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Microsoft Word - Book 12 FINAL

Page 5

by Unknown

  As they all began putting their garments away, Willow walked over to Kira and the other pregnant ladies. “I’m sorry I didn’t know you were all pregnant. I don’t know how I could have missed it. The lingerie may not fit properly. I’ll have new things made immediately okay?”

  Kira turned to her with a look “Actually we were all wondering how you knew we were all pregnant when it was a secret until this morning. All the garments are the right sizes for us.”

  Willow thought for a moment and then looked at Lacy. “It must have been your mom Lacy; Adele was here when I was filling out the final design and order list to send out to the manufacturing floor. How wonderful it was of her to think of it.”

  “I’ll remember to call her and thank her for it. Did she buy any things Willow I’d love to choose something for her and my Dad as a gift?”

  “She got a few things. I tell you what, come see me next week, and we’ll work on something special for the grandmother to be. I want to get her something that will make her feel young and sexy instead of grandmotherly.” She said with a smile.

  “That sounds perfect, and she has a birthday coming up too.” Lacy answered.

  They all finished wrapping their items and were ready to go. Cami called in three enforcers to load the bags and boxes into the storage areas of the SUV’s. They knew this was a shopping trip and had included an extra vehicle for storage room if they needed it.

  One of the first things Casey had done upon taking over the pack's finances with her Twin Reggie was to negotiate a fleet rate with a dealer in Denver. They got low lease rates with the ability to get new vehicles every two years along with an excellent maintenance package. Then she negotiated for local pack members owned auto repair shops to be authorized dealer reps. The pack paid the dealer the lease, warranty, and maintenance fees and then the dealer paid the pack owned shops when the work was done. And Reggie helped negotiate for the local shops to make sure that when acting as reps for the dealer they got paid the highest percentages for their work. The dealer a percentage of the repairs and then had well maintained used vehicles to re-sell on his lot.

  Cami gave one last look to make sure nothing; no one was skipped or missing and climbed into her assigned SUV, and the lead Enforcer gave the go-ahead to return to the compound.

  Chapter 3

  Bama planned for the group ceremony to happen in two months time, on the summer equinox. Even though the other triad mates completed their claims, they’d all caught wedding fever and wanted to participate in the ceremony.

  Bama was excited for the weekend to come. First, they would have the luncheon with the author they loved, then a day of pampering followed by the next day she set for claiming; Trace and Shane planned the dinner, while she planned the entertainment, where they would finally officially make her theirs.

  She converted one of the smaller bedrooms in the B&B into a temporary office. She stood back from the large board that she had put up in order to make sure that everyone had places for their families and friends to stand. They were building a huge gazebo out in the courtyard of the compound. It was surrounded by trees and was probably the most beautiful place she had ever seen. The mountains in the background and the flowers they were planting around would give it an air of mystical romance.

  So many different shifters were going to be in town that she knew they would have to make sure the local law enforcement was going to be on their toes. Sometimes the shifters tended to get a little rowdy, and she didn't want anything to draw attention to their large gathering.

  She looked at the map of Milliken and smiled. Some of the shifters bought property to make their own Prides, Packs, and Aries in the area. Argus moved his entire Pride from Texas to Milliken. They took up the eastern border of the compound. Bama really wanted to go over and see the different shifters that belonged to his Pride. Cami had been over and came back so excited to have met new shifters.

  She laughed when she remembered a confrontation between Ryan the Northern Pride King and Argus. Every property and tract of land he was interested in Argus had already purchased or had a pending escrow on. Then Trace walked by and mediated an agreement between the two pride leaders.

  The Council was just beginning to actually make headway on what they had been called to do. It was exciting to see all the Council members doing what their destiny called them for.

  Quinn and Jaden set up their office once again in the Pack compound house. They hired a secretary to make appointments, and they once again were doing their Alpha duties for both the Denver Pack and the Council Pack. During all of this mess, the Denver Pack was kinda put on the back burner. None of the members seemed to mind because they knew what was going on, but still. They needed their leadership back. Many things in Denver had changed, and they needed to know they still belonged to the Pack.

  Jaden made several trips to make some changes, and to get to know some of the new members. Jean Paul, Sarah, Charlie, and Judy became important people in the Denver Pack. Since joining, Jean-Paul and Charlie were Enforcers and soon to be named the head Enforcers of the Denver Pack. Devon and Darien were extremely impressed with them. Cami had called and asked the two women to take over her bookstore in Denver, and they were going to be at the luncheon with them tomorrow. Sarah had been working as a bank teller and would take over the bookkeeping tasks. Judy had been working in a marketing firm as an assistant in the art department. She would take over the front of the store. Both girls had a good eye and contacts throughout the community to keep people coming into the store.

  Devon began getting the Enforcers training camp back up and running. Gregg, Quin's other brother, had moved to the training facility to take over the day-to-day operations.

  Devon began searching for different shifters to join in the training. Ryan and the Cat Warriors were taking advantage of it, and so far; they sent thirty members to train.

