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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

Page 23

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  “Oh no!” I gasp, I look at James and feel myself flush, breathing deeply.

  “Happy place!” James says firmly, “Alex, go to your happy place.” I think about anything, other than what Lola has just said to me, beaches that I visited as a child, the tree house my dad built me, my room when I was growing up the pretty pink and white wall paper that my dad cursed when he was trying to pattern match. I breathe slowly, purposely in and out, slowly and calmly. What has Lola just told me? How much worse can it get, my heart pounds the knotted feeling in my stomach returns, I could crumble. How much more shit can the bastard throw at me?

  “You need to find out when they got married Alex.” James looks at me seriously.

  “I can find out,” Lola butts in “I’m sure I could. They tried to get me to get information out of you, that’s why I’m here at the hotel, but when I met you the first time I thought you were so nice, the only thing I did was tell dad you were here on that day when he phoned you and then when he came to the hotel when you were on your own, that’s all I did. I refused to do anything else after that. That’s the reason I moved out. I am so sorry, so sorry. ” She screws her face up looking so desperately upset, her lips twist as she breaks down again, big tears rolling down her cheeks, “I am so sorry!”

  James has his hands full, me on the verge of another panic attack and Lola a sobbing mess opposite.

  “He’s a bigamist,” I whisper “I don’t think I’m married. I’m divorcing a man that I don’t think I’m even married to!” I think out aloud, “What else can go wrong with my life? James I need a drink, a big drink.”

  James checks on Lola and squeezes my hand before walking to the bar but keeping an eye on us both, he talks to the barman and quickly returns. Within a few moments two very large Cognac’s have arrived, one for Lola and one for me.

  I pick up the glass and sip the dark amber liquid, it burns my throat as I swallow, I wince. “I don’t think I’m married James.” I look at him, I must look blank, expressionless, that’s how I feel, I don’t know how I feel, I’m empty, no I’m happy, am I happy? It’s too much to take in, I’m stunned.

  “What’s my name? Am I Alex Drake or Alex Golding? Was I ever Alex Drake?” I don’t really know who I’m talking to, it’s just words tumbling from my mouth.

  Lola reaches for her drink. At least she knows what’s been going on, apparently she doesn’t approve, but she knew.

  “Lola?” I draw her attention to me, she looks up. “Did you ever wonder why your dad was never home at weekends? Especially these last few years, you must know he was only with us at weekends!”

  She puts her glass down, “No, he’s never been around much. I’ve seen him more since you came here than ever before, it was always just the three of us and him popping in, always working away.”

  I nod, “That’s what we were told too. I can’t believe he has two children with your mum. I’m stunned! Where’s Josh now?” I ask.

  “At work. He works at a factory, only nights that’s all he could get.”

  I bring my hands to my face, “I’m having difficulty in taking all of this in.” I mutter. I take the glass of Cognac and down the lot in one go. “Can I have another?” I hold the glass out to James.

  He looks at me, shocked I think that I’ve asked for another drink. “Are you sure? You don’t normally drink!”

  “Another!” I snap, “and I think Lola could do with one too.”

  James signals to the barman and points towards the two brandy glasses, when the drinks are delivered he asks for club sandwiches and a bowl of chips to be brought over. Then he just sits and watches us both as we drink back the Cognac, both of us staring into space slowly getting plastered.

  “I need to talk to Shauna,” I slur, “I may not have to divorce him. Hey I’m probably not even married. Oh God, Anna, Anna was born out of wedlock – crap!” I’ve not felt so tipsy for years.

  James rests his hand on my knee. “Alex, calm down. We’ll sort it all tomorrow - don’t jump to any conclusions just yet.”

  I down my second large Cognac as Marcus appears, “I thought you only wanted her for a few minutes, that was an hour ago,” he sniffs.

  James looks at Marcus, shaking his head. “Lola won’t be coming back tonight, you’ll have to make do without her mate, sorry.”

  Marcus looks at us both, sniffs the air, huffs and waltzes back to his precious restaurant just as the sandwiches and chips arrive.

  “Not hungry anymore,” I slur to James, the Cognac having clearly gone straight to my head. “Can we go home?”

