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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

Page 5

by Cassandra Bloom

  Adrian returned his thoughts to the table of women in front of him.

  He raised a glass, and all the woman followed him.

  "To the next few days ladies – I hope you each find what you're looking for."

  The women giggled in response, and raised their glasses with a clink.

  Before they would begin their salads – he would play his game. He felt a smile pull at his lips. His eyes darted to Veronica – he was excited to test her.

  Adrian put up a hand, "So, for the first round – we'll see who makes the first cut."

  All the woman stopped – food halfway to their mouths. Their beautiful eyes stared at him.

  He took a look at Veronica – her eyes were hard, as she eyed him.

  Adrian leaned back, flexing his arms behind his head, "Let's see who can deep throat the best, shall we?"

  He looked at the bananas in front of them. His gaze returned to Veronica – her mouth had fallen open, as she looked up at them all with surprise.

  The woman all turned their heads to the display of fruit in front of them. Some of their eyes widened – a brief silence hung in the air.

  Adrian knew that there were more women than bananas.

  All part of the plan.

  Suddenly, the women launch for the bananas. Their floor length gowns were thrown aside as they scrambled onto the table towards the fruit. Their claws came out as they landed on their knees, snatching a bright yellow banana. The woman behind them – in the further seats – tried to rip the bananas from their hands. Adrian took in the whole scene – a huge smile pulled at his face.

  There was better than I thought.

  He noticed Cressida, slowly walk around the table, and she feasted her eyes on one of the woman with the banana in her hand. Immediately, Cressida launched onto her – ripping the banana from her hands with a painful scratch of her sharp talons. The woman yelled in pain.

  But the yell was drowned out – because the other woman were also snapping and growling at each other – until the bananas were gone.

  About seven or so women, including Cressida, shoved the bananas down their throat. Some of them peeled back to skin – but not Cressida, who had pushed it down with skin and all.

  Within moments, the women slurped at the bananas – making moans and batting their eyelashes at him.

  He couldn't help but smile wildly.

  Adrian stood up – and walked about the room. He let his gaze linger on each of the woman who slurped greedily at the fruit. He couldn't help but feel turned on.

  Always at my feet.

  Adrian ran his hands through their styled hair. He tugged and pulled at some of them, like he was their master. Like their hair was his reign to pull on it.

  With each tug, the woman moan in response.

  But for some reason – with all of them slobbering in front of them, his gaze fell on to Veronica.

  She was staring at him – biting her lip. Arose blush on her cheeks.

  Adrian looked up and down, with his hands crawled into her brunette hair. Veronica gulped.

  "Veronica –" his voice came a husky, "See that the women – the one that the fruit – find their way home."

  The rest of the woman who had sat there blinking and empty-handed looked at Adrian. Immediately, some of them cried out and begged for another chance.

  But, Adrian held up his hand, "I need an assertive woman, ladies – I'm sure you understand... Veronica?"

  His eyes Pearson to her – he could tell his test was working. Although she was holding herself still, he could see her tense body – she was squirming.

  But, she nodded once, "Of course sir –" Veronica turned on her heel and walked out.

  Megan barked orders for him, "Ladies – enjoy your dinner – as for the rest of you, get your things packed up."

  Adrian let go of the woman in front of him – and he walked back coolly to his seat. He dove into his meal – his hunger deep within.

  As some of the woman left – he felt a small pang of worry – his entire focus had been on Veronica – should he have let go of so many women so soon?

  But, the remaining voices flutter around him.

  His eyes met with the woman near him, one of them was Cressida.

  She smiled at him sweetly – he still had time.

  Chapter 10

  What the hell happened back there?

  Veronica raced through the ship – stopping in her office to order the boat for the women. She was hot and sweaty. Her breath came in in ragged gasps. She clutched at her shirt, trying to fan the heat off of her.

  She had witnessed worse than that before.

  But the way that Adrian looked at her – the way that he was teasing her, like all of this was for her.

  She had never felt such a powerful pool.

  She tried to shake herself free from the thoughts.

  Of course, he was hot – and charming, obviously.

  But, guys like him – only wanted women like her for night. And she didn't want to risk it – she was engaged for Christ's sake.

  Although, her body was betraying her – and told her a different story.

  She hugged herself – she had felt temptation before. And usually, she pledged herself to get rid of it. But it was nothing like this.

  Her body shook with nerves and want.

  She had never felt such a strong pull before. She finished ordering the boat – calling the necessary crew to help the women into the dock and back to the nearest town.

  She felt a little bad for them. But, the Prince was her client – she had to do what he said.

  She thought back over the dinner – the way his eyes glistened when she obeyed him.

  The look of his sharp eyes when she said the word "Sir".

  She shuttered – she hung up the phone with the last order. She found herself wandering to her room – she had a few minutes – because she knew that the rest of the party would be finishing up their dinner.

  The rest of the crew and Dexter would take care of them.

  She locked herself into her room – laying down on the bed.

  She took a deep breath – her breathing was still fast.

