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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

Page 22

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  “That tells me a lot Jake. I’m guessing that you, possibly Benito and the others that do your sort of work are all ex Special Forces of some description – SAS, SBS? Am I right?”

  “I can’t talk about it Mrs. Drake. Sorry.” He picks his mug of tea up and wanders around the kitchen. How does he cope, spending so much time alone, having said that don’t these Special Forces types receive training in being alone?

  Jake stays and chats about everyday stuff, things that he is allowed to discuss whilst I wait for James to come home. We’re interrupted from our natter when my phone rings, I check the screen, Gia. “Gia, hello.”

  “Hi Alex. How are you?” She asks, I can hear restaurant sounds in the background.

  “I’m fine thank you, or at least I am now that crazy woman has gone. Only thing is I’ve a pile of laundry!” I grumble.

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll manage, or get someone else to do it for you? Anyway, I thought I’d let you know that Ramiro is coming to London the week after next. He’s arriving on the sixteenth.”

  “My birthday!” I smile.

  “I know Alex. I think that’s why he’s coming over. He’s bringing Franco with him. Can you put Franco up at your house? We can only accommodate one and Franco speaks English, so it’ll be easier for you.”

  “Fine, no problem at all. We’ve plenty of room.” I have no idea who Franco is, I’ve heard about him and that’s it.

  “I’ll let them know and I’ll let you have the flight details as soon as I have them.” She tells me, I can hear Roberto calling her in the background.

  “Okay Gia. And thank you for yesterday, for tidying up; there was no need you know.”

  “It was a pleasure Alex. I have to go, Roberto can’t cope without me.” She laughs.

  As soon as I’ve cleared Gia’s call I telephone James. He answers quickly.

  “Hi Blossom, you okay after that fucking creep?” He hisses.

  “I’m fine. He’s just, well – not nice at all, although I don’t think he’d hurt anyone. He’s just an incredible slime ball, a letch. Urgh, makes my skin crawl just thinking about him. What did all those girls see in him? The one’s you told me about!” I’m cringing as I talk about him.

  “He’s changed since then, at lot. But you’re right he probably wouldn’t hurt anyone, he’s just a dickhead!” He laughs.

  “You didn’t hurt him too badly did you?” Despite Nial being a creep I would hate to think that he’d been badly hurt by James’ punch.

  “No, he’ll live. He’s going to agree to you buying him out though. We had a little chat, quite amicable really, even ended up having a pint together, although I don’t think giving him more alcohol was a good thing to do. Turns out there are issues, drugs, and that’s where the profits are going, and drink but I think that’s to cope with the demands from his dealer! Listen Alex, he’s a creep and always has been, you know my views about him but he was never into drugs before, it’s a recent thing. Poor bloke started on coke, I don’t know why, but it’s draining the club, the profits.” He recounts the conversation that he and Nial had.

  “It’s a shame, it really is. I knew he wouldn’t be all bad, I can’t imagine Maggie becoming involved with someone unless they checked out.”

  “You’re right. Listen Blossom, I was hoping to come home early but I have to work late tonight. Handover to Robbie is going well, he needs tonight off though – short notice and, well we’ve only got a couple of weeks to go before he takes over completely. You don’t mind do you?”

  I sigh, “No, not really I suppose. I may come down and have supper with you. Maybe you can close the pool again?” I suggest, my tone seductive.

  “Ummm. Don’t do this to me Alex, I only have to think about it! God, let me see what I can do!” He groans.

  I interrupt him, “James, before I forget Ramiro’s coming to London, 16th September – my Birthday!”

  “Great. So Anna’ll get to see her real Grandad!” I’m sure he’s smiling.

  “She will. He’s bringing Franco with him; he’s staying here with us!”

  “Okaay.” He draws out his reply.

  “Why, what’s wrong with Franco?” I ask. Having never met the man, I have no idea who I’m dealing with I just know that he’s my birth fathers cousin and Benito’s father.

