Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 29

by Mandy M. Roth

  He dipped his head to hers, tasting her lips to calm himself. Home. She was his home. How could he take any chance of damaging what they had?

  Renner pulled back to look into her eyes. “I won’t mark you today. I’ll wait until you’re sure. But Bethy, you are mine. I’m going to show you what that means. Are you ready?”

  Her teeth worried her bottom lip as she gave a tiny nod.

  Carefully, he guided his erection into her. She was so tight. The way her silken folds gripped him… Renner bit his tongue to keep from losing control.

  When he was all the way in, he found her eyes. “This okay?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  Reaching between them, he pressed on the tender spot at the top of her mound. At the same time, he pulled out and thrust forward.

  “Agh!” Her deep, guttural moan told him the motion hit her just right.

  He repeated the action over and over. With each thrust, her nails dug into his shoulder. “God, you feel good, Beth.” He placed frantic kisses along her jaw. “Do you know how long I’ve dreamed of this moment?”

  Gripping her thighs, he spread her legs farther and plunged deeper, earning another gasp and moan.

  Renner pulled back to watch their connection but was distracted by the way her breasts bounced with every push. He wanted to thank the Creator for making her so perfect. Bending his head, he ran his tongue around a tight nipple before sucking it between his lips.

  “Renner! I’m going to…”

  He felt her tighten around his cock. Fuck.

  “Let go, babe. Give me what you’ve got.”

  He was close. If she said his name one more time, it would all be over.

  Nibbling at the sweet curve of her breast, he realized how different this was from every other encounter he’d had. This wasn’t sex. Not just a fuck to ease his needs. No, they were making love. Maybe he wasn’t marking her, but he was claiming her nonetheless. Claiming her heart as his. Whether she wanted him to or not.

  Bethany cried out as her body convulsed around his shaft, pulling him to a release. He slowed his thrusting and then stopped altogether, but didn’t break their connection. He never wanted to leave her body. His breath rushed forward, mixing with her heavy pants. The moment was perfect.

  He bent and took her lips tenderly, sliding his tongue against hers.

  His strength was slipping. Worth it, he thought as his panther retreated to focus on healing. He was only partially satisfied with no marking, but Renner couldn’t remember a time he’d been happier.

  “How do you feel?” he whispered against her neck.

  It took a moment for her to answer. “Lost.” Her voice was almost non-existent.

  He leaned back to look into her eyes, questioning.

  “Lost to something I can’t control. Lost to you, Ren. Now you have the power to ruin me.”

  He took her face in his hands. “Never again. Do you understand me? You’re safe here.”

  She nodded.

  Carefully, he pulled out and rolled onto his side. He’d done a number on his wound. It felt like he’d rolled in razor blade catnip. He dragged Bethy close, tucking the covers around them, and within minutes he was asleep.

  Chapter 9

  The sun creeping in through the blinds was the first sign of something wrong. Bethany hadn’t awoken to sunlight in a long time. Usually she greeted the dawn after having already finished a cup of coffee. Or two. Early mornings were almost necessary to her sanity.

  She blinked, replaying the events of the night before.


  His arm around her naked waist tightened. “Good morning, sweet.” His voice was rough from sleep and it sent a shiver down to her toes.

  She turned to watch him over her shoulder as his hand slipped up to cup her breast. It was hot and rough and oh so perfect. She bit off a moan.

  “What time is it?” she asked as a distraction.

  “Ten til nine.”

  “Damn it, I’m late. Magic’s going to kill me.”

  Renner dropped a kiss to her cheek. “Pretty sure it’s me he’s going to kill. You’ll make it out of this alive.”

  “Because you can’t work on the Christmas celebration now?”

  He raised a dark eyebrow. “That’s one reason.” He sighed. “I suppose we’ll have to cancel this year. There’s too much to do in the next several days and I’m only partially healed.”

  Turning on her side to face him, she decided now would be a good time to spill her plan. “I might be able to save you from Magic’s wrath.” She grinned, and his thumb traced it.

