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Microsoft Word - Book 12 FINAL

Page 4

by Unknown

  It was a wonderful gift from Bama to them.

  They loved all the different color schemes and design elements she was adding and all the men were going to love their new homes. Bama also helped them work out the details on the man caves for their mates, so they could have time to bond with their buddies. Cami and Jo had commented on the fact that they had been whining because they had not been able to do things like the girls had. They wanted to watch their football or sports on the big screens. So that is what they were getting. Each of them was going to have rooms just for them, decorated in their favorite sports teams and with fully stocked bars and snack stations. They had all made the compromise because the men had been so wonderful about letting them decorate the rest of the house. All of them had been given the black credit cards with no limits tied into the pack restoration fund and told to have fun. That was what they were all doing too.

  "Wait, I have a few things to add before we are done. Did you see the wonderful lights in the other section; I don’t want the lamps the store put in with the bedroom set. I want something else I saw over there." Bama said and hurried over to where the lights were.

  Once again, when they saw the lamps, she had chosen with the shades she pulled in from a nearby part of the store they were reminded of Bama’s innate sense of style.

  They laughed when Cloe had to have help off the bed. She had been having false labor for a few days, and they had all thought she was going to deliver any day.

  "I feel like I swallowed a beach ball,” Cloe grumbled to Skye and Trinity, who were helping her.

  "I can't wait until I get that big, because it will mean it’s almost time to see my children,"

  Trinity said wistfully. They already picked out furniture for the baby's rooms.

  They made their choices quickly and then walked to the front of the store where the Enforcers who were guarding them today waited. Cami loved messing around with them.

  "Okay boys, we’re going on a little side trip," Cami announced and then the men looked at each other warily.

  "What is the destination Luna?"

  "You’ll see, let's just get moving; I'll give you directions on the way.” The Alpha announced and walked out of the store with the rest of them trailing her. They always looked like they were in a caravan when they went out together. A long line of black SUV's sat waiting for them, the windows were darkened so none could see in.

  Casey paused and said, "Hey wait, we are going to Denver tomorrow right?"

  Cami stopped and smiled. “I have the author booked for tomorrow. I am so excited.

  Quin and Jaden put in that call, and we’re actually having lunch with her after the signing."

  Ruby laughed. "Yeah, the parents are thrilled with having us come in. They have the room set up in the back. We’ll have it all to ourselves. I just wish I felt safe enough to bring the babies to them. I know they want to see their grandchildren."

  "Don’t worry Ruby; they come to spend time with the children here. Maybe we can talk them into opening a branch of their restaurant here in town. Then they’d have to make regular trips out here. Oh, I have missed Margie and Rodgers Italian food. They have the most amazing pasta.” Jo groaned and rubbed her flat stomach.

  "They also have the wine," Ruby said and grinned. "They are waiting for a few more months to build their new place up here, so we won't have to miss out for much longer.

  They had to find someone trustworthy enough to take over that site, before they expanded."

  "Woohoo,” Cami called and clapped her hands, "You will all love the Moscato di Asti, they have imported. It is unbelievable. I am so going to be at the 'Grand Opening' in Milliken, they have the most amazing calamari."

  They all got into the SUV's and continued to talk about their outing that was coming up.

  It was really the first time, besides this trip; they were allowed to go out. Cami's Bookstore in Denver has pulled off a big coup to have the author they had all been reading for months come in for a signing.

  Shea Channing was one of the best-selling Paranormal Romance Ménage writers out there. She told amazing stories of shifters finding their soul mates and living happily ever after. The sex was hot too, when Cami had turned them on to her books, none of the females had been able to get enough. They bought her books right when they were released. To be having lunch with her was amazing.

  They all talked about the last book that she had released. It was a new series, and none of them had gotten it yet. They were waiting for the signing because they each wanted a signed copy. Bama had been the last of them to read the books, and she was clamoring to get them finished before the signing.

  "I can't wait to meet the others in the Denver Pack. I have heard so much about some of them through the Enforcers. Did you know that Tripp's family is all there? He has so many brothers and sisters that I will never be able to remember them. His mother is meeting us at Willow’s warehouse." Casey said.

  They had all become close to Tripp. He had been promoted weeks ago as the chief Enforcer, and they had all agreed that he was doing a wonderful job making sure that they were protected. All of them felt safe when he assured them the children had the best guards. Tripp handpicked each of the Enforcers, who were assigned to them and their children. It made them all feel better knowing that they would not get someone who they would not get along with. One of the Enforcers refused to allow Cami and Jo to stop for their chocolate one day, and it had turned out to be world war three in the compound until Quin had to pull the young wolf aside and explain there was one place that was safe for the women to get their fix. And he should never stand in the way of Cami, and her treats.

