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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 11

by Lee Morgan

  “Now let me get back to the topic of my search for our brother.

  “Ranvan has been traveling around the world and just when I think I’ve caught up to him, he slips out of my claws. He has been getting increasingly destructive. I first realized that fact when he made a volcano erupt about sixteen thousands years ago. Since then he has caused and made use of natural disasters, but I don’t know to what end. Many lands and lives have been lost by his hand.”

  “When you figure it out, let me know. I’ll help you put a stop to his destructive ways, but there is something you must consider.” Sorono smiled at Connor’s offer to help, but the look in his eye said that this is a personal fight. “If in fact our brother is feral, it could be that he is like an animal. Sometimes there isn’t a reason for what animals do. Keep an open mind during your hunt and don’t corner him. And keep me well informed if there are any further developments.”

  “That I can do, Connor.” Then Sorono tilted his head and returned to the initial question. “As to your children I can guess with some certainty that they will be as powerful as the Originals of the Keepers. Your children will be an interesting study for a very long time to come. Since they will be so new to our world I really cannot offer any parental advice, except for good luck.”

  “I’ll need it.”

  “Now as you your earlier statement on a theory that came true, what is it?”

  Connor smiled playfully. “You are going to like this.” Sorono grinned back in anticipation. “I learned that I’m going to…”

  All of the hairs on the back of Connor’s neck stood up and his happiness was crushed by a heavy weight. Nothing was coming, but something was intensely wrong. He quickly assessed that he was fine. The bond on the other hand wasn’t.

  Sorono saw his sudden expression of agony and asked “Connor, what…” He cut him off by stating “Its Sarah! She’s in distress!”

  Connor took a step forward and saw that Sorono too just received a reaction. Their eyes met and he seriously stated with a growl. “Veronica is worried too!”

  Connor was able to run past him as he agilely rose to his feet at a moment’s notice. He struck the door while making it fly open. The afternoon sun stabbed ones vision and they realized how much time had passed, but that was a side thought. His power instantly arose to his beck and call. Connor was instantly propelled into the sky. Sorono was at his side instantly and looking as dangerous as he himself felt.

  He placed a pressure shield in front of his own face so that he could fly faster than ever. Sarah wasn’t feeling this way a few seconds ago. With the shield protecting his face, Connor pushed even harder. The trees blurred together yet Sorono was holding his own, at his side. Then it felt like he broke the sound barrier because the flight became even faster.

  A second later the clearing came into view and Connor yelled “SARAH!” Sorono was by his side as he roared to his mate as well.

  In the clearing, everyone crowded together. Veronica was standing and blocking most of their view, but Connor knew everyone was crowding together for a reason. Their voices hadn’t had time to travel to the group before they had to decelerate.

  Connor rotated himself in the air like a pro swimmer flipping in a pool, to go in the opposite direction. He dumped twice the amount of energy through his legs. To the left, Sorono did the exact same thing. He looked like Connor’s strange mirror image.

  The force of the pressure flooded the clearing of the home like a controlled and focused tempest. Veronica instinctively wrapped her arms around everyone and used her body to shield them from the onslaught of wind. While she did that, their deceleration worked. While still swiftly flying to the ground, Connor’s mind was already and instantly moving faster than any humans. He judged the impact to be heavy, but safe enough.

  He didn’t sense any threatening presence as the decent continued.

  His legs impacted the ground and the momentum drove him down several inches. To the left, Sorono landed the same way. Connor then pulled himself from the holes and rocket towards the group Veronica continued shielding. He ran right up to the silent crowd them and yelled. “Sarah! What’s wrong!? Answer me!”

  Her voice was incoherent and jumbled. He looked at Veronica dangerously and she knew what it meant. She opened her arms and allowed everyone their freedom. He ran passed Kara, Shannon, Rhoda and Jillian. Jenny looked completely shocked and stood by Sarah’s side.

