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Love, Always and Forever

Page 16

by Alexis Morgan

  “Not really. I put together a vegetarian lasagna before your mom stopped by. You can have some of that if you want.”

  She waited to see how he’d handle that little bombshell. Would he reject her offering at the risk of hurting her feelings? Not that it would. The lasagna would freeze just as easily as the meatloaf. The man was definitely a carnivore, so chances were he’d prefer his mother’s meatloaf to a pasta and veggie dinner.

  “How about we have both? I’m willing to share my meatloaf with you, and I’m pretty sure your lasagna counts as a vegetable side dish. We can split the leftovers, too. That way neither of us has to cook for a day or two.”

  He looked so hopeful all she could do was laugh. “And I suppose you’ll expect to take home a piece of the pie I baked, too.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “You baked a pie and made a lasagna? When did you find time to work?”

  “I finished the project I was working on this morning. After that, I got bored. When I get bored”—frazzled, confused, or hot for her handsome next-door neighbor—“I cook. I also have a batch of soup in my slow cooker and chocolate chip cookies cooling on the counter.”

  “Damn, all I’ve accomplished today was a long nap. You make me feel like a slacker.”

  Not true. She hadn’t spent the night fighting a fire and who knew what else. Figuring he wouldn’t want to hear that, she pointed toward her front yard. “You needed that sleep. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you promised to work on my flower beds today.”

  She put her hand on his bare chest, doing her best to ignore the shot of heat that touch sent ripping through her. “So get busy, mister. We both have work to do, and time’s a wasting.”

  Then she gave him a gentle shove to send him on his way. They both knew she wasn’t strong enough to force him into action. He stared down at her palm on his chest and then caught her wrist in his. “I’m more than willing to make good on my promise.”

  She swallowed hard. Which promise was he talking about? Because she couldn’t imagine digging up sod would account for the hunger glittering in his thickly lashed blue eyes. “I’m g-glad to hear that.”

  Her small stutter turned his smile from friendly to predatory. “Good, Amy, because I can hardly wait to get started.”

  Suddenly, his lips hovered right over hers as he gently pressed her up against the side of the garage, holding her there with his big body, which radiated heat that had nothing to do with the warm afternoon sun.

  When he kissed her, it lasted forever and not nearly long enough. When he broke it off, she knew what regret tasted like.

  “I’ll go put on my work boots and be right back. Okay?”

  She managed to nod. Hopefully her legs would regain enough strength to support her while he was gone.

  “One more thing, Amy.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I plan on working up quite an appetite.”

  Then he was gone, leaving her wondering if he was talking about dinner…or her. Not sure which one she hoped was the right answer to that question, she went into full retreat back inside the house with the dogs right behind her.

  Chapter 16

  Looking back, Mikhail figured he’d come on a little strong with Amy the morning after the bad fire. If he hadn’t been so damned tired, he might have had better control over his mouth, but he still wasn’t sure if he actually regretted declaring his intentions. Dinner later that same evening had gone off without a hitch, but for sure he’d detected more than a hint of increased skittishness anytime he got a little too close to her.

  On the other hand, she hadn’t slapped him stupid when he’d kissed her good night. There were definitely some mixed signals going on. He’d been told often enough that he was a good-looking man. That said, his ego wasn’t such that he believed he was pure catnip for every woman who crossed his path.

  Regardless, he knew for damn sure Amy was attracted to him even if she seemed seriously confused about what she wanted to do about it. That was only fair, because she sure as hell was driving him crazy with her sweet smiles, hot kisses, and those long legs that he dearly wanted wrapped around his hips as he drove himself deep into her willing body.

  They might have started off just as friends, but he’d told her flat-out that he wanted that to change. He just wished he knew what secrets she hid behind those innocent eyes of hers. One way or another he was going to have to coax her into sharing them, because his gut feeling said that until that happened they’d never get past the kiss-and-retreat pattern they’d fallen into. God knows he had his own secrets that he would just as soon keep to himself.