  My darling James, ever the gentleman, looks at Lola, “What are you doing tonight?”

  “I’ll go back to my room. I’ll be fine. As Mrs. Drake says, at least I knew, well knew most of it anyway,” she looks so tired.

  “Are you sure?” James asks.

  She stands to leave. “I’m fine. Really I am. I’m just so pleased that it’s out in the open. I’ll ring Josh, I’m sure they’re married but Josh will know.”

  I reach out for her hand, “Be careful Lola, please look after yourself. Lewis can be very nasty, but I’m sure you know that. Your mum, well I thought she was lovely when I first let her into my home but now, well now I’m not so sure.”

  “Mrs. Drake. You don’t need to tell me. They’re made for each other.” She turns and leaves leaving me shocked, totally.

  James reaches for my hand. “So, I may well be possibly marrying someone who is a Miss after all!”

  “Don’t James, don’t joke about it please! I’m supposed to be going to Birmingham tomorrow to look at apartments and see Shauna. I don’t feel like looking at property now, but I really do need to see Shauna now – don’t I?” I feel light headed, slightly drunk!

  He grips my hand tightly, “I think you do! Shall I get Archie to run you home, do you want to go home? I’ll call Benito and make sure someone stays at yours tonight, especially after what we’ve just found out.”

  In a sudden change of heart I feel the need to be loved, “What about the pool?” I smile, “I missed you this morning!” My speech feels slurry and my face feels tingly, I think I may have had a drop too much to drink!

  He smiles. “You still up for that? I thought you might want to go straight home after the revelation from Lola. And all of those large drinks!”

  “No, oh gosh no James, I would never turn down great sex, I’ve got years to make up for!” I say really quite loudly, blushing when I realise what I’ve said and that the people around us have stopped talking and are looking at me. Hell, I don’t care – amazing what a bit of alcohol can do for your inhibitions!

  He pulls me up from my chair, “Come on then.” He leads me from the bar and into the orangery. I feel like my legs are going in the opposite direction to where I want them to go, it’s been years since I’ve had too much to drink and I’d completely forgotten what it felt like! We go through to the ladies changing room and he produces two large fluffy white towels, “I’ll check the doors, no interruptions this time!” He doubles back to secure the doors to the new complex.

  I strip out of my dress and wrap the towel around me. I fumble with my hair making sure it’s securely fastened and wait for James to return. After a few minutes he comes into the changing room with a small black drawstring bag.

  I look down at his bag, “What’s that?”

  “Mind your own business.” He says as he kicks his Chelsea boots off and undoes his black trousers dropping them to the floor, followed by the black boxers and finally the shirt. His back is to me, I can’t resist I stand and wrap my arms around his waist laying the side of my face against his glorious firm, smooth back, right between his shoulder blades. “I love you James.” I half slur and half whisper. He turns and holds me, leaning forward he places those firm, soft lips upon mine kissing me, his tongue lapping against my bottom lip forcing me to open. I quiver inside as his hands work the towel free from around my breasts, it falls to the floor, I feel his fingers on my breast squeezing,
needing gently, his thumb grazing over my hard nipple.

  He pulls me towards the poolside “Come on lady, Jacuzzi tonight I think!”

  I bend to pick up my towel and he slaps my arse as I bend over, “Oi!” I yelp as I nearly wobble over, I’m very off balance!

  He laughs, “Only getting my own back. Tat’s looking veerry nice.” He runs his fingers over my strawberry.

  We walk onto the poolside, well actually he walks I sway, both naked I look down and see that huge thick cock, semi erect and almost leading the way to the Jacuzzi. He presses the button on the floor with his foot and the bubbles start, the giant effervescent Jacuzzi, “In you get,” he holds my hand as I step into the warm, bubbling water feeling a bit wobbly as I go. I find a step and another and eventually plonk onto one of the moulded seats. He climbs in after me leaving his little drawstring bag on the side. I want to know what’s in it!