  Sarah stood there looking at him with wide eyes, but her thoughts were elsewhere and everywhere all at once. He gently placed a hand on her shoulders while his heart was beating furiously. She didn’t respond to the touch quickly enough so he dropped to his knees to look directly into her unfocused green eyes. “Sarah, what is happening? Is there danger? Why are you so distressed!?”

  It took her a few seconds to finally show any reaction and all the while he was fretting. Her green eyes narrowed and her lips quivered. “Oh, Connor…”

  “What! What is it!?”

  Her hands went to her belly. “My water just broke. The twins are coming.”

  It took only moments to process this development. All his worry and fear were replaced by elation. He smiled. “Really! They are coming right now!?”

  She bit her bottom lip and he could feel her emotions fluctuating from happiness to terror and everything else in between. When her lips parted she said “Yes, they are on their way.” She then smiled expectantly.

  “We need to get her in the house.” Jenny stated and soon everyone unfroze.

  “Enough said.” He quickly moved to Sarah’s side and picked her up.

  Jenny led the way as he carried his mate. He scarcely could hear everyone following them to the cabin. Sarah didn’t struggle and allowed him to carry her. Jenny opened the front door and went inside. She was on a mission and he followed her in. Once inside, Connor turned to the right and the kid’s bedroom was wide open. His mom was already inside and had all the lights on. He entered the room and saw exactly where Sarah needed to go.

  Inside the room was a new addition, in the empty space of the room stood a new birthing table. Jenny had him build it for one purpose, to deliver the babies. Connor made a small table that was raised to the perfect waist height of the women. It had rubber padding and Sarah laid in it once and said it was very comfortable. He raised the back of the table several degrees so that when the time came, Sarah could push easier. He made handrails for her to grab on to and stirrups for Sarah to place her feet and to keep her legs spread in the optimum position for the imminent delivery. Jenny gave him the specific requirements that were needed and he built it.

  Jenny began digging through one of her medical bags when she noticed him standing. “Sarah needs to undress and put this on. Then she can go up on the table and wait till the time comes.” She held out an open-backed hospital gown.

  “It’s alright, Connor.” Sarah said happily. “If you put me down I can do it.”

  He eased her gently to the ground and stood her up. She grabbed the gown from his mom’s hand and began changing. Once she finished she crawled onto the bed. Then Jenny started her preparation.

  His senses told him that everyone was looking in. He glanced to the right and saw that both Veronica and Sorono were peeking through the window. Behind Connor, all the other girls were trying to get a peek through the open door.

  Then his sister caught his attention. She was holding up his cell phone above everyone’s heads. “Brother! Can I use this?” He nodded. Then she pressed the screen a few times before placing it beside her ear. Then he turned to watch his mom work, but his hearing listened in. “Granddaddy, it’s Kara. Sarah’s water just broke… Of course I’m sure. There was too much water trailing down her legs for her to just piss herself… Alright, alright… I’ll tell Mark to wait for you in the trees.” She closed the lid and opened it again. “Honey, our nieces are on their way… why does everyone ask if I’m sure… oh, ha ha. Now Granddaddy asked me if you would meet him…” She soon hit end not long after.

  “May I borrow that?” Jillian asked in an excited voice. Then more numbers were dialed. “My Love, our grandchildren are on their way! … Ok see you soon.”

  A minute later Connor saw Jack streaking across the field and soon he was inside the crowding cottage. “Where is she?”

  “In here, Jack.” He stated and soon the silver-haired Viking stood by his side after everyone moved to give him room.

  His tone was expectant and worried. “How are you, Sarah?”

  “She’s fine.” Jenny stated when her exam finished. “Right now she needs to take it easy. The children’s heartbeats are strong and there aren’t any signs of distress. Her water broke only a few moments ago so it will take time for their arrival.” Everyone let out a deep breath of relief.

  When Jenny moved away Connor took her place and held his mate’s hand. She smiled expectantly. “It is about time they finally chose to grace us with their presence.” She looked down and began rubbing her belly with her free arm.