  They arrived at the warehouse that Willow had told them about. They had discovered a few months back that their favorite online store was based right here in Milliken. It was run by Shane's mother, Willow, and she was wonderful. They had been embarrassed when they found out that Shane's mother was the one who had the online store they ordered from. She hadn’t opened a store because she designed all the items herself and then had some specialized seamstresses that helped manufacture. She didn’t have time to run a store on top designing and running the online business. Bama had money, style; Skye had time, and then Trinity approached them. She had all her wages saved from when she had worked for Councilman Spencer. So they agreed to open a specialized ladies store, and that Bama would design the layout of the store and be the head merchandise buyer and Skye and Trinity would be in charge of the day-to-day operations. Then they approached Willow about showcasing her beautiful high-quality lingerie in the store, and she had agreed.

  When they got into the warehouse office, Bama stood in the back feeling a little strange that her mate's mother was going to know what she was doing. So far, she had made a good impression on the lady, and she hated to think that she would think badly about her if she bought something too racy. The receptionist in the outer office showed them through a door into a large design room with a large cutting table, a drafting table with sketches on it and dress forms and fabrics along the walls.

  "Good Morning girls, let me introduce Tara. She’s Tripp’s mother and as she has some delightfully naughty ideas. I’ve asked her if she wants to design under my label. So what do I owe this pleasure to?" Willow said from behind a counter where she was working on some new designs. Tara was standing nearby learning the process.

  Cami walked up and hugged her. “Now we know what Tripp meant when he said we’d meet you here. Willow, we have an emergency."

  "Well you have come to the right place for that. So who are we helping today?" she smiled.

  Bama shifted on her feet nervously. It was the first time in a long time she felt unsure of herself. "Uh, that would be me."

  His mother laughed and clapped. "Finally."

  Bama let out the breath she had been holding and laughed. “Yes, well it was me holding back."

  "No, my son and mate are not the quickest men in the world. I told them a week ago they needed to get on the
ball and make me some grandbabies. They refused to listen.

  Now, I am assuming this is for a special night?"

  Bama nodded and blushed. "Sí, it is a surprise."

  "Oh well, I can keep my lips closed for as long as you need. With your coloring dear, I think I have just the thing for you. It is a one of a kind because I just made it. So far, I have been holding it back until I can get another specialized seamstress. But I think I rather like the idea that it would be just yours. Let's see what you think.” She turned to look at Cami before leading Bama away. “Cami, that door in the corner leads to my sample room it has samples of all my product lines, if you and the others want to go through them, just write down the style numbers from the tags down on a pad, and I’ll pull the right sizes from inventory. The order pads are in the right hand drawer under the design table”

  Bama nodded and followed the older woman out of the front office and into the back.

  Willow explained as they walked along. “I run the online business from here. I have my own office upstairs for the business aspects, but I like my design room nearby where the seamstresses can easily come and ask me questions.” Bama could see about three women cutting fabric on the left with special cutting machines. Willow saw where she was looking. “Once we feed the patterns into the machines, it can precisely cut through a thick pile of fabric all at once. Then the fabric pieces are moved over to the seamstresses for sewing together. Then the finishers and quality inspectors go over each piece individually and put in the labels if they pass inspection. Lastly, each piece is carefully packaged to preserve the materials and place into inventory. The inventory racks divide the manufacturing area from the shipping area. When an online order comes in a picking ticket is printed out, then the picker takes a clipboard of picking tickets, and a rolling cart goes through the inventory and pulls the items. Once all the items are picked, they initial the ticket and take the cart over to the shipping department. We ship worldwide because of the online site.”

  “I had no idea how much went into an online storefront. Of course, now I realized what a huge endeavor this must be for you. No wonder you don’t have time to open and run a storefront as well.”

  Willow gave her a smile and then picked up a garment bag that was hanging near the cutting tables. “Let’s go back so everyone else can take a look too.” And they turned to walk back. “Thank you so much for the tour.” Bama said.

  “You’re welcome anytime sweetie, and anytime you want to surprise your men, come see me. Now that I know your coloring and size, I have some ideas for a few more things to fill out your trousseau. We can look over the designs and if you like them; I'll have them made up in time for the wedding.” Bama got tears in her eyes and pulled Willow into her arms for a hug. “I’m very lucky to be getting such a warm hearted and generous mother-in-law as you. Thank you so much, I was worried about being so far away from my family, and now you’ve accepted me into yours so quickly I know that I’ll be happy and have nothing to worry about. I’ll be a good wife to your sons Willow.”

  Willow gave her a squeeze and then a kiss on the cheek then with a grin to lighten the mood added, “I know you will baby, and I’ve already started designing a new line of maternity lingerie and sexy nursing bras.” Bama giggled and gave Willow a wink.

  Cami and the others had a list of things ready for purchase when Bama called from the dressing area in the corner of the design room the models used asking for Trinity. She said she needed an opinion. Trinity smiled, when Bama first came to the Council, they had become fast friends because of Lagon her dragon mate. She walked over to the partition and saw Bama step out, and she gasped.

  Bama was dressed in a long flowing pale yellow gown that was an intricately designed with lace showing her stomach and legs but with satin overlay to hide her breasts and nether region. She looked beautiful with the color bringing out the tones in her darker skin; she was glowing. The gown was sexy and demure all at the say time.

