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Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Page 9

by Heather Allen

  I grasp her wrist and pull her to me. As if I’m not controlling them, my arms embrace her and she cries into my chest. The electricity travels through me and it turns to warmth and something I can’t quite pinpoint. Something I don’t want to ever go away. I know at this moment that this girl is where everything was leading me to and the last thing I intend on doing is leaving.

  Chapter 21


  Alex, of course, does what he always does. He takes care of me. I feel his hand squeeze mine as he answers Roman’s question.

  “Roman, Ever has decided to join our fight. She wants to be here. She can be a great asset to us.”

  As he finishes, he looks over at me with complete confidence and something else I recognize. The same look he gave me when he tried to tell me that he loved me, back on land when I told him I don’t share the same feelings. My eyes waver and I stare at the bulky guy far in front of us. My acting can only take me so far. I feel terrible for doing this to Alex.

  Roman swims over to us and gazes down at me. Can you say intimidating? He circles around us and settles back in front of me. I know this is a test and I have to pass with flying colors but I am never good with being put on the spot. While he stares down at me and the silence spreads, I hear a voice.

  A snarky voice belonging to Metea exclaim, “Alex, are you really sure she wants to be here with you? I know for a fact she isn’t meant to be with you and I think she knows that too.”

  At this point I am having a stare down with Roman and I am trying to block out her cryptic words and how they probably affect Alex. What she meant by that I haven’t a clue. I concentrate on convincing Roman that I am here for Alex. I squeeze Alex’s hand, hoping he doesn’t get in trouble for this. I wonder how he is feeling and hope it doesn’t give him any doubt about my intentions.

  Finally Roman breaks his gaze and swims back to his chair without a word. Alex and I hover in the water waiting. I look forward afraid to see any disappointment on Alex’s face. It feels like we are waiting for sentencing. I’m so tempted to just go home and be done with this charade.

  Before I can think about home anymore, which is probably a good thing, he speaks to us.

  “Alex, I believe she just might be useful in this attack. Why don’t you go and get her comfortable in your dwelling and come back for our meeting.”

  I didn’t mean to, but as soon as he mentioned that I should go to Alex’s dwelling my eyes did it, they flinched, just slightly and completely involuntarily. Luckily Roman was looking at Alex. Unluckily I looked over and Metea was glaring at me intently. A smile spread across her mouth at the worried look that crossed mine. She must think she knows something. I look away and watch Alex as he nods to Roman. Can things get any worse? Yes, I know the answer to that is yes. Stay strong, stay strong, I tell myself over and over again.


  I am completely relieved to be out of the castle, which from the outside, now that we’ve left is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. It is pure white and massive. It reminds me of those fancy sandcastles people build on the beach. The detail to the columns and towers is meticulous and of course the stained glass windows dotting the surfaces, give just a touch of color and light to make it a sight hard to leave. Lucky for me, I couldn’t get out fast enough. The part I’m not looking forward to is our destination. How in the world will I be able to keep up this lie at Alex’s dwelling? What was I thinking when I convinced Jack to let me come here?

  I follow Alex along intricate paths through the city, carved into the sea floor. We pass large groups of people swimming through the city with their own destinations. It strikes me that these people are a bit different than the ones back home. Here they seem more dazzling. I know crazy Ever thoughts.

  The women have shiny things woven into their hair. The all seem laden with jewels of some sort. The men I notice showcase armor or vest looking garments. Alex is actually the only one not wearing anything to cover his broad chest. They seem so prim and proper. No one glances at us as we swim along the paths. There are still so many things I don’t know about this world I now call home.

  We approach a small round structure with stained glass windows and a metal door. The outside of the structure is grey and blends in with the other structures surrounding it. He stops at the door and turns around to face me. I look up apprehensively to meet his eyes. He smirks and turns to open the door.

  I follow him in. The first thing that I notice in the space is the emptiness. A chair sits in the corner but nothing else fills the space. The walls are the same grey color as the outside. Talk about depressing.

  Before I can take anything else in Alex turns and gathers me in his arms. I let him but my heart starts beating superfast. There is no way I can keep up this lie.

  He leans down so his breath tickles my ear and whispers, “Ever, I know why you’re really here. It’s okay, I’ll help you.” I pull back suddenly and look intently into his eyes. His lips turn up pushing that dimple at me.

  I frown, unbelieving and ask, “You know?”

  He nods letting his grin waver, “I suspected, when you tried to tell me you are here for me... I, knew when you kissed me.”

  I look down to the floor suddenly ashamed that he knows I tried to lie to him.

  “Hey.” He lifts my chin.

  “It’s okay. I learned some things while I’ve been here. I understand about you and Jack. I don’t like it, but I understand.”

  I shake my head not believing my ears. He is finally accepting that I am with Jack. When did this happen? How did this happen?

  “But how? Why?”

  He laughs at my confusion.

  “I’ll explain, but I have to go and meet with Roman.”

  < />He backs up and tells me with conviction, “Roman is nothing like his brother. He doesn’t play around. If he suspects anything, he will kill you without question. As far as anyone is concerned, you are here with me. You still need to play the part, a whole lot better than you did with me.”