  Cloe and her mates were busy setting up their offices. Darien and Teagan were almost qualified to be PA's; they would be taking their tests in the next six months, but they were making Cloe take time off and stay in her office at their new home and work to organize and consult from there. She was ready to give birth anytime, and her men were sure that she was going to overdo something. Cloe was getting annoyed with their constant hovering.

  Reggie and Casey got a handle on the Pack’s financial holdings and day-to-day operations. They had been given an office in the Pack compound house, and they were busy accounting for all the repairs and building expenses. Quinn and Jaden had given them the access to all the accounts; they had available. And since they had started, Reggie had taken over the packs investing so now the money was making money.

  Blaine and his mates didn’t need an office per se since they had visions anywhere and everywhere. Bama and Trinity had been a little freaked out when they had done the whole 'woo woo' thing when they were trying to order dresses. Blaine had slammed into the changing room and surprised them all. Now they could laugh about it, but the men had not been happy that Blaine had seen their mates in their underwear.

  Lacy and her mother Adele set up shop in Milliken, selling their potions and stuff. She had a consulting room at her shop, and she’d also set up her office in the Pack house, so she could see shifters that wanted to mate. She had been involved in only a few sessions, but so far, everything seemed to be going good. Those shifters that were a little intimidated about seeing her at the pack house came to the shop. Mostly, it was shifters that didn’t belong to the New Council pack, though she’d also had a few visits from her human pack mates.

  She reminded herself to speak with Cami about that. With so many shifters coming into town, it was important that their human pack members still felt included. Her mates were taking the calls from reports of abuse and then helping to get resources to those in need. Luckily, there weren’t too many of those types of situations to worry about.

  Jordan and her mates were always in their home office poring over the files of the Old Council. They had n
ot made it through many but found a lot of important information.

  And they were in the process of setting up a hard copy system and online library for this Council to record their laws and store important documents.

  Lagon had begun working closer with the children; they loved him, and so far, he had identified some of their powers. As a Council, they knew they would have to hire a teacher for them all, but they were stumped with who they should get. Each of them had different powers that worked together. Until they had all had their kids, they didn’t know exactly what they were dealing with. Hope was definitely the leader though.

  Trinity and Blaze set up an office to meet potential Packs, Prides, and other groups that were petitioning to become a formal community. They had appointments scheduled nearly back to back for the next few weeks.

  Argus and his mates were slowly bringing out and updating his books. They had all been surprised at how many different shifters and magical beings, there were in the world. Skye was really good at making sure the lists were organized for the rest of them.

  She would give histories and contact information for each of them. Cami was constantly bugging them about making sure she got her own personal list, so she could make sure she was up-to-date on everything.

  Trace, of course, had been busy courting Bama with Shane, but in between that time, they had begun their search for members of the Old Council who were willing to come and help them. Of course, they had a few already, but Trace had gone as far as getting some of the elders from other shifter groups to also help. He was setting up meetings with each of them, hoping to bring together a group that could be an advisory board to them all. There were many bad feelings between shifters, and together they hoped to bridge the differences.

  Bama was looking at the chart she had made and thought she was going to have to get the rest of the girls in here soon to help. She would hate to put someone next to someone they hated. With their luck, her beautiful commitment ceremony would turn into a brawl, and then she would be pissed.

  Chapter 4

  Lev walked into the restaurant and looked around, Griff should be here. Lev had been running a few minutes late because of a last minute call they had. Griff sat in the corner of the diner with his back to him, but Lev would have known him anywhere. His long, blonde, bushy hair hung messily around his shoulders. He smiled when he saw that he was wearing one of those tee shirts that were tye-dyed and had a smiley face on the front of it.

  Lev walked around to the other side of the booth and smiled down at the man. Griff stood up and held out his hand to Lev. Lev felt the tingle of something when he took his hand into his. It was like a spark of something. Griff grinned wider and then motioned for him to sit down across from him.

  Lev nodded and slid into the booth. They were so different, Lev had never been attracted to someone so opposite of himself before. The man in front of him screamed hippy, and he was a more black-and-white type of guy. He wondered how this was going to work.

  "So, how is your day going?” Griff asked, and Lev felt the shiver of appreciation as his smooth, deep voice ran down his spine. He had a sexy voice; he remembered how his cock had gotten so hard the first time they met and Griff had talked to him. Now he had it under control a little more but not much. His voice affected him like no other; he found it a little disconcerting.

  "Great,” he said feeling a little self-conscious now that they were face to face again. “Oh, thanks for all the gifts, I keep them on my desk at work where I can see them."

  Griff blushed and nodded. He gave him small pewter figurines; Lev had been touched with each of the notes that he sent with them.

  "No problem, I figured since you were new in town and all, that it would be nice to see the different shifters in the area," Griff said.

  He gave him a wolf, a tiger, a cougar, and an eagle. But the first one is the one that he loved the most. It was a Gryphon. Lev figured it was because of his name, it was by far the best out of them all.

  "Tell me about yourself," Lev said and raised his hand to the waitress and indicated he would have a glass of whatever Griff was drinking.