  But it was frustrating walking around with a semi every time he thought of her. It got even harder, pun intended, whenever he was in the same room with her. If this kept up, it might do some kind of weird permanent damage to Misha Jr.

  His cell pinged that he had a text. The car service he’d hired to take them to the dinner dance would be there in fifteen minutes. Right on time. After checking his appearance one last time, he grabbed the small box containing the wrist corsage he’d bought for Amy. He wasn’t sure if such things were expected for the kind of affair they were going to tonight, but he hadn’t forgotten that she’d never been invited to a single high school dance. Maybe the flowers would go a little way toward making up for that.

  As he let himself out the front door, he spoke to his roommate. “Sarge, behave yourself.”

  The bulldog’s snores barely stopped long enough for him to give Mikhail a bleary-eyed look, which made him laugh. No doubt the dog was sound asleep before Mikhail cleared the front porch.

  Amy must have been watching for him, because she opened the door before he had a chance to knock. One look at her and his entire world tilted sideways.

  Hot fucking damn! He’d always known she was pretty, but tonight she was beyond stunning. Had he ever seen her with full makeup on? He couldn’t have. No way he would’ve forgotten that lush mouth painted a deep red. Her dark blue dress left her arms and shoulders bare, setting off her tanned skin perfectly. The long slit up the right front side of her skirt only added fuel to the fire of his fantasies about her shapely legs.

  Amy’s dark hair was held back from her face with some kind of fancy barrettes. From there, it tumbled down to her bare shoulders in loose curls, ones he immediately wanted to drag his fingers through as he kissed her senseless. He took a half-step back. If he gave in to that temptation, he might not be able to stop.

  He finally realized his extended silence was making her nervous. Stepping forward again, he kissed her on the cheek, mainly because he didn’t trust his control if he got anywhere near that sexy mouth.

  “You look beautiful, Amy. I’ll be the envy of every man at the dinner tonight.”

  Then he held out the corsage. “I didn’t think to ask what color you’d be wearing, so I went with the florist’s recommendation of ivory sweetheart roses.”

  She stared down at the small box and then up at him with a look of pure wonder. “You got this for me?”

  “Well, yeah. Since it’s made to wear on the wrist, I think it would look pretty silly on the sleeve of my tux.”

  When she fumbled a bit trying to open the lid, he took it back long enough to do that little chore for her. She lifted the corsage out of the box as if the flowers might shatter if she jostled them too hard. Holding the small bouquet up to her face, she took a deep breath and then smiled as she slipped it onto her wrist.

  Rising up on her toes, she kissed his cheek. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  Then she grinned and scrubbed at his skin with her fingertips. “Sorry about that. You don’t want to show up at the dance sporting a smudge of red lipstick on your face.”

  He caught her hand in his and brushed his lips across her fingertips. “Why not? All the other guys would be jealous because a beautiful woman had kissed me and not them.”

  Her cheeks turned rosy. “Nice comeback, Wanjek.”

  “I just tell it like it is.”

/>   She looked past him and frowned. “A car just pulled up in front of the house. Who could that be?”

  “I ordered a car service for us tonight. They’ll drop us off at the country club and then pick us up when we’re ready to come back home. That way I don’t have to worry about driving after having a drink.” He winked at her. “Or several. Dancing is thirsty work.”

  “I like a man who thinks ahead.”

  She picked up a lacy shawl, which he helped settle over her shoulders. Then he offered her his arm. “Come on, Cinderella. Your chariot awaits. Let’s go to the ball.”


  The steak dinner was better than Mikhail had thought it would be, but then his sister-in-law didn’t do things by half measures. Natalie’s grandfather’s foundation was one of the chief sponsors of this whole shindig. As a result, their table was right next to the dance floor. Actually, they’d filled up two tables since the entire clan had turned out in support of the fundraiser for several veterans’ groups. At least he was surrounded by family. These days a crowd this size made his skin feel too tight. He kept telling himself that as long as he focused on the people he knew, he’d be okay.