  I nod as things sink in a little. It’s not Alex I need to convince anymore, it’s everyone else. I think this prospect scares me more than just convincing Alex.

  Chapter 22


  Alody, I say her name in my head. It’s music to my ears. There is really something wrong with me. It’s as if I suddenly turned into my sister all emotional and junk.

  I glance down at this beautiful creature wrapped up in my arms and make it my mission from here on out to protect her no matter the cost. Is this how Jack and Ever felt? I don’t know but if this is the case, I now understand a tiny bit why she couldn’t keep herself together. I think for a minute about Sara and how she affected me. It’s as if every feeling I had for her is severely muted in comparison to this. What is my deal?

  Alody lifts her head from my shoulder and looks up at me. I loosen my arms but refuse to let her go. I plan on holding on with everything I can.

  She sniffles, “James, my father, he’s dying.”

  My heart falls for her pain. I lift my hand from around her and wipe the tears from her cheek with my thumb. We just stare at each other for a minute.

  I ask her, “Can I see him?”

  She nods her head and backs away as I release her. She looks more sure of herself as she grabs my hand and leads me the rest of the way down the hall.

  We pass through the entry with the five tunnels and continue into another tunnel opposite to the one where we came. It winds and twists similar to the first one. The floor is still soft sand and the walls, rock. Everything is bone dry so I know they have been in air for a while.

  She turns another corner pulling me along. The tunnel opens to a great room complete with a high cave ceiling. I haven’t seen a closed cave in the sea in a long time. We cross the room and come to a small door obscured by jutting rocks. She releases my hand and knocks softly.

  She whispers through the door, “Dad, it’s me.”

  I hear a muffled response and she gives the do
or a small push. The glow in this room is dim. I spot the shadow of a person on the other side, sprawled out on a bunk. Hith=.

  I stop in the doorway as Alody goes to the bunk and kneels down, probably momentarily forgetting about me. I watch as she brushes his hair out of his eyes and grasps his still hand beside him.

  “Daddy, how are you feeling? I still wasn’t able to get the medicine but I am going tonight when everyone is asleep. I’ll have a better chance then.”

  He moves to look at her and slightly, he shakes his head. His eyes are bright blue. I can tell his body may be in bad shape but there is still life in there.

  His voice is barely a whisper and gravelly, “No, Alody, you can’t…”

  He coughs and his whole body shakes.

  “Dad, don’t try to talk, I’ll figure something out. I can’t lose you.”

  My heart breaks at these words from her. I want to take away every ounce of hurt she is feeling.

  His eyes slowly close and I can tell his ragged breathing has evened out a bit.

  I clear my throat a little, “Um, Alody?”

  She turns and recognition crosses her face. I think she did forget I was here, for a minute.

  She gets up placing his hand across his body and turns, “I’m sorry James, I forgot… he fell asleep. He hasn’t been sleeping well lately so I have to let him…”

  I nod my head not letting her finish.

  I ask, “What happened to him?”

  She looks away from me and back down to her father.

  “When Roman heard about your city, he sent Lior here…”

  She kneels again and holds onto the side of the bunk. She looks down at the floor and finishes.

  “We didn’t know about what had happened at your city. He sent Lior fighters to our caves. They took some of us back but most of us fought. Many died.”

  She looks up at me with pain in her face, “We didn’t know. It was a surprise to us and too many had to pay for something we didn’t even know.”

  I cross the room and kneel down next to her. I take her hand in mine and try to comfort her the best way I can. She moves over and again lets me wrap my arms around her. This time she doesn’t cry and neither of us say anything. Nothing needs to be said. It’s a crappy situation all the way around. I just experienced it back home and to think they didn’t even get fair warning here. Obviously, Alody and her people need help. I intend on doing everything I can to help them. I now understand without a doubt in my mind why Ever was so torn. How can you turn your back on this?

  Chapter 23


  Alex left and I headed to the room he deemed as mine. I am still shocked that he knew I was lying. It also pisses me off a little that he let me continue with it for as long as he did. But I really deserve it for even trying. I knew he’d see right through me. Now I have to put on a song and dance for everyone else here. Great.

  I collapse onto the bunk and close my eyes thinking about Jack, my savior, my heart. I hope he and Jaspen are coming up with a good plan. This Roman guy seems like he means business. And he’s Jaspen’s brother, go figure. I need to remember to ask Alex about that, I’m sure it’s an interesting tale…


  His voice is a fierce whisper, “Ever, where are you?” I look around recognizing Alex’s voice. I’m in the water surrounded by coral and no one is near. I call out, “Alex! I can hear you but I can’t see you, where are you?” Finally he swims into my line of vision. That’s when I realize I’m on the sandy bottom lying on my side. I try to push myself up but pain sears through me. I panic, oh no, not this again! I look up into Alex’s eyes, the green sparkles. How is he happy, when obviously there is something wrong with me? A worried look crosses over his face, “Ever, I looked everywhere for you. Where is Jack?” I stare at him not having a clue what he is talking about and he starts to fade. I grasp at nothing and yell out breathlessly, “Wait, Alex, no, don’t go!”