  "Well, I’m from Ireland," Griff said and let his accent play heavily in his voice. Lev chuckled because it sounded a little strange coming from the man. He had a little Irish lilt to his voice to begin with, and mixed with the Texan drawl, made his voice very unique. "I moved to Texas when I was young, my parents had heard about a Pride that accepted all kinds of shifters and moved to join them. I’m a little different than most."

  Lev narrowed his eyes. Should he tell the man that he had a problem with shifters when he was growing up? It didn’t matter now; he was attracted to the man, but he was leery about becoming involved with a shifter. Deciding to wait until Griff told him his past and got a gauge on what the man was like, Lev nodded.

  Griff looked at him curiously and said, "Is that a problem?" Griff was perceptive enough to notice the air in the booth changed when he mentioned shifters.

  Lev paused and looked at Griff in the eyes. "I’ll tell you that I didn’t have the best upbringing with shifters. It will take a while to explain that, needless to say, I haven’t been treated the best by the shifters in this town. Kids can be cruel with their teasing, etc., and it wasn’t easy being one of the few non-shifters in town. You think I’m new here when actually; I’ve lived in this town all my life. Because of the shit I went through from grammar school, up until I graduated High School, I didn’t really want to stick around. However, this is my pack just as much as it is the shifters, so I still called Milliken my home. Until recently though, I’ve just used my place to crash and spent my waking hours elsewhere. I guess you could say I went lone wolf for a while."

  Griff grimaced and then said, "And I sent you figurines of them."

  "No, those were great, I didn't mean that. Listen, it was a long time ago, and I’ve tried to put it behind me. That’s why I accepted the post as Sheriff, my dad left my mom before I was born, and so she came here to live with her folks, when I was about two, she married this great guy Gregori, he’s a wolf shifter. They travel a lot so I live in the apartment over the garage and keep an eye on the house when they're away. Anyway, I was raised in the pack and there was a group of shifter children who seemed to think it was funny to pick on the human.”

  Griff's eyes turned hard and he said, “Who was it?"

  Lev laughed and smiled. "I don't think they all still live here; I saw one today. That isn’t the point. I have struggled for years about coming home, or maybe I should say making my presence known. It’s just that it’s time, and the request from my Alpha to take over as Sheriff showed that I’m valued. My parents usually head back to Alaska this time of year but for now they’ve decided to stick around, it’s nice spending time with them again."

  "I would never say anything that implied a shifter is better than a full human, because it’s flat out not true.” Griff said and made a strange noise. If he had to explain it later, he’d be unable to. "I had similar problems when I was growing up but not for being a non-shifter, for being different. So I would never judge you."

  "It's cool I’m over it or mostly. Let’s change the subject to something more pleasant, back to you. You moved to Texas?” Lev said and thanked the waitress who brought him an iced tea.

  "Yeah, well, I had this desire for sparkly things. I loved making jewelry, so I went to school, and now that’s what I do. I work with different metals and made the figures I gave you myself out of molds I made for pendants and necklaces. I’m doing real well now that our Pride moved up here with me. My parents are building a home by the one I built. It’s just east of town." Griff smiled. He relaxed once again now that they had changed subjects.

  "What are you going to have for lunch?” Lev said and then they talked about the town and various light topics. Lev found himself liking the other man’s sense of humor and general laid-back attitude. He was very easy to talk to, and Lev found himself wishing the lunch date wouldn’t end. By the end
of the meal, they had discovered a lot of things about each other, and Lev felt comfortable enough to think that this might be good relationship.

  They stood, and Griff insisted on paying the bill. As they walked outside, Griff put a hand on his back, and Lev felt the heat through his shirt. Wow, this guy was sexy.

  When they stepped out into the sunlight, Griff gently touched his back and said, “So, we are still on for dinner?"

  Lev smiled and nodded. "Absolutely, what time should I be there?"

  "Uh, is 6:00pm too soon?" Griff grinned, and Lev chuckled and shook his head.

  "Nah, six would be perfect."

  "Great, I'll meet you after work at my store," Griff said and then hesitated. “I know we didn’t have a chance to talk about this, but uh, you do realize that we're mates?"

  Lev felt his eyes widen; he may not be a shifter, but he knew what a mate was. This gorgeous and handsome man was his mate, like they were to be together for the rest of his life? Had he really just dropped that bomb on him standing on the sidewalk outside of the Diner?

  "Wh...What?" Lev stammered.

  Griff tried to smile, but the sadness reached his eyes. Lev hated the fact he knew so little about this. When his father explained mating to him when he was young, he hadn’t really understood it. I mean, how do you look at someone, smell them, and know without talking to them that they are the one you are fated for? It really didn’t make sense. What if they were wrong, what if Griff was supposed to have a shifter mate, not a human? What if his scent was only enticing to him because he was a human? All of these questions ran through his mind as he stood there trying to grasp the situation.

  "Sorry, I thought maybe because your step-father was a wolf he would have explained it to you. I, uh, felt the pull to you when we met. I thought you felt it too and gave you time to get used to the whole mating thing since you were a human. I really put my foot into it this time," he groaned and ran a hand down his face.


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