  “She’s right you know.” He said towards her bulge. “Your parents have been expecting the two of you for some time.”

  About fifteen minutes later, after everyone made sure Sarah was alright and no complications arose, Connor viewed David riding on Mark’s back, when he was in his wolf form. Soon David came inside and found his eccentric wife. “How is she?”

  As Connor’s grandmother gave his grandfather a rundown of recent events, he could hear Mark transforming back to normal. Soon he entered the house wearing only his leather pants. He spotted Connor and everyone moved so he and David could get inside the room for a few minutes. While David fussed over his granddaughter-in-law and gave her encouragement, Mark walked to Connor’s side and became drawn to something.

  He pointed “Connor, what is that?”

  Connor knew exactly what he meant. While his left hand encompassed Sarah’s right, his right hand went to his side. He slid it out and held out the handle for him to grab it. Once Mark did, a smile crept across Connor’s face. “Actually that is the new and improved Tool! Sorono” He pointed with his chin because he and his mate were still intently watching and being completely silent. “showed me how to upgrade Tool so that it won’t ever be a hindrance.”

  “Wait! What?” Their attention turned upon David. “Are you saying that you remade your most prized possession?”

  “I only did it because it was only half completed.” He turned to Mark’s calm silver eyes. “I know how strong you are. Normal metal is like putty for you to bend, try your best to harm the metal.”

  “This will be too easy.” He stated confidently and Connor caught Sorono smirking. Mark held it like Connor did before and tried bending its handle. His brow drew together and as the strain in his face reddened. He sighed and spoke to Tool. “You won’t get the best of me.” Mark’s eyes lit up and they watched as the muscles in his arms, chest and back began growing to the point where they doubled in size. With his larger muscles he tried again and again. Once he finally gave up he reduced his muscles back to normal. He sighed and asked “Just what kind of material is this?”

  “Before he answers, may I see it?” David asked. Mark passed it over Sarah and he grasped it. He studied it with astonishment. “What perfect craftsmanship… Connor, why is it so light?”

  “He’ll tell you, but first can you please go put that away it in his workshop? A weapon shouldn’t be in here.” Sarah stated calmly. She was relaxed right now and her emotions were in suspense for the coming struggle she is about to undertake. David heeded her words and returned empty handed moments later. During that time everyone tried to listen in.

  Sarah smiled. “Go ahead, Connor. I’d like to hear what happened to Tool.”

  For the next twenty minutes he recounted what happened to the weapon and everyone listened intently; especially David.

  Towards the end of the lecture something happened.

  Sarah had her teeth clenched as she sucked a deep breath through them. All her muscles went rigid and Jenny was lucky to let go when she did. Sarah grabbed the bedrail and its screech filled the air like nails on a chalkboard. The metal bent and yelled for mercy and it was granted a few moments later. She used the same force on Connor’s hand because he hadn’t let go. There was some crushing pain, but he fared better than the metal rail.

  Jenny then stated to everyone “Not to worry. Sarah was having her first contraction.” Then she shook her head. “Sarah, if you feel one coming, let those of us know who aren’t as strong as you. If you do that during a contraction, my arm would be crushed.”

  Sarah’s teeth were still gritted, but she managed to nod. She didn’t finally start to relax until Connor gently rubbed her head. She met his eyes and smiled in the most beautiful of ways.

  For the next few hours her contractions increased in frequency. The left bedrail had given up all hope when Sarah turned it into a one handed pretzel and it snapped off. Connor switched sides so she could have something else to hold onto. Sarah didn’t scream the first time, but it was unmistakable to see that she was sweating profusely and her body radiated a faint glow of power.

  Eight and a half hours later his mom finished looking under Sarah’s gown. It had become dark outside, but everyone had made their rotations to give Sarah words of reassurance. That ended when Jenny stood up and said “Sarah, you are now ten centimeters dilated. Now comes time for the hard part.” She then looked around the room at Connor, Kara, Jillian and Mark. “Mark, Kara, it’s time for the delivery. I’ll need the two of you to leave, and Kara.” His sister stopped at the doorway. “Please fill up two bowls of lukewarm water. It’s to clean the babies.”

