adrian let go of Veronica, keeping his hand on the small of her back, he needed to leave—but not before a little jab here and there.

  "Your fiance is a phenomenal, dancer," Adrian said, keeping Veronica close to him.

  Brian's eyes shifted between the two of them, he nodded. Clearly, Brian and Veronica never danced before.

  "If I were you," Adrian said in a low whisper, "I wouldn't take my eyes off her—someone might snatch her up." He looked down at Brian, making his point clear.

  Brian gulped and nodded, "Definitely sir—"

  Suddenly, lights flashed around him—he turned to see a dozen phones aimed at him, snapping photos.

  He dropped his hand from Veronica's waist—it felt hot there.

  He nodded to Veronica and Brian, "Gotta get out of there before I'm swarmed." He took a last look at Veronica, whose eyes seemed to say "Thank you."

  He gave her a wink only she could she see, and he dodged his way out of there.

  Within minutes he was back on the street—Max right behind him. He smiled to himself, thinking over the exchange. He never really stuck his neck out for anyone before, unless he wanted to get into their pants.

  But, that didn't happen this time—he felt good helping someone out.

  He ended up back at the beach—the women lounged about, having given up their flirtatious ways until Adrian appeared again. They swooned to him when they saw him. Adrian couldn't really tell their faces apart from the others—so he decided it was time to take a few out.

  But, not before a little fun.

  He raised his hands, and the ladies silenced around him.

  "Ladies—I am going to ask some of you to leave to our next stop, but a few of you I would like to speak with personally," he said with a wink. The women giggled. He pointed to a couple of them, and the others grudgingly walked back towards the crowds. Adrian looked around—there was a small tent parked on the beach. He smiled, and gave Max a nod. Max walked over to the tent, checking that no one was inside. They had done this plenty of times before—and Adrian wrapped his arms around the two ladies, leading them toward the tent. They giggled in his arms.

  Oh if they only knew this was their goodbye gift, he smiled to himself. He didn't care if they sobbed afterward, or if they pleaded.

  This was his job—to weed them out.

  But, all he really cared about was to feel the pleasure of a woman's body under him—to hear their fast breaths, and touch their soft skin. As he rolled around with them within the tent, Adrian wondered for a brief moment about how Veronica's skin felt under his fingertips, when they danced.

  Chapter 8

  Veronica entered the bridge, taking in Brian's figure. He looked over the dashboard, checking all the buttons and ensuring the navigation was good to go.

  He could practically cruise off the advanced technology, but still—he held a checklist in his hand, making double sure.

  It reminded her of their life together so far—always checking boxes and check marks. He had practically done the same thing to her, making sure she had checked off his list for the ideal wife.

  She went up to him—she felt shaken. She wasn't sure if it was from the message or meeting the Prince. Something about the Prince's gaze shook her to the core, or more appropriately, in between her legs. He was only helping her out on the dance floor.

  That was all.

  There was no else on the bridge and so Veronica took a moment to be the fiance she thought she should be.

  She wrapped her arms around Brian from behind, he tensed immediately.

  He turned to her, with wide eyes.

  His expression changed as soon as he saw her, "Oh—it's you."

  The words stung immediately. She felt the heat hit her face. Her mind raced over the countless times her friends aboard had told her of his flirtatious ways—the way some of the women in each harbor fawned over him. She knew it was true. And now, she had been humiliated in front of the prince.

  Perhaps, even women in this boat. Veronica shook her head—trying to dislodge from those thoughts. She could make this work—besides, he was giving her more in return, a safe life.

  "Hey—I was wondering if you want to have dinner later..." she hoped he would be up for a cuddle, or something. Her cheeks burned.

  He took a side glance at her, "Why?"

  He returned to his checklist, dislodging himself from her grip.

  She felt abandoned, "Cuz—I thought we could watch a movie or something..." it sounded pathetic.

  He had made his wishes clear—while Veronica was adamant tha
t she would remain a virgin until marriage, then Brian didn't want to spend too much time alone.

  Brian said it was "too tempting."