  Once in he nudges my legs apart with his knees and kneels between them, he leans forward and kisses my nipples one by one, grazing them with his teeth, his big palms holding my waist as he toys with my nipple in his mouth. He leans forward over my shoulder, I glance to see what he’s doing, “Close your eyes!” He snaps as he fiddles with the bag. I struggle to say seated as the high power jets push me away from the side.

  “You’re being bossy!” I giggle.

  He huffs, “Umm. Just close your eyes Blossom!” He orders again.

  I feel his lips on mine again and his palm travelling up the inside of my thigh, the bubbles from the Jacuzzi emphasising every touch making my skin ultra-sensitive, then I feel an intense pleasure, “Woah, what’s what?” I cry out.

  “Enjoy Alex, just relax.” He kisses my neck, nibbles my ear, his legs holding mine open. I feel his fingers divide by labia and “God almighty James!” I nearly take off as whatever he has stimulates my clit beyond belief, more than anything else I have could ever imagine.

  “Hell James, God!” Whatever he has is vibrating away sending me into a frenzy. I try to move my legs, close them but he’s wedged firmly between them “Good Alex, relax.” He whispers.

  I’ve bubbles and water jets shooting at me in every direction, this handsome man, naked wedged between my legs and whatever he has in his hand making me reach my climax too bloody quickly.

  “Aaargh!” I cry out throwing my head back, my inhibitions completely gone, maybe as a result of the brandy. I ram my fingers into the side of the moulded Jacuzzi gripping hard as he continues to work that thing into me. “I’m coming James, hell. Fucking hell James!” I yell at the top of my voice as my body shakes wildly. “Move your sodding legs!” I shout at him as I try to close mine. He smiles, that killer smile and looks directly at me, firmly, “No!” He replies.

  I shudder again and again. Until he finally relents and moves whatever device he has and places it on top of his little black bag.

  “What was that?” I gasp, still feeling the effects of my multiple orgasms, still shaking.

  He kisses me deeply, “Oh, just a little thing I got, just for you, I thought you’d like it.”

  “Like it! It’s was bloody amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it ever! James, I need you inside me – now!” I demand, the effects of the two large drinks earlier now fully allowing me to feel totally liberated. God I feel turned on, totally wanton and pissed!

  He grins at me, “What the lady asks for, the lady gets!” He lifts me up slightly so that my legs are wrapped around his waist, I feel his hardness at my entrance, I’m still tingling all over as he thrusts into me, I feel so incredibly full, “God Alex, you are so fucking amazing!” He grumbles as he drives into me. The bubbles and jets of the Jacuzzi playing havoc with every inch of my so private places, between my legs, my arse, the insides of my thighs, the lower part of my back, it’s like sitting in a vibrator let alone using one!

  James continues to pump into me, holding me close as he works against the water. He holds me close, very close my face buried into his firm chest. “I love you Alex,” he grumbles, “so fucking much. Please don’t ever doubt how much!”

  He pounds again and again, driving hard into me, he groans again and I feel his release, little pulses inside me over and over.

  He gives one last thrust as he collapses over me, bracing his arms at either side of my head and kisses me deeply, thoroughly and completely.

  “What was it?” I ask.


  “Your thing,” I nod towards the black draw string bag. He reaches for it and takes out a small pink finger shaped device with soft hedgehog like spines. He flicks it on and it vibrates, he runs is along my cheek. “It’s veerry nice,” I grin widely, “got any more, you know of that sort of thing?”

  “Alex Drake, or whatever your name is, you naughty girl!” He grumbles to the side of my cheek, “I may have one or two things. I’ll have to have a look through my collection.”

  “Collection!” I’m astounded, “you’ve got a collection?”

  “I may have.” He sits beside me and puts his arm around my shoulder. We sit for what must be half an hour as the warm water bubbles around us.

  I stand and start to move out of the Jacuzzi a little wobbly, “I’m going to shrivel if I don’t get out.” My legs feel like jelly wanting to go in their own direction, he climbs out before me and helps me as I eventually step out from the huge bubbling pool. I wrap myself in the large towel and move towards the changing room giggling as I sway along the poolside. I shower briefly, pat myself dry before dressing.

