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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 10

by Lee Morgan

  It was hard to fathom just how much this simple object has done for him. It had allowed Connor to survive in the wild and saved not only his life but also the one he loves more than anything. It has never failed him, but it will someday and that could prove disastrous. Connor didn’t truly want to change it because it is his most prized possession, but it had to be done. Sentimentality is sometimes weakness. He had a deep rooted feeling it needs to be done because some part of him knows something bad will happen one day.

  He looked down at Tool once again and said “Neither of us are as we once were, are we? Just like I’ve become stronger so too shall you.”

  Sorono silently watched as Connor lifted up the cube from his side and held each item in a hand. Now it is time for Tool’s ascension.

  Connor closed his eyes and focused his mind for the upcoming task. In his mind’s eye were the separate images of Tool and the large cube of steel. His mind watched how the separate metals began melding together and changing into a larger version of his oldest companion. He felt the enormous flow of energy flowing down his arms and into the metals. It was then that he reopened his eyes.

  Tool floated above his left hand, just as the cube began doing in the other. Each of the separate metals started from a cold and rigid state and its temperature increased until they were both burning cherry red. The heat they gave off overwhelmed the small wood fire, that sat only a few feet away. Once their heated intensities were sufficient, they started drifting together. The moment they touched each other, several metallic shards sparked off them. Connor and Sorono watched as Tool and the cube began consuming each other and soon a perfect sphere of molten metal hovered above his upturned hands.

  The slightly different metals began blending and mixing together until everything became perfectly balanced, both inside and out.

  It was then that the red hot sphere of steel began its final shape change. The sphere slowly turned into a tear shape and the smaller diameter began to turn into a cylinder. The large head of the tear began widening. On one side it began turning into a sledgehammer. The head of the hammer became as thick as Connor’s fist where as it was originally only two and a half fingers wide in Tool’s previous life. On the backside of the forming metal flared the axe side that was still forming its crescent blade. The original hatchet’s length was measured at four and a half inches from tip to tip, but now its length is closer to seven inches. The blade continued forming and sharpening to a fine and razor sharp edge. They then looked back at the handle to see that the diameter was the perfect shape for Connor’s hand to fit comfortably and its length had grown from six inches to ten. It could now be used as a two handed weapon, if the need arose.

  Once its new shape had been finalized, it continued floating above Connor’s hand until it cooled. It took five minutes to evenly cool down and during that time they both silently watched the floating weapon. Then his instinct knew it was safe enough and the steel drifted back down to his waiting hands.

  The new weapon had gained at least ten pounds, but it was proportionally the same as was its balancing point. It was smooth, undamaged and perfect. The new axe revealed itself to be extremely sharp because a pine needle was effortlessly cut after Connor gently rubbed it against the curved blade.

  “Now that is a weapon that is more suited to you. It is now only half complete.”

  “What do you mean, only half?”

  “As Harmonizers, our strength overwhelms all ordinary metal. What must be done next is to use Metal’s next level to strengthen the steel’s density.”

  Connor held a hand up for him to stop. “The last time we were on that subject we were in the old painted history temple. Before we made a mistake that almost got everyone killed, you told me about Metal’s other ability. You told me that it uses the most amount of energy compared to every other manipulated element. You also said there isn’t much need to use it often, because of the drain.”

  Sorono smiled and gave him a simple nod. “That I did, indeed. There isn’t much use for it in day to day living, but sometimes there will be a great need. Like me, you never leave anything half finished. Right now that is where Tool is. It is an incomplete project. Despite its new dimensions, it is still weak.” His large hazel eyes glanced at it gripped in his sibling’s left hand. “How about you see the proof of my words for yourself. Bend the handle with only your natural physical strength.”

  His brow drew together, but Connor complied. He grasped the end of the handle on his right hand and his left grasped the head. His muscles flexed at half their true strength just as he put tension to the task. With only raw and pure physical strength, the handle shrieked in agony as it bent like a boomerang. And the physical exertion felt effortless. Connor could bend steel with his own strength better than a mechanical compressor.

  “Now you understand the problem.”

  “That I do.” Before anything else was said or done Connor used more power over Metal to fix the handle, returning it into a perfectly straight weapon once again. His eyes then returned to Sorono’s. “Alright, what must be done?”

  Sorono smiled knowingly. “The next level is as simple as a thought, but you must have the strength for it to follow through. What you must do is look at the metal that you want to manipulate and imagine it turning pure black. And if you know your draining energy too fast, cut the energy transfer immediately. You will be able to do this on your own, but if you need my assistance, I’ll be right here.”

  Connor nodded and steadied himself for a few minutes. Sorono’s words told him how difficult the attempt would be and he took those words seriously. After a few breaths Connor brought Tool into his field of vision. Without blinking or looking away from the target, he focused his mind. His mind’s eye saw the reflective metal changing from a silver shine to pure black. Black as the darkest of nights. Black as a murderer’s heart. Then his instinct followed through and the effects of the energy consumption were immediately evident.