  “You think Benito is big and tough, yes? Roger and Thomas? Well baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Franco is huge, mega. Nobody, and I mean nobody messes with Franco, or they didn’t when he was younger anyway, I bet he’s in his late fifties, maybe early sixties now, a bit younger than Roberto and Ramiro anyway. Imagine his Son and times it by ten, problem is his attitude towards anyone he disliked is also ten times worse than Benito’s. If he gets through immigration and customs without being stopped and searched I will gladly go in the garden and eat grass! You understand?”

  “Okay. So we’re safe with Franco around?” I muse.

  “Oh, yes baby – one hundred per cent safe!”

  “Right, I’ll see you later then. I’ll get Jake to drive me over, or shall I ask him to stay with Anna, I don’t suppose she’ll want to come with me.”

  “It’s up to you. Let Jake make the decision on that, he’s there – use him. Okay. Love you Blossom.”

  I hear his office door open and the sounds of people entering as he rings off.

  Chapter 25

  I take a cup of tea through to Jake and find him surfing the net as I walk through to my study.

  “Are you okay Jake? Not too bored?” I place his tea on the desk.

  “No, not at all. Just looking at where I can take the missus for a break after Christmas.” He says as he flicks around the screen with the mouse.

  “Anywhere exotic?” I glance over his shoulder at the holiday company displayed on screen.

  “I don’t know. Something beachy probably, I suppose I’ll have to ask her what she fancies.” He reaches for his mug, “Thank you Mrs. Drake.”

  I stand, looking directly at him, hands on my hips. “Three things Jake. First, I’m going to have some supper with James at the hotel, will you drop me there?” He nods.

  “Second, I don’t think Anna will want to come with me. James said to ask you if she’ll be okay here on her own, and if not will you stay?”

  He thinks, I can see him contemplating then answers. “I think she’ll be fine here on her own, so long as she doesn’t answer any doors and puts the chain on, on all of the outside doors. Are you coming back tonight?”

  “I think so. And thirdly. If we’re to be spending all this time together, you have to call me Alex. In future I won’t answer to Mrs. Drake or Ma’am. Understand?” I’m firm, another assertive moment.

  He looks at me oddly, “Yes, Mrs. Dr…sorry Alex.”

  “Thank you. I’ll go and ask Anna what she wants to do.” I leave the study and head off upstairs to Anna’s room.

  Her door is open and she’s lying on her bed texting, presumably Katie. Her Ipod is in its docking station but on very low.

  “Anna, I’m going to have some supper with James at Reid’s, are you coming or are you staying here?”

  “I’ll stay here.” She doesn’t look up, her focus firmly on her phone.

  “Okay, but Jake will be going, you need to make sure that the front and back doors are locked properly if you’re on your own. Okay?”

  “Yes, okay mum. I’m busy.” She complains impatiently.

  “Okay, but please remember to lock all the doors.”

  “Yes.” She hisses, clearly impatient with my insistence.

  I leave. I love her to bits and she is a good girl, most of the time, but well I suppose with all teenagers there are the odd times where I just feel like I’m living with a stranger.

  I go to my room and freshen up, brush my teeth and re-apply my make-up. Looking through my wardrobe I choose a pale blue silk dress and team it up with a pair of nude coloured sling backs. I wind my hair into a clip, job done.

  On the way back downstairs I put my
head around Anna’s door to say goodbye and tell her that there’s plenty of food in the fridge I remind her once again to make sure that the doors are closed properly and the safety chains are on. I tell her that I won’t be staying out and that I’ll see her later.

  “Bye mum - just go! I’ll see you later.” She brushes me off as she continues to tap away at her mobile not even looking up from the screen.

  As I descend the stairs Jake is waiting for me. “Ready….Alex?” He asks with a smile.

  “Thanks.” We leave and I join him in the huge car, clearly not designed for urban life but for some reason favoured by those that live in the inner city, something that as much as I pick apart I cannot quite get my head around.

  We soon arrive at Reid’s and Jake drops me outside the front entrance before driving away. I walk past the doorman who nods, “Evening Ma’am.” He says as I pass through the main doors and past Sam, the concierge, “Evening Mrs. Drake.”

