Book Read Free


Page 13

by Wild, Clarissa

“I’ll wait here.”

  I close the door behind me and immediately rummage through my closet, looking for the perfect outfit. I’m not good at this at all. The last time I went to a party was in the third grade, and it was a sleepover. I don’t know if you could even call that a ‘party.’ I have no idea what to wear, so I just grab the sexiest clothes I have, which is a short black dress and heels to match.

  After fixing my hair, putting on some mascara, and putting on some earrings I open the door.

  “Wow, good job. What a transformation,” Jaret says, astonished.

  “Let’s go,” I say, and I walk past him.

  “Uh, sure. Let’s take my car then.”

  Maybe I’m rushing a bit too much, but I want to get there as fast as possible. I want to find out more about Hunter and what he’s doing with those people, and I think this is the perfect way to find out. Since Jaret’s going there, too, and they’re both into the drug-dealing thing, I’m pretty sure this whole party will be flocking with the same kind of people.

  That’s some scary shit.

  Jaret points us to his car, which is a low convertible. My eyeballs almost pop out the moment I see it. There’s some real money to be made with what they do. No wonder they’re so hung up on it.

  I swallow away the lump in my throat as I get inside and close the door. Putting on my seatbelt, I say, “Nice car.”

  “It’s my baby,” he says.

  I nod in awe as he starts the car and steps on the gas, making a lot of noise. Pushover.

  Normally, I would never, never, go with types like him, but this time’s an exception to that rule. I’ll break my own laws if I have to. I’m way too curious to find out more about Hunter.

  “So, you guys do a lot of dealing then?”

  Jaret holds his breath and gazes at me with widened eyes. “Don’t tell anyone, ’kay? I know you’re Hunter’s chick, and I hope I can trust you, because otherwise …”

  I hold up my hands as a peace sign. “I won’t, I promise. I’m just curious. Why are you even in school if you make so much money? No need for a job, right?”

  He chortles. “I’m here because my parents want me to be. I just want to party, have some fun. I’m more of the gambling type.” He reaches into his collar and takes out a necklace with a die as a bangle.

  “Cool,” I say, as he shows it to me and tucks it away again. It’s not even remotely interesting. I just pretend I think it is.

  “My lucky charm.”

  “Must bring a lot of luck if you’re driving this car and raking in so much cash.” I keep going back to the same topic, because I want to know more about what they do, and I think Jaret is the perfect person to spill it.

  “Nah, I’m just lucky I found the right … ‘job.’” He winks, and he jerks the steering wheel so hard I’m almost flung against the window.

  “So do you take them sometimes too? The drugs, I mean.”

  “Sometimes. Takes the kick off things, you know.”

  “Why do you do it? The trading? Just for the money?” I ask, as we shoot through the streets.

  “Mostly, yeah. The other part is because they’d kill me if I stopped now. I don’t really have the luxury to do what I want. On the other hand, who am I to complain?” He laughs it off like it’s a joke or something, but the air in this car suddenly feels too thick to breathe in.

  Words like ‘kill’ and ‘drugs’ are being thrown around like they’re common goods, and it’s freaking me out.

  “We’re here!” he says as he parks the car like a lunatic, occupying several spots. I’m gazing outside at a gigantic house filled to the brim with people. It almost looks like a tidal wave of people will soon come crashing out.

  Lights are turned on, loud music is playing, people are screaming and yelling, having fun with God knows what. There’s not another house within a two-mile radius, so it looks like an out-of-control party.

  We get out of the car, and I feel dizzy because of the ride, but I don’t get any time to regain my composure. Jaret hooks his arm through mine and takes me to the house.

  My heart is going bonkers inside my chest as we walk up the steps. The lawn is littered with plastic cups, and toilet paper, for some reason. There are panties hanging from the tree branches, and a couple of shoes. I hear lots of giggling, and I’m thinking there are dirty things going on here I don’t want to see.

  I’m scared to death to enter that house.