  The energy being used is unlike anything he’s ever felt before. It was like using every element and every advancement to those elements simultaneously. It was a torrent of power being drained from the core of his body. Connor quickly judged that it consumed about half of a percent of his energy, every second. None of the elements come close to draining him on such a level. This really is a dangerous element manipulation for the user.

  Unlike how Metal is normally is done by floating and heating up, its advancement remains cool to the touch. That being said, Connor remained holding Tool in his left hand. He could see his hand burning bright with energy and he suspected that the rest of him was also as bright.

  Tool then began to brighten into a pure white light that had become unbearable to stare at. Even after averting his eyes the cabin become brighter than outside sunlight. Connor had no choice but to squeeze his eyes shut or risk temporary blindness.

  Sixty seconds after starting this element, it was finished.

  The consumption of energy stopped on its own, like turning off a light switch by a timer. At the same time that the energy ceased, so too did the light that consumed all the cabins shadows. Unfortunately the brightness took its toll and it was impossible to see for over a minute. During that time Connor was only able to hear his heavy breathing. This single attempt burned just about thirty percent of his total stored energy. When he managed to see Sorono’s outline, he was rubbing his eyes too. It seems like they were both temporarily blinded.

  Five minutes later things were more visible and Connor’s breathing evened out.

  In his hand rested the true and ultimate form of Tool. It was now the purest black and it was lustrous. It looked to have been expertly polished, but nothing manmade could ever reach such a perfected gleam. Tool became more beautiful than it has ever been before. Not only was it Connor’s second favorite color, but it now finally felt complete. In a way Tool radiated its own joy. It now looked like the ultimate weapon that was always destined to be his defending partner. It looked both dangerous and
powerful. It was finally ready to serve without being a hindrance. It was almost smiling back at its owner.

  Connor’s attention was brought back when Sorono began speaking. “That was a superb demonstration of Metal’s final usage. Now, little brother, try your best to bend it like you did before.”Connor looked up and he was grinning.

  This time when he tried, something was different. Even at full strength the metal didn’t even fluctuate the tiniest of degrees. It originally bent easily at half strength, but now…

  “Now it is unbreakable.” Sorono said, finishing Connor’s thought. He quit trying and looked up at him again. “Yes, from now on, nothing can harm, scratch or ever dull your completed weapon. You used your pure energy to make the metal denser and as such, from now on only the ascended Metal form can alter the metal’s structure. It will only and forever consume the energy of normal Metal manipulation as it is, but now the only way it will ever change shape is if someone extremely powerful could do it. But unlike normal manipulation, the second level will only ever require the same amount of energy.

  “Normally with elemental manipulation, you must put more energy into using a larger quantity of that specific element. For instance, using Terra on a small stone requires less effort to lift it off the ground, rather than lifting a boulder that weights ten tons.” Connor nodded in understanding of the analogy. “Well it is different for metal that has been altered through energy. It consumes the same amount of energy to modify a metal coin just as it does with a ten ton cube of the altered metal. From now on, if you need to alter Tool’s shape you will need to expend the same amount of energy that you did five minutes ago.”He now sat a little straighter. “Now that you have experienced it for yourself, you can see why I said it isn’t very useful, especially in a combat environment. You would wind up using too much energy if it was a drawn out battle.” Then Sorono gave him a half smile. “What can also you feel from your new weapon that is different from its previous form of silver steel?”

  Connor withdrew his stare and put it on the newfound weapon. He brushed his fingertips across it and it felt perfectly smooth, but that wasn’t what he was talking about… then it hit him. “Despite its new size it didn’t shrink to make the metal denser, but it’s also much lighter than it should be. It weighs just as much as it originally weighed before blending Tool with the cube. Two pounds at most…” He looked into Sorono’s eyes with a confused expression. “How could that be possible? If something becomes denser it must be pressed into a smaller size and its weight should always remain the same.”

  “Indeed, it should; if you look at it by a scientific or logical standpoint. You see, this is what always happens when metal absorbs that much energy. We don’t have any idea as to why or what process it takes to alter its structure, but there are some guesses. Maybe the energy was so overwhelming that we’ve created a new element or maybe its weight was converted into making the unbreakable density, but those are just random guesses. Even under an electron microscope, it just looks like colored steel. And every analysis that has been done says it is only steel. But one thing is absolutely certain,” he pointed a claw to Tool “that metal is the strongest on the planet.” He then withdrew his claw. “You remember that my older brother, that died by poison, raised me.” Sorono knew that Connor did. “Well he gave that metal a new name and the English translation is Dark Steel. It is an apt description is it not?”

  They smiled at each other and then Connor studied his improved weapon for a half hour. It felt good to know that Tool isn’t heavier because the added weight would pull his pants down continually if it hung from a hip.

  With that thought in mind, he stood up and tried it out. He slid Tool through a loop on his right hip and began walking back and forth. It felt strange at first, but the weapon began moving in perfect synchronization.