  “Ever, Ever, Hey wake up.”

  His hand gently runs down my cheek. My eyes slowly creak open as I remember my dream again. This is so awkward. Why is it that I’m caught screaming out every time I have a dream? I reach up to rub my eyes. Not that I need to, we are surrounded by water, no sleepy eyes, more out of embarrassment. Alex scoots back from me and moves his hand to rest at his side.

  I look up at him as a blush creeps through my cheeks.

  “So, you’re still dreaming about me, huh?”

  I punch his arm smiling and look away still embarrassed.

  He gets up and states, “When you’re ready, come out because we need to talk.”

  I look back at him and nod.

  He leaves as I gather myself. This latest dream is a doozy. I really don’t like the prospect of another injury. Getting arrowed by Sara was enough for me, forever!

  When I swim out into the front room he tosses me an apple. I smile widely at him. Alex is my hero.

  He gestures for me to sit in the only chair. I oblige and continue to devour my apple. I’m not sure what happened suddenly that made things goo

  His voice takes on a serious edge, “Ever, if you are seriously considering staying here you are going to have to suck it up.”

  I was about to take another bite from my apple but I stop mid-bite to look over at him. What in the world? I would never expect Alex to talk like that. I guess the surprised look on my face has him backpedaling a little.

  “What I mean is, if you want to stay here, and stay safe, you can’t waver in your convictions. You have to stick with your decision and not second guess it. If you do, Roman will see right through it.”

  I nod, following along. I already know this and I am committed. Now that Alex knows my intentions, things should be easier, right? I can only hope anyway.

  He continues, “The story we have told them is that you are here to be with me and help defeat Jaspen, right?”

  “Yes, that is the story.” I confirm and salute him playfully.

  He glides closer and comes to eye level with me.

  “You don’t need to be worried about you and me. I wish more than anything that…you could grow to love me and be with me forever but I just don’t think that is even a possibility anymore.”

  He looks away, saddened.

  I ask him trying to lighten his sudden mood change, “Why the sudden change of heart? I’m not good enough anymore?”

  He swings his gaze back squinting at me and sighs when he realizes I was kidding.

  “Actually Ever, you are perfect for me, we just aren’t meant to be.”

  I am baffled by this. I’m surprised that it saddens me for a fleeting second, but only for a second. I’m so used to his chase and my laughing it off. This is a different Alex. I know this is the friend Alex, the way it should be. I’m just not entirely convinced that he’s given up.

  His voice is steady as he explains, “When I came here, I learned some things about our history as mer-people that explain a lot. You know the theory that everyone has a soul mate, I think that’s the way you say it on land?”

  I nod and admit chuckling, “Well, I guess it is kind of a theory but we don’t really put a whole lot of stock into that.”

  “It’s real here. Everyone has someone they are promised. For instance, I learned that Seamus and Metea, they were promised, they were meant to be together.”

  He pauses waiting for my reaction which at this point I have none because this is a wacky theory. I have no clue what he is talking about. How in the world could those two be soul mates when they weren’t even from the same place? Maybe Alex has finally fallen off the loony wagon.

  I ask the only question that comes to mind, “How do you know this?”

  He laughs as if he heard an inside joke. Hello share over here, please.

  “Well I know because Metea has been very forthcoming and vocal about her revenge for Jaspen. As horrible as she is, she is heartbroken over losing Seamus.lost s”

  He takes a deep breath, “But also according to the history h
ere, you know it when you meet each other. There is electricity when you touch.”

  And suddenly my world is spinning but it makes perfect sense. Clarity happens in my brain. The first time Jack touched me at the lake and I felt it. How, from that moment on, I couldn’t get him out of my head. I look at Alex and see now, finally, why I couldn’t let him love me. Why I couldn’t think about anything else except Jack. Why I’m nothing without him.

  I grab Alex’s hands and shake them asking, “Electricity like a shock up the arm and a spreading of warmth?”

  He nods looking disappointed, “I am guessing you have experienced this?”

  A grin forms that I can’t help. Jack and I are meant to be. It is forever just as I was so sure. I want to go back so bad and confirm to him everything that we already know but really make it real for both of us. I look over at Alex and calm myself. He looks miserable suddenly. He takes his hands from mine and swims across the room.

  “Alex, I’m sorr…”

  He puts his hand up to halt my apology.

  “It’s not your fault. This is way bigger than us. You don’t get to choose. Fortunately though, you found each other. I found out that most don’t find each other, which explains why no one knew about it in our city.”

  I think about this but then push up and swim at him realizing...

  “Actually Alex, I bet Seamus knew.”

  My voice grows more fervent, “He knew but he kept it like so many other things. Think about it, if our soul mate could be in the water or on land…he would do anything to keep land and water from being together.”

  Alex glides over and sinks into the chair I just vacated.

  He looks up, “I think you might be right, Ever.”

  I relax and settle in front of him. He looks up.

  “Please know that I am sorry Alex. I love your friendship and for now, until you find your ‘soul mate’ I will fill in for pretend. And I grin down at him. He gets up and gathers me in his arms for the best ‘friend hug’ I’ve ever had.


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