  But I do it anyway.

  It’s not like I have a choice with Jaret practically dragging me inside.

  As the door closes behind us, I’m almost going deaf from the loud music.

  “You can find Hunter on your own, right? I really have to play some cards,” Jaret says, his eyes flicking to the poker table and back to me.

  “I guess,” I stammer.

  “Cool, see you around!” he says, and then he walks off through the crowd, leaving me alone at the door.


  Now I’m on my own. What the fuck do I do?

  I’m getting a panic attack already just by looking at all these people dancing, drinking, smoking. It stinks in here, and the air is filled with toxic fumes that make me cough. Some are smoking pot on the couch, others are sniffing up coke lines from the table. I’m disgusted by the mere sight of it, and I can’t believe I’m actually here, watching it.

  What the hell am I doing here?

  I want to turn around and run, but at the same time I can’t just leave either. Jaret’s my ride, and he’s left me alone. I don’t even have an idea how to get home.

  Besides, Hunter is here. I should try to find him, see what he’s up to.

  In the corner is a bowl of punch, and I make my way to the table. I grab a cup and fill it to the brim. Under normal circumstances I won’t just drink for the heck of it, but I really need something to take the edge of this anxiousness I’m feeling. I can’t go around this house looking like a scared little kid. That’ll only generate suspicion. No, I need to blend in. Fit in with the crowd. Act like them.

  I down the punch in one go, and then follow it up with a jello shot. It’s already dazing me, and I feel wobbly on my legs. Whatever they put in these drinks can’t be good, so I decide this one is my last.

  ‘Uprising’ by Muse is playing, and I’m suddenly in the mood for dancing, so I push my way through the crowd.

  Peering around the room, I see Brody hanging on the couch with a couple of girls. My eyeballs almost pop out of my head seeing him subjected to women’s hands. They’re groping him, running their fingers through his hair, handing him drinks and smokes. Disgusting.

  Desperate to ignore him, I turn around and walk in the other direction. When I spot Hunter, I stop in my tracks.

  Leaning against the wall in a corner of the giant mansion is Hunter Bane. In his arms is a curvy blonde girl, squirming up against him.

  Chills run through my body. I feel cold and dead inside as I stare at the two. I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  She’s smoking a joint, and they’re whispering words into each other’s ears. Hunter’s lips quirk up into a lopsided smile as he reaches into his pocket and takes out a plastic bag with white powder and hands it to the girl.

  The moment she turns to give him a small kiss on the cheek, I realize it’s Scarlet.

  What the fuck?

  What is she doing here? And why is she smoking pot and getting drugs from him?

  Why does she have her hands all over him? She’s supposed to be with Brody!

  I’m furious. All I want to do now is punch her in the face.

  And then Hunter’s gaze shifts toward my position. When he sees me, my heart shatters.

  His eyes are dark and full of contempt. He doesn’t seem even slightly surprised to find me here. Doesn’t even look scared or sorry. He only gives me a fierce, stone-cold stare.

  Tears sting my eyes, and I struggle not to run over there and hit him in the face.

  Instead, I turn around, push through the crowd, and run

  Brushing away the ones that have rolled down my cheeks, I force back the rest of the tears while bolting down the steps.

  Suddenly, someone grabs my hand and holds me back.

  “Let me go!” I scream, kicking and jabbing.

  “No. Not until you listen to me,” Hunter says with a low voice.

  Somehow one of my backward kicks hits him in the nuts, and his grip on me loosens.

  “Wow, nice kick. You’ve learned a lot,” he grunts.

  I don’t wait one second before making a run for it. My feet take me as far as they can through the parking lot before Hunter catches up to me.

  “You wanna play catch? I can do that.” He muffles a deep, guttural laugh that alerts all my senses. “I’m Hunter. Seizing innocent prey is what I do best. You should know better.”

  Darkness surrounds us. I’m running past the cars to ditch him. It’s scary, but thrilling to the bone, too.