  “James,” I slur, “can you come with me tomorrow, to Birmingham? I’d rather go with you than Jake?”

  He looks at me, “I’d love to but you know I can’t. Look, I hand over to Robbie in literally a couple of weeks. You’ve got next week and the week after and then we’ll be working together full time. You’ll be okay with Jake, he’s a good bloke. I’ll call Benito from the car when I run you home, we won’t bother Archie now, you need someone at home tonight, just to be sure.”

  “Fine!” I pout.

  He sighs deeply. “Alex, don’t sulk please, you make me feel so bad. You know I can’t get out of it. Please don’t be upset,” He pulls me into a hug, “I would if I could, but Marcus can’t cover all day and Robbie has to have some time off, if he hadn’t asked for tonight off it wouldn’t have been a problem. You’ll be fine tomorrow, really. We’ve someone lined up to take over from Robbie, a new assistant manager. Two weeks Alex, two weeks that’s all!” He tries to comfort me, but I really wanted him tomorrow, not Jake, especially when I see Shauna.

  I look up at him, “And what do I say to Anna? How do I tell her about Lewis, Muriel – shit James, she’s a half brother and sister she knew nothing about!”

  “You’ll find a way, she’s a clever girl, a bright girl! She’ll be okay. You’ll see.” He reassures me.

  We walk to the Jaguar and James opens the door for me, I slide in and once he’s in himself we pull out of the car park.

  “Have you heard when the Audi will be ready?” I ask, slumped back in the seat feeling really quite woozy.

  “At the end of this week, hopefully Thursday or Friday.” He concentrates on the road.

  I giggle, “Fine. Shall we get one of these as well, you know a family car and a fun car?”

  “A family car?” He questions.

  “Well you know what I mean, for when there’s more than just us two.” I clarify my meaning.

  He looks at me, taking his attention from the road, “Could do. There’s no rush though, is there?”

  I laugh, he must have thought that, “No, no. Just thinking out loud that’s all. Although I bet your kids will be adorable!”

  He looks at me and smiles before calling Benito as we drive along. He tells me that someone called Lee will be coming to babysit me and Anna this evening. I grumble again.

  James pulls up outside of our home and comes in with me. He waits with me for the half hour or so until Lee arrives. Another strapping man, about the same age as Jake. Is he ex-
military as well?

  I check on Anna before James goes, she’s fast asleep, it doesn’t surprise me, it’s late and she’s still trying to get her body clock into British time.

  James hugs me and kisses me goodnight before he leaves. Lee checks the front door as apparently, or so it would appear, I’m not capable of locking it myself and securing the chain. No, this big bloke has to check that I’ve done it right.

  I show him where the kettle is, coffee, tea and the like. I leave out a loaf of bread to defrost and tell him that he should feel free to use the toaster. There’s low fat spread in the fridge and a variety of preserves, in case he needs to eat in the night. He thanks me as I go to my room.

  I slip on my t-shirt and climb straight into bed. Despite being a little drunk I lie awake contemplating the day’s events. Lewis, the bastard must have been married already when he married me! Two bloody wives, how many people could pull that off? And two families no wonder he was always so cash hungry. Did he keep Muriel on a tight budget too? I thought she was off the other day, asking where I was going, what I was doing – of course she would, I’m the other woman!

  What the hell am I going to tell Anna? I know she hates her dad now, but she grew up idolising him. Shit Lewis, you really have messed up, big time. Destroying my life is bad enough but potentially ruining Anna’s, that’s unforgiveable.

  Chapter 26

  The alarm wakes me early. I’ve a major headache, probably the Cognac, maybe just the stress from yesterday or most likely a bit of both! Who knows? It’s six, Jake will be here at seven giving us a few hours to get to Birmingham, allowing extra for early morning traffic.

  I climb out of bed and use the bathroom, then through to Anna’s room to wake her before going downstairs for tea and painkillers.

  I forget about Lee and wander into the kitchen looking dishevelled in my t-shirt and knickers, my hair an absolute mess.

  “Oh, I forgot you were here.” I say as I put the kettle on, rubbing my eyes and to be honest feeling ill!


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