  He was glad Amy had had the chance to meet almost everyone in his extended family before the big event. It might have been lonely for her to spend the entire night surrounded by an ocean of strangers, especially when he couldn’t always be right there next to her. Right now they were seated between his mother and Jay on one side and Jack and his family on the other. Tino and Natalie were at the adjoining table with her grandfather, her parents, and a couple of friends from the community center the foundation also supported.

  The noise level made it difficult to talk to anyone seated more than a couple of spots away, but that was okay. His entire focus was on Amy, who was busy chatting with Jay. Something about the YouTube dance videos they’d both been watching. He couldn’t quite catch what the former Seal said, but from the way Amy laughed, it must have been really funny.

  He might have been jealous of how much time she’d spent talking to Jay if it weren’t for the fact that she’d been holding Mikhail’s hand the entire time, her fingers tightly entwined with his. When he stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, she gave his hand a quick squeeze, making it clear that she was well aware of his presence.

  The waiters reappeared, this time making the rounds with trays full of desserts. Maybe that was the signal the musicians had been waiting for because they all came filing in, which hopefully meant the orchestra would start playing soon. He hoped so. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait to hold Amy in his arms.

  Jack must have noticed the orchestra’s arrival as well, because he nudged Mikhail’s shoulder. “By the way, your suggestion that we buy all the women those wrist corsages was sheer genius. Mom was thrilled when Ricky gave one to her, and Caitlyn promised to show me her appreciation later when we get home. I can’t wait.”

  “Damn, Jack, don’t put those images in my head.” Although it was good to see his brother looking so happy these days.

  “Jealous much?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  Jack nodded in Amy’s direction. “So are the two of you ready to admit you’re a helluva lot more than best buddies yet? Because I’m telling you, Bro, you sure as hell don’t act like BFFs. Jay told me he was worried about asking her to dance, like maybe you’d come after him with both fists. Did you actually threaten him?”

  “No, I didn’t. Amy’s a big girl and can dance with whoever she wants to.”

  “But you won’t like it.”

  “I’ll be fine with it.” Of course, Jack might have had an easier time believing that if Mikhail hadn’t said it with his teeth clenched.

  “Yeah, right, little brother. You’ve got it bad for that woman.”

  “Not your business, Jack.”

  “But you’ve got to admit—”

  “I don’t have to admit a damn thing, especially to you.” Time to change this conversation’s direction. “Who is up first to dance with Mom?”

  Jack clearly wanted to continue his inquisition, but he finally gave up and let it pass—for now. The stubborn bastard would be right back at it whenever he thought he caught Mikhail in a weak moment. “I’m pretty sure Tino said Jay asked for that honor. Then it’s Ricky’s turn.”

  Mikhail looked across the table at their mother, who seemed to be enjoying herself. “Good. I’ll take the next dance, and you can step in after that.”

  “Sounds good.”

  No way either he or his brothers would leave their mother sitting alone for long even though he wanted to spend as much time as possible dancing with the woman sitting next to him. He already knew he’d have to share Amy’s attentions, considering she’d promised dances to Jay as well as Jack, Ricky, and Tino. She deserved to have a good time, even if it wasn’t always with him.

  Amy turned to him with a hopeful smile. “I think the orchestra is getting ready to start playing.”

  Right now he was feeling pretty damn possessive. “I want the first dance with you.”

  “That’s what I was hoping for.” Then she leaned in closer to whisper, “After that, I promised Jay I’d dance with him.”

  “Have fun. We’ll all be trading partners this evening.” Besides, he’d be a selfish bastard to deny the other man a chance to enjoy himself, too. “But I hope you penciled me in a lot on your dance card.”

  “I did. Especially the slow ones.”

  Then she gave him a sly look that had a certain part of his anatomy sitting up and taking notice. It didn’t help matters that her legs persisted in playing peekaboo through that slit in her skirt whenever she shifted in her seat. Damn, he wished they were back at his house where he could make good on that promise—or maybe it had been a threat—to carry her off to his bed.