  Soon it felt just as natural to walk.

  A few minutes after sitting back down Sorono broke the silence. “Connor, I’ve learned that you are finally at my strength and are a force for good. I’m glad that we are not on opposite ends and we have similar goals. I’m content with everything that I’ve come to learn about you in such a short time. I also like your straightforwardness. It is refreshing to see that today when everyone is trying to spare another’s feelings or their own. I also enjoy the company of your family. But now I’ve finished with my tests, for now. Now you may ask what is on your mind and I’ll do my best to answer your questions.”

  He then used his claw to gesture that it was his time to use the floor and it took Connor several minutes to get his thoughts in order. Tool rested right by his hip as he straightened up to begin. “After a year from bonding with Sarah, I ate hundreds of pounds of food a month, but lately my apatite has dramatically decreased, even after using my abilities. I eat like a human, but can go weeks without the first craving for food. Why is that?”

  “You ate so much because you evolved over the course of a year rather than decades because of your mate’s interference. What has changed is now that you have reached a physiological balance your powers don’t require nearly as much sustenance. We harmonizers who have reached our peak begin to slowly create our own energy and manipulating elements require less effort. In emergency situations we can eat much more to replenish our reserves, but in daily life we make energy to not devastate our surroundings. Our mother was very thorough with us and knew what she needed to create to bring balance to our surroundings.”

  The conversation paused for a moment to let that settle in.

  After the moment ended he continued. “Before we went to the meeting, I made multiple assumptions about myself and some other things. Then we met you and I find out that you are in fact by biological brother, despite the difference of our obvious physical characteristics.” Sorono nodded acceptingly and allowed him to finish speaking without interruption. “Well, after I learned this, more questions arose. One of my biggest and newest theories has proven to be true, but I’ll get to that later. Then another theory came to mind and I think that you’ll be able to clear up some of my scattered thoughts.

  “Firstly there isn’t a single doubt that I am a Harmonizer and Sarah shares my strength, just like Veronica does with you. That got me thinking about children. Will my children be as strong as Keepers? Or will they surpass us like children should do with their parents?”

  Sorono crossed his arms over his chest while keeping constant eye contact. His thoughts were calm and serene. “That is what I have hypothesized myself. Your blood is pure and your mate is strong. That leads me to believe that your children will be the dawn of the forth immortal race.” Connor had already had that thought, but to hear him come to the same conclusion was still a shock. “In time there will be four classes of immortals, I assume. But that won’t be for some time. Now before I give you my thoughts on what to expect from your children you must hear a short story.” He drew himself up and his eyes became unfocused. Sorono was preparing himself for an oncoming story that not many know about.

  “During the rule of the first two immortal brothers Afleen and Ragke, they fathered many children. When they took their mortal mates and made them immortal, their females bread much more quickly than their children did. It was because many mortal females have millions of eggs unlike how their children have less if not any at all. Before the cataclysmic fight sixty five million years ago there were millions of immortals that once lived.

  “After the meteor decimated life, only twenty three known immortal children survived that event. All other immortal and mortal Keepers lost their lives, during and after the devastating event. They had to endure the cold and harsh environment for years until the sky cleared of dirt and ash. The only reason they were capable of surviving on the inhospitable planet for so long was because they were all Original’s.

  Sorono’s eyes refocused and sought his brother’s. “We Harmonizers gave our direct children the name Originals. We give them that name because they are the original children of our line and their child
ren are all considered Secondary. Nothing on the planet can match the strength, power or instincts that are all innate in a pure Harmonizer. That being said, our children are weaker than we are, but make no mistake because they are even stronger than their children. I believe the Hallowed Mother made us so that none but Harmonizers have the greatest strength. It isn’t easy to explain… Think of it this way, if you and I are at one hundred percent, then our children have eighty percent of our strength. Their children are ten percent weaker than they are and those children’s powers stabilize as well as the rest of their lineage. That is why we call our grandchildren and their descendants Secondary.

  “As of today I know of only one living Original. That is my son, Damian.”

  “If that is true, then what about our other brother? You never told me his name. Did he have any children?”

  Sorono watched Connor intently as he answered the question. “That was a mistake on my part. Our other brother is called Ranvan. He did have a daughter, but she and her mother were accidently killed twenty million years ago. I suspect that is why he left. I would believe his remorse caused something to break in him. Like I told you before I’ve been trying to track him down since then.”

  “Ranvan is the one that you suspect is becoming feral, like Ragke.”

  “Indeed. For all that I know, losing your direct child could be the trigger for us to go feral, but I just don’t know. I lost my mate, Damian’s mother, but after a few years I found peace that she is with our mother and watching over me. After her loss I feared going feral for a time, but my mate loved life and I couldn’t bring myself to causing harm. Veronica loves life too, and although I love my late wife, Veronica isn’t her replacement. I love her just the way she is.


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