  “I love your smile.”

  She recalled the picture she’d found in his closet of her beaming, and her heart warmed. He’d kept that picture for this reason.

  “I called Ryan. He’s going to come help get the lodge ready for Christmas.”

  His smile faded. “What?”

  “He owns a construction company, and when I told him about you and what had happened, he offered to come help. He wants to see you, Ren.”

  Renner winced as he sat up. “You told him I got shot?”

  She nodded, feeling uneasy.

  “You told him what I am?”

  Bethany frowned, pulling the blanket around her top. “No. I wouldn’t do that without asking you.”

  The relief on his face was heartbreaking.

  “He just wants to see you. We don’t have to tell him anything.”

  Renner stared at her. “What about us? Will you tell him about us?”

  Beth pressed her lips together. This was it. He was going to break her with this.

  “Is… is it a secret? Because if you want to hide me away like you’re embarrassed to be with me—”

  “Are you kidding? I want to shout it from the fucking mountaintops. I wanted to mark you last night so everyone would know you’re taken. For shifters, it doesn’t get any more public than that. As for your brother, I’ll tell him myself if you don’t.”

  Beth let out the breath she’d been holding. “You’re serious? About this, us?” she asked quietly.

  He clasped her neck, pulling her forward and pressing his forehead to hers. “Yes, Bethy. Dead. Fucking. Serious. And I’ll wait for you to be sure, but I am going to have you as my own. And everyone will know it.”

  A knock on the door broke the moment. Layna entered without waiting for the okay. Beth pulled the blankets tighter and covered her face as a horrifying blush took over. Shit.

  Renner sank back on the bed, unruffled. “I think you’re supposed to wait until I say ‘come in.’”

  “Yep. That’s usually how it works.”

  Beth peeked at Layna.

  “So this is serious.”

  “You heard all that?”

  Layna nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. “Shifter hearing. It’s the best.”

  Oh. Of course Layna was also a cat.

  Layna’s gaze went to Renner. “What about the code?”

  “What code?” Beth asked.

  He glared at his sister. “Do you think I give a shit about the code?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  “What code?”

  “I’m going to talk to Magic. I have a plan.” They went on like she wasn’t there. “It doesn’t have to be like it was before, Layna. We can be different than our ancestors. Have a family. Be faithful. I know it can be done, and I’m going to convince Magic to give it a try.”

  Layna’s expression had changed. Normally tough and hard to break, now she looked stricken. “Do you really think it’s possible, Ren?”

  He nodded solemnly. “I do. The way I feel with Bethy… if you can find that, it will be different. You won’t end up like our mother.”

  Layna was quiet for so long, staring thoughtfully. Glancing at Bethany, she nodded. “I hope you’re right.” She turned and opened the door to leave. “Oh, Christina covered for you with Magic, but you need to get to the spa ASAP. And, I told him about your brother. He’ll cover any expenses.”
She cocked her head to one side, squinting. “And… he said thank you. I’m not sure when I last heard those words from his mouth. This is an interesting development for sure.”

  With that, she left, the door banging shut behind her.

  “What’s the code?” Beth asked one more time.

  “It’s a cat thing. You don’t need to worry about it. Come here,” he said, pulling her down for a kiss.

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “I just need to talk to Magic and everything will be fine.”


  She kissed him once more before dressing in his clothes and stealthily making her way back to her room.

  The sun was setting when Ryan pulled into the parking lot of the lodge. Beth was practically bouncing in her Uggs to see him. She had so much to tell him, but when the passenger side door of his truck opened and she realized he hadn’t come alone, her excitement crashed.

  Josie stepped out, looking like she’d been pasted from a ski resort catalogue. Beth wondered if she realized there was no snow in the Ouachitas yet.

  Beth didn’t have long to wonder about it because Ryan rushed over, scooping her up in a hug. Her brother was such a tall and burly man, he made her feel tiny even though she was anything but.