  With a sigh, he set down his board, "Look babe—we've been over this—it's just too much..."

  He took her hands into his, looking down at her.

  She felt the guilt again—she was adamant. Out of all the stupid things that she'd done in life, she had swore to herself that she would remain a virgin until marriage. But, these days—it felt more like a chore—like she was risking their relationship.

  After all, she had been firm with Duncan. And what happened?

  The asshole took all her money, all her cards, and disappeared into thin air—leaving her in debt to a lot of bad people.

  She shuddered. But, she was glad Brian came into the picture—he would help solve that as soon as they were married. Even if Brian didn't know just yet.

  He gently patted her face, and then returned to his work. She bit her lip, wondering again, if she should cave. But, they were so close.

  "Only two weeks babe," she tried to sound chipper, "and then, we're ready to go."

  He didn't turn to look at her, but he nodded, "Sure, babe."

  She backed out of the bridge, trying to not look more awkward.

  But, she tried to reassure herself—she needed her wits about her, and Brian would protect her.

  After all, their next step was important to her—she knew who awaited her there, unfortunately.

  Mario— she shuddered.

  He always had a way of knowing when she arrived at port—she wondered if he did that to all his "clients". Or, maybe she was just special.

  She went back to her room, weaving through the maze of steel hallways and modern beach decor. She knew this place inside out.

  Veronica slipped back into her room, and double checked the safe—all the money she needed was there. It was enough to pay Mario this time, but she hoped to God that the marriage would go off without a hitch—then, she would ask Brian for the rest. She was sure he would that.

  She clutched the money to her chest—hoping this would be the last time she had to face Mario—but, still there were so many debts to pay. She would curse Duncan eternally for that.

  She heard her phone chime, and she checked the screen to see it was Megan.

  His Majesty calls for you.

  The words looked strange to her, she was used to these kinds of messages. But, somewhere deep within her—she felt a strange mix of hesitation and obedience.

  She rushed out of her room, towards the Prince's room.

  She hoped that she wouldn't make a fool of herself too soon.

  She found herself staring at a crazy group of women.

  Seriously, aren't they supposed to be all prim and proper?

  Veronica watched as the women before her had somehow changed so quickly, it would have made her head spin.

  The women were clad in bikinis —they played and laughed in the ship's swimming pool, making it look like a girls gone wild party. They all played together—laughing as they tossed around balls and jokingly roughed around. But, Veronica could see it—their intense focus, their malicious looks, as if they wanted to others to drown.

  Veronica was taken aback—is this what guys were into, or just the Prince?

  Although, he didn't seem to notice.

  He watched them as he leaned back into an armchair, his arms behind his head, smiling.

  This guy is unbelievable.

  She walked over, but her eyes could not help but rake over his body, he wore shorts and nothing else.

  He had strong pecs and rock hard abs—he was hot.

  His gaze found hers and in that moment, their eyes locked. She almost lost her footing as those green eyes peered into hers. She walked up to him, almost numb.

  "You called me, sir?"

  It was hard for Veronica to tell him Sir—but, she had done this thousands of times. Why was it so difficult with him?

  His eyes twinkled, and he snapped his fingers and Megan showed up behind him, handing her a box.

  Veronica took it numbly, "Do you want me to ship this sir?"

  The women in the pool screeched with laughter as they tossed each other around—Adrien's eyes darted to them briefly and then back to Veronica.

  She could practically roll her eyes, this was guy was insatiable.

  He narrowed his eyes, "Open it."

  She looked between him and Megan, but Megan's focus was off into the pool.

  She gently undid the ribbon and then lifted the cover off the box.

  She stared at her gift in surprise, "What is this for?"

  His eyes were awaiting her next move, "You said you would do anything for me, right?"

  Veronica picked up the little bikini—it looked like it had holes in it, and was studded with diamonds. From behind her, she heard the women laughing. Her cheeks burned.

  Were they all making fun of her?

  She gritted her teeth and shoved the bikini back into the box. She shoved the box into his hands.