  Sarah looked pleadingly at Connor’s face. He petted the top of her head while looking at her glowing expression. “You’re doing great, Princess. You’ve carried them all this time, but now it’s time to bring them into the world. You can do this. I know you can because you can do anything.” She nodded and he could see she was scared, but prepared to go all the way.

  His sister returned with two large bowls of warm water. She sat them atop the dressers and scanned the room one last time. She shut the door for privacy. The kitchen and living room became silent. Connor glanced over his shoulder and saw Sorono and Veronica still close to the window, looking in. He then noticed that Veronica was holding up Shannon so that she could see the miracle of birth.

  “Jenny, you’re going to need these.” He watched as Jillian handed his mom a pair of sunglasses, but she herself was already wearing a pair. Jenny knew what they were for and put them on.

  Jillian walked to the foot of the bed and looked directly at her daughter. Jillian became all business at the moment, but her eyes couldn’t have told her daughter she was any prouder. “Alright Sarah, you know the drill. I’m going to catch the first and Jenny’s going to get the second. When you feel the contractions, push.”

  He could already see another contraction coming from the narrowing in Sarah’s eyes. “Get ready!” Sarah said through clenched teeth. Jillian used her Balancer’s speed to flip the gown back and placed each of Sarah’s feet in the stirrups. His mother-in-law widened her stance and reached out her arms expectantly with a new towel to catch her first grandchild.

  Suddenly Sarah sat up a little bit and her body lit up like a light bulb brighter than the ceiling light. As she pushed she finally screamed “Ahhhhhh!!!”

  She took a quick breath and pushed again.

  “I See A Crown!” Jillian stated joyfully. “Keep pushing Sarah…” Sarah began pushing and brightening even more. “That’s it… I’ve Got A Head!... Now there’s the shoulders! … Come on, Sarah! One more…push!”

  Sarah let out one more shriek of physical agony and it was followed by a grating wail. Brightness dimmed for the moment. Jillian said “We’ve got a new baby girl!” and from behind the door they could hear everyone celebrating.

  They’ve finally added one new life to growing family.

  Jillian swiftly cut the umbilical cord and brought the c
overed and matted body of the first born child over to the water.

  Sarah leaned back while panting heavily and tried catching her breath. Her wide eyes stayed focused on her firstborn daughter. Despite the obvious exhaustion she smiled mildly while her skin continued glowing.

  “Alright, Sarah. Do it one more time.” Jenny stated when she took over Jillian’s spot. She had a towel ready and waiting. “You can do it.”

  Sarah waited only a few seconds before sitting up slightly. The moment the first contraction came, Jenny adjusted her sunglasses.

  His mother coaxed Sarah by saying just what Jillian said. “That’s it, keep going, I’ve got a head!” After Sarah pushed two more times his mother announced “We’ve Got Twins!” and her proclaim was followed by another wail. She made her way next to Jillian to wash the child before bringing it over to the new parents. After that, they could hear cheering from both inside the house and roaring outside.

  An Sarah plopped back against the bed and her glowing skin greatly dulled in intensity. “Sarah, you did it.” She looked at him and was smiling while panting. She then said “I…did…didn’t I!?”

  She closed her eyes while catching her breath.

  Less than a minute later Jillian glided merrily over. She was smiling from ear to ear as she made her way over to her daughter. This had been the one thing Jillian has been waiting centuries for and she finally received two grandchildren for her impatience. Her tone grew soft and loving as she gazed upon her first grandchild with loving admiration. “Sarah, meet your first born daughter.”

  Sarah’s eyes shot open, through the haze of exhaustion and looked to her mother and then down to the fresh towel. Her hands shot out to her mother and Jillian placed the newborn in her waiting arms. Sarah gently brought their first child to her breast. Then his mate cooed with her velvety voice “Welcome to the world, Pearl. I’m your mommy.”


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