  “She’s here because she wants to help, Beth,” he whispered into her ear. “Hear her out, okay?”

  Beth managed to nod.

  “How is my little corndog?” he asked.

  She gave him a horrified look. “God, don’t call me that. What are we, three?”

  He sighed. “Growing up is hard to do.”

  “Whatever.” Beth looked past his shoulder at the woman she used to call best friend. “Josie.”

  She rushed forward as if she’d been given a green light. “Hi, Beth. Look, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a while now.”

  Probably wanting Beth to front her for another new car. Bad enough she was still paying on the last one. After college, Josie hadn’t wanted to grow up, and Beth spent several years enabling her over-the-top lifestyle while working enough hours to make the Keebler elves look lazy.

  Until she’d put her foot down. A time she liked to refer to as Summer-geddon. The end of a friendship as they knew it.

  Josie dug around in her designer shoulder bag. “It’s a knock-off,” she said, sheepishly. After a bit more rummaging, she came out with a stuffed envelope and held it out to Beth. “Here.”

  “What’s this?” Beth took the package, thumbing it open. There was a thick wad of cash inside.

  “It’s… an apology. It’s enough to pay off the loan on the car.”

  Whoa. “Are you serious?”

  Josie nodded.

  “How did you do this?”

  A short laugh escaped her. “I worked for it. I got a job at the Indigo Club.”

  Beth’s eyes grew wide. “No, Jos. You can’t do that.”

  Josie shook her head. “It’s not what you think. I’m doing their books. Accounting and stuff. I don’t even set foot in the club. There’s a legit office downtown.”

  Bethany eyed her friend.

  “Hey, you were right. It feels good to use my degree.” There was a hint of pride in her voice, but she was also unsure. “Ry told me you needed help up here and I had a few days off for the holidays so… here I am. I want to help.”

  Beth nodded, ignoring the tears blistering her eyes. “Thank you, Jos. I appreciate it.”

  “It’s… it’s what friends are for, right?” Her hopeful tone sent Beth barreling forward to hug her.

  She would tread carefully, but this was the most proactive thing Josie had ever done, and Beth wouldn’t snub her nose at it.

  A throat cleared behind them, and they broke apart, each brushing tears away.

  Magic stood tall next to Ryan, the two men looking unbearably uncomfortable.

  “This is Magic,” Beth sniffed. “He runs the lodge. Magic, this is my brother Ryan…” But Magic’s gaze was on Josie instead of her brother. “And that’s Josie. They’ve… uh, come to help take over for Renner until he’s better.”

  Magic squinted, cocking his head. “Do I know you?”

  Josie frowned. “I don’t think so.”

  “Are you from Weston?”

  “No. Memphis.”

  The intensity of his stare never let up.

  Ryan stuck his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Magic. We’ll talk to Renner and have this place ready to go by the weekend.”

  Magic shook it, finally breaking his stare with Josie. “Appreciate it.” He turned to Beth. “Layna’s at the front desk. She can show them to their rooms. Two, right?”

  Beth nodded.

  “Good. We’ll talk later then.” He stalked off before anything else could be said.

  “Alright.” Beth clapped her hands together. “Follow me and we’ll get you all set.”

  Inside, the lobby was full of patrons chatting and taking advantage of the free hot cocoa. Layna waved them over.

  “Where’s your brother?” she asked.

  “Right here,” Beth laughed. “This is Ryan and this is my friend, Josie.”

  Layna’s eyebrows popped. “This is Ryan? From the pictures? He, uh… sure grew up.”

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am,” he husked.

  Beth frowned at her brother. That tone.

  “Ditto,” Layna said, flipping through the room assignment book. “But I only have you down for one room, is that right?”

  “No, actually they need two. I didn’t realize Josie was coming.”

  “Okay. Yeah, great.” Layna’s voice was an octave too high, and pinched. “We can do separate rooms. No problem.”