  Fortunately, the orchestra chose that moment to start playing. He stood up and offered her his hand. They made their way through the clutter of tables to the dance floor. Jay followed in their footsteps with Marlene right behind him.


  Amy looked a bit nervous, but she didn’t hesitate when he settled one hand on her back and took her other one in his. “Here we go.”

  It took her a few steps to relax into an easy rhythm. Soon, they glided across the dance floor as if they’d been partnering for years instead of just a few practice dances in his mother’s living room.

  “Having a good time?”

  Her dark eyes shone brightly as they swayed in time to the waltz the orchestra was playing. “The best, Misha. I’ve always dreamed of having a night like this.”

  She didn’t often call him by that name, but he liked it when she did. “I still can’t believe this is your first dance. I said it before, but the guys in your hometown had to be complete idiots.”

  He gave her a quick spin, startling a happy laugh from her. “But their loss is definitely my gain.”

  When the song came to an end, Ricky was already there to take his turn dancing with his grandmother while Jay came to claim his turn with Amy. Rather than stand on the sidelines and watch, Mikhail asked his sister-in-law’s mother to dance. Natalie had mentioned that her father had two left feet, but that her mom really loved to dance.

  After that, he claimed his dance with his mother just as the orchestra broke into a lively salsa number. He loved seeing his mother enjoying herself so much. Nights like this were the kind where she missed Joe the most. They all did.

  By the time the song ended, both of them were a bit breathless. “I’m going to sit the next one out, Misha. Why don’t you go dance with Amy again?”

  “Good idea.”

  But when he finally spotted her in the crowd, she was already walking out onto the dance floor with his nephew. Rather than hunt up another partner for himself, he grabbed a glass of wine off a passing waiter’s tray. Leaning against a handy column, he savored the moment of watching Amy moving gracefully as Ricky guided her through the steps of a foxtrot. As usual, the kid wa
s talking nonstop, but it didn’t seem to interfere with his dancing.

  Tino moved up to stand next to Mikhail. “Mom is right to be proud of her latest dance students.”

  “Yeah, I was just thinking Ricky is a natural.”

  “True, but I was talking about Amy and Jay, even if the poor bastard wouldn’t bring a plus-one for fear of how he’d do.” He pointed toward where Jay was dancing with Tino’s wife. “Amy looks like she’s been dancing for years, but he was terrified he’d fall on his face the second he stepped out on the dance floor. Or, worse yet, that he’d fall on his dance partner and do some serious damage to them both.”

  Tino bumped Mikhail’s shoulder with his. “But he was mostly worried about what you’d do to him if it was Amy he landed on.”

  The image Tino had just painted made Mikhail want to growl. “You wouldn’t like it if he fell on Natalie anymore than Jack would appreciate having to scrape Caitlyn or Mom up off the floor.”

  “True enough. Besides, I told him not to worry about the falling part, because you’d hate him just as much for doing a bang-up job of dancing with her.”

  God, he hated it when his brothers decided to poke at the sleeping bear of Mikhail’s temper. He pretended to flick a piece of dust off Tino’s lapel. “Listen, runt, you really should shut up. I’d hate to drag your scrawny ass outside and mess up that fancy tux, not to mention your already ugly face.”

  The jerk only laughed. “Just tell me I’m wrong, baby brother, and I’ll shut up. Admit it, you don’t like seeing her dancing with someone who isn’t already happily married or too young to be any competition.”

  There was no use in denying the truth. “No, I don’t like it, but I want her to enjoy herself. This is her very first dance. In fact, I get the sense she’s never even dated very much.”

  Tino’s eyes widened in obvious shock. “Why the hell not? Did she grow up in a convent or something? Remember, I’m a very happily married man when I say this, but she’s not only really likable, she’s a stunner. I can’t believe you’re the first man to notice that.”


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