  Cami had come behind them and began to whistle. Bama smiled and then turned around so they could see the whole thing, it was gorgeous.

  "I want one in red.” Cami called.

  "Blue.” Trinity whispered, and on it went with the women all coming and asking for a different color.

  "It is perfect.” Bama whispered and looked in the mirror.

  "My boys won't know what hit them.” Their mother said and laughed. Then she took the girls over to another corner of the room. “I have something to show you girls. There are many shades of colors and with all the time we’ve spent together, I’ve come up with a palette for each of you. There are three warm colors, three cool colors plus the perfect shade of white and either a brown or a black as well for each of you. Any style you choose will be made up in your colors and those colors won’t be used for anyone else.

  They will be exclusive to you. I also have made up some patterns mixing up your colors with embroidery and prints so altogether you each have eighteen choices of color or print. Then of course there are the different types of satins, silks and soft brushed cottons, and I’ve recently begun adding in some thin and very supple leather.” She passed around books to each of the women. Cami and the others were awed and just about to speak when there was a knock on the door. Bama rushed back behind the screen as Willow called, “Come In.”

  As Bama changed back into her clothes, three seamstresses came into the room, two were pulling rolling racks holding garment bags, and one was pushing a large card piled high with boxes. She heard Willow thank the ladies as she slipped into her ankle boots and zipped up her designer jeans. She quickly hung up her negligee and zipped it into the garment bag calling out, “Wait for me, don’t open anything yet!” A few minutes later, she stepped out and carried her garment bag over to where Willow was standing with the other ladies.

  Each of the ladies had been looking through their fabric books, oohing, and ahhing over them. After they were all together again, Willow spoke up again. “I wanted to give you all thank you gifts. When you started buying from my site, before even knowing who I was all of your positive feedback and glowing reviews that you posted resulted in a twenty percent increase in sales. I’ve been able to increase my staff, offering jobs to our community.

  As you can see, you each have two garment bags with your names on them. So you can throw those order pads away, you won’t be purchasing any lingerie today. I’ve created a completed a complete set of new designs, specifically for your preferences based on your purchasing history along with some things I believe fit your individual personalities. All the items are in your exclusive colors. I had my seamstresses make up enough to last you ten days of use. When you’ve tried them all, they are each tagged with your exclusive style numbers so you will be able to order replacements of your favorite items.

  Cami stepped over to her, “Finding your site and buying stuff with the others has been something that has kept us, and our mates, happy during the time since the explosion.

  You’ve given us much more than we deserve but there’s no way in hell we’re turning down your gift because I for one can’t wait to see and try on each and every piece you’ve given us.

  I’m also sure that whatever you’ve designed for our mates; they'll love too. Now can we please open up some of these bags and boxes; I'm dying to see everything!” She finished, and everyone laughed.

  They started unzipping and opening packages, showing off things to their friends. No two garments were precisely the same, each one unique and with a special design element for that woman’s mate triad. They were all making plans and deciding on what they wanted to wear first when Bama opened a box of men’s underwear tanks and in the package was a smaller box of small round fabric discs. She turned to Willow and asked,

  “Willow, what are these disks for?”

  Willow looked over at the disks and then Cami, who’d seen what she was holding, called everyone to attention again. She’d found a similar package and wondered what it was.

gave a sultry smile, picked up a shirt and the fabric disk and explained. “Well, for example, Cami, if you look, you’ll see the disks have either a light blue or dark blue dot in the center. These are scent pads; just before your mate's dress for the day or the night before rub the scent pads, one of each color, under your breasts or over your mons. You don’t want to get it soaked with sweat or even damp, just embed your scent into it. Then take the dark-blue disk and put Quin’s scent on it and Jaden’s scent on the light-blue disk. Each of the tanks has a thin pocket near the neckline, slip the scent pad into the pocket. The dark-blue disk goes into Jaden’s tank and the light-blue disk into Quin’s. It’s my version of scratch and sniff.” And they all laughed. “Each time they scratch over where the pad is the mingled scents of their mates will be refreshed. It will keep them content when you’re separated from each other during the day.”

  “What a great idea Willow, I know my guys will love this. They’ve been very supportive of me opening the store with Trinity and Bama but anxious to be away from me for long.

  We’ve only been together for a short time and after what happened when I was, kidnapped Argus and Jacob really do get worried when they can’t touch me. Hopefully, this will help Argus with his growlyness. He’s been a Royal Mr. Grumpypants lately and even though Jacob hides it better I know he feels strained when we’re apart too.” Skye said, and they all agreed their mates would love Willow’s invention.

  “Well I also added slits on the sides of your bra cups so if you want to you can add scent pads to your bras. Those pads are in your packages too and have a small pink dot.”

  When she finished Jo went over and gave her a big hug. The others quickly followed.

  Then always knowing when to lighten the mood, Cami spoke up again, “Okay people, remember we need to have a decadent love nest set up by lickety split. I’m sure the furniture van will be arriving at the compound within the hour, and we want to make sure Shane and Trace don’t see what we’re doing.”


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