  “Right, well… Layna will get you your rooms and in the morning you can meet with Renner to find out what needs to be done. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great,” Ryan said. He watched Layna scribble something out of the book.

  “Tomorrow then.”

  Beth waved her goodbyes and went to check on Renner.

  Chapter 10

  Day three of Project Christmas Deco was in full swing, and with Ryan and Josie’s help, things were going right according to schedule. Renner was nearly fully recuperated but Doc Davis wouldn’t give him the all-clear. She wanted him to take advantage of having extra hands around.

  A giant hand clapped Renner on the back and he held in a wince. Okay, so maybe his cat needed a couple extra days.

  “Hey, brother,” Ryan boomed. “It sure has been good seeing you around again.”

  Renner nodded.

  Ryan had grown into his lanky pre-teen body, and now he was one huge-ass dude.

  “Yeah. I’m glad Bethy called you, Ry.”

  He frowned. “Bethy? She let you call her that?”

  Renner nodded. “Why?”

  “She threatened to cut my nuts off one time for calling her Bethy.” He shrugged. “Thought she’d grown out of it.”

  Renner’s lips curled into a grin. “Pretty sure I’m the only one allowed to. I get special privileges.”

  Ryan stiffened. “You and my sister?”

  “Yeah.” His answer came out breathy, and he cleared his throat. “You know I always had a thing for her.”

  Ryan sighed. “I guessed as much. But damn, you know I’m supposed to clock you now, right?”

  Renner’s eyes were drawn to his friend’s ripped bicep. “We could always skip that part.”

  Ryan was quiet, staring out at the sun setting over the mountain. “This thing with Beth, is it casual for you?”

  “One hundred percent not casual for me.” Renner took a deep breath. “I love her, Ryan.”

  “You’ve only known her a few weeks.”

  “I’ve known her my whole life. We just got separated for a while.”

  Ryan rubbed his gloved hands together. “Does… she love you?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

  “And if she doesn’t.”

  Renner shrugged. “It changes nothing.�

  “And if she does?”

  “If she does…” His stomach turned somersaults at the thought. “It changes everything.”

  Ryan nodded, staring at Renner past one arched eyebrow. “We can skip the clocking. For now.”

  Renner watched until Ryan disappeared behind the nativity stable. He’d need to talk to Magic soon, explain the situation.

  Inside, he stopped at the restaurant to look for Bethany. She sat at a table across from Eagan. They were deep in conversation, and she was using her half eaten breadstick to gesture as she spoke. Renner came up behind her, slipping his hands around her shoulders.

  “Oh, hey.” She smiled up at him, and he never knew a simple expression could feel like the sunshine on his skin in the spring. Her magic was never ending.

  “Hey, babe.”

  He sank into the chair next to her, and she dropped her breadstick onto the plate.

  “How’s the decorating? Everything working out with Ry?”

  “Yeah. Perfectly. We’re right on schedule.”

  “I saw the lights go up last night,” Eagan said. “Everything looks great.”

  Renner picked up Bethany’s fork and twirled some spaghetti onto it. “Open.” He brought it to her mouth, but she looked uncomfortable. “You weren’t done, right? You didn’t eat much.”

  One corner of her mouth turned up. “I’ll eat later.”

  Renner frowned. She’d turned down every invitation to have dinner, yet she ate with Eagan. He pushed away the kernel of jealousy forming in his gut.

  Beth took the fork from his hand and shoved the bite in her mouth, nodding as she chewed. “You’re right. I’m still hungry.”

  He took the fork back, twirling more pasta and holding it up for her. She hesitated, but opened her mouth for the bite.

  “So,” Eagan said, kicking back in his chair. “Tell me about your friend. She single?”

  “As far as I know. We haven’t stayed in contact.”

  “She like pasta?”

  Bethany grinned. “Yeah. Who doesn’t?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “True. Maybe I’ll take her some room service, yeah?”

  “Go for it, E,” she said.


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