  She couldn't help but graze her hands over her body. They sent tingles through her skin – as her hands cupped her breasts and rubbed her belly.

  Her mind raced – usually, she would try to think of Brian.

  But, as always, that never worked. Her mind was always racing to a different man – a man she couldn't picture in her dreams – a fantasy man.

  She thought that would happen now, too.

  But, as her hands began to explore her body, and slip under her skirt, the man was clear in her vision.

  She imagined his blond hair grazing her face. She imagined his soft lips as they took hers into a kiss. She imagined his glistening green eyes looking down at her as he took pleasure within her.

  His muscles hovered above her body – and her fingers found her pleasure center. She made circles around her mound – as she imagined the man whom she felt she would have nothing to do with – thrusting into her.

  She moaned – letting her imagination run wild with his touch, his kisses, and his tongue.

  She imagined what it would be like if he made her get on her knees – and if he made her do dirty things to him.

  Suddenly, her body began to roll with pleasure – she wanted him to grab her hair just like he did with the ladies in the dining room. Veronica felt the need to have his power over her. She wanted to feel his strength and possession.

  Her body curled up – as she orgasmed. She shook with pleasure – her womanhood pulsing – wanting for Adrian's dick inside of her.

  As soon as she came to – she felt the embarrassment hit her cheeks. It was like she was waking from a dream.

  She shook her head – I should not have thought that.

  She should have been thinking about Brian.

  She shivered, wondering how easily she was lost into the idea of Adrian.

eronica felt vulnerable – she felt weak, not like the woman that she was used to being. She quickly cleaned herself up and went into the dock—she had to get the night ready for Adrian's first date.

  Night fell around them. Veronica hesitated at the door. 1000 thoughts flew through her head. Like what she had just done in the cabin, how she didn't think of Brian, and how her heart was pumping fast as she stared at Adrian from around the corner of the bridge – he was at the end of the boat, his hands on the rails. She had to admit that he was handsome. His shining blonde hair and crisp green eyes – she never seen to to face, something that was both heartwarming and masculine.

  She shook her head, trying to wake herself from the reverie she was standing just outside the bridge – the wind whipping her hair, her fiancé just inside. He was checking the ship's direction, every now and then.

  She grimaced – Brian looked weak and slinky compared Adrian. She never thought he was much of catch, but she got even less now. Her phone but in her pocket.

  She looked at it – sliding to accept the call.

  She close the door behind her – leaving Brian alone in the cabin, but still too far away for agent to hear her conversation. She grabbed onto the railing – looking out into the dark, glistening ocean.

  "Sweetie?" Her mother said over the phone.

  "Hey mom – it's not a good time right now –"

  her mother was never much for beating around the bush, "don't tell me you're working again – like the years was be off by now?"

  Veronica shook her head – exhaling. More than Brian, her mother had wanted Veronica to settle down. She had made it her mission to make sure Veronica got the white picket fence.

  "I know, I know mom – it's just –" she had to tell her – that she had a very important client this time. Royalty for God's sake.

  "Excuses, excuses – Veronica, men don't like when women works so much." Her mother's words stung her. She had said that before – but with the wedding so close, she wasn't sure if she should heed them or not.

  "Mom, this one is important – I swear – then I'm headed home, I promise." She closed her eyes – the words felt like they grated against her skin. Veronica knew she didn't want to go home.

  Her mother tsked her on the phone, "Sweetie – you have so much to do already – you barely send invitations on time – you really need to get your head back into this."

  Veronica sighed, she knew she wasn't going to win this argument – "Don't worry mom – Brian is well aware of where I am – he's here with me – and I will be there soon as I can."

  Her mother let out a soft groan, as if Veronica made these promises all the time.

  Veronica's eyes couldn't help but wander over to the other side of the boat – the lights illuminated his silhouette. Even in the dark, she could see his casual shorts and open white cabana shirt. She could tell he had nothing underneath. She felt hot all of a sudden – even though the night air was cool. She looked into the cabin – but Brian wasn't there anymore. Her heart sank a little – either he was off gambling online, one of his favorite hobbies, or – she didn't want to think about it.

  Deep within her, she hoped that Brian would have the balls and the money to help pay for her freedom.

  But she had committed this far – she was not about to give up hope now. Her mother began a quiet rant – telling Veronica, again, about her biological clock in the need for secure man. Veronica listened vaguely.

  Her eyes wandered back to Adrian – the feeling she had earlier, when she touched herself, arose in her.

  The feeling was the need for orgasm— thinking of him. She wanted to crumble at his feet. She gazed at him – nodding and murmuring yes or no to her mom.

  He was looking out into the night time ocean. It looked like he was taking it all in – not just admiring the view, but thinking about it. Pondering his life. She had seen that look a couple of times while she was on board – from the kinder people, the ones whose lives were unraveling.