  When I stumble over a ridge, I barely manage to catch myself before falling. I try to get up as fast as possible, but Hunter’s already caught me. His fingers clench firmly around my wrist as he pulls me up from the street.

  “Let go of me!” I squeal.

  “No,” he says crudely.

  “Fuck you!” I say. “You can’t keep me here forever. I’m leaving.”

  “Oh, no, no, no.” Hunter flings me around and traps me between his sculpted arms. I fight to free myself, but it’s no use. He’s too strong, and I’m at his mercy. I don’t want to be, though.

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “Let me go or I’ll―”

  “You’ll what? Scream? Yeah, nobody’s going to react to that. Not here,” he says with a chuckle.

  “I want to go. Now,” I say.

  “Go where? Home? Good luck. Your driver is wasted, and there’s no way I’m going to let you go on your own. It’s too far to get to the dorm, you’ll never make it on foot.”

  “I’ll call a cab,” I snarl.

  “With what money?” he says.

  “You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?” I hiss.

  He chuckles. “Why? Because I give girls what they want?”

  I bite my lip, feeling the tears well up again. I get the urge to smack him, but can’t, because he’s holding me too tight against him.

  “Let’s face it, you thought I was a sweet, troubled guy, who just needed a friend. And now you find out how wrong you are about me.”

  Refusing to speak, I just stare at him in blind hatred.

  I hate him. I seriously hate his guts.

  “You can give me the silent treatment all you want, but we’re going to talk. Eventually. I can wait.”

  “Fuck you! I saw you in there … Pathetic. Scarlet’s with Brody. How could you do that?” I’m fuming, and I feel like a dragon spitting fire. I just want to shout swearwords at him all day long.

  He chortles. “Brody was right there with us. Do you think he’d be relaxing on a couch with a bunch of girls if he minded?” Hunter shakes his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. Scarlet’s the one in pain. She was just looking for some distraction.”

  “Whatever.” I turn my head so I don’t have to look at him anymore.

  Hunter squints, carefully assessing my reaction.

  “Regardless, I’m not going to let you just walk away from here.”

  “And you think you can stop me? Not a chance.” Now I’m squirming again, twisting in his arms.

  He muffles another laugh and grabs me by my arms, leaning in. “Want to test out that theory?”

  There’s a sly half-smile on his face, and all I can do is purse my lips together and boil in my own anger.

  Hunter puts me down in front of him, grabs my hand and drags me to a car. Protesting isn’t of any use. His strength is triple my own.

  He opens the passenger’s side door and points inside. “Get in.”

  “Since when do you have a car?” I say.

  “Borrowed it. Now get in.”

  “I don’t want to,” I snap.

  “Do you want to stay here all night? Or do you want to go home?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Get. In,” he says crudely.


  “Goddammit, get inside or I’ll lift you up and lock you in myself.”

  He looks so determined it’s intimidating.

  Swallowing, I take a deep breath and step inside the car.

  “Stay there,” he orders, as he walks to the other side of the car and gets in.

  My arms are crossed as he starts the car. The engine rumbles, and Hunter gives me a piercing glare before the car races away with screeching tires.

  Chapter 17


  Chewing my cheek, I stare out the window. Rain is pouring down, blocking my view, but I will not turn around. I try not to even glance at him. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of making me look at him.

  I don’t want to peek at him for even one second. Not anymore.

  “Before I take you home, I need you to do something for me.”

  Snorting, I shake my head and refuse to answer.

  “Talk,” he says.

  It’s quiet. I keep my mouth firmly shut as Hunter switches up the gear. We race through the streets as if it’s a racing track.

  “You’re really mad, aren’t you?” he says.

  “Damn right I am,” I snap.

  Shit, I broke my own promise of not talking to him.

  He chuckles. “You’re getting worked up over nothing.”

  “You were trading drugs again! I wouldn’t be surprised if you took some yourself, too.”