  “Hi Sam.”

  I’m starting to learn names one by one, although I’m sure that there will be some that I’ll never know.

  I walk through the foyer, past the place that Lewis and I had our little altercation, I wave to Roger who is on duty at his security desk and also acknowledge Marcus in the restaurant. It feels like I haven’t been here for days.

  I go through the door marked Staff Only and climb the four flights of stairs to the dimly lit corridor, which I walk along until I reach James’ office. Knocking lightly twice I open the door and see my handsome lover behind his desk. His head is down showing off his curls, those beautiful dark curls which, if I’m honest could do with a trim. He looks up “You look….”

  “Yes?” I question.

  “Fucking fuckable Alex. I like you in blue!” He says quietly.

  “I know, you told me that before, remember in that little boutique?” I recall the boutique we visited, not long after we met, the one where the assistant quite rudely walked in on me whilst I was changing.

  “Umm. It really suits you.” He glances at his watch. “Pool closes in an hour, shall we eat and then I’ll put the signs out?”

  “Please,” I smile “I missed you this morning.”

  “Really?” He raises an eyebrow as he stands and walks around his desk, “truthfully?”

  “Umm, I felt quite let down that you didn’t appear in the shower!” I smile, looking down at him.

  “I’m sorry. We’ll make up for it later. Come on, let’s eat, I’m starving. I thought we’d grab a sandwich in the bar, is that okay?”

  “Fine with me.”

  He puts his arm around my waist and guides me out of his office and along the corridor.

  “Is Lola in?” I ask.

  “She is, but I haven’t had chance to speak to her, not yet anyway.”

  “I’d like to James. Can we stop by the restaurant, now?” I really want to speak with her.

  “Are you sure?” He asks, concerned I think.

  “I want to apologise, well not apologise, more explain what happened with her Mother and why, you know, just so she knows I’m not evil, that’s all.”

  “I’ll come with you though.” He looks serious, insistent.

  “Whatever!” I say flippantly.

  We emerge through the little door and into the foyer, James still has his arm around my waist as we walk over to the restaurant.

  “Hello Marcus.” I smile at the rotund, blonde haired man who manages the restaurants in the hotel and also covers for James and Robbie if needed.

  “Mrs. Drake. Are you dining with us this evening?” He gushes, menu’s in hand.

  “No, going to have a sandwich in the bar, but I wanted to know if I could borrow Lola for ten minutes? Something I need to talk to her about, nothing to do with work.” I purposely don’t give any more information than that, it’s private and nothing at all to do with Marcus.

  “She’s just clearing a few tables, can I send her over to you when she’s done?” Marcus will not be undermined in his domain as he calls it.

  “Fine, we’ll be in the bar.” James and I turn and walk to the bar area, before sitting at one of the vacant tables he orders a pint of Bishops Finger and a chardonnay for me. We take our drinks to a table and wait for Lola “I’ve never seen you drink bitter, or ale of any description before.” I nod at the pint.

  “Ah. Something new that Marcus thought would be a good idea, real ales! You know there’s a sort of cult following, you know for real ales?” He explains as he takes a sip from the pint glass, the froth on top leaving the faintest hint of a beer moustache on his lips, I can’t resist I reach up on tip toes and kiss it way, which rewards me with a smile.

  “I had heard that they have their fans. Do you like it?” I ask.

  “It’s okay. Want to try?”

  I sip the dark ale, it’s bitter, “Not for me,” I wince “you finish it.”

  “You don’t like beer then?” He states the obvious.

  “Not to drink, but I love the smell of it.” He frowns, yes I know it’s strange but even as a child I loved the smell of beer as we walked past a pub.

  Lola appears looking very uncomfortable after few minutes later. Her head down as she walks over to our table. “Mrs. Drake, you wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, sit down Lola.” I wait for her to sit in one of the easy chairs around the table; she probably thinks I’ve called her over to sack her!

  “I just wanted to explain what happened yesterday. I would hate you to think that I’d been horrible to your mum.” I pick up my wine as I talk to her.