  He stood up straight, with a surprised in look on his face.

  He cocked an eyebrow, "What—you don't want to go for a swim?"

  She glared at him—how dare they! She was a working professional.

  "That is not part of my job duties, sir," she hissed.

  His eyes glinted, "What if I make it part of your job duty?"

  She spat back, "No—thank you, sir—and besides, you have plenty of things to parade in front of you."

  She turned on her heel, walking briskly toward the door. As she reached the door, a pang of worry hit her—was that too harsh, would that get her in trouble?

  As she looked back, she saw that Adrian was whispering to Megan, with his focus completely on Veronica.

  His eyes glistened with a smile only meant for her.

  Chapter 9

  Adrian took a seat at the table. He could hear the fluttering voices of the women inside the hall. They would arrive any second.

  Adrian admired the table with its glistening plates and the shining chandeliers above. It was a small place – and it felt cozy.

  The large table was arranged with over a dozen chairs – each for one of his guests.

  He was looking forward to what he was going to ask them to do – after all, it seemed only right to him to know what he was dealing with.

  The women walked in – all of them were dressed to impress. They were long flowing gowns – glittering jewels – and high heels that accentuated their own curves.

  He wondered what Veronica was doing – was she so mad at him that she wouldn't show up?

  Nope – her job is on the line for that. And he smiled wickedly to himself.

  A beautiful chime rang through the air – as a few waiters came out and laid down small plates of salad.

  Adrian hadn't even realized how hungry he was – his hunger had been completely aimed toward only one person so far.

  Get a grip man.

  He realized that he was thinking about her too much – he had plenty of women that he needed to weed through. But still, he wanted to play with her – the feeling growing stronger as he thought of her.

  As the women walked in – he realized, much to his delight, that they began to fight over the seats. He saw some of them elbow others on the side – and some pull at their dresses to drag them behind the others. The women who reached the seats closest to him – had to shove through other women's arms. He sat back – watching as a very real but subtle fight going on in front of him.

  They pulled and scratched at each other – he loved this. He wondered if he could make that happen in bed later on tonight – of course he would.

  He noticed some of the women had resigned themselves to the far seats. He felt a little bad for them – they were not as assertive as they needed to be. But, that's what this was for – to weed out the rest.

  His eyes fluttered over to the door – there stood Veronica.

  Her eyes were opened wide – a
s she took in the scene in front of her.

  Her eyes fluttered from one woman to the next, a surprised and wary smile played on her face. She found it amusing – she must also find it ridiculous.

  The Prince eyed her – he admired the way that she looked about the room – the way she looked at it, the spectacle.

  She had taken her spot by the entrance firmly – near to Megan.

  Megan's eyes caught Adrian said – and he could tell she was looking at him disapprovingly.

  He imagined what she was saying to him.

  Adrian – get your focus together and look at the women.

  Megan turned to Veronica – showing her the tablet.

  Adrian could only guess that Megan was confirming their schedule for the week. Megan had addressed everything – and Veronica was in charge of arranging each breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drinks session which each of the ladies.

  Each meeting would be private for the Prince and the woman. He would be able to spend a short time with each.

  He overheard Veronica, "But, is it enough time for the Prince?"

  Megan scoffed, "More than enough – he won't beat around the bush."

  He smiled – Megan was right about that. When he wanted something – he knew it. And when he didn't want something, he knew that too.

  Veronica returned her gaze to the women – who are starting to settle down.

  Adrian looked to his right side – not surprised to see the curvy blond blinking and smiling at him.

  Cressida definitely seemed like his type – she was possibly at the lead – she was ferocious, beautiful, and played the part well. Adrian's stomach tied into a knot – was it decided already?

  He looked back to Veronica – and there was something different in her eyes this time. Her eyes rolled over the women – her eyes looked like they were full of pity, but her smile was tight – as if she was remembering something unpleasant, uncomfortable.

  I want to know more about her.

  The thought raced across his mind – he tried to shake it off, but he thought to himself – well, it only makes sense to get to know the woman who will be finding my bride.


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