  But, Adrian had looked like he had everything put together – the way he dominated the room, dominated the ladies – it seemed like he had everything he wanted. Then, Adrian slumped his shoulders – his hands on the rails as he bowed his head towards the ocean. It was as if his thoughts were crushing him. A new feeling arose in her. She wanted to reach out to him – to hold his gaze and comfort those green eyes. It's like she could feel him breaking into pieces – and she wanted to cradle him into her arms, make him feel good.

  She shook her head – trying to push out these intense thoughts.

  She turned away – trying to get him out of her mind, and she pushed any stray hairs from her bun back into her up do.

  "Veronica?" Her mother's voice sounded accusing, "Are you listening to me?"

  Veronica face blushed – she glad she wasn't face-to-face with her mother.

  "Oh my gosh – I gotta go – someone is calling me – love you bye." She hung up quick – she didn't want to answer more questions. She looked back out at Adrian – Megan had joined him, with a caring hand on his shoulder.

  Veronica felt a little bit of pride, Adrian did need comfort – and Veronica could see it a mile away.

  Chapter 11

  "Nothing seems to really phase her," Adrian said out loud. He stood over the railing looking out into the ocean's midnight view.

  "Sorry sir?" Megan looked up at him from the tablet.

  The women had for the most part gone to bed—he had his first "date" in a few minutes, but he was already exhausted.

  He blinked, not realizing that he had said it out loud, "I meant Veronica—I'm surprised she stuck that out."

  Megan eyed him, "According to my records, she's the best in her field—can handle anything and came highly recommended—that's why we booked this one."

  He nodded, "So, she's always so—" Adrian tried to find the right word, wound up, sexy, ready to be broken,— "professional?"

  He had done it on purpose, of course—as soon as she walked into the dining room, he couldn't help but be intrigued with her gaze.

  He wanted to see her squirm, so far no one else was on his mind as much as her.

  Veronica had looked over the women, watched them flock over him like crazy, and her gaze was at first surprised but then amused—like she had never seen this, and didn't believe it was real. He had wanted to push her limits, to test the waters.

  He had gotten what he was looking for—when her eyes fell on him, as he pulled the ladies' hair—she blushed.

  That's what I want.

  The image of her face burned in his mind—more than it should.

  He couldn't help but think it—he'd forgotten the last time he had made a woman blush, most of the women were ready and willing, not that he could complain.

  But, he had almost lost sight of his goal already—get a wife.

  He tried to shrug it off, "What's next?"

  "Miss Bourgeois—"

  "Which one is that one?"

  "She's the one with the short hair and the tattoo on her—"

  "Cut her."

  Megan blinked in surprise, "But sir—you haven't even spent time with—"

  "What did I just say, Meg?" He didn't feel like arguing—but if he barely remembered the miss, then she hadn't made an impression.

  Megan looked down to the tablet, "Of course, sir."

  He didn't want to tell Meg that she might have been right, he'd barely been here a few hours and he already messed this plan up. He was thinking too much about the staff instead of the potential fiances.

  Thinking too much on the ferocity that is Veronica.

  Adrian groaned, slumping his shoulders down, hanging his head, "What am I going to do Meg?"

  She cleared her throat, clearly unaware of his true thoughts, "You're going to get married to a respectable women and convince Parliament that your bad body days are over."

  She said it cut and dry.

  He took a deep breath, looking out into the dark horizon.

  Too bad I can'
t just run away.

  "And, what if I can't do it—what if I can't find a good one?"

  She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder but her voice remained firm, "Sir—we had the best people pick the cream of the crop for you—it will work."

  He took a deep breath and turned away from her.

  Megan turned off her tablet, and eyed him for a moment, "You need a break sir—we'll start back up in the morning, I'll order a drink for you."

  He nodded, glad to get some time alone.

  He heard her footsteps walk away and off the deck, he felt heavy.

  He looked up at the stars, wondering if his mother would see him now, what she would say. She might chide him, his days had finally caught up to him. She had always frowned upon his escapades, but not because they caused public grief.

  "Because, you deserve to be loved too," she had said to him, holding his face in her hands.

  He looked away, not wanting to feel her motherly care—he had done so much wrong already.

  Slowly, she pulled out the small wooden box—he knew what it was—his mother's engagement ring.

  "I've kept it safe inside this box, since the day your father and I were married—it's for you and the woman you love."

  He felt the sting in his eyes, "Mom, I won't have someone like that—I'm not—"

  She shushed him with kind eyes, "Don't let your past define you—if I love you, trust me—you will find another who will too."

  She gave him a kiss on his forehead and he gave her a hug.

  He missed her—he wished he could ask her for guidance, for once. But, it was too late.

  "Sir?" a voice said behind him.

  Damn, it had to be her.

  Her voice sent a chill through him, and he turned slowly to face Veronica's dark gaze.

  She looked him up and down, with a tray in her hand. She looked concerned.

  Even in the darkness of the night, her silhouette called to him—she was going to drive him crazy.

  There was a clear glass on the tray, glistening in the warm night.

  He reached out and took the glass, "Thank you, Veronica."


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