  She looks down, wringing her hands. “You don’t have to Mrs. Drake, I know what’s been happening. I’ve heard mum and dad plotting, deciding what they were going to spend the money on when they got it, they tried to get me involved but I refused. Yesterday was the first time I’ve been at home for about three weeks, that’s why I changed my address, why I moved – I’m renting a room off someone, can’t really afford it but it was either that or a dive.”

  “I’m so sorry Lola, that they tried to drag you into this.” I place my hand on top of hers trying to offer a little reassurance. “Where are you staying now, with your mum or at your new place?”

  “I moved out a few weeks ago but went back on Saturday, just to see if things had improved, to see if I could move back in but I left mum and dad’s again after you went yesterday. There was a terrible row, he thumped mum and then came after me, so I left.” She’s clearly distressed as she tells me about yesterday.

  “Your mum had a bruise a few days ago, the day after she called in sick.” I look at James and then Lola.

  “I don’t know about that, like I said I moved out a few weeks ago.” The poor girl looks terrible, drawn and tired.

  “Who was the boy we saw you with, in the pub that lunchtime?” James asks.

  Her face brightens as James mentions the young man she was with. “Oh, that was Josh, he’s my brother.”

  It occurs to me that she’s mentioned mum and dad, and how they’re going to spend the money.

  “Who’s dad?” I ask, “You said mum and dad.”

  She takes a deep, deep breath. “I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that Mrs. Drake, I really was.” She wrings her hands in her lap, over and over looking anywhere but at me.

  “Who’s dad Lola?” James asks firmly.

  The poor girl looks up, her eyes brimming with tears and her bottom lip quivering. “I can’t” she whimpers, “It’s so embarrassing, it’s so wrong.”

  I take her hand and hold it tightly, motherly. Looking directly at her, in my heart I know what she’s going to say. “Who’s your dad?” I ask quietly again.

  “He’s your husband Mrs. Drake. My dad is Lewis Drake.” She breaks down, covering her face with her hands.

  Oh bloody hell I think to myself. How much more can I take, this is just unbelievable. Lewis fathered children with someone else before Anna was born. Hell. My head’s in a spin, I’m trying to keep control, for Lola’s sake as much as anything el
se. I sit back in my chair and just look at James totally and utterly, well gobsmacked!

  “He’s a bastard Mrs. Drake. A horrible man, he hits my mum and me if I’m in the way of anything and Josh, I love my brother, but he couldn’t take it anymore, he left home about four years ago when he was seventeen. He missed out on university and everything and he’s so clever.”

  She sobs, I see her shoulders heaving up and down, I reach into my bag for a tissue and pass it to her, she accepts and wipes her eyes.

  “Oh, Mrs. Drake. What are you going to do?” She cries again.

  “I don’t know Lola, I have no idea.” I say quietly, I’m just shocked. “So how long has Lewis been at home or at your mum’s house?” I ask.

  “Since he came out of hospital. He can’t get around properly yet, still on crutches, but it won’t be long before he’s back to normal. That place is rented, we used to live up north but moved down here a few months ago, I think soon after you moved here.”

  It all falls into place, the time that Lewis spent in the North of the country away from home, only coming back at weekends he must have been with Muriel, the time increasing over the last few years. He must have been living a double life.

  “You know what he’s been offered when I divorce him?” I ask.

  “I know a bit. But they’re not satisfied with it. I don’t think they ever will be!” She takes a deep breath again and flaps her hands in front of her face, trying desperately to calm herself down.

  “Did you know about me and Anna? I mean you’re older than Anna, nineteen aren’t you? And your brother’s twenty-one?”

  She nods. “Yeah.”

  “Oh shit,” I gasp “that means that a year after we were married your brother was born!”

  “It’s so wrong,” she splutters through the tears, “they’ve been together for ages Mrs. Drake. I don’t know exactly how long, but it feels like forever sometimes.”

  “Are they married Lola?” A question I have to ask, although I don’t see how they could be.

  She looks up at me and then at James, “I don’t know, I always thought they were, she’s always worn a wedding ring and there’s a picture of their wedding on the sideboard.”


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