  He laughs, and it’s a deep, husky sound that turns my insides to mush. I don’t want to feel that way, but I still do.

  “I only sell it. I don’t take it. I told you, I hate that stuff. I would never take it unless they forced me to.”

  “Well, you were at that party, which is already bad enough.”

  “You were there, too,” he scoffs. “Quite a surprise to me. I can’t believe you showed up there. Do you even know how fucking dangerous that is, huh?”

  “I was looking for you. Jaret brought me. It was his idea.”

  “Yeah, and I’m going to thoroughly thank him for that later.” He furrows his brows in an annoyed manner.

  “Don’t blame it on him. I didn’t say no. I wanted to see what you were doing, and I was right all along.”

  “Oh? So now you’re the one watching me?” One of his eyebrows lifts, and on his face is a cheeky smile.

  I just want to give him a smack on the head.

  “You’re following me, checking what I do. You went to a party in that dress, just to keep up with me.”

  His eyes swipe over my body, and my pussy clenches with need I don’t want to feel, but do.

  “You’ve changed, Leafy.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I snap.

  “Why? You think it’s a bad name?” The smug smile on his face makes me roll my eyes.

  “You’re laughing at me.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. You always do that.”

  “No. I just like to see you riled up.”

  I sigh. “Whatever.”

  He steps on the gas, making the car go even faster. It’s scaring me a bit. There are puddles on the road and the windshield is spattered with rain. We might slip if he makes a turn here.

  “Can we go slower, please?” I mutter.

  He ignores my question. “You know what I think? I think you’re jealous.”


  “You heard me. Scarlet was all over me, and you hate that.”

  Pursing my lips, I snort, trying to show him that I do not care. I definitely don’t care. At all.

  Okay, maybe I do.

  He ripped my heart out. I don’t want to admit it, however.

  “You don’t have to say it. I already know you like me.”

  A flush spreads across my neck and chee
ks, and I try to hide it behind my hair.

  “You wished it was you purring up against me instead of her.”

  “Shut up!” I say, and he chuckles. “Just stop it.”

  “Oh, I’m only getting started.”

  “Can we just go home?” I mutter, sighing.

  Suddenly the car starts to rattle, and smoke rises up from the engine.

  Shit. Now this.

  I can’t believe what a disaster this night is turning into. First I find out my best friend is in love with me, and now she’s avoiding me. I find out Hunter’s a drug dealer for some shady guys, and he gets into fights because of the same people. And I thought Scarlet and Brody were a couple … guess that’s a thing of the past, too.

  Seeing her put her fingers on him makes me so goddamn angry, I could scream.

  What a night.

  “Fuck,” Hunter mutters, as we go slower and slower.

  The car starts to sputter, and the engine stops running after a while. Then we come to a halt.

  “Yes. We’re fucked,” I say.

  Dammit. I just want to go home, lock myself up in my room, and sleep. I don’t have time for this.

  Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Hunter steps out of the car and starts dialing some number.

  He’s just standing there, calling, in the middle of a rainstorm.

  However, I don’t want to wait for him to call someone and get us some help. Maybe I can see what the problem is. I’m not a champion when it comes to cars, but I can at least try. It’s better than nothing.

  I step outside and shiver when cold drops of water land on my skin. I’m wearing nothing but a flimsy black dress, and it’s goddamn pouring out here.

  “Half an hour? Cool. Bye.” Those three sentences are all I catch of his conversation.

  I walk to the front of the car, shaking rigorously from the sheer cold. I lift the hood and peer inside. Blowing away the smoke that is suffocating me, I check if everything’s still in order. There’s nothing leaking out, so that’s a plus.

  Oh, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing anyway.

  “You a car mechanic now, too?”

  I jolt up and the hood slams shut in front of me. Hunter’s behind me, standing way too close for comfort.

  “I just want to get this fixed as soon as possible,” I say.

  He chuckles. “Relax. They’re coming. I got it covered. Get in the car before you’re soaked to the bone.”


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